智慧宝剑 Wisdom Sword
智慧宝剑 Wisdom Sword
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Can Karma be diverted by purifying the karma before it opens?因果业力被触发前通过净化来转移它?#karma #因果 #智慧宝剑 #詹杜固
Karma I like to use an example of having a huge mountain a massive mountain and it's snow-capped and every summer the temperature goes up a few degrees and therefore it melts the snow on the mountain somewhat which becomes a river now in the winter because it's cold very little snow is melted and therefore the river that goes down the mountain and down the valley and through the village is very mild and very gentle and very easy but perhaps during the summers that river can be torrential it can be very the water level can rise it can be quite swift and maybe even the currents are quite dangerous and maybe with global warming it's a few degrees even more so more snow melts and the river actually rises and it envelopes the houses and the village that's around the shore so when we observe this and we see that there's a trend that the river is becoming more and more and more torrential what we do is we start perhaps doing things to prevent flood maybe we can put sandbags maybe we can dig the river deeper or maybe before the river comes to the village we dig tributaries we dig smaller rivers so when the water comes it diverts and goes around the village so that's likened to karma Karma is like that river that comes down if we know that we have done many things that are not very beneficial we know that there's going to be a lot of karma coming back to us and we're going to have to experience it so instead of sitting there like waiting like a sitting duck we can do something about it and what can we do about that what we can do is that we can dig the tributaries around a small little village we can have the water bypass so instead of having one river going down the center of the village we can dig ahead of the village where we have one river going around it another one going to the left side to the right side to the center and so forth so you are not having the water received backwards you are not drying up the water you are not building a dam and stopping the water because karma cannot be stop what you are doing is diverting the water so like that karma can be diverted Karma can be diverted by purifying the karma before it opens
我喜欢用一座大山来比喻因果业力 一座巨大的山 大雪封顶的大山 每年夏天 当温度上升几度后它就融化了 山上的雪融化变成一条河流 在冬天时 因为天气很冷 很少有雪融化 因此流下山谷穿过村庄的河流比较缓和 非常平缓 非常柔和 但也许在夏天 那条河水会变成比较湍急 水位可能会上升 河流会相当迅速 甚至水流也会变成相当危险 也许再加上全球暖化 温度甚至还会再上升多几度 因此会有更多的雪融化 水位实际上会上涨更多 泛滥的河水会包围着周围的房屋和村庄 所以当我们察觉到这个趋势时 河水会在接下来的日子变得越来越湍急 我们应该要做的就是开始 采取防洪措施 也许我们可以放防洪沙袋 也许我们可以把河床挖得更深 或者在河水流进村庄之前 我们就挖掘支流 我们挖掘较小的河道 所以当水流来的时候它就会绕开村庄 这就像因果业力 因果业力就像那条流向村庄的河流 如果我们知道我们已经做了很多有害的事情 我们知道我们会得到报应 我们将不得不经历业报 所以与其坐以待毙 我们可以做些什么 那我们能做些什么呢 我们能做的是 我们可以挖掘村庄周围的支流 我们可以让水绕道而行 因此与其只是让水沿着村庄中心流下去 我们可以在村庄前的地方挖掘多几条河道绕过村庄 一个流去左边 另一个流去右侧 流去中间等 你这样做并不是将河水倒流 你也没有把水抽干 你不是在建一座水坝来阻挡水流 因为因果业力无法被停止 你所做的只是转移水流 这样因果业力就可以被转移 我们可以在因果业力被触发前通过净化来转移它
Переглядів: 4


