Hello!. From Türkiye City Eskişehir,l have been flown many times in Türkiye wıth Caravelle 😄l liked so much unforgetable. Best wıshes from Türkiye again.
I watched this story with some apprehension. There was a good chance I would see a photo or a film clip of my long-departed mother watching this documentary. She had been a hostess on SAS from 1951 to 1958-one of the first hostesses to fly with this airline after WWII. But this documentary had no such photon or film clip for me to see. As an eleven-year-old boy, I recall that on June 15th, or perhaps the 16th, 1957, I flew with SAS from San Francisco to Copenhagen over the magnetic North Pole before continuing to Sweden for mid-summer celebrations on an island outside Stockholm on Friday, June 21st, and then on to Norway for a three-month family holiday. Flying over the North Pole was exciting because, during the Midnight Sun, also known as the polar day, the Magnetic North Pole is bathed in daylight for a full 24 hours. This unique occurrence is due to the Earth’s axial tilt, which angles the pole towards the Sun, allowing for uninterrupted sunlight throughout the summer. Consequently, on June 15th, 1957, the sun did not set at the Magnetic North Pole, remaining in full view for the duration of the day. Exactly 42 years and 9 months later, on the 15th or 16th of September, 2000, during the Sydney Olympic Games in Australia, I flew with SAS from Singapore to Copenhagen again, as a tribute to my mother. This time, I did not stay over in Stockholm but continued straight on to Oslo for a long overdue holiday again in home tracts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeg så på denne historien med en viss engstelse. Det var en god sjanse for at jeg ville se et bilde eller et filmklipp av min mor som for lengst var borte, når jeg så på denne dokumentaren. Mamma hadde vært vertinne på SAS fra 1951 til 1958 - en av de første vertinnene som fløy med dette flyselskapet etter andre verdenskrig. Men akk, denne dokumentaren hadde ikke noe slikt foto eller filmklipp for meg å se. Jeg husker som en elleve år gammel gutt at jeg fløy med SAS fra San Francisco til København over den magnetiske Nordpolen den 15.juni, eller kanskje den 16.juni 1957, før jeg fortsatte til Sverige for midtsommerfeiring på en øy utenfor Stockholm fredag 21.juni, og deretter videre til Norge for en tre måneders familieferie. Å fly over Nordpolen var spennende, fordi under midnattssolen, også kjent som polardagen, er den magnetiske nordpolen badet i dagslys i hele 24 timer. Denne unike forekomsten skyldes jordens aksiale helning, som vinkler polen mot solen, noe som gir uavbrutt sollys hele sommeren. 15. juni 1957 gikk ikke solen ned på den magnetiske nordpolen, og forble i full visning hele dagen for meg å se. Nøyaktig 42 år og 9 måneder senere, den 15 eller 16 september 2000, under de olympiske leker i Sydney, Australia, fløy jeg med SAS fra Singapore til København igjen som en hyllest til moren min. Denne gangen overnattet jeg ikke i Stockholm, men fortsatte rett videre til Oslo for en etterlengtet ferie igjen i hjemmetrakter.
Naar ta Airfrance og KLM over I hvertfall bedre enn Lufthansa ! Overbetalte pilotene fins da kun paa Lufthansa ! SAS har tapt kampen mot Norwegian I tillegg !
Få utvalda och vi andra kan se på och vara stolta över de kvinnor o män som följer att bli piloter och försvara moderlandet Sverige. Själv kör jag lastbil och vet att utan mig och mina kollegor hade inte Sverige fungerat alls, eftersom allt kommer med mina kollegor i lastbilsbranschen. Man är stolt att vara svensk.
Och sedan hör man från piloterna själva att egentligen kan vem som helst flyga JAS. Som när jag tog körkort och kör lastbil med släp på över 60 ton. Försök själva att backa in ett släp i ett trångt utrymme med lastbil.
Fun fact: French Film Director *Gerard Pires* and his team were filming on site that same year to shoot the first 10 minutes for the opening scene of *Les Chevaliers Du Ciel (Sky Fighters),* and the film was eventually released in 2005 which includes the shots they filmed during the 2004 Farnborough Airshow.
@@thirdleg05 also, the A340-600 (Airbus reg. F-WWCA) in that opening scene was also the same A340 they used when the Mirage 2000-10 was flying underneath it, painted in Qatar colors during the dogfight scene. But in the behind the scenes / extra footage video, they did that for real. But in post production, they actually CGI the Qatar livery over the A340-600 shot.
Certain aspects of the Gripen remind me of the F-16. Not sure why, unless it's the fact that most superior fighter designs are going to be similar in some aspects. What is Sweden looking at for a potential replacement?
The Wonderful Saab B17 Dive bomber had a Cruise speed of 200 Knots ! - And the Saab B18 cruised at 300 Knots! Not Kilometers an hour! (Knots is nearly twice as fast ! Gee! ) Regards from Alaska! Thanks for posting, interesting footage.
