Titan Reloading
Titan Reloading
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Lee Precision APP
A first look at the new Lee APP. Shows the decapping and primer pocket swaging in action as well as a few thoughts on the press.
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Reloading - Getting Started
Переглядів 2,6 тис.6 років тому
In this video I discuss the items your going to need or want if you decide to get into reloading. The video turned out to be quite a bit longer than I wanted, so there are many items I didn't get a chance to talk about. Check List: -Needs! Press Dies (Shellholder/Shellplate) Primer seater Powder Scale Caliper/Micrometer Case Cleaning device (Tumbler/Sonic Cleaner) -Suggested! Powder Measure Pri...
Classic Cast Turret Press
Переглядів 3,2 тис.6 років тому
Father's Day Sale! Classic Cast Turret Press kit is on sale with the coupon code: FATHER www.titanreloading.com/lee-classic-cast-turret-press-kit?search=90304 This video is about the Lee Classic Cast Turret Press. It is a very simple, and convenient press to use! Probably one of my favorites. check us out at www.titanreloading.com/index.php?route=common/home Follow us on Facebook t...
Lee Rifle Dies
Переглядів 1,8 тис.6 років тому
In this video, Michael talks about the Lee rifle reloading dies. Offering an explanation of what the die does, and how it accomplishes it. Then goes into set up advice.
Lee Auto Breech Lock Pro Demonstration
Переглядів 12 тис.6 років тому
A quick demonstration showing the new Lee Precision Auto Breech Lock Pro reloading ammunition. After recording the demonstration, I reloaded a few hundred more. What I have found was: It is easy to form a routine while reloading. As you may have gathered from the video, it took me less than 5 minutes to reload 24 rounds, and as the day went on I was able to become more efficient at the process....
Lee Breech Lock Pro First Impressions
Переглядів 25 тис.6 років тому
In this video, Michael discusses his first impressions of the new Lee Breech Lock Pro press. Covering what makes it stand out from the other progressive presses, operations, and speculation as to what niche it was designed to fill. check us out at www.titanreloading.com/index.php?route=common/home Follow us on Facebook titan.reloading/ Link to Press's start up guide - leeprecision....
Load Master Primer Feeding System
Переглядів 18 тис.6 років тому
In this video, Michael talks about the Lee Load Master's primer feeding system. He covers the operation, set up, and a few trouble shooting options if your priming system isn't running smoothly. check us out at www.titanreloading.com Follow us on Facebook titan.reloading/ www.titanreloading.com/press-questions/load-master-questions
Load Master Indexing System
Переглядів 18 тис.6 років тому
Michael covers the operations, set up, and trouble shoot with the Lee Load Master's indexing system. check us out at www.titanreloading.com Follow us on Facebook titan.reloading/ www.titanreloading.com/press-questions/load-master-questions
Load Master - Press Overview
Переглядів 7 тис.6 років тому
In this video I talk about the Load Master press, manufactured by Lee Precision. The video serves as a quick overview of the capabilities and operations of the press. check us out at www.titanreloading.com Follow us on Facebook titan.reloading/
Titan Talk: Why Reload
Переглядів 1,1 тис.6 років тому
Answering the question as to why many reloaders reload! The first video made by Michael of Titan reloading explaining why many reloaders have taken up the hobby. Cost savings, accuracy, and availability are the main reasons, learn more by watching the video! check us out at www.titanreloading.com Follow us on Facebook titan.reloading/


  • @jimwhite9483
    @jimwhite9483 10 днів тому

    Not sure who at LEE designed this or any of the other priming systems. While at first glance it looks like a great system for the progressive press, in my experience it's problematic at best. I have been running my LoadMaster for more than 8 years and have gone back to hand priming. I know that sort of defeats the idea of a progressive press but I no longer have to be concerned about missing or improperly seated primers. Maybe that's a big reason LEE discontinued the LoadMaster. There is no "feel" to the primer seating and that's important to me. Does it work? Some to most of the time, but waiting until the loaded round is ejected to find out the primer is wonky is unacceptable. I have no experience with any other progressive press, so I don't know if any other priming system is any better. I probably would have been proud of myself as well for this design, until the end of the first week or so when the tech support line started ringing off the hook. Then, not so much. Still running my LoadMaster weekly, just with extra steps.

  • @jimmadalerichardson792
    @jimmadalerichardson792 6 місяців тому

    Great work! Mark Richardson

  • @jsolaris7533
    @jsolaris7533 8 місяців тому

    Man dude I know this video is like six years old but if you’re reading this, thank you so much

  • @rudolphz55
    @rudolphz55 Рік тому

    the lighting is terrible on the side that matters... cant see a thing

  • @kentcarroll8861
    @kentcarroll8861 Рік тому

    Can this press handle very small cases like 5.7x28, 25ACP, and 32ACP?

  • @greenbudkelly2820
    @greenbudkelly2820 Рік тому

    This is a great rig. I have the APP Deluxe. I use it to to Decap, then bulge bust and/or resize, then swage, and finally priming cases for reloading. I also expand and flare my 38 Special cases with this. I’ve even figured out a way to resize cases with the quick trim. The best part is that I don’t need to handle each individual case. Dump them in the collater and shake. The press is a little bit finicky so you need to pay attention. Especially the last case or two in the tube.

