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Ice Princess Montage
Clips from the film 'Ice Princess' to the music 'You Set Me Free'
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Natalie Buxtons Best Moments
Переглядів 46 тис.18 років тому
A video made using different clips of Natalie from series 7 and 8 of Bad Girls.


  • @Eltonlaleham
    @Eltonlaleham Рік тому

    horrible song and too loud

  • @juanzapatanintendojimmyneu502

    ice princess you set me free

  • @yeet4044
    @yeet4044 2 роки тому

    Natalie Buxton vs Maxi Purvis: who would win?

  • @Eltonlaleham
    @Eltonlaleham 2 роки тому

    natalie was horrible

  • @HouseLover4344
    @HouseLover4344 2 роки тому

    because I just watched this movie and was surprised that this was in it and I knew it word for word, I'm putting in this song for my Karaoke group and this movie for my Movie Club the last week of March!

  • @curiositypiqued6573
    @curiositypiqued6573 3 роки тому

    That headbutt can't stop watching it lol🤭🤣

  • @curiositypiqued6573
    @curiositypiqued6573 3 роки тому

    Buxton wiped the floor with kerrigan...but her extreme arrogance was her Achilles heel lol

  • @curiositypiqued6573
    @curiositypiqued6573 3 роки тому

    0.33 BEAUTIFUL!!🤣😆

  • @curiositypiqued6573
    @curiositypiqued6573 3 роки тому

    Natalie Buxton or Shell Dockley???? Tough Choice lol

    • @yeet4044
      @yeet4044 2 роки тому

      Shell is more a schemer than a fighter whereas Natalie was both so I personally think Nat Buxton would win the fight.

  • @jojotellingithowitis88
    @jojotellingithowitis88 3 роки тому

    I met Dannielle Brent years ago in soho she had just finished a photo shoot really nice girl

  • @samguppy1130
    @samguppy1130 3 роки тому

    She is a brilliant actress! I cannot stand the character

    • @Eltonlaleham
      @Eltonlaleham 21 день тому

      Natalie was off her rocker and she was an alien

  • @尤尼塔·阿比勒
    @尤尼塔·阿比勒 3 роки тому

    Ice Princess (2005) √ Fúll M-ö-V-1-é √ ➲ 'Subtitles Available'' !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品 Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour √™ faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication. √™ Когда таблетка, дающая 10:01 пользователям пять минут неожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный полицейский должны объединиться с бывшим солдатом-, чтобы уничтожить группу, ответственную за ее создание. """thanks𝐞

  • @capnjackgallows3204
    @capnjackgallows3204 4 роки тому

    Stop with the fucking music.

  • @laurajacob7431
    @laurajacob7431 4 роки тому

    Dannielle Brent Who Play Natalie Buxton is Strong Dislike With Nun When She Told Her You Have Marry Jesus I am Nuts When She Came Her Cell With Janine Nebeski She is Very Enough Of Nuns in Prison Why She Doesn't Believe Good That's Why She Punched Her Face

  • @melissaflood2952
    @melissaflood2952 4 роки тому

    I love that song why the hell did this idiot put that song to a kid abusing bitch Its ruined that song for me now 😭

  • @melissaflood2952
    @melissaflood2952 4 роки тому

    I love the end when pat finally killed Natalie I watch that part 10 times love it..! The best part ever !!!

  • @jay3fox
    @jay3fox 5 років тому

    Get rid of the music!!

  • @debbierutter712
    @debbierutter712 6 років тому

    Buxton and atkins vs the rest

  • @Senate300
    @Senate300 6 років тому

    Just imagine She'll Dockley vs Natalie Buxton in a fight to the death. Who do you lot think would win?

    • @ButWhatIfItIs
      @ButWhatIfItIs 6 років тому

      I hate one and sort of love the other. But that bitch would kill Shell in an instant.

    • @mattmillman8942
      @mattmillman8942 3 роки тому

      Nat Buxton easily won the first "battle" with Pat, she inflicted more wounds on Pat and forced the fight but Buxton lost the "war" by pausing and taking her eye off the fight

    • @Senate300
      @Senate300 3 роки тому

      @@mattmillman8942 Natalie gave as good as she got in that first fight and had Pat on the ropes but she got too cocky and paid for it.

    • @mattmillman8942
      @mattmillman8942 3 роки тому

      @@Senate300 Pat was definitely more wary of Buxton afterwards

    • @Senate300
      @Senate300 3 роки тому

      @@mattmillman8942 Then Pat orchestrated a scheme to get Natalie on tape admitting to trafficking young girls.

