Toby Lassen
Toby Lassen
  • 14
  • 155 591
Oxford Brookes University Welcome to the Weekend Henley Royal Regatta 2024
A Short Hype video to celebrate the 10 crews that made it to the Saturday of Henley Royal Regatta 2024.
Video credit to ‪@EamonGlavin‬
Переглядів: 2 077


Oxford Brookes University Champ 8+ Pre BUCS 2024
Переглядів 4 тис.6 місяців тому
Some video of the Oxford Brookes Univeristy Championship 8 2024 during the run up to BUCS regatta. Bow - Jack Cooper / Max Mills 2 - Marine Arnerich 3 - Ben Newton 4 - George Bell 5 - Niko Arnerich 6 - Fergus Woolnough 7 - Toby Lassen Stroke - Ed Lemanowicz Cox - Tom Bryce
GB U23 World Championships Mens 8+ Winners 2023 - Cox Recording
Переглядів 27 тис.Рік тому
A video dedicated to our journey from 03/07/23 to 24/07/23.How our 8 became world champions. Many thanks to our coach Brendan Gliddon for putting up with us and making into the eight we wanted to be. Hope you enjoy. Crew order: Cox - Tom Bryce (Oxford Brookes University) Stroke - Louis Nares (Oxford Brookes University) 7 - Luca Farraro (Cambridge University Boat Club) 6 - Fergus Woolnough (Oxfo...
April Trials 2023 Oxford Brookes Pair
Переглядів 13 тис.Рік тому
Oxford Brookes University Pair at Great Britain Final Trials in April. Bow - Louis Nares Stroke - Toby Lassen Result - 2nd U23 Pair, 15th Pair overall
GB U23 European Championships 8+ 2022
Переглядів 11 тис.2 роки тому
Video of my time in the Great Britain U23 European championships mens 8 that claimed bronze behind Romanian and Poland. Bow - Adam Von Bismark (Brown) 2 - Matthew Peters (Leander) 3 - Felix Rawlinson (Dartmouth College) 4 - Robbie Prosser (University of Bristol) 5 - Jens Hullah (Oxford Brookes) 6 - Jake Wincomb (Oxford Brookes) 7 - Laurence Joss (Syracuse) Stroke - Toby Lassen (Oxford Brookes) ...
Oxford Brookes University Champ 8+ pre BUCS 2022
Переглядів 41 тис.2 роки тому
Some video of the Oxford Brookes Univeristy Championship 8 2022 during the run up to BUCS regatta. Bow - Ohdran Donaghy 2 - Matt Heywood 3 - Jack Prior 4 - Louis Nares 5 - Toby Lassen 6 - Ben Hinves 7 - Jake Wincombe Stroke - Miles Deveraux Cox - Will Denegri
Oxford Brookes University 1v and U23 1v at Wallinfgord 4s/8s head 2021
Переглядів 9 тис.3 роки тому
1v 2.4 seconds behind OUBC U23 1v 1st place
GMSBC 1st VIII at Marlow International Regatta 2018 (Cox Recording)
Переглядів 1,7 тис.4 роки тому
GMSBCs 1st VIII at Marlow International Regatta 2018 Time trail - 4th A final - 4th - 6:07 - 3 seconds behind 1st Crew: Bow) Jake Henderson Cornwell 2) Toby Lassen 3) Alex Hardy 4) Blaise Ivers-Dreux 5) Jamie-Jack Westfold 6) Joshua McKenzie 7) Oliver Emmett-Bird Stroke) Oliver Peace Cox) Edward Allen
My time at GMSBC (2013-2020)
Переглядів 1,8 тис.4 роки тому
This is a look back at some of my best memories from Great Marlow Schoool boat club. Video has footage from 2017-2020. From the Princess Elizabeth challenge cup 2018 to fastest non-qualifiers at Henley Fawley challenge cup 2019 to Coronavirus 2020. Not all the video is mine and I do not know the rights to this music.


  • @maxdilello9931
    @maxdilello9931 9 днів тому

    Hey man, ive got a sort of technical question, when you are rowing should your scapula be extended out? or should you rather engage your lat making your arm shorter. thanks

  • @lutzschech1036
    @lutzschech1036 Місяць тому


  • @adrianellison7775
    @adrianellison7775 2 місяці тому

    The coxing style seems remarkably similar to Harry Brightmore's in the gold-medal winning GBR Paris 2024 final. Coincidence, or deliberate?

    • @tobylassen6443
      @tobylassen6443 2 місяці тому

      Think coincidence but I can see what you mean.

  • @marinearnerich577
    @marinearnerich577 2 місяці тому

    Hell ye Toby. Sick video. Back to back champion, proud of you man

  • @charlieneal8854
    @charlieneal8854 2 місяці тому

    Cooking bro ❤️‍🔥

  • @rowyeah456
    @rowyeah456 2 місяці тому

    great video Toby, was looking forward to this coming out. Also, I know you went through a lot of extra editing for it but honestly I could go without the music in the background of the coxing recording. Normally hearing those get my blood pumping but the song gave a much different emotional response. Plus we get to hear everything rather than just pieces. Congratulations on being a double world champion in the 8! Absolutely incredible.

