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イルカに恋をした私 - I fell in love with a dolphin
澄み渡る空 広がる海
そう 私イルカに恋してしまったの!
澄み渡る空 広がる海
そう 私イルカに恋してしまったの!
Переглядів: 20


霧に包まれし森 - Eternal Enchantment
Переглядів 5910 годин тому
立ち込める霧の中 神秘的な響きが響く 深緑の樹海に誘われ 永遠の時が流れるように 辿り着いた閑寂な場所 不思議な力に惹かれ 見えない光に包まれ ここでしか味わえぬ奇跡 神々しく輝く奥底 途方もない感動に包まれ 形容しがたい景色に 魂まで洗われていく この瞬間永遠に続け 儚くも美しい大地 永遠に美しく在り続け 私の心に刻みつけられよ 立ち昇る霧の中 不思議な響きが響く 深緑の樹海に誘われ 永遠の時が流れるように 辿り着いた神秘の地 不可思議な力に引き寄せられ 見えない何かに包まれ ここでしか出会えぬ驚異 神々しく輝く奥深く とてつもない感動に満たされ 言葉では言い表せぬ この世界に魂を奪われる この瞬間永遠に想え 儚くも美しき大地よ 永遠に美しく在り続け 私の心に染み付けられよ
冬桜に射す願い - Timeless Epiphany
Переглядів 7012 годин тому
輝く雪に祈りを託す 時を超えた愛の奇跡 寒い季節の中咲く花 この瞬間に生まれ変わる 静かに降り積もる雪に 恋する心溶かされて 夢見る様な儚さの中 響く君への願いの言葉 永遠を約束する時 二つの心寄り添う 奇跡の結晶舞い降りる この場所で出会えた幸せ 一緒に見上げる冬の空 永遠のいとなみ描いて 刻まれる想い変わらぬよう この瞬間を忘れないで 揺れる想いを雪が包む 君の声が心に響く この出会いが奇跡なのか 時間を越えた愛なのか 限りなく長い時が流れても 心は変わらずに寄り添う 永遠の誓いを交わした 冬桜が咲き誇る場所で 冬の中に咲き競う花 時を超えた絆が導く 儚くも美しく散っていく 永遠の愛の証となる 雪に包まれたこの景色に 愛する君を重ね合わせて かけがえのない時を重ね この刻限に心癒される
士魂の凱歌 - Valiant Hymn
Переглядів 3218 годин тому
閃く剣轟く太鼓 勇者たちが戦場に立つ 信念の炎が照らし出す 永久に燃え尽きぬ英雄像 試練に立ち向かう意志 乗り越えるべき数々の障壁 傷つきながらも前に進む 諦めない心の強さよ 不可能を可能にする 奇跡は我らに宿る 悲しみも苦しみも乗り越えて 輝く希望を拓いていく 勇者の魂叫び響く 奇跡を呼び起こす剣の舞 永遠の光が世界を照らす 圧倒的な勇気に震える 試練に打ち勝った意志 乗り越えた数々の障壁 その先に待つ新たな道 諦めない心の強さよ 不可能を可能にする 奇跡は我らに宿る 悲しみも苦しみも乗り越えて 輝く希望を拓いていく 蒼き剣が闇を切り裂く 勇者の魂が永遠に燃える 苦しみを越え光を目指す 誰も成し遂げぬ愛を 試練に打ち勝つ熱き意志 障壁を一つずつ乗り越え 力強く前へ前へと進む 諦めぬ心に世界が震える
蒼い眼の旋律 - Celestial Harmony
Переглядів 2521 годину тому
蒼きまなざしの下で 降り注ぐ光の粒子 清らかな調べが響く 心に染み渡る響き 永遠の時を辿るように 慈しみに包まれている 漂う波紋が広がり やすらぎに満ちる世界 遠くにきらめく星たち 神秘に満ちた歌声 美しいメロディが渦巻く この麗しき調べに 蒼い瞳を閉じて耳を澄まし 星のさざ波に導かれ 天空に響き渡るように このムーンライトに包まれ 地上に降り注ぐ月影 静寂に満たされている 荒ぶる心も癒されゆき 深い眠りに誘われる 至高の輝きに包まれ 尊厳に満ちた歌声 響き渡る神聖な旋律 天に捧ぐこの調べ まぶたを開けば煌めく星々 永遠の時の中に溶け込む 時が止まるかのような静寂に 浸り込むこの至福の響き
深き宇宙の海 - Deep Cosmic Ocean
Переглядів 1162 години тому
彷徨う想い、深き宇宙の海 流れ星に願いを寄せつつ 輝く意志を持ち歩む道 果てなき旅路に心躍らせ 遥かなる宇宙の果てを目指し 無限の輝き捉えようと航行 神秘に満ちた遥かなる軌跡 夢見る心が宇宙を駆け抜ける 時に迷い、時に懸命に進む 答えなき問いに心が震える だが希望の光は消えることなく 星々に導かれて進むべき道 遠い記憶を辿る旅の果てに いつかたどり着く答えがあるはず 惑星の息吹に包まれている 銀河の軌跡に導かれているはず 未知への探求心燃え上がり 宇宙の奥底を覗き見たくて 誇り高き魂、夢に導かれ 行く手を邪魔するものはない 深遠な世界に魅入られながら 未知への憧れ心に宿れり 永遠に広がる星々の物語 その中に未来が待っているはず 時の流れを感じ取りながら 未知と未来に心を躍らせ 絶えずチャレンジし続ける意志 最果ての真理を見つけ出すべく 夢の先の地平に辿り着くまで 果てしなき探求心失う...
夢の中で出逢う - Meeting in a Dream
Переглядів 1602 години тому
夢の中で出逢う 小さな瞳が光る いつか出逢えると 願いを込めて 優しい笑顔に 包まれていきたい 迷わず歩める道 指し示してほしい 今ここにいる 寂しさ感じていた あなたが来てくれた 心に響く言葉 強く信じている きっとあなたと出逢う 幾つもの出会いに 導かれているだろう ぬくもり感じて そばにいてほしい 大切な存在に なってほしいと思う 想いを重ね 時間が経つごとに あなたとの絆 深まっていくのを どんなときも 寄り添っているから 何も恐れないで 前に進めるはず 優しい心で 支えてくれているの 一緒に歩める この喜びを感じる この先も 共に歩みたいと 願わずにはいられない 永遠の出会いを
灰色の町に輝く光 - A shining light in a grey town
Переглядів 1202 години тому
