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Vinay Nataraja
Приєднався 3 гру 2011
Contact me on vinay89@gmail.com
AnythingLLM & Ollama | Local AI agent Free
Переглядів 5492 місяці тому
Demonstration on private LLM implementation using Ollama and AnythingLLM. We run the setup locally and insert documents to show relevant chat output.
Elasticsearch APM Node.js
Переглядів 8 тис.3 роки тому
Demonstration on Instrumenting Elasticsearch APM(Application Performance Monitoring) into a simple Node.js Application.
Elasticsearch Workplace Search
Переглядів 2,6 тис.4 роки тому
Demonstration of elastic workplace search unifying data from different tools.
elasticsearch app-search
Переглядів 3,3 тис.4 роки тому
Demonstration of app-search with data load along with elasticsearch
Elasticsearch Kibana Kubernetes GKE
Переглядів 2,1 тис.4 роки тому
Demonstration of Deploying Elasticsearch, Kibana in google kubernetes engine(GKE) and accessing Kibana through Load Balancer.
ludwig hyper-parameter tuning parallel cnn || part 3
Переглядів 4355 років тому
hyper parameter tuning on parallel cnn deep learning model using ludwig for sentiment analysis (no coding required)
ludwig sentiment analysis parallel cnn || part 2
Переглядів 5645 років тому
sentiment analysis using ludwig by deep learning model parallel cnn (no coding required)
ludwig code free deep learning tool box || part 1
Переглядів 1,4 тис.5 років тому
Ludwig is a toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code.
vegalite kibana interactive detail selection || part 5
Переглядів 1,3 тис.5 років тому
Interactive plot for detail selection using kibana vega-lite. A type of selection by name BRUSH is used.
vegalite kibana interactive filtering || part 4
Переглядів 1,6 тис.5 років тому
Interactive plot for filtering using kibana vega-lite. A type of selection by name BRUSH is used.
vegalite kibana interactive selection || part 3
Переглядів 4225 років тому
Interactive plot for selection using kibana vega-lite. A type of selection by name PAINTBRUSH is used.
vegalite kibana interactive selection || part 2
Переглядів 1 тис.5 років тому
Interactive plot for selection using kibana vega-lite. A type of selection by name PTS is used.
scatter plot using kibana vega-lite || part 1
Переглядів 4,8 тис.5 років тому
Scatter plot using kibana vega-lite and elasticsearch as data source
elasticsearch forecast vs sarima
Переглядів 6286 років тому
Demonstration on consuming data from elastic through python and building a sarima forecasting model. Finally writing back the sarima forecasted results to elastic, to visualize the forecast along with the results from inbuilt ml forecast results of elastic.
elasticsearch kibana x-pack 6.1.1 forecasting
Переглядів 2,2 тис.6 років тому
elasticsearch kibana x-pack 6.1.1 forecasting
elasticsearch kibana xpack 6.1.1 password setup
Переглядів 17 тис.6 років тому
elasticsearch kibana xpack 6.1.1 password setup
filebeat logstash elasticsearch kibana
Переглядів 14 тис.7 років тому
filebeat logstash elasticsearch kibana
Elasticsearch Kibana X-pack Graph features
Переглядів 17 тис.7 років тому
Elasticsearch Kibana X-pack Graph features
Elasticsearch Machine learning multi metric job anomaly detection
Переглядів 7 тис.7 років тому
Elasticsearch Machine learning multi metric job anomaly detection
Elasticsearch Machine learning single metric job anomaly detection
Переглядів 6 тис.7 років тому
Elasticsearch Machine learning single metric job anomaly detection
mysql logstash elasticsearch kibana
Переглядів 14 тис.7 років тому
mysql logstash elasticsearch kibana
Twitter Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana(X-Pack)
Переглядів 3,3 тис.7 років тому
Twitter Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana(X-Pack)
Install X-Pack on Elasticsearch and Kibana
Переглядів 17 тис.7 років тому
Install X-Pack on Elasticsearch and Kibana
create weblogic domain linux command line (cli/console mode)
Переглядів 10 тис.8 років тому
create weblogic domain linux command line (cli/console mode)
install weblogic linux command line(cli/console mode)
Переглядів 12 тис.8 років тому
install weblogic linux command line(cli/console mode)
Thanks Vinay, LLMs and GenAI will be the future of Tech and this is a great explaination
Thanks Vinay, this is good example of document summarisation for question and answer use case.
