Sathya code camp
Sathya code camp
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Mysql Database :Subcategories
select * from cap;
use cap;
desc cap;
/*DDL: DATA DEFINITION LANGUGE: create,alter,drop,truncate,rename */
create table cap(cid int,cname varchar(20));
select * from cap;
desc cap;
alter table cap add column csal int(3);
alter table cap rename column csal to csalary;
alter table cap modify column cname varchar(20);
alter table cap drop column csalary;
rename table cap to capg;
drop table cap;
/*tcl:trasaction control langugage: commit ,rollback,savepoint*/
start transaction;
savepoint first;
rollback to first;
savepoint sec;
Переглядів: 3


Mysql :Database
Переглядів 539 годин тому
What is a Database? (Book Definition) - A Data Base is an Organized Collection of Data which can be easily accessed, managed and updated. In today’s World, Data plays a vital role in every business. In our day to day life, we see or interact with many applications and Software’s, every application that we see or work with will have two parts: 1. GUI (Graphical User Interface / Front end) 2. Dat...
Layered Architecture | Employee management Application with Layered Architecture
Переглядів 26День тому
What is Layered Architecture Layered architecture is one of the architectural pattern based on call-and-return style In layered architecture, business rules, behavior, and data are obtained and manipulated, based on activity via the user interface. Layered architecture provides a clean separation between the business implementation, presentation and data-access logic. What is Layered Architectu...
Collection Project :Employee Management Application | core java project
Переглядів 8День тому
Employee Management Application The Employee Management System is a Java-based application designed to manage employee records effectively. This system provides features to add, update, view, and delete employee details in an organized manner. It is intended to simplify the handling of employee-related information such as names, salaries, addresses, and email addresses. Purpose: The purpose of ...
Java 8: Date Time Java 8 Features |Date and Time
Переглядів 19День тому
Date and Time API: (joda time API) upto 1.7v *date,calender,timestamp are used but those are not to uptothe mark 1.8 v introduced with Joda Time API(seperate interfaces and classes) devloped by eg: public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ LocalDate date=; System.out.println(date); LocalTime time=; System.out.println(time); } } eg: by us...
Regular Expressions : core java| Regular Expressions
Переглядів 10День тому
Exercise 1: Matching Email Addresses Write a Java program that checks if a given string is a valid email address according to the standard format (e.g., Use regular expressions to validate the email address. Exercise 2: Extracting Phone Numbers Write a Java program that extracts all valid phone numbers (in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX) from a given text using regular expression...
Java8-Streams : java 8 features| Streams
Переглядів 26Місяць тому
Tasks: 1.Sum of Numbers: Given a list of integers, find the sum of all numbers using streams. 2.Find Even Numbers: Given a list of integers, return a list of even numbers. 3.Convert List to Uppercase: Given a list of strings, convert all strings to uppercase using streams. 4.Filter Strings Starting with a Specific Letter: Given a list of strings, return only the strings that start with a specif...
Operators Part 1: Arithmatic Operator | Relationaship Operators
Переглядів 26Місяць тому
1. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. Operator Symbol Description Example Result Addition Adds two operands 3 2 5 Subtraction - Subtracts the right operand from the left operand 5 - 2 3 Multiplication * Multiplies two operands 3 * 2 6 Division / Divides left operand by right operand 6 /...
Other DataTypes: list|#set|#tuple|#bytes|#bytearray|#frozenset|#dict|#None
Переглядів 32Місяць тому
1. bytearray and bytes bytes The bytes data type is an immutable sequence of bytes, used to handle binary data (e.g., files, images). Once created, a bytes object cannot be modified. Example: byte_data = bytes([65, 66, 67]) # Creates bytes from a list of ASCII values print(byte_data) # Output: b'ABC' bytearray Similar to bytes, but bytearray is mutable, meaning you can modify its contents. Usef...
Type Casting :Python Type casting|int()|float()|complex()|bool()|str()
Переглядів 23Місяць тому
There are two main types of type casting in Python: Implicit Type Casting (Automatic Conversion): Python automatically converts a data type to another without user intervention. This usually happens when Python needs to perform operations between compatible types, like an integer and a float. Explicit Type Casting (Manual Conversion): This involves manually converting one data type to another u...