This video is accurate in almost every detail, except one minor detail. At 17.07, they speak of SAAB 91 Safir (Sapphire), but the video shows German-made Bücker Bestman. It was constructed by Swedish Anders Johan Andersson, who later helped design the SAAB 91, so the planes shows great similarities.
The Saab 91 Safir is absolutely wonderful, maybe about the nicest flying airplane I ever got to fly. Great for Aerobatics! Loud like hell in the cockpit.
Hello!. From Türkiye City Eskişehir,l have been flown many times in Türkiye wıth Caravelle 😄l liked so much unforgetable. Best wıshes from Türkiye again.
Stackars Jonas asså
De tjeneste for et annet land.
Jeg fly med SAS til USA på SAS Business kalse😂😂😂
I watched this story with some apprehension. There was a good chance I would see a photo or a film clip of my long-departed mother watching this documentary. She had been a hostess on SAS from 1951 to 1958-one of the first hostesses to fly with this airline after WWII. But this documentary had no such photon or film clip for me to see. As an eleven-year-old boy, I recall that on June 15th, or perhaps the 16th, 1957, I flew with SAS from San Francisco to Copenhagen over the magnetic North Pole before continuing to Sweden for mid-summer celebrations on an island outside Stockholm on Friday, June 21st, and then on to Norway for a three-month family holiday. Flying over the North Pole was exciting because, during the Midnight Sun, also known as the polar day, the Magnetic North Pole is bathed in daylight for a full 24 hours. This unique occurrence is due to the Earth’s axial tilt, which angles the pole towards the Sun, allowing for uninterrupted sunlight throughout the summer. Consequently, on June 15th, 1957, the sun did not set at the Magnetic North Pole, remaining in full view for the duration of the day. Exactly 42 years and 9 months later, on the 15th or 16th of September, 2000, during the Sydney Olympic Games in Australia, I flew with SAS from Singapore to Copenhagen again, as a tribute to my mother. This time, I did not stay over in Stockholm but continued straight on to Oslo for a long overdue holiday again in home tracts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeg så på denne historien med en viss engstelse. Det var en god sjanse for at jeg ville se et bilde eller et filmklipp av min mor som for lengst var borte, når jeg så på denne dokumentaren. Mamma hadde vært vertinne på SAS fra 1951 til 1958 - en av de første vertinnene som fløy med dette flyselskapet etter andre verdenskrig. Men akk, denne dokumentaren hadde ikke noe slikt foto eller filmklipp for meg å se. Jeg husker som en elleve år gammel gutt at jeg fløy med SAS fra San Francisco til København over den magnetiske Nordpolen den 15.juni, eller kanskje den 16.juni 1957, før jeg fortsatte til Sverige for midtsommerfeiring på en øy utenfor Stockholm fredag 21.juni, og deretter videre til Norge for en tre måneders familieferie. Å fly over Nordpolen var spennende, fordi under midnattssolen, også kjent som polardagen, er den magnetiske nordpolen badet i dagslys i hele 24 timer. Denne unike forekomsten skyldes jordens aksiale helning, som vinkler polen mot solen, noe som gir uavbrutt sollys hele sommeren. 15. juni 1957 gikk ikke solen ned på den magnetiske nordpolen, og forble i full visning hele dagen for meg å se. Nøyaktig 42 år og 9 måneder senere, den 15 eller 16 september 2000, under de olympiske leker i Sydney, Australia, fløy jeg med SAS fra Singapore til København igjen som en hyllest til moren min. Denne gangen overnattet jeg ikke i Stockholm, men fortsatte rett videre til Oslo for en etterlengtet ferie igjen i hjemmetrakter.
Ja sas jeg elsker deg 👌👌👌👌❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Omg that intro was my childhood been after these videos for years do you have riat 2003 by any chance ?
Hvor finner eg det?
Naar ta Airfrance og KLM over I hvertfall bedre enn Lufthansa ! Overbetalte pilotene fins da kun paa Lufthansa ! SAS har tapt kampen mot Norwegian I tillegg !
Gripen at 29:00 if anyone's into it.
Simulatorinstruktören känner jag igen namnet på! Jag vill minnas att jag såg honom flyga uppvisning med Gripen på en flygdag i Borås 2005 tror jag.
Kul att de hade med the original JAS-krasch vid 8:55
Flying Vikings
Starkt att hör om en sak om piloter berättar om.
Få utvalda och vi andra kan se på och vara stolta över de kvinnor o män som följer att bli piloter och försvara moderlandet Sverige. Själv kör jag lastbil och vet att utan mig och mina kollegor hade inte Sverige fungerat alls, eftersom allt kommer med mina kollegor i lastbilsbranschen. Man är stolt att vara svensk.
Och sedan hör man från piloterna själva att egentligen kan vem som helst flyga JAS. Som när jag tog körkort och kör lastbil med släp på över 60 ton. Försök själva att backa in ett släp i ett trångt utrymme med lastbil.