Why Dharma practices ends up making us feel worse?为何佛法修行会让我们感觉更糟糕?#佛法 #dharma #wisdomsword #智慧宝剑
Переглядів 344 години тому
Dharma practices ends up making them feel worse I repeat it ends up making them feel worse instead of realizing that this may be a good sign they think there's something wrong with the dharma so when they learn more from the teacher they understand more from the teacher they get more from dharma readings they see more from advanced students or they understand more from their contemplations they...
Karma is Universal Law 因果业力是宇宙的法则 #karma #因果 #tsemrinpoche #tsemtulku #詹仁波切 #詹杜固 #智慧宝剑 #wisdomsword
Переглядів 469 годин тому
Karma is something universal Karma is not dependent on a god it is not dependent on a outer divinity it is something that exists as a natural universal law if you create an energy if you create an energy with your body that energy is stored and that energy will be there and it will be triggered by our own actions at a future time it could be in this life it could be in the future life but karma...
How to become smarter?如何變得更聰慧?#文殊菩薩 #manjushri #智慧宝剑 #wisdomsword #詹杜固 #tsemtulku #wisdom #智慧 #佛教
Переглядів 10119 годин тому
How to become smarter?如何變得更聰慧?#文殊菩薩 #manjushri #智慧宝剑 #wisdomsword #詹杜固 #tsemtulku #wisdom #智慧 #佛教
What to do when you encounter supernatural disturbance?遇见灵异事件应该如何应对?#dharma #buddha #wisdomsword
Переглядів 95День тому
if you're traveling in a certain supernatural area that you know I've come across many people come to me and tell me they've been in hotels with a with a cabinet opened by itself or you know they turn on they turn off the water in the bathroom and it turns on by itself whether you hear banging or something touches them in the middle of the night I've heard that all the time and they don't know ...
How does a Buddha blessing come?佛的庇佑從何而來?#佛教 #buddha #tsemrinpoche #詹仁波切#智慧宝剑 #wisdomsword #dharma
Переглядів 7514 днів тому
How does a Buddha blessing come?佛的庇佑從何而來?#佛教 #buddha #tsemrinpoche #詹仁波切#智慧宝剑 #wisdomsword #dharma
What is the purpose of Buddha?佛陀存在的意义是什么?#dharma #buddha #tsemrinpoche #佛教 #wisdomsword #智慧宝剑 #佛法
Переглядів 5614 днів тому
prayers and liturgies are reciting something we're supposed to do not a God is supposed to do for us let me repeat the prayers that we recite are not something you recite to a God for him to do to you it is for you to do for yourself then what's the purpose of a God what's the purpose of a Buddha very simple to show you what you can achieve to show you where you can go with your lives we have a...
Heruka Chakrasamvara - enlightenment within one lifetime | ENG/CHI CC
Переглядів 24914 днів тому
釋迦牟尼佛在教誨中宣稱,慾望是我們所處境界中最強大的妄念,因此佛陀稱之為「欲界」。佛陀繼續闡述,依其境界所分的三個階級,分別為欲界、色界、無色界三種。每個境界都有自己的特質。身為人,我們活在欲界。 根據《勝樂金剛密續》的記載,佛陀在喜馬拉雅山岡仁波齊峰上化現為勝樂金剛和金剛瑜伽母這對神聖的夫婦。同時,佛陀也化現為由 61 位本尊組成的諸眷屬,然後開始開示《勝樂金剛密續》。勝樂金剛和金剛瑜珈母本質上是不可分割的,因此被視為一同位本尊。這修持法門共有 62 位本尊。 密宗修行主要是利用轉化慾望作為根除執著、嗔恚和愚癡(俗稱「三毒」)的修法來證得無上佛果。因此,慾望被描述為用來進入另一個房間的門。我們現在所在的房間是六道輪迴,這裡充滿了各種形式的苦難,而我們努力透過慾望這個門來進入的那個房間則是涅槃,即擺脫一切苦難的開悟者的狀態。 本質上,勝樂金剛修行的法門是透過慾望之門進入開悟之室。即使...
How to practice death meditation?如何观修死亡无常?#death #死亡#wisdomsword #智慧宝剑 #佛法 #dharma #tsemtulku #詹杜固
Переглядів 10621 день тому
environmentally how many causes can there be for your death you meditate on category by category by sickness how can you die very easily from an accident a car accident walking accident any type of accident eating the wrong food one day you're walking nice the next day you're limping one day you're fit next day you're riveled up in pain by your body how easy it is for you to die how many times ...
Why Meditation on death is suitable for everyone?为何观修死亡无常适合每个人?#佛法 #buddha #詹仁波切#tsemrinpoche #智慧宝剑
Переглядів 8921 день тому
you see if you make people meditate on karma some people believe and some people don't if you tell people to meditate on God and God will punish you some people believe and some people don't but who doesn't believe in death the Buddha want one step higher than meditating on God or karma the Buddha taught us to meditate on death because no one in this room not even an insane person could deny yo...
Religion was only about acceptance of a superior being?宗教只是接受至高無上的存在#dharma #tsemtulku #wisdomsword
Переглядів 773Місяць тому
I need everyone to go beyond taking refuge in a God in a supreme being and then throwing one's problems onto this being and pushing away one's responsibilities and just doing prayers and mantras to say solve my problem we need to go beyond that already we need to follow religion correctly if religion was only about acceptance of a superior being and then everything is solved then the great prop...
What is the purpose of mantra?心咒的意义何在?#dharma #buddha#wisdomsword #佛教 #智慧宝剑#智慧 #wisdom #tsemtulku
Переглядів 310Місяць тому
What is the purpose of mantra?心咒的意义何在?#dharma #buddha#wisdomsword #佛教 #智慧宝剑#智慧 #wisdom #tsemtulku
Yama Dharmaraja 4 - Special Protectors of Lama Tsongkhapa |ENG/CHI CC
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  • @dhi108
    @dhi108 3 години тому