Python DataTypes Part-3 : bool datatype| str datatype
Переглядів 28Місяць тому
1. bool Data Type The bool (boolean) data type represents truth values, which can either be True or False. Boolean values are commonly used in conditional statements, comparisons, and control flow (e.g., if statements). Characteristics of bool Boolean values can be True or False. Python considers certain values as "falsy," meaning they evaluate to False when used in a Boolean context, while oth...
Python DataTypes Part 2 :python| float datatypes |datatypes
Переглядів 9Місяць тому
Characteristics of float in Python: Syntax: A float is written with a decimal point, even if it is a whole number (e.g., 1.0 instead of 1). Precision: Floats in Python are typically represented in 64-bit double precision, meaning they have around 15-17 significant decimal digits of precision. Range: Floats can represent very large or very small numbers, but they are limited by the underlying ha...
python DataTypes part 1: int data types
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
Built-in Data Types In programming, data type is an important concept. Variables can store data of different types, and different types can do different things. Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories: Text : str Numeric : int, float, complex Sequence : list, tuple, range Mapping : dict Set : set, frozenset Boolean : bool Binary : bytes, bytearray, memoryvie...
Python: Introduction to Variables and Datatypes |#datatypes |#variables
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
Variables Variables are containers for storing data values. Creating Variables Python has no command for declaring a variable. A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to i x = 5 y = "sathya" print(x) print(y)
Java 8 Part 2:#Default Methods |#Static Methods |
Переглядів 14Місяць тому
1.Exercise: Create an interface Vehicle with a default method start(). Implement this interface in a class Car without overriding the start() method. Then, call the start() method on a Car instance. 2.Exercise: Create an interface Animal with a default method makeSound() that prints "Animal sound". Then, create a class Dog that implements Animal and overrides the makeSound() method to print "Do...
Java 8 Features: #Functional Interface | #Lambda Function|#Inner Classes
Переглядів 20Місяць тому
Java 8 Features: #Functional Interface | #Lambda Function|#Inner Classes
Collections :Part 3:#Collections| #Map | #Set | #Collection Methods
Переглядів 11Місяць тому
Collections :Part 3:#Collections| #Map | #Set | #Collection Methods
core java: Collection Part 2 |#Collection |#ArrayList examples
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
core java: Collection Part 2 |#Collection |#ArrayList examples
Core java:#Collections | #collection framework | #list |#collection interface
Переглядів 11Місяць тому
Core java:#Collections | #collection framework | #list |#collection interface
core java: #Multithreading Part 2 |#Thread Scheduler |#Thread LifeCycle
Переглядів 53Місяць тому
core java: #Multithreading Part 2 |#Thread Scheduler |#Thread LifeCycle
Core Java:#java Multithreading |#multitasking java| #Thread
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
Core Java:#java Multithreading |#multitasking java| #Thread
Core java Exceptions:#User Defined Expectations| #Throws| #Throw|#customeExceptions|#java exception
Переглядів 172 місяці тому
Core java Exceptions:#User Defined Expectations| #Throws| #Throw|#customeExceptions|#java exception
core java: Exceptional Handing try catch finally | #java exceptions | #exceptions |/ #core java
Переглядів 82 місяці тому
core java: Exceptional Handing try catch finally | #java exceptions | #exceptions |/ #core java
core java Project 3:Car Show Room Project
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core java Project 3:Car Show Room Project
Core java Project: Hotel Management Application, Oops, Abstraction, Encapsulation
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Core java Project: Hotel Management Application, Oops, Abstraction, Encapsulation
OOPS :Has-a Relation::Aggregation and composition
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OOPS :Has-a Relation::Aggregation and composition
Polymorphism-RealTime Examples
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Polymorphism-RealTime Examples
Inheritance Real Time Examples with Explanation
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Inheritance Real Time Examples with Explanation
Core java Project-Library management Application
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Core java Project-Library management Application
21.Access Modifiers in java
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21.Access Modifiers in java