  • 78
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I Roofcamped a TOXIC Roleplayer Village in Rust
Переглядів 8712 місяці тому
I Roofcamped a TOXIC Roleplayer Village in Rust
I played the day before force wipe and this is what happened
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I played the day before force wipe and this is what happened
We Controlled the Server from Oxum's Gas Station
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We Controlled the Server from Oxum's Gas Station
I Griefed the Worst Bridge in Rust...
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I Griefed the Worst Bridge in Rust...
I Locked Them in Their Own Base...
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I Locked Them in Their Own Base...
Terrorizing the Server With 100 Spotlights...
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Terrorizing the Server With 100 Spotlights...
Rust but I can only go UP
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Rust but I can only go UP
All clans make this ONE mistake
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All clans make this ONE mistake
Trolling players with smoke grenades
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Trolling players with smoke grenades
I tricked him with a smoke grenade...
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I tricked him with a smoke grenade...
I bullied these door campers
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I bullied these door campers
I was crafting an eoka... (Ft. Throat)
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I was crafting an eoka... (Ft. Throat)
We doorcamped them with jackhammers...
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We doorcamped them with jackhammers...
I spawned next to cargo...
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I spawned next to cargo...
I annoyed this clan into raiding us - Rust
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I annoyed this clan into raiding us - Rust
They thought I was cheating...
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They thought I was cheating...
A Duos snowball - A Rust Movie
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A Duos snowball - A Rust Movie
We played old Recoil in 2024 and Wiped Everyone - Rust
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We played old Recoil in 2024 and Wiped Everyone - Rust
Controling Large Oilrig on Forcewipe - Rust
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Controling Large Oilrig on Forcewipe - Rust
Stomping on prim kids on a one grid server in rust
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Stomping on prim kids on a one grid server in rust
The Raiders Are Active - A Rust Song
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The Raiders Are Active - A Rust Song
I abused the Rust META
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I abused the Rust META
We made everyone quit on Force Wipe - Rust one Grid
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We made everyone quit on Force Wipe - Rust one Grid
Rust - The Stone Quarry is Underrated
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Rust - The Stone Quarry is Underrated
Rust - 1770 hour solo plays on a 10x server
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Rust - 1770 hour solo plays on a 10x server
I found the m4 shotgun for the perfect snowball in rust
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I found the m4 shotgun for the perfect snowball in rust
My Fastest AK ever in Rust
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My Fastest AK ever in Rust
I played Solo on Rustoria Main
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I played Solo on Rustoria Main
I joined A1den's Viewer Zerg
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I joined A1den's Viewer Zerg


  • @davethezanno3782
    @davethezanno3782 3 дні тому

    L adv.

  • @wsasdasdasda
    @wsasdasdasda 9 днів тому

    "scammer get scammed" ahh video

  • @wsasdasdasda
    @wsasdasdasda 9 днів тому


  • @spoggyy
    @spoggyy 15 днів тому

    Is this.. an upload..

    • @spoggyy
      @spoggyy 15 днів тому

      The answer is no this doesn’t count

  • @jamesgass12
    @jamesgass12 15 днів тому

    Up top my brother

  • @seantastic9216
    @seantastic9216 15 днів тому

    Tyler is my king and yes I’m talking about THAT tyler

  • @wsasdasdasda
    @wsasdasdasda 15 днів тому

    SIGMA sry i missed stream i was at school

  • @MichaelGordon-rj3if
    @MichaelGordon-rj3if 16 днів тому


  • @bengermany6988
    @bengermany6988 16 днів тому


  • @maddogfox9303
    @maddogfox9303 17 днів тому

    is it faster or the same as the old flamethrower?

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 16 днів тому

      its faster for sure but idk if its cheaper or not

  • @maddogfox9303
    @maddogfox9303 17 днів тому

    if ur ping is good you should try some SEA servers, alot of them are noobs lol

  • @niluferyagz1096
    @niluferyagz1096 17 днів тому

    Corny why are jerking the horse

  • @lovothehobo
    @lovothehobo 18 днів тому


  • @DangerLevi
    @DangerLevi 19 днів тому

    I came in clutch with the distraction 🎉

  • @DangerLevi
    @DangerLevi 19 днів тому

    Meanwhile I was sitting In the base like 😃

  • @GamerGod-cb6bu
    @GamerGod-cb6bu 21 день тому

    Bro clutched 🔥

  • @seantastic9216
    @seantastic9216 22 дні тому

    I came

  • @CamRoss-s9v
    @CamRoss-s9v 24 дні тому

    can i join you

  • @RustyPeng
    @RustyPeng Місяць тому

    Insufferable watch i gave up at 0:49

  • @Poiz-_-
    @Poiz-_- Місяць тому

    Now way I watch this man since like 300 subs still love his vids and he plays with the e goat❤ (can we ever play a wipe👉👈)

  • @joshuapaulson3715
    @joshuapaulson3715 2 місяці тому

    omg you suck at old recoil.

