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Out Tonight -Maiya Quansah Breed / RENT
Переглядів 56 тис.2 роки тому
Maiya Quansah Breed - Mimi Rent, Hope Mill Theatre
Another Day - Maiya Quansah Breed & Tom Francis / RENT
Переглядів 70 тис.2 роки тому
Another Day - RENT - Hope Mill Theatre Maiya Quansah Breed - Mimi Tom Francis - Roger
Hannah Lowther singing Fight for Me - Heathers | TikTok live
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Hannah Lowther singing Fight for Me - Heathers | TikTok live
Hannah Lowther singing Lifeboat from Heathers - TikTok Live
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Hannah Lowther singing Lifeboat from Heathers - TikTok Live
Hannah Lowther - Candy Store - doing all three Heathers on TikTok Live
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Hannah Lowther singing candy store from heathers on TikTok live
Hannah Lowther Pre Heathers Show Tiktok Live 10-06-22
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In case you missed it
Maddison Firth Pre Heathers Show Insta Live 11-06-22, Part 2
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Part 2
Maddison Firth, Pre Heathers Show Instagram Live 11-06-22
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Maddi's Insta Live. Par 2 is also on my channel
Maiya Quansah Breed - Light My Candle / RENT
Переглядів 42 тис.2 роки тому
Maiya Quansah Breed and Tom Francis Light my Candle from Rent Hope Mill Theatre
Hannah Lowther as Heather Duke | Instagram Live from Maddison Firth | Heathers the Musical
Переглядів 33 тис.2 роки тому
In case u missed it


  • @JessRansdellSmith
    @JessRansdellSmith 3 дні тому

    Really wish this cast had put out a cast recording! <3

  • @fredriccilbrith1995
    @fredriccilbrith1995 13 днів тому

    Where’s the full musical of these two?

  • @terrylewis_
    @terrylewis_ 16 днів тому

    Wow, this is so beautiful

  • @terrylewis_
    @terrylewis_ 16 днів тому

    Wow goosebump central.

  • @Jane619
    @Jane619 Місяць тому

    Absolutely amazing!!! Chills!

  • @goddamnrice
    @goddamnrice 2 місяці тому

    I have to hear Tom Francis do "Pity the Child" now!!!

  • @Smellslikeajobapplication
    @Smellslikeajobapplication 2 місяці тому

    How crazy am I for thinking he looks like Lip from shameless

    • @JessRansdellSmith
      @JessRansdellSmith 22 дні тому

      Not crazy at all. Definitely looks like a hotter Jeremy. Haha!

  • @IV2000
    @IV2000 2 місяці тому

    Why did I not realise this production was happening until it had happened 😢 manchester is so close to me. And now that I'm loving Tom in Sunset I'm even sadder I missed it

  • @goddamnrice
    @goddamnrice 2 місяці тому

    I have a feeling he is gonna win a Tony this year for Sunset Blvd... he's already won the Oliver for the role and I feel like his main competition is gonna be Christian Borle, Ramin Karimloo (who I believe would easily take a win in another role, but I'm not sure if a role in Pirates of Penzance is really enough), and maybe John Gallagher Jr. (but idk much about swept away). Either way, I think he is going to absolutely blow people away this year.

  • @최강테너
    @최강테너 2 місяці тому

    강동원 로저..

  • @stickfiguregames6945
    @stickfiguregames6945 3 місяці тому

    1:16 “Herpescripshuns!” ~Maddison Fith

  • @kalimanvasquez
    @kalimanvasquez 3 місяці тому

    Me encanta: que tal fuerza de interpretación.

  • @brendanjones8709
    @brendanjones8709 4 місяці тому

    Woah. I'm always biased towards preferring the first performer I heard perform the song, but I think I even prefer this guy to Adam Pascal! Best rendition I've ever heard. Such a powerful voice but without the nasal edge Pascal's voice has. Renée Elise Goldsberry and Rosario Dawson are both way better than Daphne Rubin-Vega, also ... but the rest of the original cast can stay ;)

  • @Saphony
    @Saphony 4 місяці тому

    She’s adorable

  • @yankee04
    @yankee04 4 місяці тому

    Can’t wait to see him on Broadway!

  • @user-hu6rn7qi4g
    @user-hu6rn7qi4g 5 місяців тому

    He is INSANE!!!! This is incredible

  • @slinkysfxcollins2600
    @slinkysfxcollins2600 6 місяців тому

    I love u as heather chandler ❤

  • @virgoinfilm
    @virgoinfilm 6 місяців тому

    2:20 ughh

  • @BenMussell
    @BenMussell 7 місяців тому

    Sounds like a mix between Ramin Karimloo and Raul Esparza

  • @urprettyrapstar
    @urprettyrapstar 7 місяців тому

    Maiya as Mimi with her soulful voice and Tom as Roger with a powerful voice!! They are on a different level! I love their take on the characters 🎉

  • @andrewhemingway337
    @andrewhemingway337 7 місяців тому

    This is a terrible story with great music

    • @Jays6926
      @Jays6926 6 місяців тому

      It’s terrible because it’s sad

    • @goddamnrice
      @goddamnrice 2 місяці тому

      ⁠I would say it’s a good setting with great messages strung together poorly

  • @sheismymom
    @sheismymom 7 місяців тому


  • @MUSICALS300
    @MUSICALS300 7 місяців тому

    What annoys me is it’s Maddison’s live and everyone’s talking about hannah

    • @canttakethekidoutoftheatre
      @canttakethekidoutoftheatre 7 місяців тому

      it’s mainly because hannah was going on as heather duke that night, which was a part that she usually didn’t cover.

