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Melody of True Light
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Приєднався 17 сер 2012
A Christian, photographer and worship song writer site. Shot and compose anything related to Christianity.
幾度夕陽紅/How many sunsets have past?/潘越雲演唱/劉雪華+秦漢/紀念瓊瑤1938-2024/一代愛情小說大師/她留下了永恆的記憶/死而不亡者壽(道德经)/願先生一路走好
幾度夕陽紅/How many sunsets have past?/潘越雲演唱/紀念瓊瑤1938-2024/一代愛情小說大師/她留下了永恆的記憶/死而不亡者壽(道德经)/願先生一路走好
How many sunsets have past?/Sung by Michelle Yueyun Pan/In memory of Chiung Yao 1938-2024/A master of love novels/She left an eternal memory/Those who live on after death will live long (Tao Te Ching)/May you rest in peace, Sir.
琼瑶 词
陈玉立 曲
[Verse 1]
[Verse 2]
[Verse 3]
How Many Sunsets Have Past
Lyrics by: Chiung Yao
Music by: Chen Yuli
[Verse 1]
Time slips through our hands,
Spring vanishes without a trace.
The tides ebb and flow,
Our meetings and partings, fleetingly they race.
[Verse 2]
The past lingers in my mind,
Duckweeds drift, east and west entwined.
The green mountains stand unchanged,
How many sunsets have past?
Tonight, I'll dry my tears away,
Leaving them to the moon and wind’s sway.
The breeze carries my dreams afar,
Through a boundless world where no ends are.
[Verse 3]
Morning light and evening shade,
Longing unites hearts, past to present made.
The green mountains stand unchanged,
How many sunsets have past?
How many sunsets have past?/Sung by Michelle Yueyun Pan/In memory of Chiung Yao 1938-2024/A master of love novels/She left an eternal memory/Those who live on after death will live long (Tao Te Ching)/May you rest in peace, Sir.
琼瑶 词
陈玉立 曲
[Verse 1]
[Verse 2]
[Verse 3]
How Many Sunsets Have Past
Lyrics by: Chiung Yao
Music by: Chen Yuli
[Verse 1]
Time slips through our hands,
Spring vanishes without a trace.
The tides ebb and flow,
Our meetings and partings, fleetingly they race.
[Verse 2]
The past lingers in my mind,
Duckweeds drift, east and west entwined.
The green mountains stand unchanged,
How many sunsets have past?
Tonight, I'll dry my tears away,
Leaving them to the moon and wind’s sway.
The breeze carries my dreams afar,
Through a boundless world where no ends are.
[Verse 3]
Morning light and evening shade,
Longing unites hearts, past to present made.
The green mountains stand unchanged,
How many sunsets have past?
Переглядів: 20
舞蹈/YMCA by Village People
Переглядів 10117 годин тому
#CapCut I made this amazing video with CapCut. Open the link to try it out: capcut.com/tools/desktop-video-editor
西风的话/The Words of the West Wind/独唱:潘越雲(Michelle Pan)/合唱:巴尔的摩新星合唱团/12.13.2024
Переглядів 5404 години тому
摘要 《西风的话》准确地说是“秋风的话”,通过生动的歌词描绘秋风带来的变化。这首歌曲是黄自先生的经典作品,曾是中小学生音乐课的重要教材。黄自(1904-1938),中国近现代著名作曲家,1916年入读清华学堂,1926年赴美入奥柏林音乐学院学习作曲,后入耶鲁大学深造。1930年回国 教于上海国立音乐专科学校,推动中国音乐教育发展。1934年,他与萧友梅等人创办《音乐杂志》,致力于中国音乐的普及与发展。 Summary “The Words of the West Wind” is more precisely "The Words of the Autumn Wind," as evident from its lyrics, vividly portraying the changes brought by autumn. This song, a classic work by...