灰色に染まる冬の街 凍てつく風が漂う 凍りつく時間の中 輝く光が潜り抜ける 寒さに震えながら歩む人々 立ち止まり宝石のように煌く 灯りを見つめる 希望を捨てずにいる 遠く聞こえる物語の音色 励ましの言葉へと変わっていく 一つ一つ心に染み込む やがて包み込むように暖かくなっていく 輝きが街を踊るように照らし出す 凍り付いた地面に生命が宿る 尊厳ある人々の姿が浮かび上がる ここでしか見られない 景色に心を奪われる 困難な道のりを歩んできた しかし決して諦めることはなかった そして今、美しい光に包まれている この輝きは誰もが等しく 感じられるものなのだ やがて春が訪れ 凍え付いた大地に新しい命が芽吹く 厳しい冬を乗り越えてきた人々 わずかな光に希望を見出してきたのだ 辛い時も絶望的な時もあった しかし決して諦めることはなく 歩みを止めることなく前に進んできた 光は誰もが等しく受け取れるものだ
未知なる世界へ - Into the unknown
Переглядів 652 години тому
未知なる世界へ導く道 胸に燃える熱き情熱 正義に導かれ前へ進む 未知なる未来への欲望 勇気を胸に抱いて さあ未知なる世界へ 夢を抱いて飛び立つ 自由への強い意志 絆が導く未来へ ある日出会った あなたの瞳に 秘められた想いが見えて来た 未知なる可能性に胸が高鳴る 勇気を持ち前に進もう 未知なる世界 ACTIVATE 希望の流れに乗って進め 自由への道は険しくも 絆の光に導かれ前へ この道を辿って 遥かな地へ 確かな足取りで進んでゆく どんな困難が待っているとも 為すべき正義があるはずだ 未知なる世界を切り拓く 炎のように燃える情熱 明日へつながる道を探して 勇気を忘れずに飛び立とう 降り注ぐ未知への期待と好奇心 可能性を秘めた無限の未来図 理想を胸に掲げ翔ける 夢を追って今蒼穹へ羽ばたけ さあ未知なる世界へ 夢を抱いて飛び立つ 自由への強い意志 絆が導く未来へ
砂時計の中に眠る夢 - Dreams Resting in the Hourglass
Переглядів 1032 години тому
砂時計の中に眠る夢 忘れられぬ想いを込めて この夜こそ解き放とう 愛の言葉を だから泣かないと誓うの 心中の苦しみを乗り越えて 自由になれる日が来るはずよ 希望に満ちた明日へと 努力を続ける日々は無限大 限界を乗り越える勇気を持って 瞳奪う美しい景色を見つけられる 雲一つなく澄み渡る空 何も変わらぬこの繰り返し 私の人生は永遠に続く 好きな人を想うこの気持ちは 終わらないよこの胸の中で さぁ感情を吐き出そう これ以上涙は流さない 夢見た未来を手に入れるために 立ち上がり歩み出すの 暗闇を照らす光がある 何度でも立ち上がる勇気を感じる 愛する人を思う心は揺らがない 再び出会うその時まで待つ 負けないと誓うのよ 夢を取り戻すまで 幾日月を経ても あなたを忘れない 永遠に
聖なる想いの奇跡 - Miracles of Sacred Feelings
Переглядів 1154 години тому
聖なる想いの奇跡へ 希望に満ちた鼓動が高鳴る 愛しい人を守るため立ち上がる 願いを込めた戦いの果てに 見上げた空に輝く星々 希望のランプ灯し導いてくれる 夢のような奇跡が巡り来たる 手を伸ばせば触れられそうな 愛しの人よここにいるから どんな試練にも負けはしない 前を向いて進もうと決めた 願いが交差する奇跡の時 聖なる想いが私を照らす 輝く未来が待っているはず 希望の光に導かれながら 愛しの人と歩んでいきたい 戦いの果てに見えてくるのは 夢のような奇跡の扉開く 希望に満ちた未来が広がる 願いがかなう瞬間が待つ 聖なる想いの奇跡が 愛しの人を守り抜いてきた 希望の光射す中で共に立つ 戦いに勝利した勇姿に感激 時が過ぎ 涙が渇いた頬を伝う 希望の光 もはや遠く消えようとしても 愛しの人の笑顔 胸に灯火を持続する 願いかなう日は必ず訪れるはずだ
瞳の奥に秘めた想い - The Secret Feelings Within My Eyes
Переглядів 504 години тому
瞳の奥に秘めた想い その瞳映す君は煌めきの化身 隔たる距離 ためらう心 包まれるあたたかさ 触れたくなる カフェテリアで偶然の出逢い 心が高鳴る瞬間に呼び覚まされた 言葉に出せない儚い 感情 ただ見つめるだけで胸が高まるの 一目惚れの衝動に心奪われて 今日こそは正直に心を開く 最愛の君に熱い想いを告げよう Fear跳ね除け 言葉にする勇気を まるで天使の祝福に包まれた恋 運命に導かれるような必然性 どんな理由でも大切なのは あなたと出会えた この奇跡 友達の理解を得られないかもしれない 想いは変わる事はない ランチタイムは終わっても恋心は続く I'll shout from the rooftop 愛してる! 突然の出会いで心奪われた いつしか募る想いを押し殺してきた 我慢の限界 もう隠し立てしない 正々堂々と愛を告白する YESかNOか問う前に受け止めてほしい こんなに溢れる君への...
奇跡のBorderを目指せ - Aim for the miraculous border(女性バージョン)
Переглядів 304 години тому
虹色の空が広がる世界へ 光に包まれて輝く笑顔 夢を追い求める想いを込めて 未知への扉を開いていこう 迷いと不安に翻弄されながら 時の流れに乗り進んで 響き渡る鼓動は永劫の調べ 導いてくれる指針となる 限りない可能性を抱きしめ 君と歩む道のりは果てしない 嵐の中でも揺るがぬ絆で 新たなBorderを目指して 思いは交わり合い重ねあわせ 一人ひとりが望む未来を刻む 隠していた涙を今こそ 胸に寄り添って拭い去ろう 果てしない夢を抱いて 永遠に声に乗せて響かせ めぐりくる季節も変わろうとも この場所で共に想いを描き続ける 鼓動と鼓動が重なり合う 奇跡のBorder 時が過ぎ去ろうと希望は絶えず 不可能を可能に変える力を 手に入れた今 未知への旅立ち 瞳に宿る希望を信じて 果てしない夢を抱いて 永遠に声に乗せて響かせ めぐりくる季節も変わろうとも この場所で共に想いを描き続ける 鼓動と鼓動が重...