    • @cndlehead
      @cndlehead 13 днів тому

      it was a really special day for hannah though, and for the heathers fandom

  • @royperez8965
    @royperez8965 8 місяців тому

    Tom Francis is up there with Adam

  • @buggiemara4902
    @buggiemara4902 8 місяців тому

    Future Tony winner.

    • @ewwricka
      @ewwricka 2 місяці тому

      now that sunset boulevard is on broadway, he has a really good chance of actually winning one! i really hope he does!!

    • @crohnierunner
      @crohnierunner Місяць тому

      His Oliver win is definitely a sign of what’s to come now it’s hit broadway they should watch his star rise

  • @musicizair1188
    @musicizair1188 9 місяців тому

    Why do I feel like the audio tech played the track too high and he’s struggling to project over the music

  • @alelufkin6951
    @alelufkin6951 9 місяців тому

    My favourite musical < I need the full show ;_;

  • @thetheatrekidblewup
    @thetheatrekidblewup 9 місяців тому

    ive never seen her do an american accent i am shook

  • @anaargentinabsas
    @anaargentinabsas 9 місяців тому

    Que interpretación tan genial de Mimí!!!Muchos aplausos

  • @toontown13579
    @toontown13579 9 місяців тому


  • @BerryMongwegi
    @BerryMongwegi 9 місяців тому

    This lady has nice voice ❤

  • @The_musicalman
    @The_musicalman 10 місяців тому

    This is awful

    • @evie2894
      @evie2894 9 місяців тому

      let’s see you do it then

    • @LMXfan4life
      @LMXfan4life 9 місяців тому

      Only cuss she did ALL 3 at once, she’s amazing in west end shows cause she doesn’t do every line without a pause, Instead she does ONE character per show so she gets a breath smh

    • @The_musicalman
      @The_musicalman 9 місяців тому

      @@evie2894 okay!

  • @toesucker
    @toesucker 10 місяців тому

    i forgot she was british for a sec and then when she talked at the end i got so confused

  • @ivalicetifalucis
    @ivalicetifalucis 10 місяців тому

    damn no wonder he is familiar when I see Sunset Boulevard teasers. Watch it, he's gonna be huge someday

  • @AJKoehler
    @AJKoehler 10 місяців тому

    “The door is that way” ARE YOU KIDDING

    • @JessRansdellSmith
      @JessRansdellSmith 16 годин тому

      You know, when you are an ex-junkie dying of aids because you were a junkie...it's good to not let a current junkie into your life...even if she is gorgeous.

  • @nkwari
    @nkwari 10 місяців тому

    perfect kind of voice for this song

  • @Lil_Angry_Bitch
    @Lil_Angry_Bitch 11 місяців тому

    Who designed the wardrobe for this show? 🤮 It's a sexy song. Mimi is supposed to be an exotic dancer, yet she's dressed like a 90s GAP store associate.

  • @snappykrab
    @snappykrab Рік тому

    This such a fantastic representation of who Mimi really is. So much more than an objectified character. Mimi is using during the moment. It's not about Roger it's about scoring smack. Roger is just the bonus. This performance has so many layers.

  • @shazzycromo
    @shazzycromo Рік тому

    Maiya could sing the alphabet and it'd be phenomenal

  • @kylsh1
    @kylsh1 Рік тому

    So great….💪💪

  • @parbhk2889
    @parbhk2889 Рік тому

    The talent!!

  • @cynosure2
    @cynosure2 Рік тому

    For anyone who doesnt know she was new wave girl in heathers west end, but also understudy for chandler and mcnamara. At one point she also went on for duke bc they had no one else

  • @rubyfredricksen8652
    @rubyfredricksen8652 Рік тому


  • @kev4567
    @kev4567 Рік тому

    Best rendition ever.

  • @dancroft78
    @dancroft78 Рік тому

    Weeey, es mi versión favorita de tooooodos 😍 (Volveré a comentar cuando ya haya trabajado con él alguna vez 🤞🏻).

  • @Megan80
    @Megan80 Рік тому

    He’s an absolute showstopper in Sunset Blvd! He even sings outside on the street!

  • @Di-eq7wn
    @Di-eq7wn Рік тому

    Just saw him in Sunset Boulevard. Amazing vocals, he carries the show he's in almost every scene and is fantastic.

    • @NigerianKitchen
      @NigerianKitchen 9 місяців тому

      Was about to ask what he's doing now. He's so good

    • @crohnierunner
      @crohnierunner 8 місяців тому

      @@NigerianKitchenand now broadway are going to get to witness this amazing talent, remember America sorry but he’s ours lol

    • @JessRansdellSmith
      @JessRansdellSmith Місяць тому

      @@crohnierunner I might have to steal him from you! #MadAboutTheBoy

  • @caradonnelly7335
    @caradonnelly7335 Рік тому

    I just randomingly found this, i usually can't stand muscials but wow this guy is lit

  • @smartfella221
    @smartfella221 Рік тому

    I think she's my new favorite Mimi

  • @smartfella221
    @smartfella221 Рік тому

    Maiya Quansah Breed fucking killed that shit.