  • @ASEKen
    @ASEKen Рік тому

    I got one of these a year ago and just set it up. After about 100 rounds things went weird. This video helped me tune the press back into alignment and started working great. Too bad Lee doesn't tell us half the stuff you do in this video.

  • @jeffreyMagnum460
    @jeffreyMagnum460 Рік тому

    I used silly putty to plug the hole in the primer station area to keep good primers from falling in the ram. I plugged all the holes except for the decapping station. Helps to keep loose powder out of the ram.

    • @bartleyives1355
      @bartleyives1355 11 місяців тому

      That is an interesting modification. I am going to give it a look as I do not like any lost primers or all the loose powder falling into the ram.

  • @jeffreyMagnum460
    @jeffreyMagnum460 Рік тому

    Just found my primer feed problem, my primer wedge loosened up.

  • @jeffreyMagnum460
    @jeffreyMagnum460 Рік тому

    Is there any orientation of the primer wedge bar?

  • @simperous4308
    @simperous4308 2 роки тому

    If you’re thinking of buying one of these, don’t. Mine has NEVER worked properly. Adjusted everything. Bought a Dillon. Best adjustment I ever made!

  • @YosheetaBoneeta
    @YosheetaBoneeta 2 роки тому

    This press seems to fix everything that's wrong with the load master

  • @gabe321
    @gabe321 2 роки тому

    I reload to save a bit of money but also I like doing it.

  • @gabe321
    @gabe321 2 роки тому

    I just bought this press, seems like a pain the ass to tune it to get it to work properly. But thanks for this video.

  • @photomatt01
    @photomatt01 2 роки тому

    probably my next purchase from Titan... you guys are awesome !

  • @butchgeagan9768
    @butchgeagan9768 2 роки тому

    What's going on with the primers???

  • @fabiofavaretto3691
    @fabiofavaretto3691 2 роки тому

    This Is my solution ua-cam.com/video/95w3iGKrZ1s/v-deo.html

  • @drewright7052
    @drewright7052 2 роки тому

    great info . another tip I found out is if its jamming when trying to push it in it could be from the shell plate i seen a scratch on index rod a seen shell plate had a lip left on edge once I sanded it an got new index rod no more scratch an smooth very smooth.i assume lee doesn't have the best control quality but I still bought another last yr .

  • @arth8373
    @arth8373 3 роки тому

    Lee Load Master vs pro-4000. Which is better?

    • @titanreloading8699
      @titanreloading8699 3 роки тому

      Personally, I prefer the Pro 4000. The main reason being, I find it to be a far more user-friendly press.

  • @lisawelsh8828
    @lisawelsh8828 3 роки тому

    Looks like this was 9mm you were reloading??

  • @michaelhenderson5098
    @michaelhenderson5098 3 роки тому

    Just got a new Loadmaster. I was having the same problem as discussed where the indexing rod would not ride the frame and extend all the way out. Your video helped a lot. I managed to slightly adjust the ram and now it works as it should. Thank you very much.

  • @Mascotal
    @Mascotal 3 роки тому

    Loadmaster priming system BLOWS. That's why they sell The Lee Precision load master EXPLOSION Shield.

  • @robbypro3370
    @robbypro3370 3 роки тому

    Don't mess your primers up, they are worth more than fully loaded ammo.

  • @cjmala3370
    @cjmala3370 3 роки тому

    I love these videos! You do a great job explaining the press. What a pleasure to go to a channel that I know will help me. I only wish I was close enough to visit your store in person. I am a LEE PRECISION reloader and think they make wonderful products!

  • @kylec.g3719
    @kylec.g3719 3 роки тому

    This helped a lot with the nut in the bottom of the ram. I ordered all these other parts from the states and turns out it was just out of alignment

  • @phildilio
    @phildilio 3 роки тому

    I haven’t finished the video yet, so far, so good… But when you’re describing decimal-inch measurements, “point oh-zero-four” isn’t’t really standard for reading those measurements. It’d be, “twenty-four thousandths” (ostensibly of an inch). Not trying to be too critical, genuinely trying to help ya out.

  • @peteconlogue6890
    @peteconlogue6890 3 роки тому

    Just tried to post a comment and no post appeared . I must be shunned.

    • @titanreloading8699
      @titanreloading8699 3 роки тому

      I see your post above, must have taken a moment to go through

  • @peteconlogue6890
    @peteconlogue6890 3 роки тому

    Good Video, very clear, concise and easy to follow. Very helpful to me as I am setting up an older, used loadmaster as a dedicated press for .380 Auto / 9mm Kurtz. I personally am not going to be utilizing the case feed system with this machine , I am going to feed the cases by hand . After speaking with more than a dozen people who own this machine, and all agree , that the case feed system never works reliably, I came to that decision . I had a Pro 1000 years ago with the same system which never worked at all. I ended up stripping that press for parts and tossing all the Pro 1000 parts in the trash, as the rest of that machine turned out to be junk as well. Lee’s Indexing Turret Press however, is, in my opinion, the very best press on the market for the money today. It works reliably with very easy and very minor adjustments. I will post an update here when I have this Loadmaster up and running. I think being dedicated to one cartridge , without the case feed system, this press will prove to operate reliably to a satisfactory degree. I have some doubts about the indexing system but I have never used this machine and We shall see. I did purchase a new indexing rod, new platform and shell plate to be sure all parts are good. I will try to get this unit up and running soon and not leave you all hanging in suspense like a bad horror movie !! Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

    • @titanreloading8699
      @titanreloading8699 3 роки тому

      The Priming and Indexing systems do seem to cause most reloaders grief. I hope this video helps you to get things running smoothly!

