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Supporting Privacy with Zero Knowledge in SSI and Blockchain based Access Control, Laura Ricci
Переглядів 221 день тому
Talk by Laura Ricci (University of Pisa) Abstract: Recent years have witnessed, especially in Europe, a shift aimed at bringing users back at the center of digital systems. This has driven innovation towards the affirmation of decentralized systems, in line with the Self Sovereign Identity paradigm. User control over the consumption and disclosure of their data is a key topic of such drive. Thi...
Modern Blockchains and Next-Generation Internet Architectures, Markus Legner (Mysten Labs)
Переглядів 1021 день тому
Talk by Markus Legner (Mysten Labs) Abstract: As globally distributed systems, blockchains fundamentally rely on an available network infrastructure. Unfortunately, today’s Internet is vulnerable to a large number of attacks that may render it unavailable. On the other hand, centralized solutions offered by companies like Cloudflare contradict the decentralization promise of blockchains. Ideall...
Trust-less and Efficient Bridges between PoS Blockchains via Random Sampling, Bhargav Bhatt
Переглядів 521 день тому
Talk by Bhargav Bhatt (Web3 Foundation) Abstract: We introduce “Random Sampling”, a novel technique for on-chain light-clients to efficiently follow the finality of a PoS blockchain. Essentially, our technique draws randomness (e.g. RANDAO in Ethereum) from the target chain to verify the signatures of only a small subset of validators subsampled from the source chain. We also analyse the securi...
Wake: Why we built an Open-Source Swiss Knife for Solidity Developers, Josef Gattermayer (Ackee)
Переглядів 7721 день тому
Talk by Josef Gattermayer (Ackee Blockchain Security) Abstract: Solidity development and security tooling are still evolving, the first ecosystem has grown around tools such as Brownie, Slither, Echidna, or VS Studio Code extension Solidity Juan Blanco wrote in 2015 and has over 1,2 million installations. Thanks to those early adopters, the next waves of tooling could arrive, improving comfort,...
METHODA - Framework for Distributed Systems Evaluations, Filip Rezabek (TUM)
Переглядів 121 день тому
Talk of Filip Rezabek (Technical University of Munich) Abstract: To assess various topologies, configurations, and data traffic types in permissionless setups, we introduce METHODS. It aims to provide, among many others, repeatable, reproducible, and replicable distributed systems experiments with high precision and flexibility. METHOD is based on commercial off-the-shelf hardware and uses the ...
Transpiling Policies to Secure Computation Circuits, Jan Lauinger (TUM)
Переглядів 321 день тому
Talk by Jan Jan Lauinger (Technical University of Munich) Abstract: Modern privacy-enhancing technologies reach new forms of computation or data compliance, compression, and privacy according to a statement (e.g., private value of more than 100). However, beyond the statement expression, the description of secure computation circuits requires knowledge of security algorithms protecting private ...
Trust Management of Decentralised Platforms, Sheng-Nan Li (UZH Blockchain Center)
Переглядів 521 день тому
Talk by Sheng-Nan Li (UZH Blockchain Center) Abstract: In this presentation, we emphasise three foundational pillars-honesty, fairness, and sustainability-essential for maintaining and reinforcing trust in Blockchains and other Decentralised Platforms. Each pillar is exemplified through a dedicated project, which are focus on monitoring, analysis, and modelling of user behaviour and protocol fu...
A Middleware Architecture for SSI Authentication and Authorization, Felix Hoops (TUM)
Переглядів 821 день тому
Talk by Felix Hoops (Technical University of Munich) Abstract: In the evolving digital identity landscape, the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) has emerged as a paradigm shift, empowering individuals with the ownership and control of their personal information. In this talk, we will explore how Blockchain and SSI are interconnected. We then present a middleware architecture that leverag...
