Xiao Zhan is my favourite from C-ent ❤.. not only he is a talented artist but also have an admiring personality ❤... hope Xiao Zhan can reach more heights 🎉🎉🎉..
Oh really but isn't it from your fdm, a teacher got arrested for scamming parents to buy your idol merchandise 😊? And the one who said to bomb the aeroplane which xz will travel also another teacher from your fdm family🫠. Then again the recent one the teacher who sued for writing 153 malicious article about xz and soon to see in public hearing 😢. If I started to list your fdm achievements, it's gonna be a long lis. Here u guys as usual saying xz fans did this and that when yours doing the worst and using that to attack xz is your fdm way of making your fav career path clear🎉. You guys should clear that tag of "most sued fdm in cent" before judging others🤗. Everyone knows how many of these cases u listed are true and how many are fabricated that time to attack xz and make him quit the industry. It's not 2020 anymore where you can countinue your cyberbullying ways. There is law. More law suits are on the way. Your cyberbullying news are all over the internet and media calling you as "cult" 🤧...so better go and concentrate on your idol and hype his career rather than coming to xz related content with your half cooked stories 😊.
How long you are going to white wash your hand in the biggest cyberbullying in cent? Ppl can see fans of which fdm got sued most for that incident and also who celebrate it as some kind of fdm achievement. How many times your fdm threatened us with another 227? Btw, nobody reported ao3, what xz fans reported was a disgusting drawing of xz based on a FF which was spread in weibo. There is only proof of them reporting that perticular post with link of that FF not the whole ao3. And this is the same narrative you guys used to instigate that cyberbullying against xz that time. And you dare to judge other fan circle when it's yours is the most sued fandom in the cent?. Always attacking costars whoever shine above your idol, how many become your victims like xz, wang yang and Zhao yiling? Your cult is attacking xz for past 5 yrs with open death curse in events to livestreams and constant bullying and slandering, the latest being elle magazine and QQ flower issue. In 2024 only, your fdm got around 100 lawsuits from other artists. Don't come to international platform with your lies, we have access to know what's happening there and even here in Twitter and all we are seeing how your "cult" is behaving. So stop lying🤟
肖战地位岌岌可危? 現在的肖戰越來越受歡迎, 小編沒有做功課, 就不要胡說啦.
***** 徐克導演, 肖戰主演的電影 <射雕英雄傳: 俠之大者> 今年春節檔大年初一上映. 預售打破多個記錄, 成為今年的預售冠軍, 剛剛又突破 " 2億 預售票房 ", 明天繼續突破. ***** 肖戰各方面成績那麼好, 黑子越黑他, 肖戰成績越好. 黑子口中的扑, 都是抹黑的, 肖戰的成績比黑子正主成績更好.
肖戰黑膠唱片(10首新歌線上 長期免費收聽) 2024年12月唱片正式出售, 20小時破記錄 3億人民幣 (仍然持續上升). 登上各大平台唱片及QQ榜的: 周榜第一, 月榜第一, 年榜第一, 总榜第一. 已經超越之前所有歌手的成績, 肖戰的唱片成績非常好.
***** 肖戰主演的電影 <诛仙1 > 成本2000千萬, 當年中秋檔上映, 是票房冠軍, 票房是: 4.05億人民幣, 回報率20倍, 投資商大賺特賺, 新聞都說票房冠軍, 成績很好. ***** 肖戰主演的劇 <夢中的那片海> 播放時是收視冠軍, 上週60輪在央視重播, 仍然是收視冠軍, 成績很好 ***** 黑粉說扑的, 是他們自己正主的劇吧.
Xiao Zhan is my favourite from C-ent ❤.. not only he is a talented artist but also have an admiring personality ❤... hope Xiao Zhan can reach more heights 🎉🎉🎉..
I love him. All my support is for Xiao Zhan!
