Helena Avelar Seminar
Helena Avelar Seminar
  • 28
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Astrology & the Astrolabe with Stephen Johnston
Although the astrolabe is now commonly presented as an instrument to tell time, in historical sources the determination of the ascendant is as important, if not a more fundamental operation. The ascendant is only the first step in the astrolabe’s astrological role across a variety of languages and cultures. In this paper I examine some of the specific adaptations designed to enhance the astrological capacity of the instrument, focusing on late medieval and early-modern Europe, but drawing on wider evidence as well. I will particularly show how the astrolabe was simplified for astrological use, and that astrology therefore had the same instrumental trajectory as the arts of navigation and surveying in the Renaissance. Its alignment with these exoteric disciplines underlines the extent to which, rather than being bracketed as occult, astrology was treated simply as another of the mathematical arts whose practice and material culture were being dramatically redeveloped during the 16th century.
Stephen Johnston became Senior Research Curator at the History of Science Museum in 2022. From 2018-2022 he was Head of Research, Teaching and Collections at the History of Science Museum, having first joined the Museum as Assistant Keeper in 1995. He has curated exhibitions on a broad range of themes within the history of science, from Al-Mizan: Sciences and Arts in the Islamic World (2010) to Geek is Good (2014). Previously he was a curator and special projects officer at the Science Museum London. He studied History and Philosophy of Science at both undergraduate and graduate level at the University of Cambridge, completing his doctorate on Elizabethan practical mathematics under the supervision of Jim Bennett.
Переглядів: 441


