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Amanda Rivera Torres
Puerto Rico
Приєднався 13 кві 2020
Who I'd Be - "Shrek" the Musical (Miscast Cover)
I recently took up on the challenge to sing a piece from a role I'd never be able to play, so here's a cover of one of my favorite "underrated" musical theatre songs, "Who I'd be" from "Shrek" the Musical, music by Jeanine Tesori and book and lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire. Thanks for watching!
Instagram: amandariverapr
Facebook: amandariverapr
Instagram: amandariverapr
Facebook: amandariverapr
Переглядів: 22 539
Luz (Light Cover) - Casi Normales (Next to Normal) Musical
Переглядів 8194 роки тому
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does NOT claim any right over them. DERECHOS DE AUTOR Todos los videos, canciones, imágenes y gráficas utilizadas en este video le pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños y NO se reclama ningún derecho sobre ellos. Hoy tenemos un mensaje de LUZ para ti desde la ...
what key is this 🥹
Beautiful what key is this?
Wow this is awesome - you covered one of my favorite underrated theater songs so beautifully!!
awesome! what key is this in?
Would you share the instrumental track you used? It's a perfect key for me too!
I guess I'd be a hero, With sword and armor clashing Looking semi dashing, A shield within my grip Or else I'd be a Viking and live a life of daring While smelling like a herring, upon a Viking ship. I'd sail away, I'd see the world, I'd reach the farthest reaches I'd feel the wind, I'd taste the salt and sea. And maybe storm some beaches. That's who I'd be. That's who I'd be. Or I could be a poet and write a different story, One that tells of glory, and wipes away the lies And to the skies I'd throw it, the stars would do the telling The moon would help with spelling, and night would dot the 'I's I'd write a verse, Recite a joke, with wit and perfect timing. I'd share my heart, confess the things I yearn, and do it all while rhyming. But we all learn. But we all learn. And Ogre always hides, an Ogre's fate is known And Ogre always stays in the dark and all alone So yes I'd be a hero, and if my wish was granted Llife would be enchanted, or so the stories say. Of course I'd be a hero, and I would scale a tower And save a hot-house flower, and carry her away But standing guard would be a beast, I'd somehow over whelm it, I'd get the girl, I'd take my breath, and I'd remove my helmet. We'd stand and stare, we'd speak of love, we'd feel the stars ascending We'd share a kiss, I'd find my destiny I'd have a hero's ending, a perfect happy ending. That's how it would be
Oh my GOSH this is amazing 🥹 I’m a huge huge fan of this song - and the musical in general - Love love love your voice!❤
I love this musical so much too 🥰 thank you so much!!!
This is beautiful!
Thank you!!!
I guess I'd be a hero, With sword and armor clashing Looking semi dashing, A shield within my grip Or else I'd be a Viking and live a life of daring While smelling like a herring, upon a Viking ship. I'd sail away, I'd see the world, I'd reach the farthest reaches I'd feel the wind, I'd taste the salt and sea. And maybe storm some beaches. That's who I'd be. That's who I'd be. Or I could be a poet and write a different story, One that tells of glory, and wipes away the lies And to the skies I'd throw it, the stars would do the telling The moon would help with spelling, and night would dot the 'I's I'd write a verse, Recite a joke, with wit and perfect timing. I'd share my heart, confess the things I yearn, and do it all while rhyming. But we all learn. But we all learn. And Ogre always hides, an Ogre's fate is known And Ogre always stays in the dark and all alone So yes I'd be a hero, and if my wish was granted Llife would be enchanted, or so the stories say. Of course I'd be a hero, and I would scale a tower And save a hot-house flower, and carry her away But standing guard would be a beast, I'd somehow over whelm it, I'd get the girl, I'd take my breath, and I'd remove my helmet. We'd stand and stare, we'd speak of love, we'd feel the stars ascending We'd share a kiss, I'd find my destiny I'd have a hero's ending A perfect happy ending, that's how... it. should be!
genius. literally genius
Omg this is so beautiful!!! I’m upset I didn’t find this sooner!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Absolutamente Hermoso!!
¡Mil gracias!
She reminds me of Moana with her mannerisms
Sooo beautiful. What a fabulous clear voice you have. Your diction is amazing. Super talented. X
Thank you so much! It means a lot!
Love your version of this beautiful song! Congrats from Argentina.
Thank you so much! ¡Un abrazo!
You were remarkable, ma'am.
Thank you so much!
You deserve a great career. Lovey voice, perfect diction, great acting. You aced this. More please!
I really appreciate this. Thanks!
Wow just wow 🤩
Thank you!!!
En el minuto 1:18 ..que ni haré?? No se entiende...alguien sabe ?? O pueden pasar la letra de esa versión gracias
Like and Subscribe!! That was epic, my favorite song from Shrek the Musical and this lady nailed it!!
This is the sweetest, thank you!!!
Oh my god she sounds like a Disney Princess!
LOL aw! True, this now sounds like a Disney Princess song. Thank you!
Beautiful, had me in tears.♡♡♡
Amazing ♡♡
Thank you!
You have a really good Broadway-vibe voice, if you get my drift. I’ve legit watched this 100 times. We use a lot of the same mannerisms when singing this song.
Very nice! You turned this into a princess song. Lol
True 😂 thank you!
@@AmandaRiveraTorres lmao. No prob 🤣
This is amazing
Thank you so much!
Was this transposed at all?
It was! 2 whole steps down so it was more comfortable for my range.
@@AmandaRiveraTorres What key is this?
@@janegargett7329 I think it is E maj
Muy hermosa!
Es que he llorado como una loca... que cosa más hermosa!
Que belleza queridos!!!!! Son unos genios!!!! Los quiero!!!
Waw aquí hay dos seres muy especiales para mi mi amada Mela y Luis 😍😍😍😍MAGISTRAL
Hermosa producción, jovenes artistas puertorriqueños dando lo todo!
Amanda Rivera, You're Very Good At Singing. Subscribe To My Great UA-cam Channel Of Myself Singing, Doing My Voice Acting Impressions Skills And Of Course Freestyle Rapping.
Thank you so much!
Okay Queen u just got urself another subscriber love to see more
Thank you for that! Hopefully I'll come around to posting more content soon!
Girl, this is BEAUTIFUL. How does this not have more views!? You deserve more views and subscribers!
This means so much, thank you!!!