“维基百科”及“百度”国内外两大搜索平台都详尽阐述了“227事件“抵制肖战的都是来自哪些圈层:如有AO3中“国内外各个组织”的人,有电竞圈的人等等... 据当时一些媒体报道:“227事件”期间几乎“半个中国”都下场参与了抵制行动。抵制缘由:肖战饭圈安利追捧肖战太过猖狂,严重骚扰了公众与社会。 最著名的是“肖战教师天团”:8名肖战的教师粉丝无论是课上课下,还是线上线下安利肖战近乎疯狂:引领学生唱歌、跳舞,喊口号赞美肖战、鼓动学生买肖战代言等等... 更有甚者,某教师疫情期间上网课时,屏幕前对讥讽肖战的学生高声怒叱,进行恐吓威胁。被家长曝光媒体后,在全国引起众怒。 国家教育部直接发文点了那8位教师的名,并对那个威胁学生的教师肖粉及其学校校长进行了严厉处罚。 再有一例:为推销肖战某一歌片,肖战大粉给自家粉丝分派购买任务不说,竟然还分派到小学生头上。孩子的母亲在购买现场向某媒体记者吐槽。记者对此写了报道,发到电视台、电台及报界,网上更是疯传开来,影响恶劣。最后又是官方下场整肃.... 总之肖战饭圈给肖战“造业太多”,遭国人痛恶,“227”时期纷纷下场抵制肖战也不足为奇。
Oh really but isn't it from your fdm, a teacher got arrested for scamming parents to buy your idol merchandise 😊? And the one who said to bomb the aeroplane which xz will travel also another teacher from your fdm family🫠. Then again the recent one the teacher who sued for writing 153 malicious article about xz and soon to see in public hearing 😢. If I started to list your fdm achievements, it's gonna be a long lis. Here u guys as usual saying xz fans did this and that when yours doing the worst and using that to attack xz is your fdm way of making your fav career path clear🎉. You guys should clear that tag of "most sued fdm in cent" before judging others🤗. Everyone knows how many of these cases u listed are true and how many are fabricated that time to attack xz and make him quit the industry. It's not 2020 anymore where you can countinue your cyberbullying ways. There is law. More law suits are on the way. Your cyberbullying news are all over the internet and media calling you as "cult" 🤧...so better go and concentrate on your idol and hype his career rather than coming to xz related content with your half cooked stories 😊.
@@raashiiira我文中举出的实例都是在正规信息渠道有证可查的! 1,“谷歌”和“维基”:关于“肖战教师天团” 2,“维基百科”和“百度”:有关“227事件; 3,广东佛山电视台记者和「法制日报」记者的报道:有关肖战大粉分派唱片购买任务给小学生。 谷歌、维基、百度肖粉可自己去查相关词条。佛山记者和「法制日报」的报道我当然有资料在手,只是无法上传UA-cam ,但可以和肖战团伙法庭对证。“肖战教师天团“和“给小学生分派购买任务”两大“丑闻”在当时中国几乎是“路人皆知”! “造谣造假”多年来就是肖家的主打专攻!但肖粉不要“狗眼看人低”,以为天下都是一样的“渣人劣种”!本人和肖粉的区别即是:不靠造谣来说事辨理! 你东拉西扯的一堆能像我一样举证说明出处吗? 事实是,內娱被起诉最多、惩罚最重的非肖战粉丝莫属!同样被罚款,肖粉经常是别家粉丝的3-4倍,说明犯法情节严重得多!而且几乎所有与肖战同剧出演主角的前同事如:王大陆、赵露思、黄景瑜、杨紫、吴萱仪、任敏等,当然还有受创最深的王一博;除此还有不曾共事但也成死敌的成毅、朱一龙等,都对肖战粉丝因“造谣诽谤、网暴他人”进行过起诉。 此外,请问你按头给我的“偶像”是谁?本人有自己欣赏的才华品格并具的演员艺人,但从未入过任何饭圈,永远特立独行!
Zhan ❤❤
世界最大的百科搜索平台“维基百科”和中国最大的百科搜索平台“百度”上详尽地阐述了“227事件”的起因、经过、和结局等等 ,明确定义了: “227”是肖战大粉“巴南区小兔赞比”带领几千名肖战粉丝举报AO3引发的。那位“赞比大粉”当年还被肖战饭圈骂了个狗血喷头... 而肖战团伙编造了“朱一龙和王一博所属艺人公司预谋策划了227”的弥天大谎。 首先两点: 1,“始作俑者”才可能是“预谋者”。请问:别人如何将肖家的“举报”预谋在先? 2,国内外9亿多人的抵制大军是小小艺人公司引领操控得了的吗?他们成不了那样的“世界领袖”!造谣也分智商高低! “维基“和“百度”上还详尽解析阐明了当年参与抵制肖战的9亿多人都具体来自哪些圈层:和王一博、朱一龙没有丝毫关系! “227事件”最后也是以肖战出来向社会和公众“请罪道歉”而告终。 肖战饭圈曾一度叫嚣:他家已经以自编的“227阴谋论”剧本为证上告了法院。至今4年多过去了,石沉大海,没了后续。同样说明“227阴谋论”就是个彻头彻尾的“欺世谎言”!法院可能觉得搭理你们都有辱他们的智商!肖战饭圈至今还不断拿编造的各种谎言“版本”和“桥段”舞到公众面前! 多年来肖战团伙将编造的“227阴谋论”作为“教程”,邪教似的给粉丝上课洗脑,让她们认为:为了给哥哥报仇,网暴他人是正义的。 以此为由,肖战饭圈对王一博进行了多年的疯狂网暴:造谣诽谤、辱骂喷脏、发毒誓、诅黑咒... 花式捏造各种“王一博绯闻”毁坏其名誉;造谣诅咒王一博“飞机失事丧生”;“赛道事故身亡,曝尸荒野”;王一博生日祝他“忌日快乐”;制作“杀鸡爆头血腥视频”进行威胁恐吓;不时以恶言咒语问候其父母家人等等... 很多时候已是丧失了基本的人性!(所述均有平台截图或视频为证) 肖战饭圈在“有记忆的互联网”上留下斑斑劣迹,一次次坐实自身即是制造“网暴”和“乱象”的“劣质饭圈”,被赋予“內娱毒瘤”之名号不是浪得虚名的 !
