@@happyksy0101 that's a massive disappointment. Cause this is the only big budget 3rd party game that has gyro aiming on ps5. This could have been a big step. Instead the monkey paw curls hard on this one
@@teneesh3376 What do you classify as a big 3rd game? Is deathloop not from a 3rd party developer? Or is that from a Sony studio? Deathloop had gyro added a few month after it came out. The developers had some pointers from a guy named jibbsmarts, who is big in the gyro community. Also a few smaller games like boomerang x has it (plus flickstick). Most AAA games from Sony also implemented it all wrong. On most games the sensitivity is not 1:1 and the max sensitivity is to low. The lowest setting should give you a 1:1 translation of a 360 controller turn to an ingame turn of 360 degrees. On top of that there should be a modifier that goes to atleast x4 360 degrees. That is the sensitivity i use anyway. When in turn my controller 90 degrees the ingame camera turns 360 degrees on the settings that i use. Games like the last of us And horizon only offer a sensitivity that is half of my usuall settings. Only deatloop and boomerang x have the good settings that every game should have. Sony pc games have even moe problems like lacking real mouse support or mixed inpputs. Mixed inputs are usually very handy if you want to map the mouse to the gyro on your controller and you still want to use analog controls for the ingame character.
55:38 망할…이상한 버그에 걸린상태에서 저장 눌렀다 망했음
This on PC? Cause I remember hearing the PS5 version disabling the right analog stick when using gyro aiming
This is the PS5 motion control play😊
@@happyksy0101 so is the right stick still disabled or did they finally fix that?
@@teneesh3376 that problem still exists..
@@happyksy0101 that's a massive disappointment. Cause this is the only big budget 3rd party game that has gyro aiming on ps5. This could have been a big step. Instead the monkey paw curls hard on this one
@@teneesh3376 What do you classify as a big 3rd game? Is deathloop not from a 3rd party developer? Or is that from a Sony studio? Deathloop had gyro added a few month after it came out. The developers had some pointers from a guy named jibbsmarts, who is big in the gyro community. Also a few smaller games like boomerang x has it (plus flickstick). Most AAA games from Sony also implemented it all wrong. On most games the sensitivity is not 1:1 and the max sensitivity is to low. The lowest setting should give you a 1:1 translation of a 360 controller turn to an ingame turn of 360 degrees. On top of that there should be a modifier that goes to atleast x4 360 degrees. That is the sensitivity i use anyway. When in turn my controller 90 degrees the ingame camera turns 360 degrees on the settings that i use. Games like the last of us And horizon only offer a sensitivity that is half of my usuall settings. Only deatloop and boomerang x have the good settings that every game should have. Sony pc games have even moe problems like lacking real mouse support or mixed inpputs. Mixed inputs are usually very handy if you want to map the mouse to the gyro on your controller and you still want to use analog controls for the ingame character.
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