奇跡のBorderを目指せ - Aim for the miraculous border(男性バージョン)
Переглядів 954 години тому
虹色の空が広がる世界へ 光に包まれて輝く笑顔 夢を追い求める想いを込めて 未知への扉を開いていこう 迷いと不安に翻弄されながら 時の流れに乗り進んで 響き渡る鼓動は永劫の調べ 導いてくれる指針となる 限りない可能性を抱きしめ 君と歩む道のりは果てしない 嵐の中でも揺るがぬ絆で 新たなBorderを目指して 思いは交わり合い重ねあわせ 一人ひとりが望む未来を刻む 隠していた涙を今こそ 胸に寄り添って拭い去ろう 果てしない夢を抱いて 永遠に声に乗せて響かせ めぐりくる季節も変わろうとも この場所で共に想いを描き続ける 鼓動と鼓動が重なり合う 奇跡のBorder 時が過ぎ去ろうと希望は絶えず 不可能を可能に変える力を 手に入れた今 未知への旅立ち 瞳に宿る希望を信じて 果てしない夢を抱いて 永遠に声に乗せて響かせ めぐりくる季節も変わろうとも この場所で共に想いを描き続ける 鼓動と鼓動が重...
戦燥のサイレン - The Terrifying Hyper Pop Siren Vol.2
Переглядів 324 години тому
戦慄のサイレンが響き渡る 翼を激しく震わせる轟音 遥か大地を俯瞰しながら 呼吸が乱れ、脈打つ心臓に聞こえる 絶望も不安も跳ね除け 前に突き進むしかない 狂気のような勢いと狼狽えつつ たゆまぬ意志で覚悟を決める 上空へと駆け上っていく 地との絆を断ち切ろうとする 視界に飲み込まれる大地 ついに取り残された孤独感 自由への欲望に燃えるように疾走する 荒々しい風が肌を刺す 限界まで翼を開き放つ あらゆるものを捨て去る 碧き地球、蒼き大気 神秘に満ちた景色に打ち震える もはや取り返しのつかぬ選択 これまでの苦難がついに報われる 乗り越えられぬものは何一つなかった 努力の結晶がここに現れた 辛酸をなめた末に到達した この景観に魂が打ち震える もはや現実とは思えぬほどに 小さく見える自分の影 ただしそれこそが自由への近道 次なる高みへと引き上げられる 夢見た未知が手の中にある 憧憬が現実となった...
戦燥のサイレン - The Terrifying Hyper Pop Siren Vol.1
Переглядів 744 години тому
戦燥のサイレン - The Terrifying Hyper Pop Siren Vol.1
英雄よ煌めきの彼方へ - Hero, go beyond the sparkle Vol.2
Переглядів 927 годин тому
英雄よ煌めきの彼方へ - Hero, go beyond the sparkle Vol.2
英雄よ煌めきの彼方へ - Hero, go beyond the sparkle Vol.1
Переглядів 1577 годин тому
英雄よ煌めきの彼方へ - Hero, go beyond the sparkle Vol.1
灰色の世界へ消える君 - You disappear into the grey world Vol.2
Переглядів 917 годин тому
灰色の世界へ消える君 - You disappear into the grey world Vol.2
灰色の世界へ消える君 - You disappear into the grey world Vol.1
Переглядів 1607 годин тому
灰色の世界へ消える君 - You disappear into the grey world Vol.1
決意の光 - Light of Resolve
Переглядів 1027 годин тому
決意の光 - Light of Resolve
魂踊る舞台 - Stage of Dancing Spirits
Переглядів 797 годин тому
魂踊る舞台 - Stage of Dancing Spirits
藍に溶ける想い - Feelings Melt into Indigo
Переглядів 1547 годин тому
藍に溶ける想い - Feelings Melt into Indigo
未曾有の荒波への挑戦 - Taking on unprecedented storms
Переглядів 827 годин тому
未曾有の荒波への挑戦 - Taking on unprecedented storms
小さな妖精になった私 - I became a little fairy
Переглядів 369 годин тому
小さな妖精になった私 - I became a little fairy
虹色の風に導かれて - Guided by the rainbow-colored wind
Переглядів 1179 годин тому
虹色の風に導かれて - Guided by the rainbow-colored wind
シェアの暮らし - Shared Living Harmony
Переглядів 759 годин тому
シェアの暮らし - Shared Living Harmony
雨音の記憶 - Melody of the Rain
Переглядів 1929 годин тому
雨音の記憶 - Melody of the Rain
バスケと音楽が繋ぐ青春 - Youth connected by basketball and music
Переглядів 759 годин тому
バスケと音楽が繋ぐ青春 - Youth connected by basketball and music
あなたへの愛は止められない - My love for you is unstoppable
Переглядів 919 годин тому
あなたへの愛は止められない - My love for you is unstoppable


