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Casio CT-S400 vs Roland GO:KEYS 3, mana yang lebih cocok buat pianist?
Halo rekan-rekan semua, kita jumpa lagi kali ini dalam perbandingan suara piano dari keyboard Casio CT-S400 dengan Roland GO:KEYS 3. Keduanya merupakan keyboard dengan harga relatif terjangkau tapi menjanjikan fitur yang melimpah dan tentunya kualitas suara yang mumpunj, apakah benar? mari kita cek bersama dengan nonton videonya 😊👍
Kalo bagi saya dua-duanya punya kemiripan dalam beberapa hal, walaupun sebenarnya itu malah bisa dibilang kekurangan ya contohnya lubang output yang hanya menggunakan 3,5mm bukan standar Left-Right seperti keyboard standar umumnya (ayolah para produsen keyboard apakah segitu mahalnya membuat keyboard harga terjangkau dengan lubang output standar jack gitar?) berikutnya tombol-tombol yang minim pada panel keyboard nya, sehingga kadang agak memutar otak bagaimana kalau ingin mengedit sesuatu, tapi mungkin ya lama kelamaan akan terasa familiar dan terbiasa. Nah beberapa kekurangan diatas sedikit tertutupi dengan kualitas suara yang sangat baik, sound yang dihasilkan sudah standar profesional/semi pro menurut saya sehingga sangat berguna dalam keperluan sebagai penampil live music. Dalam menyimpan suara-suara yang sudah diedit dan diorganisir dalam user bank sehingga bisa cepat berpindah sound juga mudah, kekurangannya pada CT-S400 sound yang sudah disimpan tidak muncul namanya jadi hanya bisa memilih misalkan bank 2-1 piano akustik tapi di layar hanya ada info angka 2 nomor 1 tanpa keluar info tulisan ini suara apa.. kalau saya untuk mempermudah saya kelompokan bank 1-3 khusus suara piano, bank 4-6 khusus suara filler & bank 7-10 khusus yang ada rhythm nya. Untuk GO:KEYS 3 no problem, nama sound nya muncul bahkan bisa di rename.
Sekian sedikit komparasi dari saya semoga berguna, jangan lupa klik like, komen & subscribe ya! Salam sukses & sehat selalu untuk kita semua.
Hello friends, we meet again this time in comparing the piano sound from the Casio CT-S400 keyboard with the Roland GO:KEYS 3. Both are keyboards with relatively affordable prices but promise abundant features and of course good sound quality, is that true? let's check it together by watching the video 😊👍
For me, the two are similar in several ways, even though in fact it could even be said to be a drawback, for example the output hole only uses 3.5mm instead of the Left-Right standard like standard keyboards in general (come on, keyboard manufacturers, is it that expensive to make an affordable keyboard? with a standard guitar jack output hole?) Next, there are minimal buttons on the keyboard panel, so sometimes it's a bit confusing what to do if you want to edit something, but maybe over time it will feel familiar and used to it. Well, some of the shortcomings above are somewhat covered by the excellent sound quality, the sound produced is of professional/semi pro standard in my opinion so it is very useful for your needs as a live music performer. In saving sounds that have been edited and organized in a user bank, it is also easy to quickly switch sounds, the downside is that on the CT-S400, the names of the saved sounds don't appear so you can only choose, for example, bank 2-1 acoustic piano, but on the screen there is only info. number 2 number 1 without any information coming out of this text, what sound does this sound... for me, to make things easier, I group banks 1-3 specifically for piano sounds, banks 4-6 specifically for filler sounds & banks 7-10 specifically for those with rhythm. For GO:KEYS 3 there is no problem, the name of the sound appears and can even be renamed.
That's a little comparison from me, I hope it's useful, don't forget to click like, comment & subscribe! Best wishes for success & good health to all of us.
#casiocts400 #rolandgokeys3 #keyboardcompare #keyboardreview #devonsamusic #synth #synthesizer #casioindonesia #roland #ochisalat #keyboardcomparison #rolandkeyboard #casiokeyboard
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  • @loopycoupy1470
    @loopycoupy1470 2 дні тому

    Pak, ajari saya melodi seperti itu dong. bertahun2 belajar keyboard cm bisa chord sadja :(

  • @Jack-fs2im
    @Jack-fs2im 9 днів тому

    Nearly all piano demos mainly on the high notes

  • @stevenbela2257
    @stevenbela2257 10 днів тому

    Ini opening Nada dasarnya apa ya

  • @zaynvyannotv
    @zaynvyannotv 11 днів тому

    malah salfok ke permainan nya pantas sekali menjadi kyboardist sejati ..

