World Journal of Medical Images, Videos and Cases
World Journal of Medical Images, Videos and Cases
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Acanthamoeba meningoencephalitis in an immunocompetent patient
Переглядів 7362 роки тому
#wjomi #medicine #infection Figure 3. Wet-mount examination of CSF on light microscope showed 6-8 lymphocytes per high power field and sluggishly motile structures with spine like projections. Please visit for the full text article entitled: "Acanthamoeba meningoencephalitis in an immunocompetent patient"
Figure 3. Live Trichomonas vaginalis in 24h Diamond's medium
Переглядів 4 тис.2 роки тому
#wjomi #parasite #medicine Please see the full text article entitled: "A case of group sex trichomoniasis" on Magnification: 400x and 1000x with digital augmentation.
Author's Evening on the book: Chiune Sugihara. The Consul that saved Jews. Survivor videoconference.
Переглядів 713 роки тому
#books #holocaust #sugihara #shoah This film is part of the article on entitled: "Saving lives in the XXI century - as the next COVID-19 wave hits Poland. Saving lives in the XX century - during World War II by Chiune Sugihara." World J Med Images Videos Cases 2021; 7:e63-5. Book title: Chiune Sugihara. Konsul, który ratował Żydów Author: Aleksander B. Skotnicki
15 mm Prunus spinosa thorn removal from patient's heel
Переглядів 2,9 тис.3 роки тому
Please visit for full text article entitled: "Penetrating heel injury mimicking cracked plantar hyperkeratosis"
Father Bielas on the Auschwitz Book of Remembrance
Переглядів 953 роки тому
Full text may be found on This film is part of the article: Gościński I. 76th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Nazi German Concentration Camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau - the Pandemic Meeting. World J Med Images Videos Cases 2021; 7:e24-25. See also:
Professor Gosciński Intro on "Auschwitz Journals"
Переглядів 253 роки тому
Full text may be found on This film is part of the article: Gościński I. 76th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Nazi German Concentration Camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau - the Pandemic Meeting. World J Med Images Videos Cases 2021; 7:e24-25. See the "Auschwitz Journals" here:
Are bearded doctors dangerous? Are smartphones and credit cards safe? - Figure 4
Переглядів 663 роки тому
This film is part of the original article published on entitled: Kostecki W, Kupniewski K, Crain V, Mann MR, Płońska M, Zeng L, Golińska E, Pietrzyk A, Kochan P. Are bearded doctors dangerous? Are smartphones and credit cards safe? The importance of hygiene and object disinfection around hospital and private practice settings as well as the public environment. World J Med Images Video...
Slide culture technique - microculture of filamentous fungi in mycology (molds)
Переглядів 24 тис.4 роки тому
This film is part of the manuscript (Figure 6): Krzyściak P et al. Remote teaching of techniques in medical mycology, can it replace benchwork? World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020. It shows showing microculture of filamentous fungi and preparations from microculture. Please see the free full text of the article on:
How to prepare a Scotch tape slide for fungal micromorphology assessment
Переглядів 22 тис.4 роки тому
This film is part of the manuscript (Figure 7): Krzyściak P et al. Remote teaching of techniques in medical mycology, can it replace benchwork? World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020. It shows how to prepare a Scotch tape slide for fungal micromorphology assessment. Please see the free full text of the article on:
Fast nigrosin staining for cryptococcal capsule
Переглядів 1,3 тис.4 роки тому
This film is part of the manuscript (Figure 3): Krzyściak P et al. Remote teaching of techniques in medical mycology, can it replace benchwork? World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020. It shows fast nigrosin staining for cryptococcal capsule. Please see the free full text of the article on:
Dermatophyte isolation and KOH mount preparation
Переглядів 5 тис.4 роки тому
This film is part of the manuscript (Figures 4 & 5): Krzyściak P et al. Remote teaching of techniques in medical mycology, can it replace benchwork? World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020. It shows dermatophyte isolation and potassium hydroxide mount preparation. Please see the free full text of the article on:
Dalmau Plate Technique - yeast culture on starvation medium
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
This film is part of the manuscript (Figure 8): Krzyściak P et al. Remote teaching of techniques in medical mycology, can it replace benchwork? World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020. It shows a yeast culture on starvation medium (Dalmau plate technique). Please see the free full text of the article on:
How to live and survive the coronavirus pandemic? Any treatment? See WJOMI.COM
Переглядів 514 роки тому
Please visit for the editorial: Kochan P. How to live and survive the coronavirus pandemic? WJOMI awards the 2019 Certificate of Outstanding Contribution to Medicine to Jerzy Owsiak. World J Med Images Videos Cases 2020; 6:e9-13. Free UA-cam music library was used: London Fog by Quincas Moreira
Transmission from Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust - part of the article published in WJOMI
Переглядів 284 роки тому
This recording is part of the article on the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp. See for the full text.
Frédéric Chopin - Prelude in E-Minor, Live Musical Performance, Prof. Bogusz 115th Anniversary TLK
Переглядів 364 роки тому
Frédéric Chopin - Prelude in E-Minor, Live Musical Performance, Prof. Bogusz 115th Anniversary TLK
Unveiling of the Wall Plaque Commemorating Prof. Bogusz in Cracow
Переглядів 534 роки тому
Unveiling of the Wall Plaque Commemorating Prof. Bogusz in Cracow
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 3
Переглядів 255 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 3
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 5
Переглядів 145 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 5
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 4
Переглядів 135 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 4
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 6
Переглядів 265 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 6
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 2
Переглядів 155 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 2
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 1
Переглядів 425 років тому
74th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation PART 1
ESCMID Awards and Questions Session - ECCMID 2019 Press Conference
Переглядів 515 років тому
ESCMID Awards and Questions Session - ECCMID 2019 Press Conference
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 3 - Press Conference
Переглядів 255 років тому
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 3 - Press Conference
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 2 - Press Conference
Переглядів 345 років тому
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 2 - Press Conference
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 1 - Press Conference
Переглядів 485 років тому
ECCMID 2019 Highlights Part 1 - Press Conference
ECCMID 2019 - ESCMID President's Welcome During Press Conference
Переглядів 515 років тому
ECCMID 2019 - ESCMID President's Welcome During Press Conference
Live Trichomonas vaginalis in Diamond's medium
Переглядів 106 тис.5 років тому
Live Trichomonas vaginalis in Diamond's medium
How dirty is your iPhone, your hands and body?
Переглядів 1166 років тому
How dirty is your iPhone, your hands and body?


