Olá Consigo sentir a mesma sensação que você, meu tardará o também é de Casacalenda❤️procuramos as mesmas coisas. Isso que você sente é o chamado de sangue, seu ancestrais chamam por você regressar, é o sangue dizendo volta. Você precisa voltar e pisar na mesma terra que Rafael Piperni conhecer onde ele passou e reencontrar 3 e 4 gerações da sua familia. Boa sorte🙏🙂
My grandfather, Michele Piperni, is from here. He came to America in the early 1900's. I believe my great uncle is Don Rafael Piperni, as this is my family name. There are references to him that I found in my grandfathers belongings. Is there anyone who lived or lives there now help me find more information about the Piperni's? Im wondering if I have relatives that still live there. I would be so excited to find out!!
My grandfather, Michele Piperni, is from here. He came to America in the early 1900's. I believe my great uncle is Don Rafael Piperni, as this is my family name. There are references to him that I found in my grandfathers belongings. Is there anyone who lived or lives there now help me find more information about the Piperni's? Im wondering if I have relatives that still live there. I would be so excited to find out!!
hello sammy sicily. my mom, uncles and gonna are all from Casacalenda. I was showing my gonna your video and it made her very happy to see old photos. Thank you for this. Also, i believe my mom is in the picture of the schoolgirls in 1969. Can you please send me the picture? My family was not as fortunate to have so many photos taken. I therefore have very few and they are very precious to me. Thank you, Daniela
caro sammysicily ce un problema qui le foto non sono tutti di Casacalenda..ma bravo per una bella visita del mio bello paease.. vi invito a vedere Casacalenda Franesco Napoli Italian melody fatto da me romeshines
I am a Canadian whose ancestors came from Casacalenda. Does anyone know of any Lipartiti's or Caluori's?? Viva Casacalenda, viva Montreal, and viva Canada!
i was born in casacalenda, i have many famly members still there. i went back many times. and i love that village. my parents immigrated to montreal in 1958. i was barely 1 years old. proud to be italian, and also proud to be a canadien.
Olá Consigo sentir a mesma sensação que você, meu tardará o também é de Casacalenda❤️procuramos as mesmas coisas. Isso que você sente é o chamado de sangue, seu ancestrais chamam por você regressar, é o sangue dizendo volta. Você precisa voltar e pisar na mesma terra que Rafael Piperni conhecer onde ele passou e reencontrar 3 e 4 gerações da sua familia. Boa sorte🙏🙂
My grandfather, Michele Piperni, is from here. He came to America in the early 1900's. I believe my great uncle is Don Rafael Piperni, as this is my family name. There are references to him that I found in my grandfathers belongings. Is there anyone who lived or lives there now help me find more information about the Piperni's? Im wondering if I have relatives that still live there. I would be so excited to find out!!
I was born in CASACALENDA IN 1949. I live in CANADA. MY father was Giuseppe Antonio PITRANTONIO. His mother was Emannuella Piperni.
Gildone ....cuore mio ...
anche Santa Croce di Magliano (in provincia di Campobasso) e` un bel paese
salve ti scrivo da casacalenda hai fatto un po di confusione col le foto non sono tutte del paese !!!!!!
My grandfather, Michele Piperni, is from here. He came to America in the early 1900's. I believe my great uncle is Don Rafael Piperni, as this is my family name. There are references to him that I found in my grandfathers belongings. Is there anyone who lived or lives there now help me find more information about the Piperni's? Im wondering if I have relatives that still live there. I would be so excited to find out!!
hello sammy sicily. my mom, uncles and gonna are all from Casacalenda. I was showing my gonna your video and it made her very happy to see old photos. Thank you for this. Also, i believe my mom is in the picture of the schoolgirls in 1969. Can you please send me the picture? My family was not as fortunate to have so many photos taken. I therefore have very few and they are very precious to me. Thank you, Daniela
Fantastico .....Complimente !!
caro sammysicily ce un problema qui le foto non sono tutti di Casacalenda..ma bravo per una bella visita del mio bello paease.. vi invito a vedere Casacalenda Franesco Napoli Italian melody fatto da me romeshines
ciao Casacalenda il paese piu bello del mondo
I am a Canadian whose ancestors came from Casacalenda. Does anyone know of any Lipartiti's or Caluori's?? Viva Casacalenda, viva Montreal, and viva Canada!
i was born in casacalenda, i have many famly members still there. i went back many times. and i love that village. my parents immigrated to montreal in 1958. i was barely 1 years old. proud to be italian, and also proud to be a canadien.
riconosco lo zio peppe, mio parente! ke bei ricordi...
Levanzo x sempre nel mio cuore.... ci ho passato l'infanzia.... mi piacerebbe tornarci...