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The History Zone
Приєднався 8 жов 2011
Hello fellow history lovers! I made this channel as an alternative to my other UA-cam channel, "Life in the 1800s," for historical videos from all time periods. The main focus is on speeches, raw footage and interviews. If you enjoy watching them, please like and subscribe and I will continue making more! Thank you.
1932 Riot With Sound - Police Fighting Communists in Chicago, Illinois
0:00 Introduction
0:48 Main Video
This was a riot in Chicago that occurred in 1932. The communists in the area were targeting Japanese citizens, and soon afterward the police were called in. Five people were reported to have been shot and injured during this altercation.
0:48 Main Video
This was a riot in Chicago that occurred in 1932. The communists in the area were targeting Japanese citizens, and soon afterward the police were called in. Five people were reported to have been shot and injured during this altercation.
Переглядів: 720
Albert Einstein Speech in Berlin, Germany in 1930
Переглядів 1,9 тис.Рік тому
At the inauguration of the seventh German radio exhibition in Berlin, Albert Einstein takes the center stage to deliver a captivating speech. In his address, Einstein urges the attentive audience to ponder upon the remarkable collective efforts of both renowned and unsung scientists who have propelled the development of radio technology. He emphasizes the significant role of engineers in foster...
Shopping in Stores in 1971: Retro Video of the Early 70s in America
Переглядів 686 тис.Рік тому
1971 footage of shopping in various stores around the San Francisco area.
J.R.R. Tolkien Talks About Writing the Lord of the Rings in 1962
Переглядів 8 тис.Рік тому
J.R.R. Tolkien is interviewed as he discusses the writing and other insights associated with his monumental masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings.
Woman Born in 1878 Talks About Her Childhood in Los Angeles, California in the 1880s
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Рік тому
0:00 Introduction 1:35 Rowena (Belle's Niece) Speaking 2:25 Belle Buford Thom Collins Speaking This is Belle Buford Thom Collins, born in 1878, speaking about her childhood in 1880s Los Angeles. Her father, Cameron E. Thom, was the Mayor of Los Angeles between 1882 and 1884. Mrs. Collins' niece, Rowena, is the person speaking in the beginning of the recording. Audio has been remastered. This wa...
1968 Computer Demo - Stanford Research Institute - "The Mother of All Demos" Audio Enhanced
Переглядів 490Рік тому
This is a computer demonstration given on Dec. 9, 1968 in San Francisco, CA. It was produced by the Stanford Research Institute and is better known as ""The Mother of All Demos." Doug Englelbart is the main speaker. Audio is remastered for better clarity.
1940s Female Computer Programmer Pioneer Who Worked With the ENIAC- Audio Enhanced
Переглядів 354Рік тому
This is Kay Mauchly describing her experience as one of the first computer programmers in America. She worked on the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) which began operation in 1945. Interview is from 1977. The ENIAC was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer. There were other computers that had these features, but the ENIAC had all of them in one...
1960s Computer That Composed Music - Ray Kurzweil & Steve Allen - AI - Artificial Intelligence
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Рік тому
This is Ray Kurzweil with Steve Allen on the 1960's show "I've Got a Secret" featuring his computer that composed music. It aired on Feb. 15, 1965. Audio has been remastered for better clarity.
This Invention Started the Computer Age- The Transistor - 1953 Documentary
Переглядів 528Рік тому
The invention of the transistor began the age of computers that we know of today. It made a lot of modern equipment possible: smart phones, laptops, desktop computers, etc. This is a 1953 documentary about the development of the transistor, 6 years after the first working transistor was created in 1947. Audio has been remastered for better clarity.
When society was civilized.
I was little in 1971 and the memories were having fun as a child!
The total of that woman’s full cart probably totaled $12.87! Those were the good ole days!
A good thing: I don't listen to social media & I don't care a sh-t! Do like me: ignore Social media. Just shut it out!!😎😎😁😁
Wonderful all American people folks..🇺🇸🇺🇸. Long before the woke movement and disrespectful kids shooting up schools from lack of proper parenting. These were the days
I really do miss the 1970s it was great times
There was a richness then that is missing now.
$1.07 is high for cigarettes at that time.
Grocery store cashier does it all, even emptying your cart. I used to work at a grocery store "sending out" groceries in a bin on rollers and would have to go outside to load the cars. Man that sucked. I even closed a door on an old ladies fingers!
Looks like a car show
Wow! I was just 21 and it seems like yesterday. Time flies.
Those were better times all American people no illegal aliens no gangs no homeless now it’s all screwed up everywhere
Absolutely everything has gone to shit. Name me one thing that has improved since then??
