The Global Connection
The Global Connection
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Saving Florida's Springs
A journey into the history, beauty, and threats faced by the Florida Springs and their connection to the Floridan Aquifer. The second installment of the documentary film series, The Global Connection, this piece goes in depth on what is threatening these springs and what can be done to ensure their health for generations to come.
Переглядів: 22 288



  • @christophercline6001
    @christophercline6001 3 місяці тому

    Most ppl don’t realize they are the problem these spring activist are going around, blaming everybody for destroying the springs, and in the meantime, they have bug spray on sunscreen on getting in the rivers and the springs peeing in the water pushing wildlife from there habitat. Most people need to stop and think what am I personally doing to affect the rivers and springs.

  • @Mikesworld777
    @Mikesworld777 4 місяці тому

    Mosaic is now pumping ammonia latent water into the aquifer after their accident a few years back

  • @jerrysullivan7223
    @jerrysullivan7223 8 місяців тому

    Graham scott chiles martinez Christi desantis didnt matter its been in place way before those guys

  • @jerrysullivan7223
    @jerrysullivan7223 8 місяців тому

    Dam a dam democrat yes i live in Florida born here in alachua county and still live in North Flor ida twll me what did bill clinton barack obama or Hillary or joe biden have or will do for any of us in north Florida not a thing you made it political not me .

  • @xplicitstyle
    @xplicitstyle 10 місяців тому

    Great video. I own largest spring in FL but no one knows about it.

  • @thecringeman7697
    @thecringeman7697 11 місяців тому

    What a great documentary, but GOD DAMN that violin, it’s super distracting

  • @ajpiazza01
    @ajpiazza01 11 місяців тому

    I like Dr. Bob Knight’s optimism at 32:51 . Unfortunately, Florida politics today (2023) are so distracted by woke, woke ideology, wokeness, and the era of COVID policy (still, for some reason) that issues like springs and drinking water seem to stay out of the discourse. I believe these distractions are intentional on the part of the politicians. The distractions are a feature, not a bug. The current trend in Florida toward “small government” will lead to fewer protections for all of Florida’s natural resources. Doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you vote, just be aware of what you are voting for.

  • @richardestes4259
    @richardestes4259 11 місяців тому

    Though not much, you should not forget Wall Sprngs

  • @fl_snorkeldork
    @fl_snorkeldork Рік тому

    I think it is insane how busy the springs have gotten over the past 20 years or so. Kelly Rock used to be unknown. Now you have to get there before it opens and wait in line for 45 minutes to an hour to get in, only to be in an overcrowded spring.

  • @jman6109
    @jman6109 Рік тому

    Tbe amount of building since the awesome documentary was made is absolutely ridiculous. Everywhere you look its new apartment complexs and neighborhoods! We are so screwed!

  • @Dman9fp
    @Dman9fp Рік тому

    Sulphur spring too off Nebraska ave in Tampa. It's still flowing/ is a 2nd magnitude spring, but it and several nearby smaller springs deemed too polluted/ too far gone (oil, trash, etc in them) to potentially restore them. Sulphur spring been closed to swimming since the late 80s due too too high bacterial count. Also construction of the Tampa bypass canal in the 20th century very negatively affected nearby eureka springs. Wouldn't be surprised if it happens (closed to swimming) also to many springs being killed & overrun by algae i.e. manatee springs, fanning & poe springs Edit: not even a week after making this comment, according to a recent instagram post fanning spring was closed to swimming Not due to being "browned out" by the river-- but due to excessive algal blooms. It's not coming, it's here :/

  • @stevensims3342
    @stevensims3342 Рік тому

    Great video! The springs must be preserved. They are so amazing.

  • @josedeya7482
    @josedeya7482 Рік тому

    Also where is that spring at the beginning of this documentary 😍

  • @josedeya7482
    @josedeya7482 Рік тому

    Im so glad i got to see this, did not know this, defenetly this needs more exposure, i want to get more involved in this cause of the springs in Florida. Anyone can let me know, would be appreciated

  • @RavenMustang
    @RavenMustang Рік тому

    If the Springs were all-in-one location, it would be a National Park of the United States. Sadly the wide acreage the wide spans between Springs has allowed greedy personal ownership And business exploits of these waters that belong that belong to all people, all nations, all the plants, creatures and animals of Florida.