  • @jayvarner3614
    @jayvarner3614 3 роки тому

    Great Info! Im a newbie so this is great.

  • @cablrus1885
    @cablrus1885 3 роки тому

    I just bought one of these from you guys this week and i love it

  • @11C1P
    @11C1P 3 роки тому

    I've ordered from you guys a few times now, good prices & fast delivery (even during the covid nonsense) has been the norm. Thanks!

  • @toddleahy8002
    @toddleahy8002 3 роки тому

    G'day mate, can you tell me what plate size to fit 257weatherby magnum? Any help appreciated

  • @zing913945
    @zing913945 3 роки тому

    Well done and Yes it was helpful

  • @milosdad1
    @milosdad1 4 роки тому

    I have promised myself no more Lee products! My press messed up and they said since they redesigned it , my life time warranty meant nothing. To hell with them. I’ll go with red, green, or blue.

  • @lesnadon2685
    @lesnadon2685 4 роки тому

    You are an absolute genius!!! I don't know where I missed the instructions for adjusting the shell plate carrier, but that made my Lee Loadmaster slicker than a hot knife thru butter. I've had the LM for a long time, so I probably just forgot all about the adjustment for the ram/shell plate carrier - whatever the situation is/was, THIS VIDEO SOLVED MY ISSUES with indexing. GREAT JOB!!!

  • @p.j9102
    @p.j9102 4 роки тому

    Thank you very much for the video. I had my index rod bevel pointed to the left because that was how it came from its previous owner and i had no manual. Also I did not know about the carrier having teeth. Mine are probably worn as I have to adjust it about every 200 rounds.

  • @adrianorue5713
    @adrianorue5713 4 роки тому

    Can you use bullet seating die?

  • @johnnygavita
    @johnnygavita 4 роки тому

    Love then Amce Projectiles. Is this a retail business?

  • @happyhome41
    @happyhome41 4 роки тому

    You're obviously OK - the cat says so.

  • @KingRatt
    @KingRatt 4 роки тому

    Do you have that press stand anchored to the floor?

    • @titanreloading8699
      @titanreloading8699 4 роки тому

      The press stand is anchored by a 15 pound cement block.

    • @KingRatt
      @KingRatt 4 роки тому

      Titan Reloading how sturdy is it when sizing?

  • @mildot5482
    @mildot5482 4 роки тому

    Bullshits.. I stopped to use the priming system .. Doing hand priming and put the cases in the tubes already primed

  • @mswilks
    @mswilks 4 роки тому

    Getting alignment between the indexing rod and shell plate is critical, and the recommendation to loosen the bolt at the bottom was key. Thanks.

  • @nismogizmo
    @nismogizmo 4 роки тому

    This video is insanely helpful

  • @wglwt
    @wglwt 4 роки тому

    Just found Titan this past week and my T7 press has been shipped. I was introduced to IHMS and TC Contenders my first week I was stationed on Guam in 1979. A few weeks later I loaded my first rounds. They were 7mm TCU on a rock chucker and Redding dies. Needles to say I was hooked on reloading. I'm still loading for that same 7mm TCU. Ordering was easy and shipping was fast. I have a feeling your website has just become my favorite site.

  • @chrisgilbert2152
    @chrisgilbert2152 4 роки тому

    Try swaging 223, you will NOT be impressed!

  • @roybiv7018
    @roybiv7018 4 роки тому

    Got mine from you guys. Thanks for the fast shipping.

  • @swarovskivtx
    @swarovskivtx 4 роки тому

    Does the decapping DIE come with the APP or we have to buy it separately?

  • @garypersons9320
    @garypersons9320 4 роки тому

    I have one of these beauty's and it almost makes primer pocket swageing and decapping fun. I am impressed. On the bulge buster. I have a standard Lee bulge buster. Can it be used on the APP?

    • @nvkulk
      @nvkulk Рік тому

      Hell has definitely frozen over when one actually enjoys primer pocket swaging😊

  • @whetski
    @whetski 4 роки тому

    I know this video is a couple years old, but still spot on. I just got into reloading again (dabbled a bit about 30 years ago with a friend's dad's single stage for my 44mag) and am finding that under our current "pandemic" situation, components are even hard to come by. However, you guys had the press I wanted in stock and have been awesome to work with. Thanks for all the vids helping a new"ish" reloader get started, again.

  • @joejhurojr3914
    @joejhurojr3914 4 роки тому

    You put out a lot great information bato,: I have my APP on the way, Thanks!