  • @LeandroMarklin-mq4qz
    @LeandroMarklin-mq4qz 2 місяці тому

    You are the best❤ try to play with Willjum trust

    @LAZERW0LF 2 місяці тому

    Now i get to watch all three sides of the story :) great to see another video from my corny father

  • @spoggyy
    @spoggyy 2 місяці тому

    corny i love you

  • @dipskie
    @dipskie 2 місяці тому

    corny let me play with u i need a team8

  • @manopato5269
    @manopato5269 2 місяці тому


  • @jamesgass12
    @jamesgass12 2 місяці тому

    new corny, life is good again

  • @ethuna
    @ethuna 2 місяці тому


  • @ThroatYT
    @ThroatYT 2 місяці тому


  • @rustsucks
    @rustsucks 2 місяці тому

    what if instead of corn balls it was horn balls O-o

  • @theokulju8610
    @theokulju8610 2 місяці тому

    love the video brother you getting like and follow

  • @justaguythatmakesvideos
    @justaguythatmakesvideos 2 місяці тому

    Man i was so mad when you said roofcamping but then i heard the story. And also the lovely parents fighting😊

  • @masonperkins778
    @masonperkins778 2 місяці тому

    What’s with the blacked out rectangle?

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 2 місяці тому

      @@masonperkins778 that’s from the helmet I was wearing

    • @masonperkins778
      @masonperkins778 2 місяці тому

      @@Corny5150 you should try to edit the black rectangle away👌

  • @spoggyy
    @spoggyy 2 місяці тому

    Corny I’m finally editing my videos consistently every day after school are you proud of me

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 2 місяці тому

      @@spoggyy so proud

  • @Mittew
    @Mittew 2 місяці тому

    I love roofcamping

  • @rustsucks
    @rustsucks 2 місяці тому

    w vid

  • @M.TTT.
    @M.TTT. 2 місяці тому

    🌽 Country girls make do 🌽

  • @randomcernoch
    @randomcernoch 2 місяці тому

    Wiped everyone..... 3 players online 💀💀

  • @Liam-pj4cs
    @Liam-pj4cs 2 місяці тому

    can you teach me how to play

  • @SerinityMajovcheLuen
    @SerinityMajovcheLuen 2 місяці тому

    The 34 days old server is like a ghost town…

  • @formulagold4863
    @formulagold4863 2 місяці тому

    good video, made me laugh

  • @Meme1337xd
    @Meme1337xd 2 місяці тому

    was gonna sub untill i saw that u promotin scam site :( kinda sad

    • @dareubk7552
      @dareubk7552 2 місяці тому

      same toughts here

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 2 місяці тому

      It’s not a scam it’s just a gambling site

    • @Meme1337xd
      @Meme1337xd 2 місяці тому

      @@Corny5150 all gambling sites are a scam my guy, dont sell your soul to the devil for some money. Karma will come after all the people who promote them

  • @GrimSpaceKing
    @GrimSpaceKing 2 місяці тому

    Bro needs more subs for such a kick ass vid!

  • @mugrootbeer123
    @mugrootbeer123 2 місяці тому

    Ak for you! Good luck wipe!

  • @fwvhs
    @fwvhs 2 місяці тому

    you are not co_rny

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 2 місяці тому

      @@fwvhs I’m corn 😕

  • @xc8034
    @xc8034 3 місяці тому

    Honestly we used to do this as newer players of rust, no fear of losing anything, learning how to efficently get to TC, how players made bases and overall just being roaches and grubbing through loot. There was pvp sometimes but mainly other roaches that had looted decayed bases like us. Good ol' times.

  • @Nai_snowdeer
    @Nai_snowdeer 3 місяці тому

    corny YOU are sigma

  • @ethuna
    @ethuna 3 місяці тому

    your my little cornball

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 3 місяці тому

      @@ethuna no your my little cornball

    • @DistantHorizons-1
      @DistantHorizons-1 2 місяці тому

      @@Corny5150 imma go watch corn

  • @Tricity_YT
    @Tricity_YT 3 місяці тому

    Ah yes a rust youtuber that puts in time and work in his vids, keep up the work brotha

    • @Corny5150
      @Corny5150 3 місяці тому

      @@Tricity_YT goated comment

  • @Hchakaa
    @Hchakaa 3 місяці тому

    Yo this corny as hell