  • @bertztekz2647
    @bertztekz2647 13 днів тому

    nice casio piano sound❤❤❤

  • @FranciscoMartinezBaez
    @FranciscoMartinezBaez 14 днів тому

    Excelente Bro.... me encanta las comparaciones para que los futuros usuarios tomemos una decisión sabia, gracias a estos grandiosos artistas que les hacen un test a los teclados

  • @didinpermana8059
    @didinpermana8059 18 днів тому

    Xps 30 lebih natural soundnya

  • @lewisjones4158
    @lewisjones4158 20 днів тому

    Great demo. MODX is an excellent machine if you want to dive a bit deeper with programming and creating FM sounds from scratch. CK is really nice plug and play option with lots of really high quality sounds (up to 3 layers together)

  • @Rodristrings
    @Rodristrings 22 дні тому

    Original Vs Emulador.... hoje entendi o que é puch srs

  • @NoOne-jv6qt
    @NoOne-jv6qt 22 дні тому

    Omg Amazing Jazz Style for that "Jesus setia" thank you for an amazing music sir, God bless you & your fam🙏👏🙏

  • @demopiano3935
    @demopiano3935 23 дні тому

    Hello man nice playing, Would you say Roland built in speakers are loud and good enough for personal practice?

    @REIRBL 26 днів тому

    tie! both keyboards are fantastic! 👍👍👍👍🎹🎹🎹🎹

  • @Mariebernadette990
    @Mariebernadette990 26 днів тому

    Vinna cantik

  • @kaisfp
    @kaisfp 29 днів тому

    Which one is your favorite 61-key keyboard? And why? Thank you. (PS. I understand that this type of question might have an "It depends..." type of answer. :))

  • @tanahbali
    @tanahbali Місяць тому

    Harganya 1 banding 2. No comparison...beautiful playing bro...mantab

  • @dhandyjoenathan8149
    @dhandyjoenathan8149 Місяць тому

    om yamaha ck61, sudah ada fitur seamless sound transition blm ya? misal ganti live set, apakah suaranya putus?

  • @diegofernandorodriguezfran7021
    @diegofernandorodriguezfran7021 Місяць тому

    These two keyboards cannot be compared, given their price range it is an unbalanced comparison, it is obvious that ck61 is going to be superior

  • @kaisfp
    @kaisfp Місяць тому

    It's really a shame that even the Casio CT-S400's bread-and-butter piano sounds sound better then Roland Go:Keys 3/5's bread-and-butter piano sounds. I start to think that Roland made the Go:Keys 3/5's non-piano sounds so good that they want us to buy a digital piano from them for the great piano sounds (with the physical modelling Super Natural piano technology). If that's true, then I would say it's a clever move from Roland, and to be fair, it is also fiar for this price range... but those low quality piano sounds on the Go:Keys 3/5 still bugs me :) and judging from many comments I read about this topic, I'm not alone with this feeling/thought/"bug". (by "low quality", I mean significantly lower quality compared to most other high quality sounds on the Go:Keys 3/5) (PS. On the other hand, your playing is definitely high quality, Sir! I wish I become as good as you in improv one day.)

  • @ChristantoYuwono
    @ChristantoYuwono Місяць тому

    Bang numpang tanya: kalau sukanya pakai layers bagus mana ya soundnya????

  • @ChristantoYuwono
    @ChristantoYuwono Місяць тому

    Mantaaaabbbb MODX

  • @harioke-x6k
    @harioke-x6k Місяць тому

    Lagu pertama itu apa bang? Bagus bet

  • @Boy-ml1ld
    @Boy-ml1ld Місяць тому

    Bang saya pemula dan ingin belajar piano yg ringan dan simpel untuk dibawa, mending pilih Roland E-X10 atau Casio CT-S 400 ya. Tapi di video abang ini, suara Casio CTS 400 lebih enak didengar ya😊.

