Christian Heinke
Christian Heinke
  • 466
  • 70 730
Brief Encounter (1945) (German Version)
Habt ihr euch je gefragt, wie Schweigen lauter als Worte sein kann? David Leans Meisterwerk Brief Encounter von 1945 zeigt uns genau das. In einem gewöhnlichen Bahnhofscafé entfaltet sich eine Geschichte unterdrückter Gefühle, die die Grundfesten der britischen Mittelschicht erschüttert. Nach Noël Cowards Theaterstück entstanden, beweist dieser Film: Die stärksten Emotionen sind oft die, die unausgesprochen bleiben.



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Переглядів: 180


Brief Encounter (1945)
Переглядів 739 годин тому
Ever wondered how silence can speak louder than words? Journey back to 1945, where David Lean's masterpiece Brief Encounter unfolds in a humble train station café. What starts as a chance meeting spirals into an emotional storm that challenges everything proper British society holds dear. Based on Noël Coward's play, this isn't your typical love story-it's a masterclass in repressed desire that...
The Data Science of Hollywood (2018) (German)
Переглядів 209 годин тому
Warum bleiben uns manche Filme ewig in Erinnerung, während andere spurlos an uns vorübergehen? In dieser Folge entschlüsseln wir die emotionale DNA erfolgreicher Filme. Eine bahnbrechende Studie aus 2018 hat mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz Tausende Drehbücher analysiert und dabei sechs Erfolgsformeln entdeckt - plus das eine Muster, das alle anderen übertrifft. Erfahre, wie Datenwissenschaft d...
The Data Science of Hollywood (2018)
Переглядів 119 годин тому
Ever wonder why some films leave you buzzing while others fall flat? Join us as we dive into a fascinating 2018 study that cracked Hollywood's emotional code. Using AI to analyze thousands of scripts, researchers discovered six secret formulas that drive blockbuster success - and the one pattern that rules the box office. Learn how data science is revealing the hidden architecture of our favori...
The Power and the Glory (1933) (German Version)
Переглядів 5212 годин тому
Bereit für eine faszinierende Zeitreise in Hollywoods vergessene Schätze? Noch bevor Citizen Kane die Filmwelt revolutionierte, gab es The Power and the Glory - ein Pre-Code Meisterwerk, das es wagte, sämtliche Erzählregeln über den Haufen zu werfen. Begleitet uns auf einer spannenden Entdeckungsreise durch Preston Sturges' geniales Drehbuch, das das Leben eines Eisenbahn-Tycoons durch ein Kale...
The Power and the Glory (1933)
Переглядів 4412 годин тому
Ready for a mind-bending journey into Hollywood's forgotten gems? Before Citizen Kane revolutionized cinema, there was The Power and the Glory - a pre-Code masterpiece that dared to shatter every storytelling rule in the book. Join us as we dive into Preston Sturges's ingenious screenplay that follows a railroad tycoon's rollercoaster life through a kaleidoscope of perspectives. Think Successio...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) (German Version)
Переглядів 10014 годин тому
Seid dabei, wenn wir in Marvels bahnbrechende Serie The Falcon and the Winter Soldier eintauchen! Was passiert, wenn man Action-Buddy-Comedy mit Superhelden-Drama und einer Prise Gesellschaftskritik mischt? Diese Disney Hit-Serie begleitet Sam Wilson und Bucky Barnes bei ihrer Suche nach der wahren Bedeutung des Heldentums im heutigen Amerika. Von spektakulären Schild-Wurf-Kämpfen bis zur kompl...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
Переглядів 12614 годин тому
Join us as we dive into Marvel's game-changing series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier! What happens when you mix buddy-cop action with super-powered drama and a dash of social commentary? This Disney hit follows Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes as they tackle what it really means to be a hero in today's America. From epic shield-throwing showdowns to the complex question of who deserves to carry C...
WandaVision (2021) (German Version)
Переглядів 3516 годин тому
Superhelden-Müdigkeit? Von wegen! Taucht ein in WandaVision, die verblüffende Marvel-Serie, die alle Regeln des Genres sprengt! Begleitet uns auf einer faszinierenden Reise durch eine Show, die klassische Sitcoms mit Superhelden-Drama verschmilzt und dabei eine bewegende Geschichte über Verlust, Liebe und Realität erzählt. Von nostalgischem Schwarz-Weiß bis hin zu realitätsveränderndem Drama - ...
WandaVision (2021)
Переглядів 4716 годин тому