  • @Angel-f7l4e
    @Angel-f7l4e 3 години тому

    I loveit!!

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 7 годин тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 7 годин тому

    Dolphins basking in the sun. Mesmerized by their graceful swimming on the clear blue waves, my heart throbs in love. I'm fascinated by their graceful movements. Their strength cutting through the water's surface. Feelings of heat on my cheeks. They sprout up like a miracle. A clear sky, a wide sea. Dolphins dance under the sunlight. I'm fascinated by their appearance. I just look into my heart. I'm drawn to the miraculous sea and start swimming with you. What is this feeling? Yes. I've fallen in love with dolphins! I'm fascinated by their graceful movements Their strength cutting through the surface of the water A feeling that makes my cheeks flush with heat It's like a miracle that it's starting to grow A clear sky, a wide sea Dolphins dance in the sunlight I'm fascinated by their appearance I just love gazing into my heart The dolphins' singing echoes through the eternal ocean of freedom You are reflected in their deep, clear eyes My heart leaps with excitement at this miraculous encounter The red, shimmering sea at dusk The rising spray is also beautiful What is this feeling Yes, I've fallen in love with a dolphin!

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 10 годин тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 10 годин тому

    In the mist that rolls up, a mysterious sound echoes. Invited by the deep green sea of ​​trees, as if time flows forever. A quiet place that I arrived at. Drawn by a mysterious power. Wrapped in invisible light. A miracle that can only be experienced here. The depths that shine divinely. Wrapped in tremendous emotion. The indescribable scenery. Cleansed to the soul. Continue this moment forever. A fleeting yet beautiful land. Continue to be beautiful forever. Engrave it in my heart. In the mist that rises, a mysterious sound echoes. Invited by the deep green sea of ​​trees. As if time flows forever. A mysterious place that I arrived at. Drawn by a mysterious power. Wrapped in something invisible. A wonder that can only be encountered here. Deeply shining divinely. Filled with tremendous emotion. Words cannot describe. My soul is taken away by this world. Think of this moment forever. Fleeting yet beautiful land. Continue to be beautiful forever. Engrave it in my heart.