  • @paulyllow
    @paulyllow Місяць тому

    I finally bought a second hand I3 for myself as father day's gift ;) . To my surprise, I really love its user interface and sound quality. With a good pair of headphone, you will notice that the sound quality is high, with clarity, stereo width and punch. Sure, Korg's piano is no where as realistic as Yamaha/Roland/Casio but it is very expressive and punchy when you play chord. Solo at higher register do sound a bit like smooth jazz piano. However, the overall sounds are very responsive to touch with nice nuance and texture. Some of the individual sound may at first sounded weak but when combined as soundset, you get really cool rich/fat sounds when playing live. The styles can be improved of course, but thank to the super easy user interace and set list, you can easily change the sound and customise different parts to make interesting style variation. It is a wonderful busking keyboard and nice little sketch pad when you want to experiment with song composition.

  • @johnd9031
    @johnd9031 Місяць тому

    I like the Roland sound better.

  • @ABoxofChocolate
    @ABoxofChocolate Місяць тому

    HAHAH THE SKILLS MADE THE DIFFERENCE i can't do that in my own cts400

  • @masbagus-n4u
    @masbagus-n4u Місяць тому

    Suaranya sama2 gurih & nikmat.. yg main top skilled

  • @adrielmera8691
    @adrielmera8691 2 місяці тому

    Es una lastima que el xp30 solamente lo hicieron en version 61 notas, hubiese estado genial que hubiesen sacado las versiones de 73 y 88 notas del xp30

  • @isaiasmedeiros9721
    @isaiasmedeiros9721 2 місяці тому

    Hello, ct s500 or go kays 5?

    • @diogoqueiroz4726
      @diogoqueiroz4726 Місяць тому

      Boa pergunta

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat Місяць тому

      @@isaiasmedeiros9721 I think for overall sound quality it's better on Roland Go Keys 5, I have Casio CT-S1000v and still some of the sounds are not quite on par with Roland's

    • @kaisfp
      @kaisfp Місяць тому

      If you have time and energy (and mood), can you please make a similar comparison-playing video like this one with the Roland Go:Keys 3 and with the Casio CT-S1000V? Price-wise the Casio CT-S500 is maybe closer to the Roland Go:Keys 5, but Roland Go:Keys 3 and 5 have the same sounds, and Casio CT-S500 and CT-S1000V have the same sounds too (except the Vocaloid). I haven't seen 1 single comparison like that on UA-cam yet. Thank you.

    • @kaisfp
      @kaisfp Місяць тому

      You could do even 2 videos (with 2 different cathegory sounds), like you did with this Roland Go:Keys 3 and Casio CT-S400, I think these 2 videos were very helpful.

  • @maurykeyboard
    @maurykeyboard 2 місяці тому

    Roland es mejor en calidad, esta comparación esta echa con un teclado Yamaha actual y Roland de hace 12 años, yo tengo Roland Bk5, Roland Huno Stage y Roland Lucina, tongo Korg Krome y Korg I3, Casio CT+X5000 y Caio Prvia Px360. tenia yamaha MOX6 pero realmente no me gusto. no uso Yamaha. Saludos desde Los Cabos Mexico

  • @Majups
    @Majups 2 місяці тому

    Cts 400 bagus juga suara nya, walau harganya setengahnya i3. Kedengarannya suara piano cts 400 sdh agak panjang, tidak seperti pendahulunya cts 300,200 & 100.

  • @disfurtar
    @disfurtar 2 місяці тому

    Creo que tu interface no graba bien, el Modx de hecho que tiene que sonar mejor porque la diferencia de precios es notable, pero Roland XPS30 no suena así.

  • @leolimateclas
    @leolimateclas 2 місяці тому

    Midi grand, mk-80 rhodes...amazing

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat 25 днів тому

      @@leolimateclas Yes of course, that's an everlasting sound 😊

  • @robertovalgimigli7265
    @robertovalgimigli7265 2 місяці тому

    La yamaha ck 61 e' nettamente superiore costa + del doppio i suoni sono campionati meglio. La Roland per il prezzo che costa va fin troppo bene.

  • @jujacobpiano8394
    @jujacobpiano8394 2 місяці тому

    Korg X50 Top

  • @paulyllow
    @paulyllow 2 місяці тому

    Hey. It may be good to do a comparison between old Roland BK5 vs the new Roland Go Keys 3/5. I suspect the new Roland Go Keys 3/5 's keybed and the output sound quality is not as good as the old BK5. Korg i3 can still be great if the sounds and styles are updated. Older keyboard has better DAC I think. Their output quality is better than many newer keyboard. The accompaniments of new Roland Go Keys 3/5 sound very weak and unclear at times. Drum has no punch and all instruments seem to compress together without proper stereo width.