Tired of the same old superhero formula? Dive into WandaVision, the mind-bending Marvel series that turns the genre on its head! Join us as we explore how this genre-defying masterpiece blends classic sitcoms with superhero drama to craft a powerful story about grief, love, and reality itself. From black-and-white nostalgia to reality-warping drama, discover why this 2021 Disney sensation isn't...
The Defenders (2017) (German Version)
Переглядів 1516 годин тому
Vier Helden, eine Stadt und acht packende Folgen: Was passiert, wenn Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage und Iron Fist ihre Kräfte vereinen? Taucht mit uns ein in Marvels ambitioniertes Netflix-Experiment The Defenders und erfahrt, wie diese ungewöhnliche Superhelden-Kollaboration das Streaming-Fernsehen verändert hat. Quellen: • •
The Defenders (2017)
Переглядів 3816 годин тому
Join us as we dive into Netflix's superhero crossover event that brought Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist together to save New York. Did this ambitious 8-episode team-up deliver on its promise or crumble under the weight of expectations? We break down how The Defenders changed the game for streaming superhero content. Sources: • • www.rottento...
Iron Fist (2017) (German Version)
Переглядів 616 годин тому
Mystische Martial Arts meets Wolkenkratzer! Taucht ein in Marvel's Iron Fist: Ein totgeglaubter Milliardärssohn kehrt mit übernatürlichen Kampfkünsten nach Manhattan zurück. Zwischen Boardroom-Drama und übernatürlichen Bedrohungen versucht diese Netflix-Serie von 2017, Action und Business zu vereinen - mit gemischtem Erfolg. Wir analysieren, warum dieser ambitionierte Teil des Marvel-Universums...
Iron Fist (2017)
Переглядів 6716 годин тому
Join us as we dive into Marvel's Iron Fist - where ancient martial arts collide with Manhattan's corporate jungle. Danny Rand returns from the dead with mystical powers and a billion-dollar legacy, but can he balance boardroom battles with supernatural threats? From cultural controversies to missed fight scene opportunities, we break down how this 2017 Netflix series tried (and sometimes stumbl...
Luke Cage (2016) (German Version)
Переглядів 2016 годин тому
Unverwundbar in Harlem: Wie Luke Cage das Superhelden-Genre neu definierte! Begleitet uns auf einer spannenden Reise durch die bahnbrechende Netflix-Serie, die 2016 alle Erwartungen durchbrach. Unter der Regie des visionären Cheo Hodari Coker ist dies keine gewöhnliche Superhelden-Geschichte - sondern ein kraftvoller Einblick in Identität, Gerechtigkeit und die Frage, was es bedeutet, ein Held ...
Luke Cage (2016)
Переглядів 6416 годин тому
Luke Cage (2016)
Jessica Jones (2015) (German Version)
Переглядів 16914 днів тому
Jessica Jones (2015) (German Version)
Jessica Jones (2015)
Переглядів 19414 днів тому
Jessica Jones (2015)
Daredevil (2015) (German Version)
Переглядів 3421 день тому
Daredevil (2015) (German Version)
Daredevil (2015)
Переглядів 3421 день тому
Daredevil (2015)
Dark Money (2016) (German Version)
Переглядів 421 день тому
Dark Money (2016) (German Version)
Dark Money (2016)
Переглядів 121 день тому
Dark Money (2016)
Vulture Capitalism (2024) (German Version)
Переглядів 3628 днів тому
Vulture Capitalism (2024) (German Version)
Vulture Capitalism (2024)
Переглядів 1928 днів тому
Vulture Capitalism (2024)
Nexus (2024) (German Version)
Переглядів 6228 днів тому
Nexus (2024) (German Version)
Nexus (2024)
Переглядів 2728 днів тому
Nexus (2024)
Im Grunde gut (2019) (German Version)
Переглядів 2628 днів тому
Im Grunde gut (2019) (German Version)
Humankind - A Hopeful History (2019)
Переглядів 1528 днів тому
Humankind - A Hopeful History (2019)
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2008) (German Version)
Переглядів 159Місяць тому
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2008) (German Version)
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2008)
Переглядів 85Місяць тому
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2008)


  • @armandde1
    @armandde1 Годину тому

    Still the one movie from the beginning of the new science fiction that felt so believable and scared the hell out of me, a 14 year old boy who thought Star Trek was it. Until I say this .......

  • @richierugs6544
    @richierugs6544 4 дні тому

    could be a Rondo award coming your way!

  • @牧幹雄
    @牧幹雄 13 днів тому


  • @牧幹雄
    @牧幹雄 14 днів тому

    TIME TUNNELは傑作なSFのTV ドラマ映画だった。

  • @JanetLeeLY
    @JanetLeeLY 29 днів тому

    Love the ending

  • @stefanmischke4191
    @stefanmischke4191 Місяць тому

    Ihr habt ja vielleicht ein Rad ab......

