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Приєднався 8 сер 2021
Unlock Your Power: Top Tricks to Maximize Damage as a Windwalker Monk in War Within PVP
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Join our community: www.twitch.tv/thewy Here are the notes: www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/us-en/1945843-20th-anniversary-update-ptr-development-notes/ Join the discord: (twitch subs get ui/macros/addons) : discord.gg/aWuBrsBgS3 Windwalker PVPguide ua-cam.com/video/G-DW_FdpuAk/v-deo.html #warwithin #wowpvp #wowarena #windwalker #soloshuffle #monk #soloshuffle #arena #blizard #wow #worldofwarcraft
R1 Windwalker 5-1 Solo Shuffle at MMR Cap
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Join our community: www.twitch.tv/thewy Join the discord: (twitch subs get ui/macros/addons) : discord.gg/aWuBrsBgS3 Windwalker PVPguide ua-cam.com/video/G-DW_FdpuAk/v-deo.html #warwithin #wowpvp #wowarena #windwalker #soloshuffle #monk #soloshuffle #arena #blizard #wow #worldofwarcraft
Blizzard NEEDS TO FIX THIS before its too late! The War Within PVP
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Blizzard NEEDS TO FIX THIS before its too late! The War Within PVP
5-1 At The HIGHEST RATING In Solo Shuffle - Windwalker Monk The War Within PVP
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5-1 At The HIGHEST RATING In Solo Shuffle - Windwalker Monk The War Within PVP
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This Windwalker Monk 3v3 Comp is UNSTOPPABLE: 100% Win Rate - War Within PVP
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Windwalker NERFED?! - The War Within PVP
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This Solo Shuffle Made Me the #1 Windwalker Monk in the Game - The War Within PvP
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This Solo Shuffle Made Me the #1 Windwalker Monk in the Game - The War Within PvP
HUGE Class Changes (Nerfs and Buffs!) - The War Within PVP
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HUGE Class Changes (Nerfs and Buffs!) - The War Within PVP
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Early Gearing Guide for Windwalker Monk - Start of Season 1 The War Within PVP!
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How to ONESHOT on Windwalker Monk in The War Within!
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Only 1% of players are using this new OP enchant
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Is your Spec META? The War Within PVP Tier list.
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Is your Spec META? The War Within PVP Tier list.
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Two Windwalkers oneshot everything! Dragonflight 3v3 Arena Gladiator Push 2400+MMR
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Two Windwalkers oneshot everything! Dragonflight 3v3 Arena Gladiator Push 2400 MMR
cant import shadowpan talents says its broken
For 1v1, for general PvP and arenas, is Shado-pan the best heroic specialization? I haven't played in like 3 years so my knowledge and understanding are very outdated. Monk seems to have way more button bloat now, please correct me if I'm wrong.
When I hit above 20% haste and lower mastery my dps got much lower? My 18% haste and 40% mastery give much much more dps in m+ at least.
2:00 i didn't understand shit...
can you make this again with upcoming changes :D it's a great video
I would consider re-doing the list in 11.0.7 after the racial revamp. I think Zandalari was already fairly strong with the 4% crit and full heal and now it has more variety. The regen channeling through DoT ticks is pretty good.
the import is out of date
Remove MC from the game button --->
Nah my favorite spell
5 million gold on bfa* bros baiting us again
That sucks! I hate it when that happens I still remember about to hit 1850 for to get my 2h on my warrior in tbc we killed the healer and servers crashed and then it was all mage/rouge and lost so many points
Thewys guides and tips have gotten me 2100 2 seasons in a row (I’ve only been playing windwalker for two seasons)
11.0.7 race changes. mag'har is gonna be very very interesting
Yep, as is Zandalari. Will be interesting having a variety of actually viable passives.
Interactive gameplay
Small indie game
Bug since tbh still going strong 😢
How did he dc you
Bug with mind control
@ tell me about it
I would’ve reported him, he’s intentionally exploiting a known bug.