只有一个福音/教皇方济各在 2021 年 8 月 4 日星期三的公开接见General Audience中重申,只有一个福音。
Переглядів 437 годин тому
教皇方济各在 2021 年 8 月 4 日星期三的公开接见中重申,只有一个福音。这首歌词以“只有一个福音”为主题,强调基督徒的信仰核心 恩典福音。歌词区分了耶稣向犹太人传的天国福音与保罗所传的恩典福音,明确指出基督徒应依据保罗书信作为教导。通过引用《哥林多前书》15章,歌词定义了福音的核心内容:基督为罪人死、第三日复活。歌词重申福音的唯一性和不可更改性,并警告偏离福音的严重后果,同时颂扬救赎之路的清晰与神的恩典为信徒带来的盼望与生命改变。 《只有一个福音》歌词标题与相关经文 [Verse 1: 耶稣传天国的福音] 标题:天国福音的对象 相关经文: 马太福音 4:17:耶稣开始传道,说:“天国近了,你们应当悔改!” 马太福音 10:5-6:耶稣差遣门徒说:“不要往外邦人那里去,只往以色列家迷失的羊那里去。” [Chorus: 福音只有一个] 标题:福音的唯一性 相关经文: 加拉太书 1...
Only One Gospel/Pope Francis reiterated during his General Audience that there is only one Gospel
Переглядів 377 годин тому
Pope Francis reiterated during his General Audience on Wednesday, August 04, 2021, that there is only one Gospel. This song, titled "Only One Gospel," emphasizes the core of Christian faith-the Gospel of Grace. It distinguishes between the kingdom gospel preached by Jesus to the Jews and the gospel of grace proclaimed by Paul to Christians, asserting that Paul's letters should be the foundation...
Переглядів 429 годин тому
《感恩了,感恩了》 [Verse 1] 感恩了,感恩了 数算今年恩典有多少 首先感谢我们的另一半 茫茫人海让我遇见他 二人世界尚未享足够 接二连三迎来了崽 要问我爱她有几多 恰似老鼠爱大米 [Verse 2] 第二感谢要给父母 养鱼了我们姊妹与兄弟 缺吃少穿他们来承担 我们却从未感觉受苦难 等到他们有了第三代 仍然操心不肯言休退 真是儿行千里母担忧 惭愧未能报答三春晖 [Verse 3] 再者要感谢亲朋与好友 人生路上陪伴一起走 物以类聚,鸟以群分 彼此扶持让心不孤单 自从我走上真理之道 又多了主内的家人们 从此喜乐地走天路 无论它春夏与秋冬 [Verse 4] 无论太太与父母 无论亲朋与好友 最要感谢那至高者 还有为我舍命的救赎主 信祂的人就不定罪 等祂再来时得永生 我们的好处不在祂以外 趁还有今天,莫失恩典 [Chorus] 感恩了,感恩了 数算主恩心中甜美 感恩了,感恩了 每段...
十诫/Ten Commandments/Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Переглядів 5612 годин тому
《十诫》 申命记 5:6-21 [verse 1] 我是耶和华你的神 曾将你从埃及地、为奴之家领出来。 除了我以外、你不可有别的神。 不可为自己雕刻偶像 也不可作甚么形像 仿佛天上、地上、或水中的百物。 不可跪拜那些像、也不可事奉他 因为我耶和华你的神、是忌邪的神 [verse 2] 恨我的,我必追讨他的罪 自父及子、直到三四代。 爱我、守我诫命的, 我必向他们发慈爱直到千代 不可妄称耶和华你神的名 因为妄称耶和华名的、 耶和华必不以他为无罪。 当照耶和华你神所吩咐的、守安息日为圣日。 [verse 3] 六日要劳碌作你一切的工 但第七日、是向耶和华你神当守的安息日。 这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牛、驴、牲畜 并在你城里寄居的客旅无论何工都不可作 使你的仆婢可以和你一样安息。 你也要记念你在埃及地作过奴仆 耶和华你神用大能的手、和伸出来的膀臂 将你从那里领出来 因此,耶和华你的神吩咐你...
Grateful, Oh so Grateful/Special tribute to the Amish! They truly represent Christian and American v
Переглядів 9721 годину тому
Grateful, oh so grateful Special tribute to the Amish! [Verse 1] Grateful, oh so grateful, Counting blessings this year, how wonderful! First, of course, I thank my dearest love, For meeting her amidst this sea of souls. Our days as two felt barely enough, Then one by one, children made it tough. If you ask me how much I love her, it’s just like a mouse loves rice [Verse 2] Next, I thank our pa...