    • @tobylassen6443
      @tobylassen6443 2 місяці тому

      @@rowyeah456 afraid that was the wish of Tom B as it is his audio.

    • @carwyndavies9549
      @carwyndavies9549 2 місяці тому


    • @rowyeah456
      @rowyeah456 2 місяці тому

      @@tobylassen6443 Gotchaaa, understood. Again congrats on another banger season! I wish you luck on your already very successful career, absolutely love the videos. Best rowing channel on the planet for this stuff

  • @_elixirdu3344
    @_elixirdu3344 3 місяці тому

    That incredible to beat the Dutch team who finished 2nd at the Olympics 🤯🤯

  • @leif1075
    @leif1075 3 місяці тому

    HOW HOW do rowers not get bored and tired rowing for so it mostly fun and enjoyable..hope someone can please respond..

  • @restingusrl5707
    @restingusrl5707 4 місяці тому

    what is 6 seats 2k he is an absolute unit

    • @sorcus2144
      @sorcus2144 2 місяці тому

      I might be completely wrong but I've seen Toby's strava and he was at around 6:05 at his last 2k which is insanely impressive for his size so the guy behind must be in the mid 5:50s at the very least (if I'm wrong someone can correct me)

  • @darrenhaywood9260
    @darrenhaywood9260 4 місяці тому

    Watched this crew and there is some amazing talent throughout the boat. Brookes is a phenomenal rowing fraternity, and anyone who is linked with it should be proud as hell to be part of a rowing powerhouse. Well done everyone 👍

  • @hugoferreira4022
    @hugoferreira4022 4 місяці тому

    Great video! Curious to know why the 3 man needed changing if it was an unbeaten combination 🤔

  • @tbird6668
    @tbird6668 4 місяці тому

    "Hold the line" as the Udub cox steers into the booms 😂

  • @rowyeah456
    @rowyeah456 4 місяці тому

    Been waiting for this vid!

  • @Bob-Mann
    @Bob-Mann 4 місяці тому

    Brookes are just amazing… met some of the team at Henley RR in town centre. Amazing… race you soon fellas 😂😅❤

  • @maxpianta8565
    @maxpianta8565 4 місяці тому

    You missed some great opportunities to insert some memes 🐢

  • @Caller8194
    @Caller8194 8 місяців тому

    sick coxxing

  • Рік тому

    how much did the boat cost?

  • @caryllenhart1543
    @caryllenhart1543 Рік тому

    'promosm' 🔥

  • @kalfac8671
    @kalfac8671 Рік тому

    I knew before even checking the crew's names that that could only be an Oxford Brookes cox.

  • @edrugman5597
    @edrugman5597 Рік тому

    Casual 5:26 2k. Also the "F*ck the Americans" call was legendary

  • @georgewhittal-williams6463


  • @allanradford1670
    @allanradford1670 Рік тому

    i well done but if people are going to represent the country at least get the Flag the correct way up

    • @exigency2231
      @exigency2231 6 місяців тому

      i think they've done the country a better service than the upside down flag hurt

  • @burit0791
    @burit0791 Рік тому

    Very happy to have gone to the same school as Tom before he went to brookes, now at local club still coxing but learnt a lot from him and his brother's recordings here on YT

  • @jacklav1
    @jacklav1 Рік тому

    Incredible strength and guts. But we need to talk about flags. The team is holding the flag upside-down in the thumbnail and what the hell sort of flagpole is that at the ceremony.

  • @robtaggart4166
    @robtaggart4166 Рік тому

    Timing both entry and exit looks amazing, well done!

  • @rexosiris6983
    @rexosiris6983 Рік тому

    This gave me chills holy

  • @rowyeah456
    @rowyeah456 Рік тому

    Amazing video Tobi, beautiful to see another race documented, well done mate

  • @jocelynpearce739
    @jocelynpearce739 Рік тому

    Fabulous! A great record of a great occasion. GB did the business.

  • @simonwoolnough3653
    @simonwoolnough3653 Рік тому

    AWESOME video - added with Tom's commentary 🔥🔥🔥.

  • @garrett5683
    @garrett5683 Рік тому

    good vid

  • @cozweat
    @cozweat Рік тому

    Join us in COZWEAT, Train together at the same time from all over the world

  • @joejames8110
    @joejames8110 Рік тому

    Yeah, the middle finger part made me turn this off, no class.

  • @zahirala
    @zahirala 2 роки тому

    when's the race?

  • @alexwoodhouse6205
    @alexwoodhouse6205 2 роки тому

    Chaddam von buisness

  • @jocelynpearce739
    @jocelynpearce739 2 роки тому

    Yeahhhh Brookes + !!!!!