I mean ... he can use Mc lmao. It's part of hid kite. Imagine banning someone for playing his class
@ except the way he was using it was the intentionally exploiting a known bug forcing someone to disconnect. Why else would he be spamming it repeatedly on the same person in the middle of a match without coordination?
He pressed it once and he didn't spam it lol. I main Hpriest and have to mind control constantly to midigate damage. You can't just choose when to disconnect people with mind control lmao. Happens randomly. Putting people in certain spots can increase the likelihood of them DCing but can't really do it intentionally
@@grantx6 tell me you didn’t watch the video without telling me you didn’t watch the video.
@@Kyungneh I don't need to watch the video. I'm speaking from 10k shuffle rounds played as a priest, guy
Meh, just need to survive this assend window, easy as monk, just TP behind pillar when see his CD and spam heal. Yeah, its really strong, but dk man, as SP i feel almost everyone doing dmg like that😅
Please people ration this guy. All I learned from you, you drink too much caffeine, you talk faster then you think, you got a brain scattered more then a bag of feathers in a hurricane, you have no idea what you are doing at teaching. BLAH BLAH BLAH x3 which is baked in, blah blah blah, this talent is baked into several, blah blah blah, I am a computer talking at super speed, blah blah blah, I like this color cause it looks good and I like pretty colors. I think you are baked!
If people wouldn't buy the mounts, Blizzard wouldn't make them. Simple as that. It was a genius move on their side.
bro is it just me or is SS on monk 10x harder this patch.
Community is either super lame ass people or really cool no mid
Shoulda won i guess 😂
I hate it that monk only holds his weapon when you use KICKS. He never strikes with weapon. It sucks
i dont even have to buy it cause everyone else got it hahha
Blizzard fanbois cant get enough of this shit. Mobilegame with store mounts
great guide ty!
Ur just not good.. i kno some ele shamans who r the exact opposite of u man sorry
He isn’t the ele here… the video is about his opponents burst.
Sadly the fact we are dealing with a buggy shit show of a patch and yet people are willing to fork over all that money
Typical activision BS with there skins and shit.... its amazing 😂😂😂
I’m jealous
I stg if they nerf monk…..
Omg it’s sooooo broken. This one shots everyone and instantly give you 2400 rating….its not. Wat are you talking
O wow more white and black, man people gotta get some fucking color. That’s all u see now is snooze fest Oreos
We got the rework, and then they gave every class another rework 😂
WW needs a rework on defensives/mobility
that's not monk issue, just ele is broken
WW is fine.. we don't need crazy buffs that will end up getting nerfed like ele sham. Let blizzard focus on these other specs 😂
WW have literally some of the strongest defensives in the game??? Please explain what you mean bc the monks class tree got some nice changes like a patch or two ago before TWW and good changes I’m not sure what to be unhappy about.
@@cloud3997 defensives probably aren't the issue its the damage some classes can dish out. I died through wall and karma at 50% and was very surprised tbh.
@@illmerkcsgoI think offense should always outweigh defensives a bit that’s why you need healers and to make games not go as long, otherwise the game would turn into all dps trading CDs and game never ending. IMO a lot of dps heal too much and have too many defensives 😂
What is happening all of a sudden that classes like ele and BM are OP when they werent even barely played a month ago? I cant even keep up with the fotm shit anymore because its flavor of the week, every tuesday theres some new OP shit.
20 lava bursts in 2 seconds then a 1.2 mil earth shock kekw.
Get 20 Lava bursts in 2 secs
Wtf do defensives do vs 30 fing lava bursts....this is just ridiculous
@@cci9459Bro go read what touch of Karma, fort brew, and diffuse magic does on the tooltip and then come back and lmk when you figure out the answer.
Yea blizzard is cooked
Man, I don’t know if I’m tripping, but you look like cdew from 10 years ago
It really is
bought it insta!
I think its ok. If you have both mounts, you dont have to travel a lot especially if you use AH for gold making purpose.
Blizzard should work harder on class balance, patch bugs fix, spend more time polishing the anniversary events instead of selling this shit.
The joke is the players who buy it
Who cares what people do with their money? Mind your own business.