ODPH Podcast (#ODPH)
ODPH Podcast (#ODPH)
  • 1 037
  • 9 571
Join the Nerd Initiative Bullpen as they talk with SCOTT SNYDER about his return to Gotham City in the pages of ABSOLUTE BATMAN! (DC COMICS)!
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Follow Scott at: x.com/Ssnyder1835 (ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0ttYnhoLXE1QkFoQldUZlVvdjAxbzgyNDQ4Z3xBQ3Jtc0trSlJsRDM5LXdBSUtZem9wOUN5bmxRU200aDZXY3VQejZEZDBBeGREdGF6LXE5bVJsLWdFYkx4Zm51OFhadjFkdkQzV0I3WncyaEhtMFRta21iaVpZVXVTM0hWTmFfbzFSZXBQc2czYlI1OVB4YU94OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fx.com%2FSsnyder1835&v=8vNbvRQLmJY)
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TOM JOLU MUSIC: tomjolu.bandcamp.com/track/im-not-mad-im-just-disappointed
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Переглядів: 3


Superman & Lois S4:E1&2/Agatha All Along S1:E4/The Penguin S1:E3
Переглядів 339 годин тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - Superman & Lois are back on The CW for it's 4th & FINAL season! We break down the two episode premiere! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 31:43 - What we thought of the latest episode of Agatha All Along! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 43:31 - Our review for the 3rd episode of The Penguin! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 57:15 All that and much ...
Agatha All Along S1:E3/The Penguin S1:E2
Переглядів 14День тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - What we thought of episode 3 of Agatha All Along, titled "Through Many Miles / Of Tricks and Trials"! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 22:08 - Our review for episode 2 of The Penguin, titled "Inside Man"! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 43:16 All that and much more! American Red Cross Hurricane Helene Relief Donation: www.redcross.org/donate...
Переглядів 5День тому
Did Mona Castro finish her story? Clay McCormack and Ricardo López Ortiz return to Nerd Initiative to talk about the finale of their Comixology Originals wrestling murder mystery: HARD STYLE JUICE (On sale October 1st, 2024) For more information on the book: hardstylejuice.com (www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWBYD1FS?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_CFGV1FZSQ25YEVF9PJRQ) Follow Clay at: / cmccormack414 (ua-cam.com/u...
NFL Week 4/WWE Bad Blood Preview/UFC 307 Predictions
Переглядів 5День тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - Week 4 in the NFL, including how we did with our locks & leaps picks! - The next WWE PLE is taking place THIS SATURDAY with Bad Blood! It's at a special start time of 6 PM ET, and we give our predictions for the card! - Our predictions for UFC 307 which is going down THIS SATURDAY! All that and much more! American Red Cross Hurrican...
MUREWA AYODELE talks STORM! (MARVEL COMICS) - Turn A Page Special Edition
Переглядів 2614 днів тому
Join Ken and Derek as they welcome MUREWA AYODELE (Akogun: Brutalizer of Gods, I AM Iron Man) to talk about the upcoming series from Marvel Comics: STORM! For more from Murewa Ayodele: x.com/ayodelemurewa (ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVBFMkt1d3hSVTRlQVBpMXo2dmhwajRCYi1ZQXxBQ3Jtc0ttdDM2Q1cyT21Sb2JVcUIwSjZCOUpLMHNKMUxTSDRpOFJId1FSLXdnMXh4VmRHLXdvcHQ1azZ4T...
Переглядів 2914 днів тому
Join the Nerd Initiative Bullpen as they welcome back DAVID PEPOSE (Spencer & Locke, Savage Avengers, Punisher) to talk about his hit series from Dynamite Entertainment: SPACE GHOST! For more from David Pepose: www.davidpepose.com/ (ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpySFg5QU5kMjAzN2VRUm41UmdjWWd2Y0E2QXxBQ3Jtc0trTzM5cTVOMk9vdndzQkdUY2N2NVpVTnMxNlZyQ1BSR09SYX...
Agatha All Along S1:E1-2 (Marvel Studios)/The Penguin S1:E1 (MAX)/Thunderbolts* Trailer! (Marvel ...
Переглядів 3514 днів тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - The MCU is BACK on DIsney with Agatha All Along! We review the first two episodes! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 28:49 - The Matt Reeves Batman universe is BACK on Max with The Penguin starring Colin Farrell! We give our opinion on the show! To avoid spoilers, jump to: 50:06 - And we have a new trailer for the upcoming MCU film Thunde...
NFL Week 3/Jey Uso Wins The IC Title!/Oakland A's Owner's Letter
Переглядів 714 днів тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - Week 3 in the NFL! Including how we did with our locks & leaps picks! - All the latest in the WWE! Including Jey Uso winning the Intercontinental Championship! - And our thoughts on the letter put out by the owner of the Oakland Athletics! All that and much more! For more #ODPH Content, check out our website (www.ochoduroparlayhour....