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 12 годин тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 12 годин тому

    Entrusting my prayers to the shining snow A miracle of love that transcends time Flowers that bloom in the cold season Reborn in this moment The snow that quietly falls My heart in love melts In the midst of this dreamy transience Words of wishes for you resonate When we promise eternity Two hearts come together Miraculous crystals fall The happiness of meeting in this place Looking up at the winter sky together Painting an eternal love The feelings engraved in it will never change Don't forget this moment Snow envelops my wavering feelings Your voice resonates in my heart Is this meeting a miracle A love that transcends time Even after an infinitely long time has passed Our hearts will stay together We made an eternal vow In the place where the winter cherry blossoms are in full bloom Flowers that bloom in the winter A bond that transcends time leads Fleeting but beautifully falling Proof of eternal love I superimpose my beloved on this snow-covered landscape Irreplaceable time piles up My heart is soothed by this moment

  • @user-ij3gn6vd2c
    @user-ij3gn6vd2c 15 годин тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 18 годин тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 18 годин тому

    A flashing sword, a thundering drum. Heroes stand on the battlefield. The flames of faith light up. A heroic image that never burns out. The will to face trials. The many barriers that must be overcome. Moving forward despite our wounds. The strength of the heart that never gives up. The impossible becomes possible. Miracles reside within us. We overcome sorrow and pain. We open up shining hope. The soul of the hero cries out. The sword dance that awakens miracles. Eternal light illuminates the world. We tremble with overwhelming courage. The will to overcome trials. The many barriers overcome. A new path awaits beyond. The strength of the heart that never gives up. The impossible becomes possible. Miracles reside within us. We overcome sorrow and pain. We open up shining hope. The blue sword cuts through the darkness. The soul of the hero burns forever. We overcome pain and aim for the light. A love that no one has ever achieved. The burning will to overcome trials. We overcome barriers one by one. We move forward powerfully. The world trembles with a heart that never gives up.

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 21 годину тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 21 годину тому

    Under the blue gaze, particles of light rain down, a pure melody resonates, a sound that penetrates the heart, as if tracing eternal time, wrapped in compassion, drifting ripples spread, a world filled with tranquility, stars twinkling in the distance, a voice full of mystery, a beautiful melody swirling, to this beautiful melody, close your blue eyes and listen carefully, guided by the ripples of the stars, echoing through the sky, wrapped in this moonlight, the moonlight pouring down on the earth, filled with silence, your wild heart is healed, and you are invited into a deep sleep, wrapped in the supreme radiance, a voice full of dignity, a sacred melody that resonates, this melody dedicated to the heavens, when you open your eyes, the twinkling stars melt into eternal time, immersed in the silence where time seems to stop, this blissful sound

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому

    Wandering thoughts, deep sea of ​​space Praying to a shooting star A path walked with a shining will Hearts racing on an endless journey Aiming for the far end of the universe Sailing to capture the infinite brilliance A long trajectory full of mystery A dreaming heart runs through the universe Sometimes lost, sometimes moving forward desperately My heart trembles at questions without answers But the light of hope never fades Guided by the stars, the path we must follow At the end of a journey following distant memories There must be an answer we will reach someday Enveloped by the breath of the planets Guided by the trajectory of the galaxy Untold A burning desire to seek knowledge, wanting to peer into the depths of the universe, a proud soul, guided by dreams, nothing stands in the way. While fascinated by the profound world, a yearning for the unknown resides in the heart. The story of the stars that stretches out forever, within which the future must await. Feeling the flow of time, excited by the unknown and the future, the determination to continue challenging endlessly, to discover the truth of the farthest reaches. Until we reach the horizon beyond our dreams, without losing our boundless desire to seek, to solve the eternal mystery, we will continue to move forward without stopping.

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому

    We meet in dreams Your little eyes shine I hope we will meet someday I want to be surrounded by your gentle smile Please show me the path I can walk without wavering I'm here now I felt lonely You came Words that resonate in my heart I strongly believe I will meet you I will be guided by many encounters I want you to feel my warmth I want you to be by my side I want you to become an important part of me As time passes, our bond with you deepens I'll always be by your side I should be able to move forward without fear You support me with your kind heart I feel this joy I can't help but wish to walk together from now on An eternal encounter

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому

    A gray winter city A frosty wind drifts A shining light penetrates through the frozen time People walk shivering from the cold They stop and stare at the lights that sparkle like jewels They don't give up hope The sound of a story heard from far away Turns into words of encouragement Each one sees into their heart And soon they become warm as they embrace The light lights up the city as if dancing Life dwells on the frozen ground The figures of dignified people emerge They are captivated by the scenery that can only be seen here They have walked a difficult path But they never gave up And now they are surrounded by beautiful light This light is something that everyone can feel equally Soon spring comes New life sprouts on the frozen earth People who have overcome the harsh winter They have found hope in the little light There have been difficult times and times of despair But they never gave up They have continued to move forward without stopping Light is something that everyone can receive equally

