Tool Scientist RAW
Tool Scientist RAW
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M18 firmware extraction
How to extract firmware from Milwaukee M18 batteries. Method only works with batteries that use an MSP430 microcontroller, which appears to be batteries from 2015 and earlier.
Dev board: MSP-EXP430FR2433
Extraction software: UniFlash (Texas Instruments)
Hex file software: ImHex
Переглядів: 280


Milwaukee Forge 12Ah teardown
Переглядів 1,9 тис.Місяць тому
Quick teardown and inspection of the electronics of the new M18 Forge 12Ah battery.
Makita ADP10: XGT/LXT adapter teardown
Переглядів 299Місяць тому
Quick look inside the Makita ADP10. An adapter that lets LXT batteries charge on an XGT charger
Milwaukee M18 motor dyno graphs
Переглядів 3834 місяці тому
Looking at BLDC motor dyno graphs of Milwaukee M18 tools. Lower efficiency than I was expecting, but much higher currents. I hope they're liquid cooling those motors! Patent was linked by Doresoom Reviews in a comment section of a blog. Can't use external links, but patent number is US20240195243A1
Dewalt DCS438 Teardown - 76mm/3" cutoff tool
Переглядів 3645 місяців тому
A quick look inside the DCS438 76mm/3" cutoff tool. The electronics are sealed, so not much to see. I also do some power testing and see that it's stall current is 80A.
[RAW 006] Do LXT have low voltage cut-off
Переглядів 377 місяців тому
This is a long form of the video from my main channel ( This video will not make much sense if you haven't watched that first. This is essentially my first pass edit - 4h20m of testing footage edited down to 1h12m of useful footage. This may be of interest to people who want to see the process of how I did the testing, or for people that just want to see...
[RAW 005] How M18 batteries communicate with tools
Переглядів 295Рік тому
This is a long form of the video from my main channel ( This video will not make much sense if you haven't watched that first. This is essentially my first pass edit - 7 hours of testing footage edited down to 1 hour of useful footage. This may be of interest to people who want to see the process of how I did the testing, or for people that just want to ...


  • @UntilImRichNgs
    @UntilImRichNgs 15 днів тому

    I cant wait to see a video of this battery being time tested to see if it balances better. I have already purchased one and if balancing is a issue i will be returning these to milwaukee and switching brands altogther. I dont appreciate a company selling cleary faulty batteries for 249 dollars.

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 15 днів тому

      Probably another 1-2 weeks away. I haven't been able to get the datasheet, so I've had to resort to intentionally unbalancing the pack and then seeing if it brings itself back into balance. Unfortunately it takes several days for the pack to fully settle after charging.

    • @vader540is
      @vader540is День тому

      What other tool company balances their cells?

  • @arthurmesh7884
    @arthurmesh7884 20 днів тому

    This is very exciting. Can you write the code section back to the nonvolatile memory? Or only read? What tools are you using to reverse engineer the code? What are the chances the balancing code is already there that is 1 bit flip away from being enabled? 🎉

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 19 днів тому

      We can write. I accidentally overwrote a battery with the "LED blink" example intended for the dev board 😄. Using Ghidra. I've only looked at a few functions, but the others have done more. Apparently there's no balance code, so we'd have to write it. Not a lot of point for 10yr old batteries, though. If the others can access the R5F chip, then there's a good chance they'll add balancing code

  • @Gyppor
    @Gyppor 22 дні тому

    Thanks for the inside look. Do you know if they're using off the shelf cells for these batteries? The new dual battery chainsaw makes some bold power claims, 6.4hp or 4,700W on two of these. That would mean each pack is putting out 130-150 amps depending on the voltage sag. Whew!

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 22 дні тому

      Ampace JP40. They're supposedly good for 140A per cell! In short bursts, obviously. This video shows a cell holding 3.3V @ 100A, so 330W/cell. 15 cells would be ~5kW for a single pack. Pretty sure you'd be melting the battery case near the terminals at that power level, though.