Agatha All Along (Marvel Studios) Preview/The Penguin (MAX) Preview/Batman Day 2024
Переглядів 1021 день тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - A preview of what we expect to see in the new Marvel/MCU show "Agatha All Along" which is dropping the first TWO episodes on Wednesday, September 18th at 9pm ET/6pm PT! - And it's time to return to the Matt Reeve's Batman universe! The first episode of The Penguin, starring Colin Farrell, is dropping this Thursday, September 19th! W...
NFL Week 2/UFC 306/Return of a WWE Show!
Переглядів 521 день тому
Source: www.podbean.com/eau/pb-hna7i-16d7943 On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - Week 2 in the NFL! Including how we did with our locks & leaps picks! - What went down at UFC 306! - The news of a CLASSIC WWE show returning this December! All that and much more! For more #ODPH Content, check out our website! For #ODPH Social Media, here’s our directory! Sign up for the...
NFL Week 2/UFC 306/Return of a WWE Show!
21 день тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - Week 2 in the NFL! Including how we did with our locks & leaps picks! - What went down at UFC 306! - The news of a CLASSIC WWE show returning this December! All that and much more! For more #ODPH Content, check out our website (www.ochoduroparlayhour.com/) ! For #ODPH Social Media, here’s our directory (linktr.ee/ODparlayhour) ! Sig...
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
Join the Nerd Initiative Bullpen as they talk with MICHAEL KINGSTON (x.com/HeadlockedComic) about the upcoming VAMPIRO: Rockabilly Apocalypse from Masked Republic and Massive Publishing! FOC: SEPT. 15TH, 2024 - ON SALE OCT. 16TH, 2024 Follow Michael at: headlockedcomic.bigcartel.com/ (ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbV9DOFBTMGVuMnc3OFk1dUJMSXlDYUc1X3lpd3xBQ...
NFL Week 1/UFC 306 Preview
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
On this edition of the ODPH, the panel sits down to discuss: - The NFL is officially BACK! Week 1 is in the books, and that means it's time to recap the games including our locks & leaps picks! - UFC 306 is taking place THIS SATURDAY from inside THE SPHERE in Las Vegas! We preview what's sure to be a historic show, and give our predictions! All that and much more! For more #ODPH Content, check ...
Переглядів 6Місяць тому
Source: www.podbean.com/eau/pb-jz7ti-16c3bc4 Join the Nerd Initiative Bullpen as they talk with KYLE STARKS about the hit spin-off series "From the World Of Minor Threats: BARFLY" (DARK HORSE COMICS) plus more! Follow Kyle at : www.kylestarks.com/ For more about Barfly: www.darkhorse.com/ MINOR THREATS PLAYLIST: open.spotify.com/playlist/52d9ho3dTeYbp17QeArdOy?si=f86b099c3ac54cff Follow Ken at:...
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
2024 NFL Preview - NFC Edition
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
2024 NFL Preview - NFC Edition
2024 NFL Preview - AFC Edition
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
2024 NFL Preview - AFC Edition
WWE Bash In Berlin Preview
Переглядів 22Місяць тому
WWE Bash In Berlin Preview
WWE Bash In Berlin Preview
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
WWE Bash In Berlin Preview
UFC 305 Recap/Batman: Caped Crusader Review/Star Wars: The Acolyte Cancelled
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
UFC 305 Recap/Batman: Caped Crusader Review/Star Wars: The Acolyte Cancelled
Umbrella Academy Season 4 Review/D23 Recap
Переглядів 7Місяць тому
Umbrella Academy Season 4 Review/D23 Recap
Umbrella Academy Season 4 Review/D23 Recap
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
Umbrella Academy Season 4 Review/D23 Recap
Переглядів 10Місяць тому
House Of The Dragon S2:E7 & 8/WWE Summerslam Recap
Переглядів 172 місяці тому
House Of The Dragon S2:E7 & 8/WWE Summerslam Recap
House Of The Dragon S2:E7 & 8/WWE Summerslam Recap
Переглядів 522 місяці тому
House Of The Dragon S2:E7 & 8/WWE Summerslam Recap
Deadpool & Wolverine Review/San Diego Comic Con Recap
Переглядів 162 місяці тому
Deadpool & Wolverine Review/San Diego Comic Con Recap
UFC 304 Recap/WWE Summerslam Preview
Переглядів 122 місяці тому
UFC 304 Recap/WWE Summerslam Preview
Turn A Page - San Diego Comic Con Preview 2024
2 місяці тому
Turn A Page - San Diego Comic Con Preview 2024
San Diego Comic Con Preview 2024 - Turn A Page Ep. 46
Переглядів 112 місяці тому
San Diego Comic Con Preview 2024 - Turn A Page Ep. 46