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому

    The road that leads to an unknown world A burning passion in my heart Guided by justice, I move forward A desire for an unknown future With courage in my heart Come on, to an unknown world Fly away with dreams A strong will for freedom To a future guided by bonds One day, I met you I saw hidden feelings in your eyes My heart beats with excitement at unknown possibilities Let's move forward with courage ACTIVATE the unknown world Ride the flow of hope The road to freedom is rough Guided by the light of bonds, I move forward Follow this path To a faraway land Proceed with sure steps No matter what difficulties await There must be justice to be done Open up an unknown world Passion burns like a flame Search for the path that leads to tomorrow Fly away without forgetting your courage Expectations and curiosity for the unknown pouring down An infinite future filled with possibilities Fly with your ideals in your heart Follow your dreams and take flight into the blue sky Come on, to an unknown world Fly away with your dreams A strong will for freedom To a future guided by bonds

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s День тому

    A dream sleeping in an hourglass With unforgettable feelings Tonight, let's release Words of love So I swear I won't cry Overcoming the pain in my heart The day will come when I can be free Towards a hopeful tomorrow The days of continuing to work are endless With the courage to overcome limitations I can find a beautiful view that will steal my eyes A clear sky without a single cloud This repetition that never changes My life will continue forever The feelings I have for the person I love Will never end in my heart Now, let's let out my emotions I won't shed any more tears To get the future I dreamed of I'll stand up and take a step There is a light that illuminates the darkness I feel the courage to stand up again and again My heart that thinks of the person I love is unwavering I'll wait until we meet again I swear I won't lose Until I get my dream back No matter how many days and months pass I won't forget you Forever

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    Towards a miracle of holy thoughts My heart beats with hope I stand up to protect my loved one At the end of a battle filled with hope The stars shining in the sky I look up to light the lamp of hope and guide me A dream-like miracle comes round I feel like I can reach out and touch My beloved is here I will not lose to any trial I have decided to move forward A miraculous time when wishes intersect My holy thoughts shine on me A bright future must be waiting Guided by the light of hope I want to walk with my loved one At the end of the battle, I can see The door to a dream-like miracle opens A future full of hope unfolds The moment my wish comes true awaits The miracle of holy thoughts Has protected my loved one Standing together in the light of hope I am moved by the brave figure that won the battle Time passes, tears run down my dry cheeks Even if the light of hope is about to disappear far away The smile of my loved one continues to light in my heart The day my wish comes true will surely come

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    Feelings hidden deep in your eyes You reflected in those eyes are the embodiment of sparkle The distance between us, my hesitant heart The warmth that envelopes you makes me want to touch you A chance encounter in the cafeteria A moment of excitement awakened A fleeting emotion that I can't put into words Just looking at you makes my heart beat faster Captivated by the impulse of love at first sight Today I will open my heart honestly I will tell my beloved you how I feel Flush away fear and find the courage to put it into words A love wrapped in the blessing of an angel A inevitability that seems to be led by fate Whatever the reason, what's important is This miracle that I was able to meet you You may not be understood by your friends My feelings will never change Even after lunchtime is over, my love continues I'll shout from the rooftop, I love you! My heart was stolen by a sudden encounter I've been suppressing my growing feelings I've reached my limit, so I won't hide it anymore I confess my love honestly Before I ask you if you agree My feelings for you are overflowing Now is the time to reveal my feelings and reveal my heart I want to walk with you into the future The feelings hidden deep in my eyes (I love you) I've always thought of you strongly (I love you) I can't hide these feelings now Finally, my love with you will last forever

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    To a world with a rainbow sky A smile shining in the light With the desire to pursue our dreams Let's open the door to the unknown While being tossed about by doubt and anxiety Ride the flow of time The resounding heartbeat is an eternal melody It will be a guide to guide us Embracing limitless possibilities The path I walk with you is endless With an unshakable bond even in the storm Aiming for a new border Our thoughts intertwine and overlap Engraving the future each of us desires Now is the time Let's close to our hearts and wipe away the tears we have been hiding Holding endless dreams Let's let our voices resonate forever Even if the seasons change We will continue to paint our thoughts together in this place Heartbeats overlap A miraculous border No matter how much time passes, hope never ends Now that we have the power to turn the impossible into the possible A journey into the unknown. Believe in the hope in your eyes. Embrace endless dreams. Let your voices resonate forever. Even as the seasons change, let us continue to paint our thoughts together in this place. Our heartbeats overlap. Let's aim for the miraculous Border! Aim for it!

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    To a world with rainbow-colored skies A smile shining in the light With the desire to pursue our dreams Let's open the door to the unknown While being tossed about by doubt and anxiety Ride the flow of time The resounding heartbeat is an eternal melody It will be a guide to guide us Embracing limitless possibilities The path I walk with you is endless With an unshakable bond even in the storm Aiming for a new Border Our thoughts intertwine and overlap Engraving the future each of us desires Now is the time Let's close our hearts and wipe away the tears we have been hiding Holding endless dreams Let's let our voices resonate forever Even as the seasons change We will continue to paint our thoughts together in this place Heartbeats overlap A miraculous Border No matter how much time passes, hope never ends Now that we have the power to turn the impossible into the possible Embark on a journey into the unknown, believe in the hope in your eyes, hold on to endless dreams, let your voices resonate forever, even as the seasons change, let us continue to paint our thoughts together in this place, where our heartbeats overlap, and let's aim for the miraculous border!

