Student gamer
Student gamer
  • 6
  • 355
How to use ChatGPT to your use, as student.
I used chatGPT as a teacher and used my brain to help people also study this way for a test which might seem haard to pass, or get a good grade on, enjoy!!!
Переглядів: 19


Me playing Fortnite with my friends.
Переглядів 50Рік тому
I love playing Fortnite but never played in front of anyone else so don't roast me in the comments.
we are thankful for the views
Переглядів 87Рік тому
we are thankful for the subscribers and the viewers who were watching and subscribing our UA-cam channel.
Hethav a partner for the channel
Переглядів 57Рік тому
it is about Hethav a partner for the channel introducing himself
Vamsi introducing himself
Переглядів 105Рік тому
In this video, a boy named ,Vamsi is introducing himself to the world of UA-cam!!!