    尊贵的第廿五世嘉杰詹杜固仁波切是⼀位扬名国际的佛教导师。作为悠长转世系谱中的第廿五位转世,詹杜固仁波切的前世除了曾是印度、尼泊尔及西藏的佛教大师,最久远者甚至可追溯至超过2500年前佛陀的时代。仁波切是马来西亚克切拉佛教团体的创办人,一生致力于撰写佛学评注、教诲和书籍,因此吸引了无数来自全世界各地的追随者。仁波切倾尽一生,兢兢业业实修佛陀法教、持守清净戒律,还善用网络广弘圣教。 H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world. www.tsemtulku.com/cn www.tsemrinpoche.com www.youtube.com/@tsemrinpoche www.kechara.com/cn www.youtube.com/@kecharahouse www.vajrasecrets.com

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 3 години тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏

  • @rayang9982
    @rayang9982 7 годин тому

    Homage to Heruka 🙏

  • @rayang9982
    @rayang9982 7 годин тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏

  • @rayang9982
    @rayang9982 7 годин тому

    Thanks Rinpoche for the teaching ❤

  • @rayang9982
    @rayang9982 7 годин тому

    Thanks Rinpoche ❤

  • @dhi108
    @dhi108 21 годину тому

    尊贵的第廿五世嘉杰詹杜固仁波切是⼀位扬名国际的佛教导师。作为悠长转世系谱中的第廿五位转世,詹杜固仁波切的前世除了曾是印度、尼泊尔及西藏的佛教大师,最久远者甚至可追溯至超过2500年前佛陀的时代。仁波切是马来西亚克切拉佛教团体的创办人,一生致力于撰写佛学评注、教诲和书籍,因此吸引了无数来自全世界各地的追随者。仁波切倾尽一生,兢兢业业实修佛陀法教、持守清净戒律,还善用网络广弘圣教。 H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world. www.tsemtulku.com/cn www.tsemrinpoche.com www.youtube.com/@tsemrinpoche www.kechara.com/cn www.youtube.com/@kecharahouse www.vajrasecrets.com

  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 22 години тому


  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 22 години тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏🙏🙏

  • @kengsing007
    @kengsing007 2 дні тому

    Thank you, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @daisylin3337
    @daisylin3337 2 дні тому


  • @user-jo2nz3jp5i
    @user-jo2nz3jp5i 3 дні тому


  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 4 дні тому

    Om Ah Ra Ba Tza Na Dhi

  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 4 дні тому

    Karma is something universal Karma is not dependent on a god it is not dependent on a outer divinity it is something that exists as a natural universal law

  • @user-ud1wo1jk6b
    @user-ud1wo1jk6b 4 дні тому

    Thanks for the teaching Rinpoche 🙏

  • @dhi108
    @dhi108 4 дні тому

    尊贵的第廿五世嘉杰詹杜固仁波切是⼀位扬名国际的佛教导师。作为悠长转世系谱中的第廿五位转世,詹杜固仁波切的前世除了曾是印度、尼泊尔及西藏的佛教大师,最久远者甚至可追溯至超过2500年前佛陀的时代。仁波切是马来西亚克切拉佛教团体的创办人,一生致力于撰写佛学评注、教诲和书籍,因此吸引了无数来自全世界各地的追随者。仁波切倾尽一生,兢兢业业实修佛陀法教、持守清净戒律,还善用网络广弘圣教。 H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world. www.tsemtulku.com/cn www.tsemrinpoche.com www.youtube.com/@tsemrinpoche www.kechara.com/cn www.youtube.com/@kecharahouse www.vajrasecrets.com