Inquisição e Astrologia em Portugal, 1542-1640 com Francisco Malta Romeiras
Переглядів 813 місяці тому
Entre 1536 e 1821, o foro da inquisição envolvia vigiar, impedir e punir a difusão de doutrinas e práticas contrárias à fé e aos bons costumes católicos. Além dos julgamentos e dos autos-de-fé, o Santo Ofício estava também encarregue da censura preventiva e repressiva de livros. Para contornar a rápida desatualização e a manifesta incompletude dos Índices de Livros Proibidos, o Índice publicado...
Practical astrology in the early 11th-century Byzantium with Levente László (Eötvös University)
Переглядів 3924 місяці тому
MS Paris, BnF, gr. 2506 and other related manuscripts preserve a handful of horoscopes from the late 10th-century / early 11th-century Byzantium. These nativities, solar returns, and inceptions, which have not yet received a complete critical edition, were apparently devised by one anonymous astrologer, who exhibited a profound knowledge of his predecessors’ doctrines and advanced predictive te...
Os globos celestes e a “descoberta” do céu austral com Luís Tirapicos
Переглядів 555 місяців тому
Discutiremos nesta sessão o surpreendente papel dos globos celestes na divulgação, estudo e apropriação do céu austral, no início do século XVII, pelos matemáticos e astrónomos na Europa, em especial pelos holandeses. Veremos de que modo estes globos - sobretudo os de Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) e Willem Jansz Blaeu (1571-1638) - se constituíram como autênticos atlas celestes, incorporando dado...
Heavenly Knowledge: Astrology Books in Religious Libraries
Переглядів 1766 місяців тому
The Catholic Church was, arguably, the most influential and widespread gatekeeper of knowledge in early modern Portugal. Libraries stood as an essential part of the vast monastic and conventual network that went beyond their service as centers of spirituality and religious life. As is generally recognized, religious libraries were actively involved in the process of acquisition, preservation, a...
Medieval Arabic translations of Ptolemy's Almagest
Переглядів 1456 місяців тому
As the most influential work on geocentric cosmology, Ptolemy’s Almagest received much attention by medieval astronomers. Due to its outstanding place amongst the astronomical sources that were subjected to the Graeco-Arabic translation movement, the Almagest was translated into Arabic multiple times during the 8th‒9th centuries CE. The translations were mainly commissioned by the Abbasid royal...
Forecasting the Future in Seventeenth-Century Portugal: the Almanacs of Francisco Guilherme Casmach
Переглядів 746 місяців тому
Among seventeenth-century Portuguese productions, the two astrological almanacs written by Francisco Guilherme Casmach (1569-?) stood out for their rich prose and content. Written in 1644 and 1646, shortly after the 1640 Restoration, they gained prominence for supporting the new political regime and for criticising Manuel Galhano Lourosa (fl. 1643-1674), who he accused of appropriating the auth...
Searching for comets in Late Medieval manuscripts
Переглядів 2699 місяців тому
The observation and representation of comets has intertwined the history of art and science since ancient times. Comets were observed and recorded as exceptional phenomena and from very early on they were linked to catastrophes, such as earthquakes, pestilences, or royal deaths. Codes were defined to decipher the message they announced depending on their appearance, location in the celestial va...
Eclipses solares na Idade Média: técnicas computacionais na previsão da hora e magnitude
Переглядів 8710 місяців тому
Prever um eclipse solar revestia-se sempre de um grande prestígio: o impacto visual e astrológico era importante e o cálculo revelava-se tecnicamente mais difícil do que determinar um eclipse lunar. Quais as ferramentas e técnicas usadas para esta tarefa árdua durante os séculos XIV e XV? Apresentar-se-á um método comum na época para determinar a diferença entre a hora média do eclipse e a hora...
Abraão Zacuto & o Tratado Breue en las Ynfluencias del Cielo
Переглядів 159Рік тому
Abraão Zacuto, de Salamanca, foi uma figura intelectual de destaque na comunidade judaica espanhola do século XV. O seu legado científico tem sido objecto de vários estudos, no entanto, a sua vertente de astrólogo tem sido descurada. A sua principal obra astrológica: o Tratado Breue en las Ynfluencias del Cielo, e seu complemento De los eclipses del sol y la luna, é um manual de instrução para ...
Putting Astronomy into Practice: Alfonsine Canons in Late Medieval Italy
Переглядів 165Рік тому
Since at least as early as the 1320s, the astronomical tables calculated for the city of Toledo and composed at the court of King Alfonso X (el Sabio) had circulated in the major centers of learning in Western Europe along with canons of instruction for their use. In the fourteenth century, these Alfonsine canons mainly focused on finding true planetary positions in longitude, but over time com...
On the Geoheliocentric World System of Nicolaus Raimarus Ursus and its Mechanical Execution
Переглядів 144Рік тому
The geoheliocentric world system conceived by Nicolaus Raimarus Ursus - one of the most controversial figures in the history of science - is an attempt to find a compromise solution between the systems of Ptolemy and Copernicus. Ursus was accused of plagiarism by Tycho Brahe, and a fierce conflict, fought out with sharp verbal attacks, ensued. In 1588 Ursus rendered a schematic diagram of a mec...
O curso da Lua e os Dias Críticos
Переглядів 144Рік тому
No início da modernidade, a astrologia associava-se ao pensar e ao fazer médico. O uso instrumental de técnicas astrológicas pode ser observado em diferentes etapas da prática médica: diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapêutica. Esta apresentação abordará o uso prognóstico dos Dias Críticos e sua relação com o conhecimento astrológico, baseando-se em documentos médicos portugueses do século XVI. Ang...
Quem precisa de cronómetros? Astronomia, longitude e ambições imperiais (1494-1524)
Переглядів 36Рік тому
Calcular a longitude com precisão foi um dos grandes desafios científicos da Idade Moderna. Acredita-se popularmente que a questão da longitude nasceu associada à navegação oceânica, e que foi o desenvolvimento do cronómetro no século XVIII que proporcionou uma solução definitiva do problema. A realidade, porém, é que as origens do cálculo da longitude como problema científico remontam a finais...
Sobre as observações solares de Tycho Brahe
Переглядів 44Рік тому
Ao contrário do que se possa pensar Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) não foi apenas o mais saliente astrónomo observador a “olho nu”, no período que precedeu a invenção do telescópio. De facto, perseguindo o seu programa de renovação da astronomia, Tycho, além de melhorar até à exaustão as escalas e os dispositivos de mira dos seus instrumentos, usou igualmente a camara obscura permitindo assim observaç...
A teoria dos aspectos e a sua importância no corpus e prática astrológica pré-moderna
Переглядів 140Рік тому
A teoria dos aspectos e a sua importância no corpus e prática astrológica pré-moderna
The Doctrine of Lots in Medieval Chinese Astrology by Jeffrey Kotyk - SHA - 26 May 2022
Переглядів 7632 роки тому
The Doctrine of Lots in Medieval Chinese Astrology by Jeffrey Kotyk - SHA - 26 May 2022
The Stars in the Navigation Treatises by Ibn Mājid & Sulaymān al-Mahrī by Inês Bénard da Costa - SHA
Переглядів 1152 роки тому
The Stars in the Navigation Treatises by Ibn Mājid & Sulaymān al-Mahrī by Inês Bénard da Costa - SHA
Heinrich Rantzau and the Power of the Stars by Günther Oestmann - SHA - 24 MAR 2022
Переглядів 3602 роки тому
Heinrich Rantzau and the Power of the Stars by Günther Oestmann - SHA - 24 MAR 2022
Heavens Within the Sky: Celestial Forms in Greek and Arabic by Juan Acevedo - SHA - 24 Fev 22
Переглядів 1712 роки тому
Heavens Within the Sky: Celestial Forms in Greek and Arabic by Juan Acevedo - SHA - 24 Fev 22
Back to the Future: Converse Directions in the History of Astrology by Martin Gansten - SHA 27Jan22
Переглядів 7082 роки тому
Back to the Future: Converse Directions in the History of Astrology by Martin Gansten - SHA 27Jan22
Tabelas astronómicas e a invenção do computador, com Carlos Mão de Ferro - SHA - DEZ 21
Переглядів 872 роки тому
Tabelas astronómicas e a invenção do computador, com Carlos Mão de Ferro - SHA - DEZ 21
Pedro Nunes e a retrogradação da sombra com Henrique Leitão - SPAA 17 Junho 2021
Переглядів 822 роки тому
Pedro Nunes e a retrogradação da sombra com Henrique Leitão - SPAA 17 Junho 2021
Replicating eighteenth-century solar observations, com Leif Svalgaard - SPAA - 27 Mai 21
Переглядів 402 роки тому
Replicating eighteenth-century solar observations, com Leif Svalgaard - SPAA - 27 Mai 21
Os céus divididos: o debate sobre as técnicas de divisão das casas celestes - Luís Ribeiro - FEV 20
Переглядів 3712 роки тому
Os céus divididos: o debate sobre as técnicas de divisão das casas celestes - Luís Ribeiro - FEV 20
Trazer o céu à Terra: a geografia astrológica da Antiguidade à Renascença - Helena Avelar - Dez 2019
Переглядів 2202 роки тому
Trazer o céu à Terra: a geografia astrológica da Antiguidade à Renascença - Helena Avelar - Dez 2019
Explorando diagramas astronómicos by Samuel Gessner - SHA - 25 NOV 2021
Переглядів 892 роки тому
Explorando diagramas astronómicos by Samuel Gessner - SHA - 25 NOV 2021
The Doctrine of Lots in Astrology by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum - SHA - 21 Nov 2021
Переглядів 2,1 тис.2 роки тому
The Doctrine of Lots in Astrology by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum - SHA - 21 Nov 2021