How long you are going to white wash your hand in the biggest cyberbullying in cent? Ppl can see fans of which fdm got sued most for that incident and also who celebrate it as some kind of fdm achievement. How many times your fdm threatened us with another 227? Btw, nobody reported ao3, what xz fans reported was a disgusting drawing of xz based on a FF which was spread in weibo. There is only proof of them reporting that perticular post with link of that FF not the whole ao3. And this is the same narrative you guys used to instigate that cyberbullying against xz that time. And you dare to judge other fan circle when it's yours is the most sued fandom in the cent?. Always attacking costars whoever shine above your idol, how many become your victims like xz, wang yang and Zhao yiling? Your cult is attacking xz for past 5 yrs with open death curse in events to livestreams and constant bullying and slandering, the latest being elle magazine and QQ flower issue. In 2024 only, your fdm got around 100 lawsuits from other artists. Don't come to international platform with your lies, we have access to know what's happening there and even here in Twitter and all we are seeing how your "cult" is behaving. So stop lying🤟
@@raashiiira有关肖战饭圈和“AO3 ”的是与非、恨与仇,你们找AO3扯去!对此我根本没兴趣,也和內娱其他艺人没有 半毛关系! 但你们无耻捏造了“227阴谋论”的弥天大谎,并以此疯狂网暴王一博多年,这笔账才是应该清算的!
Love Cheng Yi 👍❤️
雖然我個人很喜歡毛毛,但有一說一 音樂功底他比華晨宇差了不是一點半點,華的功底比你想像中的要厚,畢竟從少就有無限的資源去支撐他的學習
羅雲熙就是那麼敬業的一位好演員就是這樣沒休息之後他常常會很容易一不小心就會扭傷腳這就是留來的後遺症真是敬業的演員而那些沒道德沒良心的黑粉跟頻道每次都說 他瘦腳瘦的像竹竿這些人真的是很 沒公德心又鐵石心腸說話缺德的人 請別在為自己造孽要為自己修羅雲熙加油相信你一定會成功會永遠支持喜歡做為你的後盾
1:19 黃蓉雖然不是大美女 <=== 嚇,金老寫黃蓉:肌膚勝雪、嬌美無匹;容色絕麗,不可逼視。<== 這還不是大美女? 楊過跟 小龍女生活一段時間之後,重遇黃蓉時:楊過心想:「原來郭伯母竟這般美貌,小時候我卻不覺得。」 <== 平常看的是美似天仙的小龍女,之後看到黃蓉,年長的黃蓉哦,還能驚嘆黃蓉的美貌,這叫不是大美女!!!
看到海外用 "30分鐘客串的肖戰" 的海報宣傳"庆余年", 真的很諷刺呀
Xz. good🎉!
Love and support Yibo only !
Xiao Zhan is the best ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Initially he said Bulgary. I was so confused. What had Bulgary do with Xinjang cotton and slippers? Finally he said Nike. 🤔 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
金庸地下有知 大概也要氣得跳起來
肖戰太帥了,黑子忌妒也沒用,連續6年世首帥,酸言酸語妳的正主有比較優秀嗎? 不喜歡還要看?造謠他都會被打臉,肖戰就是優秀,事實就是事實,承認別人的優秀是美德,喜歡正能量的偶像肖戰。💖💖💖
zhan congratulations every victory infront of you much love 🕊🕊🫶🫶❤️🩹❤️🩹🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🙏🙏🥀🥀💞💞✨️✨️😇😇
Xz. good🎉!