  • @elmagnoon2
    @elmagnoon2 2 роки тому

    Excellent video. Keep pushing your message. Save Florida Springs.

  • @damianrimada6897
    @damianrimada6897 2 роки тому


  • @lillibethswan8533
    @lillibethswan8533 2 роки тому

    Taking more from earth than we deserve and without giving back enough, has the effect that earth stops providing us with its treasures....

  • @coastalfarmhouse1820
    @coastalfarmhouse1820 2 роки тому

    Although this may not have a huge impact, it is worth noting that urine contains a lot of nitrogen. I have been to several springs in Florida and the bathrooms are all located way away from the swimming areas. They need to put bathroom facilities or portalets right at the swimming area and post signs to please use the restroom facilities do not pee in the water. Every bit of nitrogen reduction on the springs might help.

  • @rayrocher6887
    @rayrocher6887 2 роки тому

    Yes , I still want to save the Florida waterways. but How.? Florida conservation would be great.

  • @justynjonn
    @justynjonn 2 роки тому

    Those shots in the beginning up through the school of fish was incredible! Great story. I'll never forget going my experience ar Juniper Spring. ( I'm from New York.)

  • @ardynleslie3936
    @ardynleslie3936 2 роки тому

    Thank you for making this documentary!

  • @nonyasmith4962
    @nonyasmith4962 2 роки тому


  • @bayleer7116
    @bayleer7116 2 роки тому

    Have there been any updates on this situation?

  • @Eryalb
    @Eryalb 3 роки тому

    This is an excellent film

  • @Cerceify
    @Cerceify 3 роки тому

    Thank God I never met Bruce. He apparently hated women(per his employees) P.S. I just watched the online restored Algae Task Force ( Not the one created by De Santi).s They discussed nutrient load and the true value of Ag to our economy which is only about 4% compared to tourism of about 84%.

  • @verycaring2387
    @verycaring2387 3 роки тому

    Humans Kill EVERYTHING. Brought to you by cell phones who's production adds to Earths destruction via pollution. What a mess we are in. Everything we want as convenience is literally destroying our World. Tribes are laughing and sending txts. Reality is a kick in the head.

    • @Dman9fp
      @Dman9fp Рік тому

      Yes x1000. People don't want to realize it, too much pain I guess. Pretend it's alright until it's all gone & all that.... even I'd like to think some parts of FL will stay nice, but at these rates.... idk why I keep living in central FL, it's do-able I guess, I've been fortunate with a local gov job last few years.... just everybody cram on in here. People say Tampa is great. For what? Being a huge cluster-F that's nearly out of water supply? There's stuff to do I guess if you're into that urban life. Just too much, too much people, this life is unnatural more than we can ever realize. How does nobody question why there's the Huge mental health crisis even compared to 20 years ago....

  • @groupondeals5123
    @groupondeals5123 3 роки тому

    I agree. I came to Florida in 2008 as a plan for my whole life to live here. I've been to some of these beautiful springs and there's nothing like them. Ecologically we need to protect not digest. Lived in Colorado another Beautiful State with landscapes that are breath taking. But limited water ways like here in Florida. We need more people to recognize what's happening to our natural resources. Kill these springs we kill life itself. Great great video and very educational. Thank you. Let's go Floridians fight for our resources.

  • @timbosboudreaus7996
    @timbosboudreaus7996 3 роки тому

    You need to look at the phosphate mining. You are probably wrong about the wells being the culprit. Both Springs that you're focused on have large phosphate mining operations.

  • @hughjaass3787
    @hughjaass3787 3 роки тому

    DeSantis doesn't believe in Science, he believes QAnon.

  • @hughjaass3787
    @hughjaass3787 3 роки тому

    Scott attacked the EPA in Florida, and his Idol Idol Trump did it at the Fed Level in '16--'19.