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 22 дні тому

      Also, in some of my other videos on my main channel, I've taken the old High Output 12Ah up to 158A and it was holding 16V, so 2.5kW.

  • @medman36
    @medman36 Місяць тому

    Awesome video! Thanks. Although hopeful about the higher passive cell balancing capacity, I do think it is unfortunate that the upgrade is very minimal, as you were rightly worried about. It is unfortunate Milwaukee did not go for active cell balancing and that cell balancing is limited tot 5 resistors only, as this means only every group of 3 cells are balanced but that we din't get better cell balancing with 10-15 cell balancing, which could greatly improve battery health. It does look like the board could be replaced a bit easier which would make replacing with a better third party board possible. With non security screws on the side I get a sense the battery is potentially more repairable than the current HO batteries, which is good to know.

  • @riceball777
    @riceball777 Місяць тому

    i hope this new forged 12.0 can keep the cells balanced. The old non forged 12.0 and 8.0 and 9.0ah were horrible or at least had a horrible bms because after a short amount of time there were always at least one back of cells there were really out of balance killing the total capacity of the whole battery pack. Happens to all of the old 12.0 /8.0 high output m18 batteries as well as the really old 9.0ah. I use to have to take apart the batteries and manually charge the low voltage cell manually with my RC charger to get the battery to normal working condition and this had to be done every 5 or so charges. Never had this problems after hundreds of charged with the m18 5.0 or high output 6.0 also all my super old ryobi batteries all still charge and balance great.

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW Місяць тому

      I had the same experience. All 3 of my 12Ahs and 1 8Ah went out of balance. All my lower capacity packs are mostly in balance (less than 0.05V). Currently testing the Forge but there's no datasheet for the chip, so I'm trying to decipher the i2c messages.

  • @arthurmesh7884
    @arthurmesh7884 Місяць тому

    Looking forward to more content on reverse engineering these new batteries. It will be another round of shame if these indeed do not balance.

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW Місяць тому

      I'll be furious if it doesn't. It's a significant redesign and change of chip. If this doesn't balance, it can only mean that they want their batteries to fail early

  • @LabiaLicker
    @LabiaLicker 2 місяці тому

    Fascinating stuff. Thanks a ton for editing all this this and putting it up. I want to reverse engineer my Fein batteries, and now I understand where to start with this.

  • @KeijonAutoVuokra
    @KeijonAutoVuokra 4 місяці тому

    Ok but why are they running it to such a crazy amperage when it should never get even close

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 4 місяці тому

      I guess to see what it's capable of. They could also be running an inertial dyno, in which case it starts at peak torque & current and works its way back. The > 300A would only happen for a very short time, but may as well graph it.

    • @KeijonAutoVuokra
      @KeijonAutoVuokra 4 місяці тому

      @@ToolScientistRAW ig knowing what it does wont hurt

  • @sunny3560-e6y
    @sunny3560-e6y 4 місяці тому

    Exact video I am looking for. Just got one and always wondering what makes the inside

  • @frederickdebian370
    @frederickdebian370 4 місяці тому

    In this time I could have finished the job... Great analysis though! I just dont know how practically useful this info is

    • @ToolScientistRAW
      @ToolScientistRAW 4 місяці тому

      I thought long and hard about practical applications...and I've got nothing. It's interesting insight into how tools work. It ties into my other video, where I tested how much electrical power tools draw. Knowing the ballpark efficiency, we can then compare to the mechanical power tests by the Tools Tested channel.

  • @crazy031089
    @crazy031089 4 місяці тому

    Very interesting as always. Thank you for diving into this

  • @ToolScientistRAW
    @ToolScientistRAW 4 місяці тому

    4:35 I'm prob wrong about this motor being for an impact driver. Impact driver's only have single stage planetary gearboxes, which top out at 10:1, which would give 6,500 RPM. M18 impact driver is 3,900 RPM. I think it's more likely an oscillating multi-tool, which runs at 20,000 OPM, so a more reasonable 3:1 reduction.