  • @HenriqueGuimarães1e4
    @HenriqueGuimarães1e4 6 днів тому

    Falha no som, pouco antes de 30 min. Fica mudo.

  • @destinosentransito
    @destinosentransito 2 місяці тому

    A very revealing talk. Thank you!

  • @herkimerblue3772
    @herkimerblue3772 5 місяців тому

    Fascinating, thank you for this:)

  • @FreemanPresson
    @FreemanPresson 5 місяців тому

    At 48:29 the only way the Moon is "with" (conjunct) either part is a new Moon on the Asc.

  • @Garden_lady
    @Garden_lady Рік тому

  • @ivanmir1544
    @ivanmir1544 Рік тому

    Gratidão. Abraço. Ivan Mir de Belo Horizonte MG Brasil

  • @urskaosolnik80
    @urskaosolnik80 Рік тому

    This was great, thank you

  • @astrogumbo
    @astrogumbo Рік тому

    Fascinating. Im just sitting here thinking about where Ketu is positioned in Dr. Oestmann's chart:) Thank yall

  • @chrisknutson31
    @chrisknutson31 Рік тому

    This is excellent. Martin is of course very knowledgable on astrological history and presents lucidly.

  • @malcolmmacqueen2340
    @malcolmmacqueen2340 Рік тому

    very comprehensive historical analysis of Lots, thanks

  • @MrJovision
    @MrJovision Рік тому

    Exactamente a palavra é Agua! Eu vi uma excelente peça de teatro nos jardins do Alhambra em Granada, obviamente a noite e a certa altura, para surpresa de todos a sombra do actor está a frente dele, ou seja as sombras estao sempre atras, ainda por cima era um palco largo e os focos apontavam desde o publico para ele, mas nos viamos a sua sombra à sua frente, mais perto de nos do que do fundo... Porquê? Investiguei e vi que a frente dele havia um chafariz e esse chafariz libertava vapor de agua e era essa "tela" liquida, invisivel, de gotículas de vapor que funcionava como uma tela quase impercetível, mas que funcionava para reflectir a sombra à "sua frente"! Gostaria de perguntar sobre a nacionalidade de Pedro Nunes, porque aquela de que Damiao de Gois ao dizer que ele era da Nação Portuguesa, isso queria dizer que era judeu, é a explicação mais ridicula e descabida que alguma vez ouvi.

  • @scottsilverman5584
    @scottsilverman5584 2 роки тому

    Great presentation.Thank you for sharing it with the world

  • @andriih
    @andriih 2 роки тому

    Great!!! Thank you so much!