牛的控诉/根据典故《东郭先生与狼》/Ox's Complaint/According to the story of Mr. Toongool and the Wolf
Переглядів 133День тому
《牛的控诉》 Ox’s Complaint 根据典故《东郭先生与狼》 According to the story of Mr. Toongool and the Wolf [Verse 1] 东郭先生他滥施慈悲,救恶狼逃过灾难一截 谁料危机刚刚过去,狼说饥饿难忍要吃人 他们让老牛来评公道,老牛摇头叹息泪如涌泉 我曾助农夫耕地种田,如今老去他却要把我宰杀 [Chorus] 老牛不必暗自神伤,忘恩负义人间经常 贪婪嫉妒自私毒念,罪债累积比山高海深 末日火湖是他们归处,恶行难逃大宝座审判 盼那公义者执掌天下,让公平公义处处显扬 [Verse 2] 老牛诉说昔日情,壮年辛勤担重 , 拉车犁田打谷场,助农一家乐安生。 如今年老无人顾,残皮老骨换金银。 泪落尘埃问苍天,世人何以这般冷? [Chorus] 老牛不必暗自神伤,忘恩负义人间经常 贪婪嫉妒自私毒念,罪债累积比山高海深 末日火湖是他们...
使徒信经/Apostles' Creed
Переглядів 120День тому
[Verse 1] 我信上帝,全能的父,创造天地的主 我信我主耶稣基督,上帝的独生子 因圣灵感孕,从童贞女马利亚所生 在本丢彼拉多手下受难,被钉在十字架上,受死,埋葬 [Verse 2] 他降在阴间;第三天从死里复活,升天 坐在全能父上帝的右边 将来必从那里降临,审判活人,死人 我信圣灵 [Bridge] 我信圣而公之教会;我信圣徒相通 我信罪得赦免; 我信身体复活; 我信永生。阿们!
键盘侠之歌/Song of the Keyboard Warriors
Переглядів 123День тому
键盘侠之歌 [Verse 1] 白昼如夜,屏幕作家, 整天泡在手机笔记本下。 工作无望,挣不来钱, 啃老成习惯,生活已偏颇边缘。 幸灾乐祸,看不得别人好, 三条腿青蛙成热点,笑声狂飙。 名人假死讯,乐此不疲, 一人死多次,全凭一键传奇。 [Chorus] 键盘在响,心里空空, 感恩无影,道义无踪。 扭曲的影子,自私的灵魂, 行尸走肉,迷失在虚拟森林。 [Verse 2] 游戏成科学,自诩为专家, 几行评论便写满“专业回答”。 道德是笑话,感恩成虚妄, 精神荒漠里,迷失在冷漠霜光。 四条腿蛤蟆,不屑一看, 偏爱三条腿怪物的孤独悲叹。 他们指点江山,转发世界, 却不知生活中早已无立脚的界。 [Chorus] 键盘在响,心里空空, 感恩无影,道义无踪。 扭曲的影子,自私的灵魂, 行尸走肉,迷失在虚拟森林。 [Bridge] 难道此生,就如此消磨? 天生我材,岂能无用? 要决心悔改,离开这假...
Bound in Love/爱中相连/Lyrics inspired by Dr. Phil's speech at a Trump campaign rally
Переглядів 249День тому
Lyrics inspired by Dr. Phil's speech at a Trump campaign rally/Thank God for moving the people to choose the leaders they want/Thank Elon Musk, JD Vance, Scott Pressler 《Bound in Love》 [Verse 1] Donald we know is not a perfect man, But he is a brother within God’s family. Trusting in Christ, the Savior above, He follows the path of truth and love. [Chorus] God’s love binds us together as one, N...
