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Zema Post
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Приєднався 18 жов 2015
Space for original content, information, and entertainment about Ethiopia for Ethiopians in the diaspora and Ethiopia
እስካሁን ከሰራናቸው ቪዲዮዎች ትልቁን (2.2 ሚሊዮን)እይታ በፌስቡክ ላይ ያገኘው የ 2013ቱ የጉማ ሽልማት ስነ-ስርአት የአለባበስ ቅጥ ግምገማ ቅንጭብ
እስካሁን ከሰራናቸው ቪዲዮዎች ትልቁን እይታ በፊፌስቡክ ገጻችን ላይ ያገኘውየ 2013ቱ የጉማ ሽልማት ስነ-ስርአት የአለባበስ ቅጥ ግምገማ ቅንጭብጫቢዊች።
በተንቀሳቃሽ ምስል የጥበብ መስክ የተሰማሩ ባለሙያዎች እውቅና የሚያገኙበት 7ኛው የጉማ ሽልማት ስነ ስርአት በቅርቡ የተካሄደ ሲሆን፣ ብዙ አነጋጋሪ ክስተቶችን አስተናግዷል። የዜማ ፖስት fashion እና style ቡድን በስርዓቱ ላይ ማን ምን ለበሰ የሚለውን የዳሰሱበትና ምርጥና፣ ቄንጠኛውን ነቁረው ያወጡበትን ይህን አጭር ቪድዮ ይታደሙ!
በተንቀሳቃሽ ምስል የጥበብ መስክ የተሰማሩ ባለሙያዎች እውቅና የሚያገኙበት 7ኛው የጉማ ሽልማት ስነ ስርአት በቅርቡ የተካሄደ ሲሆን፣ ብዙ አነጋጋሪ ክስተቶችን አስተናግዷል። የዜማ ፖስት fashion እና style ቡድን በስርዓቱ ላይ ማን ምን ለበሰ የሚለውን የዳሰሱበትና ምርጥና፣ ቄንጠኛውን ነቁረው ያወጡበትን ይህን አጭር ቪድዮ ይታደሙ!
Переглядів: 87
የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ- Monkey Pox
Переглядів 1642 роки тому
የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ በመባል የሚታወቅ በሽታ ቀጣዩ ዓለም አቀፍ ወረርሽኝ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ምልክቶች እየታዩ ነው። ስለ በሽታውና ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ስላለበት ደረጃ ያዘጋጀነውን መሰናዶ እነሆ!
Aisha: Soulful Jazz : አይሻ @ ሽፍታ
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Aisha performing at Shifta Concert in Addis Ababa. ወጣት አይሻ በሽፍታ ኮንሰርት ላይ ምርጥ የሆነ Soulful Jazz ተጫውታ ነበር።
ጭሰት: ለሴቶች ብቻ!
Переглядів 2,6 тис.2 роки тому
ለሴቶች ጤና እና ውበት አዎንታዊ አስተዋፅኦ አለው የሚባለውን የወይባ ጢስ/ጭስ ምን እንደሚመስል በተግባር ለማሳየት የዜማ የዜማ ፖስቷ ኤፍራታ ወደ ጎጆ ወይባ ብቅ ብላ ነበር።
የበግ ጥርስ ዋጋና የፋሲካ ገበያ- Ethiopian Easter Market
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የእርድ በግ ሲሸመት ከኪሎ ባሻገር ግንዛቤ ውስጥ የሚገቡትን እሳቤዎችንና በቦሌ አካባቢ ያለውን የፋሲካ የበግ ገበያን የቃኘንበት አጭር ምስለ ታሪክ ተጋበዙ። መልካም የስቅለትና ትንሣኤ በዓል ከዜማ ፖስት
13ኛው የግጥም ሲጥም ክፍትና ነፃ መድረክ ላይ የቀረቡ ስራዎች (ቁጥር 3)
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13ኛው የግጥም ሲጥም ክፍትና ነፃ መድረክ ላይ የቀረቡ ስራዎች (ቁጥር 3)
አስታወሰኝ ረጋሳ (ባለዛሩ ገጣሚ)ና ሌሎችም
Переглядів 26 тис.2 роки тому
አስታወሰኝ ረጋሳ (ባለዛሩ ገጣሚ)ና ሌሎች ስራዎች በግጥም ሲጥም መድረክ #ባለዛሩ ገጣሚ #ZemaPost #Poetry
ራስ: አዲሱ የሂፕ ፖፕ/ራፕ ክስተት - RASS: New Ethiopian Hip Pop/Rap Artist
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ራስ በሚል የመድረክ ስሙ የሚታወቀው ሳሙኤል ማስረሻ በቅርቡ 'ከርሞን በመዳፍ' የተባለ ግልገል አልበሙን መለቀቅ አስመልክቶ በሽፍታ የምረቃ ድግስ ያረገ ሲሆን ዜማ ፖስትም በቦታው ተገኝታ ከአርቲስቱ ጋር ስለ ስራው ቆይታ ያደረገችበትና የሙዚቃ ስራዎቹን የዳሰሰችበት ምስለ ታሪክ እነሆ! #ራስ #ZemaPost #Ethiopian_HipPop
