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Final Fantasy VII - Vincent showing Emerald Weapon who is the boss
Quadra-gain glitch with 4x-Cut. 2x-Cut and 4x-Cut are glitchy because the number of hits 4X Cut will do is between 7 & 11 depending on how many Quadra Magic materias were equipped. 2X cut is similar but it does between 5 and 9 hits.
‣ Barret: Missing Score, Wizard Bracelet, Sprint Shoes
‣ Vincent: Death Penalty, Mystile, Sprint Shoes
‣Barret: [KotR=W-Item, Counter=Mime, Magic Counter=Contain(3), Counter=Mime, Quadra Magic=Master Magic]
[Quadra Magic=Master Magic, Quadra Magic=Master Magic, Quadra Magic=Master Magic]
‣ Vincent: [Sneak Attack=Barrier(3), Quadra Magic=Barrier]
[Counter=Mime, Double Cut=W-Item, Master Command=HP Absorb]
Use of multiple Quadra Magics
- The first one adds 3 extra casts to the linked compatible spells or summons: all spells but Escape and all summons but KotR. (And no, you can't quadra KotR normally, or with Master Summon or Magic Counter. With Mime... well, you'll see.)
- Each additional Quadra linked with the same spells or summons gives them 1 extra cast. The casts this way are limited to 8.
Auto Mimes general rules
- The auto actions are first in the order of the equipped Materias.
- The auto mimes look to what they will copy: the previous trigger if there's any, or the action that happened before the combo elsewise.
- The auto mimes are performed after the other auto actions.
Quadra-loss glitch
- If the second mime of that chain was supposed to mime a non-quadra action, then the first one will be non-quadra too; if it was supposed to mime a quadra action, that action will lose quadra. Hopefully, the opposite is true too, so...
Quadra-gain glitch
- If the second mime of that chain was supposed to mime a quadra action, then the first one will be quadra too; if it was supposed to mime a non-quadra action, that actions will gain quadra.
- And since that action gets a free quadra effect, then you can apply it to:
✶ KotR, E. Skills and Commands, despite they're incompatible when paired directly. Note: Command materias like Slash-All, Double Cut, Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow & Manipulate will have their extra casts animations skipped, just the the 1st one is visible.
✶ Limits, which can have animation glitches.
✶ Items, but only the 1st one is visible, the extra ones have their animation skipped.
• Vincent: uses Reflect on Emerald Weapon (Sneak Attack). Note: There is a glitch with this materia combo: Sneak Attack + defensive/curative magic, Quadra Magic + same defensive/curative magic (except Shield). This materia combination casts the chosen defensive/curative magic on an enemy instead of a character.
➼ Emerald: attacks Vincent with Emerald Shoot
• Vincent: mimics Quadra Reflect
• Barret: uses 2 Hero Drinks
• Vincent: uses 1 Hero Drink on Barret and 1 for himself
• Barret: uses 2 Hero Drinks on Vincent
➼ Emerald: attacks the party with Foot Stamp and misses
➼ Emerald: attacks Barret with Emerald Shoot
• Barret counters
‣ Tornado - x7 (32/2-1 = 15% chance of inflicting Confusion)
‣ Mime (4x-Cut) - x7, targeting himself because he is confused and dies
‣ Mime (Tornado) - x7 (skipped because he is dead)
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: attacks Vincent with Emerald Beam
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: counters Vincent with Revenge Stamp
➼ Emerald's Eye: attacks with Emerald Laser (MP)
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: counters Vincent with Revenge Stamp and miss
➼ Emerald's Eye: attacks with Emerald Laser (MP)
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: counters Vincent with Revenge Stamp
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: attacks Vincent with Emerald Shoot
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: attacks Vincent with Emerald Shoot
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
➼ Emerald: attacks Vincent with Emerald Shoot
• Vincent counters (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
• Vincent: uses Mime (4x-Cut - x7, only 2 hits are visible but he is shooting 10 times)
Note: When you are using Quadra 4x-Cut, the first hit shows the damage that you are dealing per hit, and the second one shows the total damage dealt by the last 9 hits, capped at 9999.
Vincent is dealing 99,990 damage per mime/counter.
Переглядів: 259


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Final Fantasy VII - Emerald Weapon didn't see it coming


  • @waltercomunello121
    @waltercomunello121 3 дні тому

    this is poetry. thank you.

  • @airtonpinheiro6983
    @airtonpinheiro6983 6 днів тому

    With hack isso easy

  • @nickk3403
    @nickk3403 6 днів тому

    Honestly one of the best final fantasy games

  • @lightorchestrator
    @lightorchestrator 9 днів тому


  • @NeoArashi
    @NeoArashi 9 днів тому

    Wait, how were Yuna and Rikku immune to Ultima?