杏树的悲歌/根据典故《东郭先生与狼》/The Lament of the Apricot Tree/According to the story of Mr ToonGool and the Wolf
Переглядів 15314 днів тому
杏树的悲歌/根据典故《东郭先生与狼》/The Lament of the Apricot Tree/According to the story of Mr ToonGool and the Wolf
His name surpasses the angels/Messiah Pt 2 Scene 4
Переглядів 13521 день тому
His name surpasses the angels/Messiah Pt 2 Scene 4
纪念白求恩/In Memory of Norman Bethune/ A true Soldier and Servant of Christ/Come Lord Jesus
Переглядів 18821 день тому
纪念白求恩/In Memory of Norman Bethune/ A true Soldier and Servant of Christ/Come Lord Jesus
忧患之子/Man of Sorrow/Messiah pt 2 scene1
Переглядів 206Місяць тому
忧患之子/Man of Sorrow/Messiah pt 2 scene1
谁是这荣耀的王/Messiah pt2 scene3/突出基督的升天与他在天上掌权的荣耀地位/副歌部分引用了诗篇 24:7-10和诗篇 110:1
Переглядів 186Місяць тому
谁是这荣耀的王/Messiah pt2 scene3/突出基督的升天与他在天上掌权的荣耀地位/副歌部分引用了诗篇 24:7-10和诗篇 110:1
沁园春/圣灵九果/The Spirit's Nine Fruits according to Qinyuanchun
Переглядів 163Місяць тому
沁园春/圣灵九果/The Spirit's Nine Fruits according to Qinyuanchun
For We Are USA/Now it's time to wake up- the election is over. Let’s return to our normal routines
Переглядів 283Місяць тому
For We Are USA/Now it's time to wake up- the election is over. Let’s return to our normal routines
Ah! This is my beloved neighborhood/In this place, love does reside everywhere/啊!这就是我可爱的邻里
Переглядів 152Місяць тому
Ah! This is my beloved neighborhood/In this place, love does reside everywhere/啊!这就是我可爱的邻里
Переглядів 213Місяць тому
Yea Trump is going to keep on doing what he is doing for sure. 4 years of stealing ahead 😊
God bless President Trump welcome back now you can do your job and prove these idiots wrong just by doing what you do
Bull Shit!!!
this is so awesome and whimsical wow
Dems are scared
周二见 谢谢
He is our national treasure. Love that man.
I hope you'll pass this along because I'm not allowed to comment.... look when the smartest man alive takes the podium, he says get rid of the pre written, I'm a genius I got this
There no way this only got a few likes UA-cam's working for kamilla Harris
The greatest capitalist was and always will be the Vanderbilts. They don't have to be known or seen to rule a country, they don't even have to say anything... I love Musk though.
Fuck yes!
Gives you a sliver of hope, ❤dont he?🇺🇸 👍⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
THAT'S RIGHT ELON...TRUMP2024...🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Iron man entrance
Aren’t these the people who are supposed to be distrusting the elite and rich?
The only thing that surprises me is that there aren’t Russian subtitles too
I like the idea of Elon Musk (Tesla, spaceX, etc) But I don’t like Elon Musk
How many times have you met him ?
@@Chokechain1111 he just doesn't treat people well and is a general a**hole
You are amazing, like your point
Trump is best president
美國現狀 的媒體霸凌⋯⋯!跟 台灣現狀是一樣的 惡質媒體霸凌!
Oprah’s Frankenstein speaks!
Is that a hitler moustache?
every dollar is tax
Breaking: Business owner doesn’t like buisnesses being boycotted
Coming from a guy who fired 80% of the Twitter staff and the company is now more efficient! I'd listen to what he says folks...
Umm yes exactly get rid of unnecessary government spending
He’s trying not to laugh because he knows it’s a stupid thing to say.
✝️🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏽🇺🇸🌏🌍🌎 👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽Dr Phil👏🏼👏🏽👏🏻 ✈️…🗳…🏃♀️🚴🧑🦽🧑🦯🏇
No no they want to make America good I want my “freedom” and I want tampons in men’s bathrooms Kamala all the way
Shut it
Next January, Merica will begin the largest mass deportation in American history! If you're not at least a 3rd generation American, then you gotta GO! or get sent to the Showers 🚿
Musk, doing what NASA cant even with the full force of your tax dollars.
and 70 years of legacy, 70 years
Chinese propaganda agreeing with Trump?! Now that’s crazy
American European people trained by wealthy-rich people to vote for people whom they unknowingly make and keep them millionaires while the average voters income stays the same as a trickle down economics. And, have long trained to think racism instead so to vote against programs they now also have always benefited them, giving those government benefits back to the wealthy in tax windfall and tax breaks
🤦🏻♂️ there are still people willing to ignore the truth speakers
Absolutely crazy isn't it?!
Just weird
Thank you Elon! You are an amazing Patriot! Let's go!!
景美 人靓!