  • @hughjaass3787
    @hughjaass3787 3 роки тому

    Rick Scott was the #1 Worst Environmental Governor in state history. Lil Ronnie DeTrumpus is #2

    • @jerrysullivan7223
      @jerrysullivan7223 8 місяців тому

      And your a environmental communist we should all go live in a cave

  • @openyaeyez
    @openyaeyez 3 роки тому

    I can’t believe this only has a little over 2K views. Kudos to you for putting this together. The Florida springs are one of the most beautiful natural wonders (IMHO). I hope everyone that watches this is inspired to go out and do something before its too late. I hear from people that swam in these springs as children say how much clearer they use to be. I donated and offered to volunteer. Thats a start at least. If you’re interested in doing a follow up documentary on this please reply or contact me.

  • @ereynoldful3974
    @ereynoldful3974 3 роки тому

    I saw this at Rum 138 and was happy to hear you speak and even happier to see the hard work you and Tessa did! This documentary is so important because like "A water's journey" it explains the history of he issues and that scenario of what first time visitors to these springs see and then the confusion they sometimes have when you tell them that the beautiful spring they're looking at is in peril. Growing up swimming in them is when you see the sad decline. And this shows all of that for those people who may be interested or just getting into advocacy, as i was myself when i saw it. Thank you for making this and making it free!