  • @金本謙也
    @金本謙也 2 дні тому


    • @M.M.T-y6s
      @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

      こんにちは(^^) 聴いて頂きありがとうございます!! これからも追加して参りますので、是非聴いて下さいm(_ _)m

    • @金本謙也
      @金本謙也 2 дні тому

      @ こんにちは! 楽しみにしてますねー!

    • @M.M.T-y6s
      @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

      ​@@金本謙也 ✌

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    A terrifying siren resounds. A roar that makes the wings tremble violently. Looking down on the distant earth. Breathing irregularly, the sound of a beating heart can be heard. Spending aside despair and anxiety, I have no choice but to forge ahead. With insane momentum and panic, I make up my mind with an unyielding will. Rising up into the sky. Trying to sever my ties with the earth. The earth is swallowed up in my field of vision. Finally, I feel alone, left behind. Running like a fire in my desire for freedom. The violent wind stings my skin. I spread my wings to the limit. I throw everything away. The blue earth, the blue air. I tremble at the mysterious scenery. A choice that can no longer be undone. The hardships I've endured so far are finally rewarded. There was nothing I couldn't overcome. The crystallization of my efforts appears here. I have finally reached this place after a bitter experience My soul trembles at this view My shadow seems so small that it no longer seems real But that is the shortcut to freedom I am being pulled up to the next height The unknown I dreamed of is in my hands Proof that my longing has become a reality My faith in the value has been rewarded My expectations for the future are rising A clear sky without a single cloud The sun shines brightly My liberated soul throbs The joy of freedom runs through my body I look back at the earth I can touch the source of life I can see what I should cherish I can experience an irreplaceable moment I have overcome all difficulties The fact that I am here is proof My past trials were not in vain It will be the catalyst for my next leap

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 2 дні тому

    A terrifying siren resounds. A roar that makes the wings tremble violently. Looking down on the distant earth. Breathing irregularly, the sound of a beating heart can be heard. Spending aside despair and anxiety, I have no choice but to forge ahead. With insane momentum and panic, I make up my mind with an unyielding will. Rising up into the sky. Trying to sever my ties with the earth. The earth is swallowed up in my field of vision. Finally, I feel alone, left behind. Running like a fire in my desire for freedom. The violent wind stings my skin. I spread my wings to the limit. I throw everything away. The blue earth, the blue air. I tremble at the mysterious scenery. A choice that can no longer be undone. The hardships I've endured so far are finally rewarded. There was nothing I couldn't overcome. The crystallization of my efforts appears here. I have finally reached this place after a bitter experience My soul trembles at this view My shadow seems so small that it no longer seems real But that is the shortcut to freedom I am being pulled up to the next height The unknown I dreamed of is in my hands Proof that my longing has become a reality My faith in the value has been rewarded My expectations for the future grow A clear sky without a single cloud The sun shines brightly My liberated soul throbs The joy of freedom runs through my body I look back at the earth I can touch the source of life I can see what I should cherish I can enjoy this irreplaceable moment I have overcome all difficulties The fact that I am here is proof My past trials were not in vain It will be the catalyst for my next leap

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    Hero! Beyond the sparkle A burning passion sparkles in the night sky An unrestrained power dwells within A song of hope is about to resonate A sad bond is held close to my heart Although deep-rooted pain still remains A heart that will not give up, faces forward The overlapping battles continue I believe in and embrace a tomorrow filled with light I will not abandon hope and move forward To overcome this lonely battle I will release the energy of hope The moment I take off, dreaming of a sparkling dream No trial will shake my heart A sparkling light, yearning for the morning Tomorrow's hero, as proof of that At the end of the battle, the future that awaits me While surrounded by the light of the stars I will not give up on my dreams and ideals I vow to aim for the distant heavens A lonely hero, with a large aura I will rise up, catching the dawn No matter what path I take, I will move forward without hesitation I will carry my holy passion in my heart A sacred power that shines brighter than the darkness, yearning for dreams Hidden within, the miracle of hope awakens. A pure tomorrow awaits in the light of dawn. Believing in hope, I take steps forward. Carrying the pain of a lonely battle, hero, now is the time to release everything!

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    Hero! Beyond the sparkle A burning passion sparkles in the night sky A wild power dwells and envelops A song of hope is about to resonate A burning passion sparkles in the night sky A wild power dwells and envelops A song of hope is about to resonate I hold the sad bond close to my heart The deep pain still remains But I will face forward with an unyielding heart I will continue to fight against each other I will embrace the tomorrow filled with light, believing in it I will not abandon hope and will move forward To overcome this lonely battle I will release the energy of hope The moment I take off, dreaming of a sparkling dream No trial will shake my heart A sparkling light, yearning for the morning Tomorrow's hero, as proof of that The future that awaits at the end of the battle While surrounded by the light of the stars I will not give up on my dreams and ideals I will vow to aim for the distant sky A lonely hero, with a large aura I will rise up, catching the dawn No matter what the road Move forward without hesitation, your fighting spirit burning. Holy thoughts dwell in your heart. A dream that shines brighter than the darkness. Hidden within is a sacred power. Awaken the miracle of hope. A pure tomorrow awaits in the light of dawn. Believe in hope and take steps forward. Carrying the pain of a lonely battle. Hero, now is the time to release everything! Generated image. Uses anime style, aspect ratio 1:1.

