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啞巴書生落水被救,富商小妾竟藏他在家借種!書生在公堂之上突然開口說話! |民間故事會
#民間故事 #正能量
啞巴書生落水被救,富商小妾竟藏他在家借種!書生在公堂之上突然開口說話! |民間故事會
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財主娶親至天相大變,忽然間聽到孩子在啼哭,道士跟他說:你好自為之吧! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 財主娶親至天相大變,忽然間聽到孩子在啼哭,道士跟他說:你好自為之吧! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
百歲老漢依然身子硬朗!兒孫卻多災多難!道士竟說:他是借了子孫的壽! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 百歲老漢依然身子硬朗!兒孫卻多災多難!道士竟說:他是借了子孫的壽! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
管家找一個小偷做情人,本以為自己很聰明,沒想到反被情人算計了! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 管家找一個小偷做情人,本以為自己很聰明,沒想到反被情人算計了! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
男子翻院竟然撞見女子在洗澡,夫人卻說:哥!你來了! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 男子翻院竟然撞見女子在洗澡,夫人卻說:哥!你來了! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
男子自證清白是一個瞎子!女子卻說:難道他沒看我,我就不能保護自己? |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 男子自證清白是一個瞎子!女子卻說:難道他沒看我,我就不能保護自己? |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
洞房夜,新娘竟被新郎嚇到哭了!新郎卻道:我以後會對你好的! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 洞房夜,新娘竟被新郎嚇到哭了!新郎卻道:我以後會對你好的! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
村裡的女人都不生娃,唯獨寡婦卻連生三胎!郎中道:都是這個怪誕的傳統! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 村裡的女人都不生娃,唯獨寡婦卻連生三胎!郎中道:都是這個怪誕的傳統! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
書生趕考時,見到漁夫捕蚌失魂而出手相助!漁夫竟對他說:這蚌藏著少女! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 書生趕考時,見到漁夫捕蚌失魂而出手相助!漁夫竟對他說:這蚌藏著少女! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
婦人在河邊洗衣時,見到一條大魚頭頂青草向她游來,她卻突然痛哭不止! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 婦人在河邊洗衣時,見到一條大魚頭頂青草向她游來,她卻突然痛哭不止! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
男子突然闖進夫人房中,見她正在洗澡感到大喜,他卻悄悄的取出一根木棒! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 男子突然闖進夫人房中,見她正在洗澡感到大喜,他卻悄悄的取出一根木棒! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
洞房花燭時,妻子竟然要帶丈夫去賭坊!丈夫知道後卻嚎啕大哭起來 ! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 洞房花燭時,妻子竟然要帶丈夫去賭坊!丈夫知道後卻嚎啕大哭起來 ! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
木匠幫寡婦修理房子,寡婦竟要木匠留宿在她家?結果竟讓木匠賺了! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 木匠幫寡婦修理房子,寡婦竟要木匠留宿在她家?結果竟讓木匠賺了! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
秀才在破廟讀書時,竟把妻姐藏身於床底!一年後,「報應」終於來了! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 秀才在破廟讀書時,竟把妻姐藏身於床底!一年後,「報應」終於來了! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
男子半夜去打更,竟遇到閻王要他三更死!判官卻對他說:你能活到五更! |民間故事會
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#民間故事 #正能量 免費訂閱👉bit.ly/3tXWict 男子半夜去打更,竟遇到閻王要他三更死!判官卻對他說:你能活到五更! |民間故事會 大家好!歡迎來到民間故事會! 分享民間故事,傳遞正能量! 免費訂閱!請大家多多支持! 【民間故事1】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIN8a8Rw7YZ1LK9fL3xluuOK.html 【民間故事2】ua-cam.com/play/PLxEmDToeYOIO2DZntoNCoNmwSzfgeum0Y.html
寡婦起夜的時候,竟然聽到了貓鬼在對話!她晚上打開房門等著大伯子! |民間故事會
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寡婦起夜的時候,竟然聽到了貓鬼在對話!她晚上打開房門等著大伯子! |民間故事會
On the wedding night, the rich man finds out that the bride is so beautiful! He actually ran away
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On the wedding night, the rich man finds out that the bride is so beautiful! He actually ran away
The wife could not conceive for a long time, the mother-in-law found her brother-in-law
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The wife could not conceive for a long time, the mother-in-law found her brother-in-law
The man is greedy and prostitution, and he actually puts a bow on the female overlord! But the woman
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The man is greedy and prostitution, and he actually puts a bow on the female overlord! But the woman
The widow couldn't fill her desires, so she stunned her strong uncle at home! A monk Hua ran into a
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The widow couldn't fill her desires, so she stunned her strong uncle at home! A monk Hua ran into a
The rich man is ungrateful and even insults the orphans and widows! Unexpectedly, many years later
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The rich man is ungrateful and even insults the orphans and widows! Unexpectedly, many years later
The man went to the latrine late at night when he suddenly heard someone calling him! Mother said to
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The man went to the latrine late at night when he suddenly heard someone calling him! Mother said to
The man served the beggar to eat, but lost his fortune because of it! The beggar gave him a piece of
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The man served the beggar to eat, but lost his fortune because of it! The beggar gave him a piece of
The down-and-out scholar was abandoned by his wife! When he was drunk, he held up a tombstone
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The down-and-out scholar was abandoned by his wife! When he was drunk, he held up a tombstone
The rich son pretended to be a robber when he admired flowers!The robbed wife even asked to have sex
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The rich son pretended to be a robber when he admired flowers!The robbed wife even asked to have sex
After the man woke up, he turned into a brothel oiran! ? A carp spirit also said to him: Quick!
Переглядів 841Рік тому
After the man woke up, he turned into a brothel oiran! ? A carp spirit also said to him: Quick!
The guy sold the painting for a sky-high price! Unexpectedly, the house was burned that night
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The guy sold the painting for a sky-high price! Unexpectedly, the house was burned that night
When the woman went to marry, she was surprised to see the old man's clothes were worn backwards!
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When the woman went to marry, she was surprised to see the old man's clothes were worn backwards!
[Evil cannot defeat good! 】The woman is as beautiful as a flower, and she is favored by the rich man
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[Evil cannot defeat good! 】The woman is as beautiful as a flower, and she is favored by the rich man
The Story of the Tofu King: From a tofu merchant to the downfall of his family, to the struggle
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The Story of the Tofu King: From a tofu merchant to the downfall of his family, to the struggle