N Tebbs
N Tebbs
  • 12
  • 40 294
"and they say I couldn't be a sniper"
"and they say I couldn't be a sniper"
Переглядів: 2 338


Luckiest shot ever
Переглядів 152 роки тому
Luckiest shot ever
triple headshot clutches
Переглядів 112 роки тому
triple headshot clutches
Oryx is a bad mf
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Oryx is a bad mf
Rainbow Six ....
Переглядів 133 роки тому
Rainbow Six ....
cod vanguard aint so bad
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cod vanguard aint so bad
This is too fun
Переглядів 163 роки тому
This is too fun
Infected in a nutshell
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Infected in a nutshell
Black ops 4
Переглядів 193 роки тому
Black ops 4
Miss you DJ Pantelis Rolling Stones Remix
Переглядів 38 тис.4 роки тому
DJ Pantelis - This Is My House (Rolling Stones - Miss you Remix)


  • @Quinnzeh
    @Quinnzeh 13 днів тому

    The chuckles... I'm dying... 🥵

  • @Sikchizx
    @Sikchizx 26 днів тому

    HIS LAUGH 😭😭💖

  • @Banshiren
    @Banshiren 2 місяці тому


  • @Izzys.roblox_editz
    @Izzys.roblox_editz 2 місяці тому

    Bro rlly said " hehe😡 and they said I couldn't be a snipa😂" like danm ❤

  • @antoniodimauro1143
    @antoniodimauro1143 4 місяці тому

  • @boschom9995
    @boschom9995 Рік тому


  • @fiftythat
    @fiftythat Рік тому

    I love him. König is bbg no matter what we stan Austrians❤

  • @deadshotsimmons4423
    @deadshotsimmons4423 Рік тому


    • @MilkIsCool
      @MilkIsCool Рік тому

      nah its not funny its actually kinda sad

    • @ihaveastoma3869
      @ihaveastoma3869 4 місяці тому

      @@MilkIsCoolwhy is it sad

    • @MilkIsCool
      @MilkIsCool 4 місяці тому

      @@ihaveastoma3869 listen to the way he says it

  • @jhonatangh1645
    @jhonatangh1645 2 роки тому

    Remasterizado 😎😎🔥🔥😈

  • @antonioermocida8043
    @antonioermocida8043 2 роки тому

    Casi Casi yo T@mbien me Hago un Sig@rillo MicK

  • @antonioermocida8043
    @antonioermocida8043 2 роки тому

    MiSs you my loVe

  • @bobleroy1924
    @bobleroy1924 2 роки тому

    A great song made new again

  • @alalmauro470
    @alalmauro470 2 роки тому

    Rolling es. Será todo el tiempo

  • @greggregorious8742
    @greggregorious8742 2 роки тому

    🎧💀🔥 i Love it

  • @effigy8620
    @effigy8620 3 роки тому

    Best remix of this gem

  • @d.d.5862
    @d.d.5862 4 роки тому

    Amazing remix track !!! :)

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    la vita non è facile per coloro che mangiano e combattono non hanno amore sotto il tetto e anche il cappuccio più elegante cade dalle nostre teste non abbiamo nulla di ciò che abbiamo trovato in un buon stile di vita ci ha dato una vita facile da un'intonazione all'altra che il pastore ci ha insegnato con il il suo flauto e abbiamo realizzato il miglior suono con il miglior metal per essere il testo di uno dei nostri giorni perché i testi sono ancora compositore e autore libero tra le persone no no no no l'aumento è chiuso molti senza muro qual è il blues e qual è il suono del blu blu blu a terra a volte neciseto e talvolta no non importa se il blues un blu così grande non è una porta è tutto un paradiso l'intero cielo dice la mia gioia si, si, felice