  • @bdpage2023
    @bdpage2023 12 днів тому

    "Diamond's" her stage name?

  • @katalinaa3088
    @katalinaa3088 15 днів тому

    Gracias por el video, que lente estas utilizando 100x? De donde se toma la muestra, es sangre perfierica, venosa, orina? Agradecerìa tu respuesta

  • @AvanthikaVk-g4l
    @AvanthikaVk-g4l Місяць тому

    So there is no need of gentle heating

  • @l.slayer551
    @l.slayer551 3 місяці тому

    Just whatever I was looking for.

  • @aso__ola22
    @aso__ola22 4 місяці тому

    Cyst stage ??

  • @lynettlongo6044
    @lynettlongo6044 4 місяці тому

    This is kind of fascinating.

  • @d.p.k.channel8488
    @d.p.k.channel8488 4 місяці тому

    Very nice 👌

  • @md.hasumia.2211
    @md.hasumia.2211 5 місяців тому

    Poor Practice

  • @Dr-Haniya4
    @Dr-Haniya4 6 місяців тому

    Which Sample?

  • @Dr-Haniya4
    @Dr-Haniya4 6 місяців тому

    This is Giardilambia

  • @Dr-Haniya4
    @Dr-Haniya4 6 місяців тому

    If this sample Stool This is G LAMBIA. IF THIS IS urine Correct.

  • @Ruktiet
    @Ruktiet Рік тому

    Cool video

  • @experimental_microbiology

    Cool, thanks, can you make phase contrast with live gondii

  • @Rattyanra
    @Rattyanra Рік тому

    This is urine sample right?

  • @zbysiocipulski6308
    @zbysiocipulski6308 Рік тому


  • @wjomi
    @wjomi Рік тому

    See the full text articles on and see

  • @jpashac
    @jpashac Рік тому

    In which magnification of microscope?

    • @bella-bond
      @bella-bond Місяць тому

      Most likely 400x (so they used the 40x objective lens)

  • @victorhugoassishoffbrait2762

    Thanks for the tip. I used it for my master.

