- 40
- 9 893
Ivan Beltrame
Приєднався 19 бер 2011
Kreator - Pleasure To Kill - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Kreator - Pleasure To Kill - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів: 290
Kreator - Enemy Of God - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 79День тому
Kreator - Enemy Of God - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Kreator - Wall Of Death - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 299День тому
Kreator - Wall Of Death - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Kreator - Phobia - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 60День тому
Kreator - Phobia - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Testament - More Than Meets The Eye - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 41День тому
Testament - More Than Meets The Eye - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Testament - Return To Serenity - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 29День тому
Testament - Return To Serenity - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Testament - The Formation Of Damnation - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 29День тому
Testament - The Formation Of Damnation - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Testament - D.N.R. - Live in Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 140День тому
Testament - D.N.R. - Live in Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Anthrax - Antisocial - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Переглядів 64День тому
Anthrax - Antisocial - Live In Milano, Alcatraz - 06/12/2024
Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Переглядів 1032 місяці тому
Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Cannibal Corpse - Pounded Into Dust - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Переглядів 742 місяці тому
Cannibal Corpse - Pounded Into Dust - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Municipal Waste - Born To Party - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Переглядів 412 місяці тому
Municipal Waste - Born To Party - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Municipal Waste - Wave Of Death - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
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Municipal Waste - Wave Of Death - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Municipal Waste - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
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Municipal Waste - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
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Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
Municial Waste - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
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Municial Waste - Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024
Cannibal Corpse - Scourge Of Iron (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
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Cannibal Corpse - Scourge Of Iron (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped and Strangled (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
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Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped and Strangled (Live in Alcatraz, Milano - 15/10/2024)
Slayer - War Ensemble (Live @MediolanumForum - Milano)
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Slayer - War Ensemble (Live @MediolanumForum - Milano)
Lamb Of God - Redneck (Live @MediolanumForum - Milano)
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Lamb Of God - Redneck (Live @MediolanumForum - Milano)
Machine Head - Halo (Live @Trezzo sull'Adda - 13/04/18)
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Machine Head - Halo (Live @Trezzo sull'Adda - 13/04/18)
Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood (Live @Live Club - Trezzo sull'Adda) - 28/02/2018
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Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood (Live @Live Club - Trezzo sull'Adda) - 28/02/2018
Anthrax - Among The Living - Live @LiveClub Trezzo Sull'Adda
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Anthrax - Among The Living - Live @LiveClub Trezzo Sull'Adda
Testament - The Formation of Damnation (Wall of death) - Live Circolo Magnolia, Milano 30/07/2016
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Testament - The Formation of Damnation (Wall of death) - Live Circolo Magnolia, Milano 30/07/2016
Machine Head - Killers & Kings Live @Alcatraz Milano 19/11/2014
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Machine Head - Killers & Kings Live @Alcatraz Milano 19/11/2014
Lamb Of God - Black Label Live @Alcatraz Milano 07/01/14
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Lamb Of God - Black Label Live @Alcatraz Milano 07/01/14
Amon Amarth - Wall Of Death Live @Live Club Trezzo D'Adda
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Amon Amarth - Wall Of Death Live @Live Club Trezzo D'Adda
Fast Animals And Slow Kids Live @Magnolia (Milano)
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Fast Animals And Slow Kids Live @Magnolia (Milano)
Iron Maiden - Moonchild Live @Sonisphere Milano Rho 08/06/13
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Iron Maiden - Moonchild Live @Sonisphere Milano Rho 08/06/13
Slayer - Chemical Warfare Live @Alcatraz Milano 19-06-13
Переглядів 14611 років тому
Slayer - Chemical Warfare Live @Alcatraz Milano 19-06-13
Visti in Florida 2 mesi fa i Kreator hanno asfaltato tutti
ma Ventor e Fioretti ci stanno ancora ?
Esagerati!!! ❤❤❤
Che spettacolo! ❤😈
C’ero pure io nel pit qui
Concertone della madonna, il migliore a cui abbia partecipato \m/
ragazza coi capelli rossi che mi hai regalato i tappi per le orecchie durante i lambo of god....scrivimi! :)
Delirio allo stato puro...
Porca troia che bomba ieri sera 👊👊
I cannibal corpse a Trezzo?!?!?!,incredibile
Grandi c'era pure un mio amico che in realtà ascolta musica classica ma si vergogna a dirlo e ogni domenica va a messa
me lo ricordo va' .. ho perso la scarpa li in mezzo.. grazie a chi me l'ha ridata!!!
grandiosi, ero talmente avanti che avrei potuto prendermi in braccio kendrick
Mi si vede in mezzo al pogo LOL!! XD
grandissimo inizio cazzo !!!! hanno spaccatoooooooooooooooooooooo \\,,//
Waw!!! Mother Fucking Waw!!!
Pure Io c'ero!!
Della serie "io c'ero"!!!! Waw!