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm 9 днів тому

      Hero Drink makes you immune to physical and magical attacks.

    • @NeoArashi
      @NeoArashi 9 днів тому

      @KFCPhantasm sounds OP AF. But thanks for the answer.

  • @Megidolaon999
    @Megidolaon999 12 днів тому

    How do you preemptive strike parasites?

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm 12 днів тому

      With 2 5-star Pre-emptive Materias you have 33.2% chance.

    • @Megidolaon999
      @Megidolaon999 12 днів тому

      @ figured that out, but now I don’t get enough turns. Doing Yuffie 256/256 btw. Everyone has max Dex. I enter, pre emptive, W Item-2 hero drinks on Yuffie (clouds turn) Then I get Lucky Lady on Cait Sith W item 2 hero drinks on Yuffie (Yuffie turn) Attack the extra parasite with cloud Change on Cait Sith But before I can use Yuffie limit, the parasite turns around and attacks me :(

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm 12 днів тому

      @@Megidolaon999 To make it easier, equip Sprint Shoes and when a character is performing the action, with another character enter a menu or select a target so that time does not advance (this will make it more difficult for the enemy to get a turn).

    • @Megidolaon999
      @Megidolaon999 12 днів тому

      @ Yeah, I’ve got sprint shoes on all 3. Does sprint shoes actually affect anything at 255 dex though? Maybe I just suck 😭

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm 12 днів тому

      @ Sprint Shoes (Haste) has your time bar filling up twice as fast as normal, so yes.

  • @MattyK1873
    @MattyK1873 12 днів тому

    How to get 134,400,000 Gil in 5 Mins.... You only have to have played for 71 hours beforehand 😂

  • @williamlafond1319
    @williamlafond1319 16 днів тому

    Ozma : Ah, now it's my turn. Amarant & Zidane : ...

  • @azndemonlord54
    @azndemonlord54 18 днів тому

    When Vincent was attacking 64 times, "Justice! For Midgar!"

  • @Cortesculturismo
    @Cortesculturismo 19 днів тому

    Com glitch é fácil, quero ver na porrada

  • @chaotic_tier-0029
    @chaotic_tier-0029 19 днів тому

    Considering that this boss would, if played on PS2, take somewhere around 2 hours to kill, nice job.

  • @ibrahimciftci9599
    @ibrahimciftci9599 19 днів тому

    The best game ever

  • @ThisIsUMR
    @ThisIsUMR 21 день тому

    Technically correct. The best kind of correct.

  • @-Lanss-
    @-Lanss- 22 дні тому

    Его можно без вмешательства игрока победить,правильно настроенной материей. Было у меня где-то это...

  • @luciusirving5926
    @luciusirving5926 22 дні тому

    I'm not surprised that various retro games have glitches. People in the comments probably missed out on Gen 1 Pokémon glitches and those games go as far back as 1995. Even Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games have some degree of glitches. How long have they been playing video games?

  • @ThangTran-jv7mm
    @ThangTran-jv7mm 22 дні тому

    Flashing lights warning - Please like for people with Epilepsy

  • @thevangsta9892
    @thevangsta9892 Місяць тому

    Do you think it's possible for TAS (Tool Assist Superplay/Speedrun) to do an E2PG with a solo character!? Of course while maintaining a level 1 character up to pandemonium!!

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm Місяць тому

      It's an interesting question, I don't think it would be possible due to the limited time you have to get Excalibur II, but you should ask TheLilGecko xD, he might have the answer.

    • @thevangsta9892
      @thevangsta9892 Місяць тому

      @KFCPhantasm i did ask him on his 100% TAS run for FF9 sadly I never got a response 😔 BTW I never asked but what's your favorite FF game!? I noticed you have quite a bit of content for FF so I'm curious!! Mine is this one FF9 then 2nd and 3rd for me is FF5 and FF6 I like them both quite equally it's hard for me to decide between the 2!!

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm Місяць тому

      ​@@thevangsta9892 I asked him on discord and here is what he replied: My favourite Final Fantasy is FF7, followed by FF9 and FF8.

    • @thevangsta9892
      @thevangsta9892 Місяць тому

      @KFCPhantasm thanks for that info!! Wow E2PG with a solo character might just be impossible if even TheLilGecko don't even know!! Quina does make sense with the blue magic but I was almost thinking Freya could probably do it!! I've played FF7 but FF8 I've played bits and pieces of it!! That's a game on my list this year as well as FF12 to play and beat!!

  • @leisuresuitotto
    @leisuresuitotto Місяць тому

    This was a hoot hahaha.