  • @muhammadazmi6258
    @muhammadazmi6258 2 місяці тому

    Sejak dulu pakek roland👍👍

  • @paulyllow
    @paulyllow 2 місяці тому

    Korg i3 should be more like a 76 keys Korg XE20 without speakers packaged in a Korg Liano body with some modern features, eg Appergio, motion effects and chord sequencer/looper. Instead what we get is more or less a Korg EK50 without speakers and yet somehow costs a lot more, with a very synthetic piano sound that even cheap Casio/Yamaha budget arrangers can beat them. We are now in a digital world, we need a keyboard that we can purchase/load our own sound and style packs that suit our needs. We want to upgrade our hardware with firmware update. We don't want to buy yet another keyboard just to get some new sounds/styles with many preloaded sound/styles we will probably never use. I think Roland Go Keys 3/5 is moving in the right direction.

  • @cyberphonic
    @cyberphonic 2 місяці тому

    Which has the better keybed for piano playing, front to back weighting etc?

  • @goldeneagleproduction5727
    @goldeneagleproduction5727 2 місяці тому

    Cukup dengerin sound pianonya aja udah bisa langsung pilih CK61. Mendem bgt concert pianonya go keys 3

  • @elcaneloysusaborcanela
    @elcaneloysusaborcanela 2 місяці тому

    I got my M06 in 2024....but I dont. Know how to use it, justt normal.

  • @dimasalvisyah5092
    @dimasalvisyah5092 2 місяці тому

    Om korg x50 ada menu transpose gak ya

  • @mk-emusic2870
    @mk-emusic2870 2 місяці тому

    Aunque en esta comparación de sonidos, recuerda que BK5 es mas de 10 años de diferencia, en particular yo tengo los 2 instrumentos el I3 y el BK5👍

  • @antonoktavianus
    @antonoktavianus 2 місяці тому

    Om mau tnya dong. Roland gokeysnya pakai stand merek apa? Saya baru beli gokeys 3 jg warna midnight blue om, lg cari standnya 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @gabrielpapong4117
    @gabrielpapong4117 2 місяці тому

    Bang ,kalau mau di badingkan ,bagusan ctx 5000 atau seri CTS 1000 yah pak .makasih 🙏

  • @waffyarrmusic3265
    @waffyarrmusic3265 2 місяці тому

    i3 sound plastik

  • @TheGergeDIY
    @TheGergeDIY 3 місяці тому

    In your hands they both sound amazing. Incredible playing.

  • @r_y5275
    @r_y5275 3 місяці тому

    Volume layer di Go Keys 3 bisa diatur kah Om?

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat 3 місяці тому

      Bisa banget 👍 hanya mesti masuk ke menu, gak ada real time slider/knob untuk atur volume nya langsung

    • @r_y5275
      @r_y5275 3 місяці тому

      @@ochisalat Terima kasih infonya Om 🙏

  • @r_y5275
    @r_y5275 3 місяці тому

    Om, kalau yg lebih bagus dr GoKeys3 dg harga selevel, apa ya?

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat 3 місяці тому

      GoKeys 3 kan di 6 jtan, ini maksudnya baru/second? Kalo baru yang setara secara harga ada Casio CT-S500 & Roland XPS10, kembali ke selera sih.. tapi untuk kualitas sound secara umumnya masih menang GoKeys 3

    • @r_y5275
      @r_y5275 3 місяці тому

      @@ochisalat Terima kasih infonya Om 🙏

  • @altupas
    @altupas 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for this sound comparison video Sir!Really love your piano playing Sir...Piano runs tutorial please😊🙏

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat 3 місяці тому

      Thank you friend! Hahaha I don't make piano tutorial videos because I think there are many better players than me 😀

    • @altupas
      @altupas 3 місяці тому

      Oh !you're one of the best piano players i've seen in you tube Sir.no kidding!i hope you'll change your mind and share some of your useful gems.Thank you in advance😅

  • @Mikasa07812
    @Mikasa07812 3 місяці тому

    Mas request ck61 sama xps30 dong mas

    • @ochisalat
      @ochisalat 3 місяці тому

      Ok nanti kalo ada waktu & kesempatannya saya coba buatkan ya.. 😊

    • @Mikasa07812
      @Mikasa07812 3 місяці тому

      @@ochisalat terimakasih mas 🙏🏻🤗