  • @SpeedoKeto
    @SpeedoKeto 3 роки тому aquifers can be restored and refilled by densely planting native grasses and trees. They will hold the groundwater and refill the aquifer, leading to dead springs coming back to life. This problem can totally be solved through wewilding and reforestation. The solution to algae is reintroducing alligators to these springs - their constant movement and altering of their environment (they are like underground beavers and terraform their environment to create deep crystal clear pools which attract an abundance of native wildlife). Alligators and trees are all it would take to fix this. Apex predators, native trees, and native grasses are the solution. Also enacting aggressive legal action to target polluters. We can’t count on the government. I am establishing a trust to accomplish these goals and am seeking donations of land and money. I have dyscalculia, a math learning disability, and literally can’t understand the concept of money and am therefore immune to greed. The money won’t be spent on myself beyond a $100k/year salary - and that’s only after the trust has accumulated enough resources to require my full time attention. For now I live like a college student on unemployment (I’m a veterinarian with $160k in debt) and will continue to do so. I have no desire for money or fame. My life purpose is to rewild as much land as physically possible. Donated land will not be taken from you - you may continue to live on it (though altering the donated land in any way will be prohibited as it will become a native wildlife and plant sanctuary). I am especially interested in depleted farmland which is no longer profitable. I will be seeking statewide compensation per acre for anyone who donates that will provide for an indoor greenhouse with vertical tower aeroponic gardens. They produce 90% more in 10% of the space, you’ll be able to sell all your expensive equipment like multi million dollar combines and keep that money for yourself. The trust will help train workers (who will be paid $60,000/year so they may achieve the American dream - you’ll need far fewer people to harvest. Aeroponics uses 90% less water and a system that collects rainwater will be instituted. Since your land will be reforested, you’ll receive more rainfall and will enjoy cooler, more predictable, and more pleasant temperatures. You may discover you have aquifers on your land as they come back to life. You’ll see a profit within one year. You’ll see an extreme degree of native plant and tree growth and will enjoy an entire zoo of beautiful birds and wildlife in your back yard. Any upstream industrial facilities will be aggressively, relentlessly sued to protect the purity of water on your land. Message me or comment on my profile if you want to get involved. I’m currently seeking lawyers willing to work 10 hours a week pro bono until the trust has acquired enough money to pay them $100,000 per year for full time work. I also need land surveyors and ecologists to help create plans for donated land, educators to do community outreach as well as to educate farmers on how to switch to aeroponics, relationship managers to aggressively seek out new land for donation in the United States for the first year and then abroad after that as we are able to expand, and engineers to design perfect aeroponic greenhouses using minimal costs and simple technology that will also act as indoor relaxation areas - they also need to be quiet enough that you can hear the breeze rustling through the leaves. Also I’ll need fundraisers, especially people with connections among the ultra wealthy though I’ll be seeking land donations from every socioeconomic class but very, very large monetary donations from the ultra-wealthy to offset their horrifically large carbon footprints and to pay for the devastation their greed hath wrought) - the $100k/year salaries of everyone depend on aggressive and rapid fundraising as does the success of the program. All acquired land will go into a PERMANENT trust with the strongest steel teeth to protect it for the next 10,000 years. The world can’t count on governments to place land in preserves - they are too small and are poorly managed and underfunded; plus they don’t hesitate to invade them for natural resources. Just as important, and for the same pay, I’ll also need as many artists as possible to create inspirational material that can change the world and people’s minds. They’ll show the world what it is we have lost, and to envision a future paradise my work will create. I will also be hiring people to create megalithic structures on land since, even if our civilization falls like those of the past, future humans are more likely to protect land with massive artworks within them. I’ll also be placing permanent sculptures scattered all throughout the land for the same reason - people are more likely to protect something beautiful. There will be churches of numinism placed on the land where people may come to reconnect with the spirit of the earth on a spiritual level. No other denominations, with the exception of Buddhism, will be allowed as there is not a single religion on the planet which has prioritized the environment. Indigenous worldwide cultures will also be able to build spiritual houses on the land in planned areas set aside for them where they may safely practice their culture and worship their own gods in a manner that celebrates the mother earth herself as the greatest deity figure above all. Christianity will be banned, as they have done NOTHING for the planet and they focus on sin and persecution of women and PoC while also victimizing children worldwide. I’m going off on a tangent. But religious land has additional government guaranteed benefits and will be tax free. This land is for the people - not corrupt governments. This project is about giving power back to the workers. I’ll need an army of laborers, both skilled and unskilled, who will be paid $60,000-$100,000/year for 30 hours a week of work, though there will be many jobs that are project based instead of time based with bonuses available for exceeding expectations and speed. I want to provide dignity and wealth to workers - from tree planters to people who run wildlife rehabs and breeding centers to restore endangered species so they can be reintroduced. Free housing will be provided for anyone who needs it as I also seek to aid the homeless and disadvantaged. I’ll need an army of scientists as well. Ultimately, the top salary cap - for myself included - is $100,000 for the first 5 years and $200,000 after that - depending on what happens to world markets. I’ll also need rangers to patrol the land to protect it from poachers and capitalists and people who seek to misuse it or hunt or fish on it. All trees within lands in the trust will be assigned a value of $10,000 per year of growth so if any outside influences kill them through their actions (like industrial pollution, farming runoff and pesticide/fertilizer, clear cutting which threatens the edges of protected lands and influences local weather patterns and aquifer levels). Finally, I’ll need human bodyguards to protect higher up individuals and myself within the organization since we know how the US and corporate interests treat threats. We will need to be accompanied to town halls and city counsel meetings and press events to keep speakers from being arrested and to keep local police forces in check since they, nationwide, can’t act right. There are powerful people who will want us shut up or killed because we will threaten their profits, however, in 1990 the world’s billionaires collectively held $240 billion dollars - today (Feb 2021) they hold $10.2 TRILLION - TEN TRILLION TWO HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS - they STOLE that wealth from the working class and they killed the environment to do it. They have existed unchecked for long enough. They will only be allowed to continue their enterprises if they work for the good of nature and the working class (and those who can’t work!). Their time is up. Join me and let me know what skills you have to provide to help.

  • @amm2700
    @amm2700 4 роки тому

    This is a fantastic video, very well done. I would really like to assign it to my students as course material, but captions are not enabled for some reason. Any video we use in class must be captioned accurately. Could you please enable captions so everyone can access and enjoy this video?

  • @deXXXXter2
    @deXXXXter2 4 роки тому

    That should have much more views. Shows you how little people care about one of the biggest if not the biggest problem that florida faces.

  • @mattfish1249
    @mattfish1249 5 років тому

    Good job putting this together

  • @vanessamccall2434
    @vanessamccall2434 5 років тому

    Enjoyed your video and research very much. Excellent job and thank you for sharing. We canoe a couple of the Springs in the Ocla National Forest and have noticed a different with the algae these last 10 years. Keep up the good work.

    @SCUBAWIZE 5 років тому

    Great job on this video and presenting the facts! Thank you for wanting to make our springs better for everyone!

    • @jamesfogg3391
      @jamesfogg3391 3 роки тому

      Irritating background music , excellent report...