Absolutely everything has gone to shit. Name me one thing that has improved since then??
20’s music for a 1971 video seems odd. Expecting to see WC Fields.
Does anyone remember Steinburg Baum. It was the 1st warehouse style store to come to town. Warehouse was an accurate name, it wasn't fancy and looked like a warehouse.
A bit of an odd choice in music for this video lol
My dad passed away that year
Richard Nixon was around. Men went to the moon. WW2 was recent memory & Jacqueline Kennedy, already married to that rich hot shot from Greece, was a young woman of 42.😉😉
1971? I was in high school. Remember my immature pranks like pulling hair to teenage girls.Today they will put me in jail. 😁😁😁😁😂
Music is super annoying and not even from the right era
The WiFi wasn't too good back then.
Women dressed decently, modestly, and carefully. No spandex, no tight tops, no unsightly displays. Better times.
I didn’t see any overweight people. Ah, those were the days! We miss those days, but mostly miss the people in our life.
No fat people 😂
People looked clean and weren’t waddling obese balls
Nice, but odd. Why would someone spend time filming color inside an ordinary department store during an ordinary day? For who? A department store promotion piece? A long static shot of a parking lot? A film service department? So what? Cash register operations? Again, so what? This footage doesn't make any sense.
wow i was 10, come on kids going into town put on your going to church clothes. before the hippies highjacked society invented stress and money grubbing boomers ruined us.
That music!!! I was expecting Charlie Chaplin to walk across the screen, or maybe cut to some flappers or prohibition scenes. Didn't realize I was THAT old!!! Maybe next time play some Pink Floyd or Led Zepplin. Good video tho.
had almost forgotten about White Front stores. we went to the one in Torrance Ca
False advertising. Kmart was a zoo.
March 9, 1971. I was almost 7 months old when this movie was made. Around the same time, Sean Connery was filming “Diamonds are Forever” and Marlon Brando was filming “The Godfather.”
Soon all humen will be replaced by Ai !!!
I turned 8 in 71. I remember things from that time so clear. People were thin, friendly, everybody read newspapers, people drove slower, magazines and comic books, people had all kinds of hobbies. But also many smoked and lots died of lung cancer. The playgrounds were fun with tall swing sets, fast slides and climbing bars, kids playing outside with a group of friends all day all summer, playing games like Tag, hide-and-seek and touch football, building forts and kids could still runaway from home. People hitch hiked from town to town. Today many people are no longer friendly, people drive like a rat race, newspapers gone, kids no longer play outside with other kids in most places. And all the shallow things that so many love - smart phone, social media, cable / satellite TV and the new TVs look funny.
I was born in 71 lol
This was an excellent slice of life from a better time. It's disgusting shopping today: people walking around the store in their pajamas, ignorant fat slobs in your way on those motor carts thinking they own the place, today's horrible pop music blasting loud, recorded in-store commercials over the PA between the music, clerks no hablo ingles, and complete mayhem on foodstamp day. I'd rather have the green stamps, the muzak, and no UPC codes, not to mention the prices.
Just after the 4th of July in 1971 I picked up my new '71 Charger Super Bee with the 340 Magnum engine. I was 19. Wish I still had that car.
How quickly we forget. In the 70s, they said, Ah, the 50s - life was simple, people were respectful, it was the best time! Now, Millennials say, Ah, the 90s - life was simple, people were respectful, it was the best time! Wake up old coots! 😂
In 1971 I don't think Donald Trump had sexually assaulted any women yet! At least that we know of.
I'm sure he did! 😂
What a nonsensical comment.
Many of the cars seen in the parking lots were known as Muscle Cars, but 1971 was the beginning of the end for Muscle Car production, as the Muscle Car Era of the late 60's was the Lemon Era by the late 1970's.
What’s with that cheesy music? It’s 1971 not 1871.
The worst thing as a kid was accompanying my mother while she shopped.😂
Music is not 1971
I was 18 at this time. Omg, no scanners? How did they manage lol. That cashier really gets a workout! Both arms, hands, head turning and reading prices and the register keys. Kmart was great, so was Woolco, I worked at 'Sentry' dept. store. PAPER bags, no plastic ones.
Everone seems so CALM.
WTF is with this music?
I was born in ‘72. I love all of these old cars. Wish we could have these kinds of cars again.
Notice no plastic bag those were the days. We should have never went to plastic.
When majority of people had common sense and respect 🙏
Take me back (but I'd prefer the early to mid 80's)....This world is crazy and just sad now😮💨😮💨😮💨