  • @boostermcblast2197
    @boostermcblast2197 Місяць тому

    Nee lass mal! Lieber selber sprechen lernen!

  • @boostermcblast2197
    @boostermcblast2197 Місяць тому

    Jede Menge Schlappschtick!

  • @yumry
    @yumry Місяць тому

    AI slop

  • @SuperJayGames
    @SuperJayGames Місяць тому

    This is AI

  • @kalebbush5742
    @kalebbush5742 Місяць тому

    This shit sucks.

  • @Dmanthepowerful
    @Dmanthepowerful Місяць тому

    This was nice to listen to. Love the back and forth to make sure potential audience questions are answered.

  • @georgepierson4920
    @georgepierson4920 Місяць тому


  • @davidoffice9922
    @davidoffice9922 Місяць тому

    It's already like necromancer now

  • @SamElliottsStache
    @SamElliottsStache Місяць тому

    One of the most underrated movies of all-time, but you two sound like A.I.

  • @davecory5047
    @davecory5047 Місяць тому

    this has been one of my favorite movies since the '90s, I always put it in my top 10 and no one's ever seen it... what a shame

  • @darmin811
    @darmin811 Місяць тому

    great video! Please keep it going 👍

  • @jinstinky501
    @jinstinky501 Місяць тому

    Love this game!!!!

  • @nullkommanix7372
    @nullkommanix7372 Місяць тому

    Akte X ist ein Meilenstein der Scifi/Thriller Geschichte und Scully war und ist heiß❤😊

  • @scottmiller6495
    @scottmiller6495 2 місяці тому

    Fantastic film, if it wasn't for Ben Hur being such a huge hit, North by Northwest would have won Best Picture of 1959 !!!!!

  • @moephal454
    @moephal454 2 місяці тому

    Neunzehnhahnenachtzig, das beantwortet eigentlich meine Frage.

  • @moephal454
    @moephal454 2 місяці тому

    Sind die Stimmen A.I. generiert?🤔

  • @sabineb.5616
    @sabineb.5616 2 місяці тому

    Frankly, you cannot do a deep-dive review of this great movie in such a short video and without discussing spoiler material! The ending and what it might stand for, is incredibly important for understanding that movie, and IMO it needs to be discussed!. It's not really that hard: you issue a spoiler warning, which gives those who have not seen the movie, yet, the chance to tune out. And if you have ignited their interest, they might return to your video essay after they have watched the movie 😉 You also should have discusssed the other characters and their significance. What about the hero's current girlfriend? Is the hero deeply in love with her, or is he still emotionally chained to Cathy? What about the most enigmatic character, the deaf kid who doesn't even have a name? Is he a guardian angel of the hero? Did the Kid tell the truth or did he lie at the end of the movie? And if he lied, would the hero have approved of this lie? The Kid certainly thought so. But even if the hero would've approved, was it really the right thing to do? I noticed that most men see this in a very different light than most women. There is such a lot of substance in this movie, and you should have dived a lot deeper!

  • @tomasvillarreal8956
    @tomasvillarreal8956 2 місяці тому

    Is this AI voices??? This is weird as shit.....

    • @aureliocoronado7867
      @aureliocoronado7867 2 місяці тому


    • @dankpelt
      @dankpelt 2 місяці тому

      Yes and yes

    • @theblackheart5727
      @theblackheart5727 2 місяці тому

      Definitely. I’ve heard these exact same male and female voices on a couple different channels. It is close to being convincing, but they haven’t got it down pat yet. People don’t say absolutely and totally as a response every other time.

  • @michaelgrigoleit4439
    @michaelgrigoleit4439 2 місяці тому

    Inhaltlich gutes Video, aber warum die KI Stimmen ???

  • @SergeWroclawski
    @SergeWroclawski 2 місяці тому

    AI generated "podcast"

  • @billkrieger9121
    @billkrieger9121 2 місяці тому

    I agree with you completely about Wait Until Dark. A supurb film bit you didn't mention the scene where Rote leaps out at Suzi. Scared the heck out of me when I first saw it and even now, knowing it will happen it is THE shocking scene in the movie. BTW: why doesn't your "like" counter work?

  • @josept9729
    @josept9729 2 місяці тому

    I had this for my Atari 2600! I was too young to play it when it came out, but my mom and I found a game cartridge at a yard sale around 1984 1985

  • @davidz2016
    @davidz2016 2 місяці тому

    I feel really old now .