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    Blending into a grey world I walk on, even though I'm hurt I carry you deep in my heart Running through the city alone Where is the young man I dreamed of He's vanished like a shadow The days when I believed in freedom are long gone Amid this suffocating despair My only light is my thoughts of you Those times were supposed to last forever Now they've turned into lamentations In the midst of the pain where I can't even sigh I chase after you Even though I'm consumed by loneliness I don't give up hope Encouraged by your continued strength I vow to move forward once more As if guided to a future I can surely reach Even surrounded by loneliness and despair I still keep walking forward without losing hope Even though I've lost my bond The light in my heart continues to think of my loved one I hesitate, but I keep moving forward Without the courage to let go of my feelings My lonely heart continues to wander, longing for the lost past

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    Blending into a grey world I walk on, even though I'm hurt I carry you deep in my heart Running through the city alone Where is the young man I dreamed of He's vanished like a shadow The days when I believed in freedom are long gone Amid this suffocating despair My only light is my thoughts of you Those times were supposed to last forever Now they've turned into lamentations In the midst of the pain where I can't even sigh I chase after you Even though I'm consumed by loneliness I don't give up hope Encouraged by your continued strength I vow to move forward once more As if guided to a future I can surely reach Even surrounded by loneliness and despair I still keep walking forward without losing hope Even though I've lost my bond The light in my heart continues to think of my loved one I hesitate, but I keep moving forward Without the courage to let go of my feelings My lonely heart continues to wander, longing for the lost past

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    A light of determination floats in the dim night. The pain of the past is still buried in my heart. The flame inside me burns, burning everything away. I will revive this dying world with these hands. I kick down the closed door and move forward. I will not be dominated by grief and fear. Without losing sight of myself, I will hold on to the dream I believe in and break through the darkness of loneliness. I will pray forever. Even if I am stained by the darkness of despair, the morning of hope will surely come. Like a shining star that dwells in my heart, I will be guided by the work of God and spread my wings of courage to purify the evil that must be destroyed. The hot flame that dwells in my eyes is atonement for hatred. I will breathe new life into the ravaged earth. I will overcome countless hardships and go to the very end. I will surely find a new world that I believe in as my ideal. I will not be consumed by despair. With this firm resolve in my heart, I will look towards the vibrant tomorrow that lies beyond the light. I will forge ahead despite the many trials that lie ahead, in order to make my dreams come true. I will kick down the closed door and take steps forward, without being dominated by grief and fear. Without losing sight of myself, I will hold on to the dream I believe in. Even if I am in the depths of despair, if I continue to move forward without giving up, a bright future is surely waiting for me, and I will walk forward believing in that.

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    Let's dance wildly together on this stage tonight Let's release our souls to the beat of the heart that resonates in the sky Our blood boils and our bodies tremble hotly Now that we've woken up from a long dream We're engulfed in a whirlpool of life What you see in your eyes A crowd of people dancing A voice resonating in chaos A song never heard before Sharp, pointed words pierce the hearts of those who hear it This world is about to change With you Our endless spirit of inquiry will guide us Yes, we have been wandering through that space and time since ancient times A future of pure joy Now that everything is mixed together Disappear The pain I wish I could put it away changes into love In this moment that I have arrived from the far reaches of billions of light years I will hold your hand without hesitation Let's run through this revolutionary night together There is no need for a goal Just move forward I have finally arrived at this moment that I have been searching for I will never be lost again Let's keep singing forever a song that will continue to light up the future As we traverse the infinite galaxy We don't need this world Just move forward Let's keep singing forever A song that will continue to light up the future

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому


  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому

    The indigo melts into the deepening night, the sad melody echoes in the moonlight, the song of a distant farewell erases my heart, the flames of the past burn quietly, those gentle eyes of those times are now far away beyond the haze, I don't know if it's a dream or reality, I'm enveloped in an unforgettable sweet scent, the rain of tears pours down, I wish to return to those days, but it's a time I can no longer return to, the flow of time changes me, I sigh and look up to the sky, I see the image of your former self, the clear, vast sky far away, Deeply engraved in the hearts of adults Time will continue to flow slowly until we meet again someday A sad melody plays in the night You will forever be inside me My feelings change as the years go by The warmth like a light that dwells in our eyes as we gaze upon each other I will hold you close and cherish you so that you will never lose it I promise you my eternal love The road of life is long and full of twists and turns But I hope to walk together, holding your hand

  • @M.M.T-y6s
    @M.M.T-y6s 3 дні тому
