some person
some person
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12 rods - gaymo demo
i know the story with this band bc they're from my town. ryan works at a venue now and is so depressed, gets super upset and strange if you bring up 12 rods arround him. he thinks hes a musical failure and hearing about what could've been. 12 rods is probably the most overlooked band ever in my opinion, like come on people praise carseat head rest for having lyrics about queer issues in 2010, ts came out in 2000 and nobody cares. so sad.
Переглядів: 274


Переглядів 683 роки тому


  • @vlmpapc
    @vlmpapc 8 місяців тому

    this must be what heaven sounds like

  • @laketoriver
    @laketoriver Рік тому

    The description is actually so upsetting, I just hope he knows that we admire him and he’s one of my biggest inspirations, i’m sure that’s the same for so many others. Cool that you’ve met him, I just hope he’s doing better.

    • @someperson6269
      @someperson6269 3 місяці тому

      so tea is hes a psychotic cocaine addict actually

    • @laketoriver
      @laketoriver 3 місяці тому

      @@someperson6269 wait what

  • @hazzymusic1
    @hazzymusic1 Рік тому

    Lots of people care.

  • @someperson6269
    @someperson6269 Рік тому

    hes got his peace now and is working on a new album

  • @seanclark14
    @seanclark14 2 роки тому

    so sad he thinks he's a failure :(