    • @josept9729
      @josept9729 2 місяці тому

      Totally. I also had Jedi Arena.

  • @jayj6325
    @jayj6325 2 місяці тому

    I was 10 or 11yrs old & my mate David had this on his Atari, played it for hours until our wrists hurt & I thought it was the best thing ever, even better than Horace Goes Skiing on my Sinclair Spectrum! Life was so much simpler in so many ways & ignorance was bliss. Anyone remember Intellivision???!

  • @davidjames9626
    @davidjames9626 2 місяці тому

    Don't need analysis of this film, read the book..a film is a film is a film..

  • @Taraxacumia
    @Taraxacumia 2 місяці тому


  • @dna9838
    @dna9838 2 місяці тому

    Having fun in NotebookLM?

  • @thefirsteverfacts
    @thefirsteverfacts 2 місяці тому

    Interesting; but shouldn't you at least credit this to "NotebookLM" by Microsoft who made this podcast for you?

  • @georghofmann1782
    @georghofmann1782 2 місяці тому

    alda lass das mit den Ai Text to speach .. "vorlasche" statt deutsch Vorlage .. und der Regisseur heißt nicht James Gün ..

  • @gizzyguzzi
    @gizzyguzzi 2 місяці тому

    I kinda wish I still had mine. I remember playing Superman with my dad for hours on end. A one player game. And the only game he liked to play on it.

  • @kramermccabe8601
    @kramermccabe8601 2 місяці тому

    COL-LEE-CO. COLE-CO hurts my ears

  • @mlmediaservices
    @mlmediaservices 2 місяці тому

    Google's NotebookLM?

  • @zauberkolleg7370
    @zauberkolleg7370 2 місяці тому

    Der Es-I-D wtf 🤬 Die KI 🤖 Stimme OMG 🙉

  • @jasonfarrol6277
    @jasonfarrol6277 2 місяці тому

    Ich hab den C64 früher repariert. Die Maschine war so einfach zu verstehen.. Wenn ich meine Augen schloss, konnte ich die Bits regelrecht fließen sehen..

  • @atariboy9084
    @atariboy9084 2 місяці тому

    Even if my first home video game system was the Atari Super Pong in 1976 my life of gaming really started the next year in 1977 months after my mother took me to see Star Wars in the theater that same year I got the Atari VCS for my birthday and all nine games that was first launch with the system. The Atari VCS been out from 1977 until 1992 and in that time like the 2600 be remade 4 times from. 1977 - Heavy Sixer 1978 -Light Sixer 1980 -Four Switch 1982 -Darth Vader 1986 -Smaller Jr

  • @fireatwill7707
    @fireatwill7707 2 місяці тому

    Co-leek-co. Wow. It was short for the Connecticut Leather Company so I get where your pronunciation came from, but it’s just wrong. You guys are just wrong.

  • @simonpick7785
    @simonpick7785 2 місяці тому

    This is AI generated content 😕

  • @larryjex6485
    @larryjex6485 2 місяці тому

    I was a teenager when this game was released in 1977. At the time, we were more interested in Star Wars, Punk and Disco, and we thought it was just another fad. That being said, it didn't take long for these to catch on in popularity, and these became the "must have" Christmas gift for '77!

  • @ipponyc
    @ipponyc 2 місяці тому

    The Quantum link [AOL's original name!!] was awesome! It had an FDD drive, 1581 3 1/2 floppy and the RAMlink. Afterward, I got a C 128 with the 80-column mode using GEOS 128 2.0. It was the best computer I ever had!!

  • @andresander502
    @andresander502 2 місяці тому

    Für KI klingen die Stimmen aber sehr gut.

    • @koenignero
      @koenignero 2 місяці тому

      Nein, weil der Text dämlich ist

  • @andresander502
    @andresander502 2 місяці тому

    Der Inhalt ist ja gut aber die Stimme klingt sehr nach KI. Sprechen dort Menschen oder Computer?

    • @ChristianHeinke
      @ChristianHeinke 2 місяці тому

      Ganz recht. Der Inhalt wurde mit NotebookLM produziert.

    • @ibensubber3826
      @ibensubber3826 2 місяці тому

      Dachte mit C64 😊

  • @MaraIndigoJade
    @MaraIndigoJade 3 місяці тому

    You guys are gonna have to totally redo this or you're gonna get shredded... it's COL-LEE-CO, not COLE-CO.

  • @1robbycoolish
    @1robbycoolish 3 місяці тому

    This is so bizzare

  • @henrycarlson7514
    @henrycarlson7514 3 місяці тому

    So wise , Thank you for the reminder of So many Things