  • @sukiesoya
    @sukiesoya 7 років тому

    She’s so evil but so sexy

  • @MastersGraduate2023
    @MastersGraduate2023 8 років тому

    The actress who plays Natalie is brave woman to play such a wicked degrading role.

  • @MastersGraduate2023
    @MastersGraduate2023 8 років тому

    God doesn't anybody know Natalie was in for pimping minors & traffic them them with drugs inserted inside their bodies? If she was on Cell block H she wouldn't last if at least only one inmate knew. Inmates on Bad Girls seemed to glorify Natalie & forget her hollowing charges after she saved one of the Julies' hand. That was lame to allow Natalie to float around the prison for so long over helping only 1 inmate then all of the sudden she is so respected. Inmates who are or condone paeophilia are the lowest of the low & she should had been a dead woman walking in fear call the shots.

    • @sukiesoya
      @sukiesoya 7 років тому

      Angel Face she was manipulative

    • @Senate300
      @Senate300 6 років тому

      They did but Natalie Buxton protested her innocence though found guilty in court. Her guilt to the inmates was confirmed when Natalie got recorded admitting her heinous deeds by one of her victims confronted her during her prison visit a her only worthy opponent Pat Kerrigan played the tape to the whole of G-Wing which resulted in Natalie being public enemy Number 1.

  • @ChronicallyUnique
    @ChronicallyUnique 8 років тому

    loved her in this movie...HATED her in gossip girl!!!

  • @thesassylady4772
    @thesassylady4772 8 років тому

    Just finished watching bad girls Jim, Sylvia and Natalie the most entertaining characters, I was so shocked when Natalie beat that nun up

    • @LightLife4
      @LightLife4 8 років тому

      The best thing that ever happened to her was when she was exposed for the vile bitch she was and all the inmates turned on her. It's ironic that she met her end at the hands of Pat Kerrigan who she'd been feuding with for so long.

    • @melissaflood2952
      @melissaflood2952 4 роки тому

      You were shocked when she beat up a child abusing nun u frigging idiot

    • @curiositypiqued6573
      @curiositypiqued6573 3 роки тому

      @@melissaflood2952 u stupid???

    • @Eltonlaleham
      @Eltonlaleham 21 день тому

      @@curiositypiqued6573 This person is stupid Natalie and Fenner were evil alien parasites, and they were evil. I liked Selena and Amira they were awesome.

    • @Eltonlaleham
      @Eltonlaleham 5 днів тому

      @@curiositypiqued6573 Buxton is well alien and horrible.

  • @kevinlongman007
    @kevinlongman007 9 років тому

    Kerrigan always kicked her arse tho.

    • @lisaliddle9161
      @lisaliddle9161 4 роки тому

      Bloody right she did! Natalie was a dirty unfair fighter.

    • @mattmillman8942
      @mattmillman8942 3 роки тому

      Buxton won the first fight easily she inflicted more wounds on Pat, she scored more hits, forced the fight and knocked Pat down twice, she only lost because she literally took her eye off the fight at the wrong time

    • @kevinlongman007
      @kevinlongman007 3 роки тому

      @@mattmillman8942 Buxton still lost though and ended up flat on her back.

    • @mattmillman8942
      @mattmillman8942 3 роки тому

      @@kevinlongman007 true but Buxton gave Pat a beating that she wasn't expecting

  • @jasiekel86
    @jasiekel86 10 років тому

    Natalie Buxton is evil and rotten to the core, the biggest sociopath in the show, and I wouldn't want her any other way!! Definetly one of the best villains!

  • @willow8186
    @willow8186 10 років тому

    She's just that type of character I love to hate ^_^ She's a horrible human being but she's super intertaining :P I loved to hate Jim Fenner too, only, he was a bit scary, especially in the end.

  • @willow8186
    @willow8186 11 років тому

    Dosn't she hook up with Kerrigan at one point? Or do I remember something wrong?

  • @jamstrings100
    @jamstrings100 11 років тому

    She was one of the best characters in the series. Perhaps if Australia needs a Christie Latham for their new show Wentworth, she could be it.

  • @chelseaphillips9210
    @chelseaphillips9210 12 років тому

    Actually the best Natalie Buxton video ever!

  • @boybabe
    @boybabe 12 років тому

    pmsl "do I look like I give a toss about the thick little fatty?" LMFAO

  • @BeyondTheMask
    @BeyondTheMask 13 років тому

    @ASHLEYCUNNINGHAMBAWS Because she's making fun of her language.