  • @robustashorea4586
    @robustashorea4586 4 дні тому

    降神,在中國民間信仰很普通,講白了就是「乩童」起乩!明清最多,後流傳到台灣、東南亞,這些很普遍、也有神力,有很強的,也有很普通的,UA-cam 搜尋一大堆。

    • @robustashorea4586
      @robustashorea4586 4 дні тому

      以前唐密的「穢跡金剛法」也有,宋朝「夷堅志」就有記載,當時福建一帶有人用密宗的穢跡金剛法,降神於童,然後解決疑難雜症,還有祈福治病。 Goole 都有文獻記載。

  • @biligtuyabatnasn6035
    @biligtuyabatnasn6035 5 днів тому


  • @user-iy2lz3nw1j
    @user-iy2lz3nw1j 5 днів тому

    🌹🌹🌹 🙏🙏🙏

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 6 днів тому


  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 6 днів тому


  • @booal155
    @booal155 6 днів тому


  • @booal155
    @booal155 6 днів тому

    Homage to Buddha of Wisdom 🙏

  • @user-ud1wo1jk6b
    @user-ud1wo1jk6b 7 днів тому

    Useful advice 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @user-ud1wo1jk6b
    @user-ud1wo1jk6b 7 днів тому


  • @dhi108
    @dhi108 7 днів тому

    尊贵的第廿五世嘉杰詹杜固仁波切是⼀位扬名国际的佛教导师。作为悠长转世系谱中的第廿五位转世,詹杜固仁波切的前世除了曾是印度、尼泊尔及西藏的佛教大师,最久远者甚至可追溯至超过2500年前佛陀的时代。仁波切是马来西亚克切拉佛教团体的创办人,一生致力于撰写佛学评注、教诲和书籍,因此吸引了无数来自全世界各地的追随者。仁波切倾尽一生,兢兢业业实修佛陀法教、持守清净戒律,还善用网络广弘圣教。 H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world. www.tsemtulku.com/cn www.tsemrinpoche.com www.youtube.com/@tsemrinpoche www.kechara.com/cn www.youtube.com/@kecharahouse www.vajrasecrets.com

  • @thang3702
    @thang3702 8 днів тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 8 днів тому

    Om Ah Ra Ba Tza Na Dhi

  • @user-js7kz8ll3m
    @user-js7kz8ll3m 8 днів тому


  • @rayang9982
    @rayang9982 9 днів тому

    Homage to Dorje Shugden 🙏

  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 9 днів тому

    Homage to Heruka 🙏

  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 9 днів тому

    Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha

  • @biligtuyabatnasn6035
    @biligtuyabatnasn6035 9 днів тому


  • @Sherab-vs6bx
    @Sherab-vs6bx 9 днів тому


  • @Sherab-vs6bx
    @Sherab-vs6bx 9 днів тому

    Wish Rinpoche swift return 🙏🙏🙏

  • @Sherab-vs6bx
    @Sherab-vs6bx 9 днів тому

    Thanks for the teaching Rinpoche ❤

  • @Sherab-vs6bx
    @Sherab-vs6bx 9 днів тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏

  • @thang3702
    @thang3702 9 днів тому

    Thanks for the advice Rinpoche 🙏🙏🙏

  • @dhi108
    @dhi108 10 днів тому

    尊贵的第廿五世嘉杰詹杜固仁波切是⼀位扬名国际的佛教导师。作为悠长转世系谱中的第廿五位转世,詹杜固仁波切的前世除了曾是印度、尼泊尔及西藏的佛教大师,最久远者甚至可追溯至超过2500年前佛陀的时代。仁波切是马来西亚克切拉佛教团体的创办人,一生致力于撰写佛学评注、教诲和书籍,因此吸引了无数来自全世界各地的追随者。仁波切倾尽一生,兢兢业业实修佛陀法教、持守清净戒律,还善用网络广弘圣教。 H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world. www.tsemtulku.com/cn www.tsemrinpoche.com www.youtube.com/@tsemrinpoche www.kechara.com/cn www.youtube.com/@kecharahouse www.vajrasecrets.com

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 10 днів тому


  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 10 днів тому

    Thanks for the teaching Rinpoche 🙏

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 10 днів тому

    Om Ah Ra Ba Tza Na Dhi

  • @ra4039
    @ra4039 10 днів тому

    Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha

  • @thang3702
    @thang3702 11 днів тому


  • @booal155
    @booal155 11 днів тому

    Homage to Tsem Tulku 🙏

  • @booal155
    @booal155 11 днів тому

    Homage to Tsem Rinpoche 🙏

  • @booal155
    @booal155 11 днів тому


  • @booal155
    @booal155 11 днів тому


  • @user-kq1dl5de3c
    @user-kq1dl5de3c 12 днів тому

    Om Ah Ra Ba Za Na Dhi

  • @mystery9790
    @mystery9790 12 днів тому
