Тва ,където я удари с чашата го върнах 3 пъти...беше си чисто истинско и злоба,щото Ели я удари по болното място... ,че е каквато е.И реакцията на ЗлатитУ Общото го показа
Fgggt and the rest of the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way for the best place for a lot more comfortable with it for the rest and the weather looks great though the weather was good for me and the kids in bed in a bit too much of being a little bit better today than the weekend I was with a friend from a friend with a chance and your mum would like the one 🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕐🕐🕐 the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best time ever into a good 😊😊😊😊😊😊 the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the snow ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place is the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place for you all in my mind you have the most beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I will be there for the next few days ago the best way of getting the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in
На Ели много и отива с черна коса
Христо,пише се СъС Златка......
Мале,черната Златка щеше да ги набие и двете накрая! 😀
Тва ,където я удари с чашата го върнах 3 пъти...беше си чисто истинско и злоба,щото Ели я удари по болното място... ,че е каквато е.И реакцията на ЗлатитУ Общото го показа
Fgggt and the rest of the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way for the best place for a lot more comfortable with it for the rest and the weather looks great though the weather was good for me and the kids in bed in a bit too much of being a little bit better today than the weekend I was with a friend from a friend with a chance and your mum would like the one 🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕐🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕜🕐🕐🕐 the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best time ever into a good 😊😊😊😊😊😊 the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the snow ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place is the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place for you all in my mind you have the most beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I will be there for the next few days ago the best way of getting the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best place in the best way of being in the best place in the best place in
ei mnogo sa mi protivni teq pedali e
Добре че е майтапа си кажем истината
Ще качиш ли целия сезон? Или Биг Брадър фемили?
цецо = wannabe кулагин
Нищо подобно! Цецо не понася Кулагин, още повече да иска да прилича на него, неколкократно е казвал че е срам за неговата гилдия!
🤣🤣🤣колко истини и каза само !!
нахрани я с истината не само от душа,МА и от дроба и бъбреците хахахаха
Мн сзтеуиийй д аякииуйй д
Мн сзтвуиихййй д аяккиииуйй д
тоя пълен убитак, говори зад гърба, а като му кажат нещо и мълчи и после играе жертва. емануела по-мъжкар от него :D
Физиономиите на черната Златка,докато онези двете се карат е топ :Д :Д :Д
Направо сякаш и тя беше част от мисията в роля публика.
Чаровна, красива, умна, добра и сърдечна,с усмивката на мама Пепа -това е Александра Сьрчаджиева-голям успех за шоу то с такова бижу за водеща!
Ако беше Кулагин, щеше да обижда Емануела и пред гаджето й, без да му мигне окото. 😀😀😀
toa qaqa kak se imsq na rusuto kakadu hahahahhhah
Ей тая Емануела ,права е
Той сам се го прави много ме дразни
Златка е много красива!
Злати браво! Чак аз помислих, че плачеш найстина.
след чернобил много мутант се пръкна
Цецо = идиот
Злати, голяма актриса, евала момиче! 😀👌👌
този е толкова смешен горкия с червеният анцунг, голям мъж срещу гей
И двамата са ''мъже''..
Ее тея жени как са защитават 😄😄
Айде Недялко малеее леее, писи писано мале леее...
Бе те всички играят роли вътре си вадят очите навън ядат и пият в кръчмите с парите от бигбрадър.
Качвай по фълги епизоди от един сезон и ще имаш повече абомати
Големи са 🤣🤣🤣🤣🔝
Тоя мъж ли се води