  • @BeyondTheMask
    @BeyondTheMask 14 років тому

    I know it's racist and all, but I did lol at "speakee de english?" LOL! She was so nasty at times! :P

  • @welsh22princess3
    @welsh22princess3 14 років тому

    @fernphasmar well its not finished, but my fanfiction is called 'Amor vincit omnia' if u wanna read what i have put so far xxx

  • @welsh22princess3
    @welsh22princess3 14 років тому

    @fernphasmar erm...think pat being a necrophilliac might be going a bit far... They could just do an alternate series eight where everything turned out differently. Like janine and drugs, darlene's sentence and tina etc. Would be good methinks. Am writing it but its looooooong. Starts from the middle of their fight scene in series eight. xx

  • @welsh22princess3
    @welsh22princess3 14 років тому

    @fernphasmar Well maybe i'll write a fanfiction on it, and then see what people think. Maybe itv will bring it back as a special one epsisode lol. I wish xx

    • @louuj6058
      @louuj6058 Рік тому

      I had a nostalgia moment last night and watched a few bad girls clips. I can't believe this comment is 13 years old, it makes me feel old! Are you still on this account?!

    • @sianllewellyn2060
      @sianllewellyn2060 Рік тому

      ​@louuj6058 This is hilarious! I just refound this vid and saw my old account comments (that took me a min to realise was me!). Not on that account anymore haha Funny how after all these years we both come back only a couple months apart!!

    • @louuj6058
      @louuj6058 Рік тому

      @@sianllewellyn2060 That is weird! I'm not sure what made me remember it. Did you ever do any fan fiction? 😛

    • @sianllewellyn2060
      @sianllewellyn2060 Рік тому

      @@louuj6058 Haha I did, and it was awful! 🤣🤣🤣

    • @louuj6058
      @louuj6058 Рік тому

      @@sianllewellyn2060 Oh no I wanted to read it! 😆 I loved Bad Girls when I was a teen, there was not a lot of LGBT stuff on TV was there. I remember looking forward to the next episode

  • @welsh22princess3
    @welsh22princess3 15 років тому

    @chelceyoh07 Hehe, i know, i was just thinking maybe pat sees another side of nat, or something, oh well. A girl can dream ;-)

  • @welsh22princess3
    @welsh22princess3 15 років тому

    @chelceyoh07 I always like to imagine that nat and pat get together (unlikely i know) because pat is the one person nat can't have so she falls for her...etc etc...does that make me a psycho fan of dannielle brent and natalie buxton! Love her forever!!! xxxx

  • @danielruston
    @danielruston 15 років тому

    the last one wasnt it or second last

    @KAYLIBAYBEE 16 років тому


  • @okiegirlsrock
    @okiegirlsrock 16 років тому

    who the hell are you Bitch...Priceless best line, and especially when she says it...ahh nat i really miss, you were such a bad ass and the #1 bitch...loved the remark about the penguin....and slapping the nun ouch!!!!! I would love for her to come to hollywood she would give all the bitches in HW a run for their money...LOL ROFL....

    @KAYLIBAYBEE 16 років тому

    I didnt lyk pat after she killed natalie cuz she was the best lol :D

    @KAYLIBAYBEE 16 років тому

    Pat kerrigan and her were fighting and pat ended up killing her by whackin a brick on her head :(

    @KAYLIBAYBEE 16 років тому


    @KAYLIBAYBEE 16 років тому

    I loved her,she was the best and wasnt impressed tht she died

    • @melissaflood2952
      @melissaflood2952 4 роки тому

      A Paedophile and child traffickers and you weren’t impressed that she died says a lot about your taste in women right but I guess of a man did it all hell would break loose yeah

    • @kevinlongman007
      @kevinlongman007 4 роки тому

      She was a nonce!

  • @pjuliahelen
    @pjuliahelen 16 років тому

    Brilliant work!!! Does anyone know where I can find all the songs of the movie(or -at least- one)?

  • @mexciangirl
    @mexciangirl 17 років тому

    i ice skate to i am as good a niki to i love skating it is so fun love the video

  • @mexciangirl
    @mexciangirl 17 років тому

    this song is called set me free

  • @mexciangirl
    @mexciangirl 17 років тому

    i love this song i skate and i love it i am as good as niki in ice princess mabe better i am 18 i and i have been skateing since i could talk and walk

  • @KisekiHimawari
    @KisekiHimawari 17 років тому

    It's You Set Me Free by Michelle Branch. :)