12ኛው የግጥም ሲጥም መድረክ (የመጨረሻ ክፍል) ኢትዮጵያ
Переглядів 5602 роки тому
12ኛው የግጥም ሲጥም መድረክ የመጨረሻ ክፍል #ZemaPost #ግጥም #ዜማ_ፖስት
አስታወሰኝ (አስቱ)ና ሌሎች ገጣምያን @ ግጥም ሲጥም (12ኛው)
Переглядів 5 тис.2 роки тому
የግጥም ሲጥም 12ኛ ነፃና ክፍት መድረክ ላይ ከቀረቡት ስራዎች መካከል ጥቂቶቹ።
ዝክረ አድዋ @ ግጥም ሲጥም
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አንድ ዓመቱን ያስቆጠረው የግጥም ሲጥም ነፃ መድረክ 126ኛውን የዓድዋ ድል በዓልንና የመድረኩን ልደት በሽፍታ የምግብ፣ መጠጥና፣ ባህል ማእከል አክብሯል።
ሁሉም ውግያ ላይ ነው: ኤልያስ ሽታሁን
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ገጣሚ/ደራሲ ኤልያስ ሽታሁን በበጎ አድራጎት ስብስስብ ላይ ያቀረበው ውብ ግጥም #ዜማ_ፖስት #ኤልያስ.ሽታሁን #ZemaPost
Rising Poets and Novelists of Ethiopia
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Rising Poets and Novelists of Ethiopia
Kapo Israel: The Rapping Jamaican RastaMan in Ethiopia
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Kapo Israel: The Rapping Jamaican RastaMan in Ethiopia
መንዙማ፣ወረብ፣ሽለላ፣ፉከራ: Experimental Fusion Art Form
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መንዙማ፣ወረብ፣ሽለላ፣ፉከራ: Experimental Fusion Art Form
የቀድሞዋ ፒያሳ ትዝ ስትለኝ ሮጬ ይህንን ግጥም የምሰማው እኔ ብቻ ነኝ ግን!??
እጊድጉዳው ላይ ያሉት ምስሎች ያሰፈራሉ ምን ያደረጉላችሏል እንደነዚህ አይነቶች
ፌቡ ትለያለሽ። እንደ ማሪያም 'መደበቅ' is highly theological. May God bless you more and more. 😍
yene konjo wendem
Metshafshin yet magignet echilalehu? Wolaytawoch nafkenishal
ኤልያስ የኑርህ
ክብር ይስጥልን። ለአርት የተፈጠረች ኪነ ጥበብ የሆነቾ የምትጥም ውብ ኢትዮጵያዊት።
እረ ወይኔ እግዚአብሔር አምለክ ከዚክ የበለጠ ጥበቡን ይግጉፅልክ ስለማይናገረው ስጦታው እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን
tichilaleh bertalin
ወንድሜ ትህትናህ እና የአእምሮህ ምጥቀት ያስቀናል. እረጅም እድሜ ይስጥህ!
he is amazing
emye kechene❤❤❤
ጎበዝ ነህ አዎ ግን እኔ ብዙ ብዙ ሥራ ገና ትሰራለህ ባይ ነኝ ከፈለክ እናሲዝ እድሜና ጤና ይሰጥህ ዘንድ ፈጣሪዬን ተማፀንኩ ለራሴው ስል አዳዲስ ሥራህን ለማየት
Gitim betam new miwedew gtmoch menfes yadsalu🥰
እውነትም ጥበብ👏👏👏👏👏
Berta yesfera lijeeeee astyeeeeeee
One of the best
We love you 🥰
እምዬ ቀጨኔ❤
ሠላም ሞዴል ለመሆን ፈልጌ ነበር
ድንቅ ገጣሚ
አቦ እረጅም እድሜና ጤና የስጥህ
Ant tnsho Lort naH
Wow ewenet new dessss yelael fikernahew❤❤❤❤❤❤
ማናባህ በሰጠህ ቃል ነው የጻፍከው ይህንን ግጥም❤በሌላ ቪድዬ ያየሁት በጣም ወድጀዋለሁ ወደ መድረክ ሲመጣ ደግሞ ሌላ ገጽ ነው። አስቱ❤ ልዩ ነህ
ካንተ በቀር ማን ሊጽፋት❤
Where is the place pls
በጣም የምወድህ ማከብርህ በእዉነት እግዚያብሔር ይጠብቅህ
He used to teach me at school of tommorow wow u were my inspiration and still are ❤
አራዳ መሆን ጥቅሙ ትውስታ ነው ቀለሙ
Adrashash yet new ibaksh. አድራሻሸ የት ነው
You are amazing!!! I dont have Word my dear. Keep it up !!!
