I've had a few of these. They are interesting. I kept getting them on offer and then when I clicked cancel it offered me a chunk off the price to keep with it. But then they stopped so I cancelled. Wish I hadn't really as for the money it's good really. I think I'll start up again. The only two countries I didn't want were turkey (have a Turkish supermarket near me so can get anything) and didn't want American as it's all chemical rubbish. So I'll subscribe again now if turkey has just been. Interesting video anyway. Have a nice day.
Merry Christmas mate!
Happy Christmas, Stephen
hi Stephen merry Christmas too
Reminds me of handsworth wood/Hampstead in Birmingham
Waiting to get the bus to town
very nice ahhhhh no more yummy box ok just snack verse
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh num 2 !!
Sweden ya
The element of surprise in these boxes
I've had a few of these. They are interesting. I kept getting them on offer and then when I clicked cancel it offered me a chunk off the price to keep with it. But then they stopped so I cancelled. Wish I hadn't really as for the money it's good really. I think I'll start up again. The only two countries I didn't want were turkey (have a Turkish supermarket near me so can get anything) and didn't want American as it's all chemical rubbish. So I'll subscribe again now if turkey has just been. Interesting video anyway. Have a nice day.
Many thanks for your reply matt
That is a really cool mug 🤩
I've never heard of that but it looks good , so you get one box every month ya
gee there's a lot in the box
@stephenbowden8399 yes once a month
@@stephendennis5911 wonderful !
Nice looking lamp!
Very nice lamp indeed.
I love it!
very nice yummmy
That's the problem you never know what's inside them and some things don't like that's the whole point of them it's a surprise
keep it going
very nice the moors ya
@stephenbowden8399 no sorry not the moors
@@stephendennis5911 ahhhhh too bad
I remember lucky
Great video sir
Please note that is not my cat
Nice video Stephen
very nice
very nice looks like a hosp an wet must be drizzle
It's the car park of albion medical practice
@@stephendennis5911 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok
U went past my old house
very nice I saw a werewolf
looks peaceful and amazing
very nice
very nice garden
cute kitty , why is there scafolding on your building ?
I called out the name lucky as a previous cat I had went missing, and my furbaby Alfie passed away 2 years ago
very nice
very nice
very nice vid looks a bit wet an the cars are on the wrong side of the road !
hello mate was this when away with sister
When we stayed at primrose cottage in the cotswolds
very nice wat is it ? some kind of beer ?
Fizzy drink
@@stephendennis5911 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no wonder like monster is it ?
prolly like red bull
very nicely town looks historic too
wat a nice fox in the garden very good I clicked like above but it stayed at 0
now it shows one thumbs up
I see a heart here too but I cannot find any hearts
very nice
very nice I clicked like up top an it went up to one like as it should some of the other vids don't change
very nice
very nice I can see the steam its hot ya
the like button up top stays on zero even though I clicked like but it don't show
Nice one Stephen 😂
I love this video
very lovely
lovely forrest
very nice
very nice funny above when I click like it remains on zero how odd