4:26 noen som har glemt å fjerne pinnen? xD
de rick de kick de fluke und de pollux
Love theese videos
the downfall came when they stopped offering a FIRST CLASS cabin.
Coolt att sveriges andre blivande astronauts resa var inspelad här. Visste inte alls att det var han när jag såg det här i veckan
Från vilket år är detta?
Tror det var ca. 2013
2009, produsert 2010
@ Tack👍🏼
Häftigt att kolla upp piloterna idag och se att se själva är instruktörer nu etc.
Samt astronaut :)
yep det var det störta WTF-et. För jag såg det dagen efter jag kollade klart på sista avsnittet av det här@@chrisloved1
Återigen stort tack! Höftigt att se hur det var när man var yngre skärmarna de hade då.
Stort tack för uppladdningarna. 👍🏼
19:05, han känner man igen från den nya serien som försvarsmakten själva har släppt.
Thanks for uploading this. My late grandfather had a VHS of this that I used to watch lots when I was a kid.
Hvor er resten?
Får ikke lagt ut mer dessverre, får copyright strike fra youtube.
@@usermcw OK, skjønner, takk for svar.
hvor fant du det? er det et annet sted du kan legge ut, jeg har veldig lyst til å se resten
@@ehmul1510 samme her
Fun fact: French Film Director *Gerard Pires* and his team were filming on site that same year to shoot the first 10 minutes for the opening scene of *Les Chevaliers Du Ciel (Sky Fighters),* and the film was eventually released in 2005 which includes the shots they filmed during the 2004 Farnborough Airshow.
I'm glad someone noticed
@@thirdleg05 yep. Kinda did some digging to backtrace the Farnborough scenes in the film, which led me to finding out about this video.
@@thirdleg05 also, the A340-600 (Airbus reg. F-WWCA) in that opening scene was also the same A340 they used when the Mirage 2000-10 was flying underneath it, painted in Qatar colors during the dogfight scene. But in the behind the scenes / extra footage video, they did that for real. But in post production, they actually CGI the Qatar livery over the A340-600 shot.
Certain aspects of the Gripen remind me of the F-16. Not sure why, unless it's the fact that most superior fighter designs are going to be similar in some aspects. What is Sweden looking at for a potential replacement?
The Tempest
A golden age in aviation history when Britain was at the forefront of jet aircraft...
War Thunder. Best airforce! I wish they had shown more of J21 and its first jet version in this documentary though.
The Wonderful Saab B17 Dive bomber had a Cruise speed of 200 Knots ! - And the Saab B18 cruised at 300 Knots! Not Kilometers an hour! (Knots is nearly twice as fast ! Gee! ) Regards from Alaska! Thanks for posting, interesting footage.
Koffer ikke leknes?
Eg bor der
Gud å kvalmende dansk er
Hey, vi synger bare med det næb vi har fået 😉 men ja vi taler med en kartoffel i munden 🤣
Jag tycker inte mycket om ny faerg pa flygplanen, jag tror att gamla design var baettre.
@@Pilsnor Det er ikke så svært for os nordmenn at forstå dansk. Kun om de er sønderjyder.... Der har du kartoffelen ! 😂❤
Selvfølgelig lokker de amerikanske turister med mat🤣
Saab--high quality automobiles? Really?
This video is accurate in almost every detail, except one minor detail. At 17.07, they speak of SAAB 91 Safir (Sapphire), but the video shows German-made Bücker Bestman. It was constructed by Swedish Anders Johan Andersson, who later helped design the SAAB 91, so the planes shows great similarities.
The Saab 91 Safir is absolutely wonderful, maybe about the nicest flying airplane I ever got to fly. Great for Aerobatics! Loud like hell in the cockpit.
Legger du ut neste? :)
Får ikke lagt ut mer dessverre, får copyright strike fra youtube.
@@usermcw har du link?
@usermcw could you please upload them to a Google Drive. I would be beyond grateful. Can't find the other episodes anywhere
@@usermcw Veldig positivt at det er lagt ut her, takk, det kan hjelpe på rekruttering til Luftforsvaret, men det er vel ikke bra da?
Känns som ett stort dj--a dagis!...
Tror det är farligare att gå över ett övergångsställe nu mera än att vara stridspilot i svergie.
Kul att hitta dessa. Minns när de spelades in 😃.
Kaxigt att åka o handla i flygkläderna
I do not understand Swedish but enjoyed watching this. Great film of the SAAB105 aircraft. Looking forward to more. Have liked and subscribed.
This TV show is very old. All the videos are already on youtube.
vakker lyd som spilles....mostly cause i made it it :p
Did you really?
Thank you so much for making this available. Absolutely brilliant doco.
So many years, so few likes. -_-
As a former bull shit artist I have always been unimpressed by liars \/Yes! I'm talking to you Jerry\/
Jesus Loves You