16 In hell, they are church names whereas in the Paradise they are the names of the prophets of God, epoch by epoch.[Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. Then, I have understood that on earth, it is because we are in the fifth dimension that, when we see somebody with a Bible in hand, we ask him: "If you are a Christian, then what church do you belong to?" But in the Paradise or under the altar, each Prophet is with his Lot. And what we see here on earth, that is what we will see in Heaven! The testimony of God in the Bible, are the prophets and their Message, and this testimony is that of the Paradise and eternity! Whereas church names are the testimony of hell and the fifth dimension which is the region of the lost and of nightmares! At the Beginning, things were not the way they are. It is an enemy who has done that. 17 God says: my son, if you are a Christian, then who is your Prophet? But Satan says: my son, if you are a Christian, what church do you belong to? God says: "You, Baruch the son of Nerijah, who was your Prophet on earth?" Satan says: "You, Baruch the son of Nerijah, what church did you belong to on earth?" You see? Apollos was a Christian and he was the disciple of a living prophet called John the Baptist on earth! But you, if you are a Christian, who was your Prophet on earth then? Mary of Magdala was a Christian woman and she was the disciple of a living prophet called Jesus of Nazareth! She spoke with him, she ate with him, she walked with him, she cooked food for him! But you, who was your Prophet on earth? Timothy was a Christian on earth and he was the disciple of a living prophet called Paul of Tarsus! But you who say you are a Christian, who was your Prophet on earth? And at the judgment, you will answer this question. God will tell you: "Of all those that I sent on earth, which one was your Prophet?" 18 Notice that, whatever the country or the place of the world where the elect are, whatever their race or their language, they would give the name of the same prophet messenger if they lived in the same epoch! And in the eternity, in Heaven ask somebody who was his prophet on earth and according to his answer, you will know over which period of humanity he lived on earth. But look at hell and the sons of the devil and their churches! It is confusion! Ask a son of devil, which Prophet he followed on earth from Adam down to the end of the world, he will answer you: "No, I actually belonged to such a church… I was a Catholic and our parish church had the best choir ". You see? That’s a madman! Throw him in hell! See somebody with a Bible in his hand and ask him: Are you a Christian? If he answers: Yes, tell him, right but in this case, who is your Prophet? He will tell you: "No, I am not with a prophet but I am in a church, I am a Christian!" 19 How can somebody say I am a Christian while he is not the disciple of the living prophet of his time? I do not understand! He is only a madman before God. Jesus said, make disciples of all the nations. But Paul did not produce disciples of Jesus, but his own disciples. Timothy was a disciple of Paul. I say this to you as a prophet. And I have to prove to the human kind that Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists are madmen but how is the human kind going to believe in me while Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists do not eat in the dustbin? When Jesus was calling the Pharisees and Sadducees madmen because they were saying, "Our Prophet is Moses", did men know that those Pharisees and the madman of Gadara were as identical as one thing and its shadow? 20 Either you are a Christian and you follow the prophet that the Lord Jesus-Christ has sent in your time or you remain home. You cannot be a Christian today unless you are a disciple of Kacou Philippe, the prophet that God has sent for your time. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. As at the time of Noah, you could not be a Christian unless you were a disciple of Noah the prophet that God had sent for your time. You see? Stop to be Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists. Stop to follow the devil and come to God through His living prophet. Because John 6:28 says that the work of God is to believe in him whom He has sent. [Kc.88v14] WWW. Philippekacou. Org
አድናቂህ ነኝ በርታ የራህን ቻናል መክፈት ይጠበቅብሃል።
Kld nw
Le dengil set ይምክራል?
Next meche nw asawkugn
I love it🥰😂
አስቱ የኔ ጀግና
Poetic 🙄
አድራሻ እና መቼ መቼ እንደሆነ ይነገርን
ዋጋውን ለመናገር ምን አስፈራሽ
የት ነዉ ያለዉ ባህርዳር ይኖራል ???
wagaw sent new
yet nw mizegajew betam des yelall memtat efelgalehu