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    a vita ùn hè micca faciule per quelli chì manghjanu e cummattiri ùn anu l'amore sottu à u tettu è ancu a cappa più elegante cade da i nostri capi ùn avemu nunda di ciò chì avemu trovu in un bonu modu di vita ci hà datu una vita faciule da una intonazione à un'altra chì u pastore ci hà amparatu cù u a so flauta è avemu fattu u sonu megliu cù u megliu metallu per esse u testu di unu di i nostri ghjorni perchè e cantu sò sempre compositore è autore gratuiti trà e persone no no no aumentu hè chjusu assai ùn ci hè micca muru chì hè u blues è quale hè u sonu di blu blu blu in terra certi volte capiscu neciseto è à volte micca ùn importa ciò chì u blues cusì grande blu ùn hè micca una porta hè tuttu u celu tuttu u celu dice a mo gioia iè, iè, felice

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    life is not easy for those who eat and fight they do not have love under the roof and even the most elegant hood falls from our heads we have nothing of what we found in a good lifestyle gave us an easy life from one intonation to another that the shepherd taught us with the its flute and we made the best sound with the best metal to be the text of one of our days because the lyrics are still free compositor and author among people no no no increase is closed many there is no wall which is the blues and what is the sound of blu blu blue on earth sometimes neciseto cap and sometimes not no matter what if the blues so big blue is not a door it's all heaven all the sky says my joy yes, yes, happy

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    life is not easy for those who eat and fight they do not have love under the roof and even the most elegant hood falls from our heads we have nothing of what we found in a good lifestyle gave us an easy life from one intonation to another that the shepherd taught us with the its flute and we made the best sound with the best metal to be the text of one of our days because the lyrics are still free compositor and author among people no no no increase is closed many there is no wall which is the blues and what is the sound of blu blu blue on earth sometimes neciseto cap and sometimes not no matter what if the blues so big blue is not a door it's all heaven all the sky says my joy yes, yes, happy

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    we have brought love to our hearts we knew it well because as simple as we are we are always known from below we met skies angels are blown in the wind in a way we knew it pure candlelight gave us wings in any way freedom knew us and music was born for you love that with the intonation we fly in a circle is our house and we are always there we are family in love because I am from my land in which he gave me a good education course says you know the truth you only know the truth

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    we have brought love to our hearts we knew it well because as simple as we are we are always known from below we met skies angels are blown in the wind in a way we knew it pure candlelight gave us wings in any way freedom knew us and music was born for you love that with the intonation we fly in a circle is our house and we are always there we are family in love because I am from my land in which he gave me a good education course says you know the truth you only know the truth

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    Wir haben Liebe in unsere Herzen gebracht, wir wussten es gut, weil wir so einfach sind, dass wir immer von unten bekannt sind Wir haben den Himmel getroffen Engel werden auf eine Weise in den Wind geweht, von der wir wussten, dass reines Kerzenlicht uns Flügel verlieh, so wie uns die Freiheit kannte und Musik geboren wurde Für deine Liebe, wir fliegen mit der Intonation um das Haus, es ist unser Haus und wir sind immer da, wir sind eine verliebte Familie, weil ich aus meinem Land komme, in dem ich einen guten Bildungskurs erhalten habe, du kennst die Wahrheit Du kennst nur die Wahrheit

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    nous avons apporté de l'amour à nos cœurs, nous le savions bien parce que, aussi simples que nous soyons, nous sommes toujours connus d'en bas nous avons rencontré des cieux les anges sont soufflés dans le vent d'une manière que nous savions que la lumière des bougies pure nous a donné des ailes de quelque manière que la liberté nous connaissait et la musique est née car tu aimes qu'avec l'intonation nous volons en cercle c'est notre maison et nous sommes toujours là nous sommes une famille amoureuse parce que je viens de ma terre où il m'a donné un bon cours d'éducation dit que tu connais la vérité tu ne connais que la vérité

  • @rachiddiradira4701
    @rachiddiradira4701 4 роки тому

    hemos traedo amor a nuestro corazon lo conocimos bien porque tan simple que somos nos conoce siempre somos de abajo conocimos cielos angeles se soplan en viento de un modo nosotros lo conocimos luz pura de velas nos dio alas de cual quier modo la libertad nos conocio y la musica se nacio por ti amor que con la intonacion volamos en circulo es nuestra casa y siempre estamos alli somos familia en amor porque soy de mi tierra en que me dio curso de buena educacion dice conoces la verdad tu solo conoces la verdad