  • @ArtoriaPendragon-t8m
    @ArtoriaPendragon-t8m 5 місяців тому

    First time of being first...☺️

  • @weretheweirdonespodcast
    @weretheweirdonespodcast 11 місяців тому


  • @landinnes5925
    @landinnes5925 Рік тому

    😀 P r o m o s m

  • @TheCjHEntertainment_Plus
    @TheCjHEntertainment_Plus Рік тому

    How do you make these podcast videos

  • @TooLoud
    @TooLoud Рік тому

    Hey friend, I'm a new subscriber here, stay connected 😁

  • @weretheweirdonespodcast
    @weretheweirdonespodcast Рік тому

    Subscribed 🔥🔥

  • @ahsnag9
    @ahsnag9 Рік тому

    Wow cool

  • @wispyone3702
    @wispyone3702 Рік тому


  • @carlastevens5757
    @carlastevens5757 Рік тому

    𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔪 👇

  • @brady6687
    @brady6687 Рік тому

    I agree that the trailer isn’t showing a lot but there’s a lot going on the movie that I can help give context to. Basically the story is gonna be about Jake and Neytiri protecting their children and the lengths they will go to keep them safe while also dealing with a lot of conflict. Cause what the recent trailer doesn’t show is Jake’s other adopted human son Spider who we do see in the teaser trailer. We don’t know much about him tho in interviews it’s stated that him being there causes conflict between Jake and Neytiri as she still blames the humans for killing her father and most of her people. Which I think will lead him to feel unwanted and get captured by the RDA where we see in the teaser Spider and Jake’s other son trying to escape. This also will bring out Stephen Lang character Miles Quaritch who is back as Na’vi by being restored to life by the RDA by becoming a Recombinant, a Na'vi Avatar embedded with the memories of a soldier, and therefore he seeks revenge against Jake. That’s him in the new trailer visiting the site that he died where he crushed his own skull. Basically Jake, Neytiri and their children have to flee their home after the RDA destroys everything which leads them to the Oceans of Pandora where they meet the Metkayina clan who didn’t want to help fight the RDA during the events of first film as they don’t want war. That is gonna be the conflict between Jake and the Metkayina clan. So that’s basically the story that’s gonna happen. I’m sure there’s more but that’s the bare bones of it. But everyone who is in the first film mostly returns in this film with Stephen Lang being the main villain through out all four films. Tho I did read his character will evolve through the four films.

    • @odphpodcast607
      @odphpodcast607 Рік тому

      Thanks for the insight and sorry for delay back. (Just received notice). Sounds like there will be way more to the movie than what was tipped off in the trailer, which is great

  • @wickdaline8668
    @wickdaline8668 2 роки тому

    When Kevin Feige becomes Glados.

  • @peters3286
    @peters3286 2 роки тому

    😞 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔪

  • @pieroxd5113
    @pieroxd5113 2 роки тому


  • @cadillaccts3
    @cadillaccts3 2 роки тому

    did you say 35 nerds?

  • @arvinsenglishph4925
    @arvinsenglishph4925 3 роки тому

    So nice want more I just searched ya podcasts and it mind blew me

  • @FYFCStudios1
    @FYFCStudios1 4 роки тому

    Cool show guys!

  • @McLeanAmy
    @McLeanAmy 4 роки тому

    Birds of Prey was reasonable but I didn't think it was incredible.

  • @jamesgazdik9497
    @jamesgazdik9497 5 років тому

    Scotty Dixon is the man!

  • @GreenPartyHat
    @GreenPartyHat 5 років тому

    9:40 XFL

  • @racesfanrockks4
    @racesfanrockks4 5 років тому

    Im call it its going going to be brady vs brees next year superbowl. Wht did the eagles do right vs wht the rams didnt do right