  • @wjomi
    @wjomi 2 роки тому

    Figure 3. Wet-mount examination of CSF on light microscope showed 6-8 lymphocytes per high power field and sluggishly motile structures with spine like projections. Please visit for the full text article entitled: "Acanthamoeba meningoencephalitis in an immunocompetent patient"

  • @puneetk00
    @puneetk00 2 роки тому

  • @Anonymoo123
    @Anonymoo123 2 роки тому

    that's what cat love looks like

  • @docducttape9270
    @docducttape9270 2 роки тому

    Looked like the "negative" test had more rice like worm things in it. Lol

    • @wjomi
      @wjomi 2 роки тому

      Yes, because the antibodies did not destroy the parasite. You need to read some more about the test itself - Sabin-Feldman Dye Test. Please also see the comment by Mesut, and replies to it below

  • @miguelmartinezamat2903
    @miguelmartinezamat2903 2 роки тому

    Buen video explicativo!

  • @misharobakov4908
    @misharobakov4908 2 роки тому


  • @turkucina6502
    @turkucina6502 2 роки тому

    nice, I read it was after cuck old with the female partner

  • @nostalgicworld2664
    @nostalgicworld2664 2 роки тому

    this vedio was very helpfull and u interpret the result exclusively , good job👍👍

  • @gregorylucas2977
    @gregorylucas2977 3 роки тому

    Wow many

  • @L.toca.boca.
    @L.toca.boca. 3 роки тому


  • @wjomi
    @wjomi 3 роки тому

    Please see the full text on

  • @aacanpaacan5627
    @aacanpaacan5627 3 роки тому

    thank you

  • @RenieCat
    @RenieCat 3 роки тому

    Look at them go

  • @sturlajonssen4765
    @sturlajonssen4765 3 роки тому


  • @ktosiktelefoniczny1120
    @ktosiktelefoniczny1120 3 роки тому


  • @gregorylucas2977
    @gregorylucas2977 3 роки тому

    Good material

  • @dzikieswinie
    @dzikieswinie 3 роки тому

    Where can you get the book?

  • @L.toca.boca.
    @L.toca.boca. 3 роки тому

    Thanks, interesting

  • @wjomi
    @wjomi 3 роки тому

    This film is part of the editorial on entitled: "Saving lives in the XXI century - as the next COVID-19 wave hits Poland. Saving lives in the XX century - during World War II by Chiune Sugihara." World J Med Images Videos Cases 2021; 7:e63-5. Book title: Chiune Sugihara. Konsul, który ratował Żydów Author: Aleksander B. Skotnicki

  • @tlenthub4540
    @tlenthub4540 3 роки тому

    You just din mention the specimen?

  • @haniawalczak4362
    @haniawalczak4362 3 роки тому


  • @shraddhashukla4869
    @shraddhashukla4869 3 роки тому


  • @tomaszbaca2740
    @tomaszbaca2740 3 роки тому


  • @elidamarialeivagonzalez122
    @elidamarialeivagonzalez122 3 роки тому

    Hi there, can you provide the scientific names or at least the genus of mold depicted in the footage? Thank you!!

    • @pawek7960
      @pawek7960 3 роки тому

      Alternaria sp., Syncephalastrum sp., Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Aspergillus versicolor, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fonsaceae monophora, Conidobolus coronatus,

  • @zbysiocipulski6308
    @zbysiocipulski6308 3 роки тому


  • @misharobakov4908
    @misharobakov4908 3 роки тому

    Thank you for posting-always use hard soles when working!

  • @zbysiocipulski6308
    @zbysiocipulski6308 3 роки тому

    Bad bad thorn

  • @L.toca.boca.
    @L.toca.boca. 3 роки тому

    Good you helped this poor guy!

  • @wjomi
    @wjomi 3 роки тому

    Please visit for full text article entitled: "Penetrating heel injury mimicking cracked plantar hyperkeratosis"

  • @gregorylucas2977
    @gregorylucas2977 3 роки тому

    Scary thanks

  • @alaayhasanhasan8621
    @alaayhasanhasan8621 3 роки тому

    Great technique

  • @AbidHussain-fl8qj
    @AbidHussain-fl8qj 3 роки тому

    Thanks for your infoo sir