  • @codename7000
    @codename7000 Місяць тому

    Godly game

  • @varietygameplayandmore8189
    @varietygameplayandmore8189 Місяць тому

    Must hook up my Playstation and Playstation 2 again and play these gems again. I beat this game once years ago. So much to revisit, do over and more.

  • @thegreatfrdo
    @thegreatfrdo Місяць тому

    Dude I didn't know that charge thing can auto atk....

  • @Edont-go5cr
    @Edont-go5cr Місяць тому

    Im confused asf

  • @Azumgi9
    @Azumgi9 Місяць тому

    Saw this on reddit and I’m amazed!! Even though I have little idea on what’s going on it looks sick!✨

  • @PierceArner
    @PierceArner Місяць тому

    Interesting that the Counter 4xCut x7 only shows two hits, but still executes all the damage dealt (and that it meanders Vincent up the field).

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm Місяць тому

      Although I already had some video on my channel showing this glitch, I wanted to show it with characters that have long-range weapons since they take a step forward before attacking which allows them to get very close to the enemy.

  • @BigBoct
    @BigBoct Місяць тому

    Cool! Thanks for the detailed explanation in the description.

  • @lowlylaowai4482
    @lowlylaowai4482 2 місяці тому

    Followed your guide to max proficiency and then leaned into the stance to weather Minerva’s attacks… nowhere near as impressive as this but I didn’t and up using a single one of those phoenix downs. Thanks so much for the info man, genuinely appreciated.

  • @MathiasRathgeber
    @MathiasRathgeber 2 місяці тому

    charge!... the most op skill ever created..... and brutally underused xD

  • @psykopyro
    @psykopyro 2 місяці тому

    I'm confused. Why did you try to flee? Does it do something to Omza's a.i.?

  • @danruth1089
    @danruth1089 2 місяці тому

    this is amazing well done!!!

  • @HoeLeeFuQQ
    @HoeLeeFuQQ 2 місяці тому

    Can someone explaine the guide here what he did .

  • @HoeLeeFuQQ
    @HoeLeeFuQQ 2 місяці тому

    What just happened?

  • @Bubba-no5ll
    @Bubba-no5ll 2 місяці тому

    Next time do the real battle with the full team in aloha gear. Best gear and max chars.. not impressive at all.

    • @KFCPhantasm
      @KFCPhantasm 2 місяці тому

      I don't care if I impress some random guy on the internet or not. Do it for yourself.

  • @basicallyirrelevant6920
    @basicallyirrelevant6920 2 місяці тому

    I think he did 89,991 Damage to Kefka in one move.

  • @Thegamerboy45YT
    @Thegamerboy45YT 2 місяці тому

    He spams flare star because it does not cost mp

  • @crimsonreaper7592
    @crimsonreaper7592 2 місяці тому

    very good ☺️

  • @Z3r0.L0g1x
    @Z3r0.L0g1x 3 місяці тому

    Isn't this a cheat? Used highwind when limit wasn't even full. It does a 18 missile hit, with near 99.99k total hit. But he kept on using it whitout limit gauge full.

  • @Nosoulnopower
    @Nosoulnopower 3 місяці тому

    Wait a minute! How does Cloude heal himself by attacking?

  • @juanchocorreal6483
    @juanchocorreal6483 3 місяці тому

    I not humiliating the final bosses, because i like to hear the music

  • @zainzachary6019
    @zainzachary6019 3 місяці тому

    ff9 is the most ff of them all

  • @onehandgaming-c6r
    @onehandgaming-c6r 3 місяці тому

    Funny what I took away from this video... is that Epitaphs can be killed with Soft like those pp trees in Iifa tree

  • @tacotequill32
    @tacotequill32 3 місяці тому

    Oh yeah, these bosses had no more than 50,000 hp in "IX"... Guess they took that into account when they made "X" and the super bosses had over 10,000,000 hp😂

  • @ΓιωργοςΣηφακης-ι5ψ
    @ΓιωργοςΣηφακης-ι5ψ 3 місяці тому

    Corel people aren't so poor after all

  • @cotroneigiuseppe888
    @cotroneigiuseppe888 3 місяці тому

    I have been finished three times before being able to knock it down! What a satisfaction! I felt immortal!😂😂

  • @MartenFerret
    @MartenFerret 4 місяці тому


  • @UselessGoddess378
    @UselessGoddess378 4 місяці тому

    I love how Cloud is still named ex-SOLDIER. Mf forgot his name too

  • @agaba5500
    @agaba5500 4 місяці тому

    what the

  • @BB-te8tc
    @BB-te8tc 4 місяці тому

    "I'm just a kid."

    @MAGCOUSA 4 місяці тому