Thanks Vinay, very informative.
Hi Vinay Nataraja, I was end-up with below error. Domain Creation Fails with "java.lang.SecurityException: The provider self-integrity check failed. Please let me know how to fix this.
I'm using oracle http server standalone and uptoon that trying to create a domain executing config.sh which is not giving those option. Please help me
When i run the .config.sh i don't get the option to create the domain and when i run echo$? Giving me 1 code
Hi can you help me create the domain silent plz
can you please share the video for managed server configuration which you skipped in this video.
very much helpful and the only content which helped me lot. Thanks
how can i get the consumer key, secret, token and etc ?
Just tried this feature in the latest elasticsearch. It's pretty unclear how to use so... no go.
Can you share the command ?
This is cool! really amazing explanation. Um do you know how can we set this APM server and agent using docker (or docker compose that is)? much thanks...
You Rock Man !! Nice explanation !!!
Can the maximum number of metrics selected at one time in a single detector be more than 5? Also, can the metrics be anything other than numeric types, like arrays or categorical features? I'm using Random Cut Forest algorithm Opendistro on Elasticsearch. Any insights related to Feature Engineering and beyond is appreciated. Thanks!
Hi thanks for your video, since you might have more experience in this area, I want to check can I write a shell script to handle all the answers? basically, I want to write a shell script that installs WebLogic and setup everything silently on customer env. is it possible?
nice video, and its very helpful to me
Hi there! Cool video! I think you'd be interested in our Elastic Contributor Program if you haven't started submitting already. www.elastic.co/community/contributor Hope to see you on the leaderboard!
Can you provide the url to download the pluggin? My version is not working... :/
Simple and to the point explanation! I have a query on connecting SQL Server as a data source, will you be able to throw some light on this?
Thnaks dude. Exactly the demo i was looking for
Thanks, great video. Quick question do they have a roadmap of additional connectors they will be adding?
Very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Nice video brother, issue with background noice
Thanks for the tutorial video.
can you please help elk deploy with OKE cluster
how can we stop epochs while program is running?
hello, Great video, can we install logstash witk ECK as well?
I have many other columns in my Index pattern, however, only few are returned under _source when I run the GET /_search quwry in Dev tools. Any suggestions?
sir, this is too good
Nice explanation, thanks by that. I am new using app-search. How I can search the index whith data saved in elasticsearch?.
i am also looking for the same issue. Can any one help me, any documentaion or video would be helpful for me
did you figure it out? I couldn't find any help.
Great video for beginners. This helped me a lot thanks :)
Very nice and easy to follow guide 😊
Good one, thanks
Hi Vinay, I saw when you first opened the vega console, there is an "invalid spec" error. Can you please tell me why this error is coming as I've also faced the same error while trying to run the vega code. Please help.
thanks for the explanation. i have 1 doubt here, i need to put all the IPs of nodes of cluster in all the .yml files? like say Master 1: Master 2: Master 3: Data node IP is : discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts variable of all elasticsearch.yml file of all the nodes will look like below? discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", "", "" , "" ]
Hey are you having hive & elastic search residing on same machine?
can you share the code? which you are using in Jupyter
Hey man, nicely explained it. I have been struggling for a few days, now I got the clarity over some basic thing which I was missing. Thanks (y)
Loved this video. thanks my friend. Crystal clear
Did you use licensed x-pack?
How to and where to install and does it run on windows
Very helpful and good demonstration
Great. Please contact me at mkeyesmdatgmail.
Good job bro, this was the 1 I was looking for 😊
Hi Bro. Need help for this kind of cluster setup. where we are going to configure Logstash and Kibana. Is it going to be configured on seperate instances. Do we need clustering for logstash and kibana also. what we see for elastic search u have cofigured 3 servers one master node and 2 data node..
i am trying the same thing but getting below error, please help! [2019-04-14T16:07:40,989][WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Could not index event to Elasticsearch. {:status=>400, :action=>["index", {:_id=>nil, :_index=>"election2019", :_type=>"doc", :routing=>nil}, #<LogStash::Event:0x259d118a>], :response=>{"index"=>{"_index"=>"election2019", "_type"=>"doc", "_id"=>"MCFsG2oBwvg74PtekBIg", "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"Limit of total fields [1000] in index [election2019] has been exceeded"}}}}
Thanks for the episode I want more on hyperparameter
Nicely explained Thanks (y)
can you please make a toturial on time series data visualization using vegalite in kibana