Process Channels:A New Layer for Process Enactment Based on Blockchain State Channels,Fabian Stiehle
Переглядів 321 день тому
Talk by Fabian Stiehle (Technical University of Munich) Abstract: For the enactment of inter-organizational processes, blockchain can guarantee the enforcement of process rules and the integrity of execution traces. However, existing solutions come with downsides regarding throughput scalability, latency, and suboptimal tradeoffs between confidentiality and transparency. To address these issues...
Fast and Reliable P2P Without Breaking the Memory Budget, Ognjen Maric (Dfinity Foundation)
Переглядів 2321 день тому
Talk by Ognjen Maric (Dfinity Foundation) Abstract: Blockchain protocol stacks often assume networking primitives such as reliable broadcast. But these primitives are problematic in a Byzantine environment, as they either require unbounded buffering, or give up reliability. Both options open opportunities for DoS attacks and endanger the protocol liveness. In this talk, I’ll describe the messag...
(Pre)training and applying LLMs to Blockchain Transactions, Arthur Gervais (UCL/UC Berkeley)
Переглядів 921 день тому
(Pre)training and applying LLMs to Blockchain Transactions, Arthur Gervais (UCL/UC Berkeley)
Act Onchain with AI Agents, Fran Algaba, Gizatech
Переглядів 921 день тому
Act Onchain with AI Agents, Fran Algaba, Gizatech
Building Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs), Simone Romano (IoTeX)
Переглядів 2921 день тому
Building Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs), Simone Romano (IoTeX)
Digital Euro Update, Lars Hupel (Giesecke+Devrient)
Переглядів 4221 день тому
Abstract: The work on the Digital Euro is going full steam ahead. In January, the European Central Bank has issued calls for applications for component providers, including for example offline payments and fraud & risk management. Meanwhile, the European Parliament is considering the legislation in committee. In this talk, I will give an update about the current state and developments to be exp...
Ethical Identity, Ring VRFs, and Zero-Knowledge Continuations, Jeffrey Burdges (Web3 Foundation)
Переглядів 2121 день тому
Talk by Jeffrey Burdges (Web3 Foundation) Abstract: Anonymized ring VRFs are ring signatures that prove correct evaluation of some authorized signer’s PRF while hiding the specific signer’s identity within some set of possible signers, known as the ring. We propose ring VRFs as a natural fulcrum around which a diverse array of zkSNARK circuits turn, making them an ideal target for optimization ...
Building Decentralized Applications for Smartphones, Daniel Hugenroth (University of Cambridge)
Переглядів 221 день тому
Talk by Daniel Hugenroth (University of Cambridge) Abstract: Smartphones have become the primary computing devices for many. As such we ask them to do more and more with the limited energy stored in their battery. In this talk we look at decentralized applications and discuss how mobile network transmissions and CPU usage affect battery life based on measurements with an open-source test setup....
Enterprise EVMs: How evmOS enables Access Control for Web3 Businesses, Federico Kunze Küllmer(evmOS)
Переглядів 7121 день тому
Talk by Federico Kunze Küllmer (evmOS/Altiplanic) Abstract: The talk will cover how enterprises can leverage evmOS to create Permissioned or Restricted EVM blockchain for their web3 businesses
Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts using FHE, Louis Tremblay Thibault (Zama)
Переглядів 321 день тому
Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts using FHE, Louis Tremblay Thibault (Zama)
Smart Contract Exploits and Automated Vulnerabilities Detection, Peter Ince (Monash University)
Переглядів 40Рік тому
Smart Contract Exploits and Automated Vulnerabilities Detection, Peter Ince (Monash University)
Bridge Security in Blockchain, Smriti Verma (OpenZeppelin)
Переглядів 35Рік тому
Bridge Security in Blockchain, Smriti Verma (OpenZeppelin)
Rollercoaster: An Efficient Group-Multicast Scheme for Mix Networks, Daniel Hugenroth (Uni Camridge)
Переглядів 98Рік тому
Rollercoaster: An Efficient Group-Multicast Scheme for Mix Networks, Daniel Hugenroth (Uni Camridge)
A First Study of MEV on an Up-and-Coming Blockchain: Algorand, Burak Öz (TUM)
Переглядів 125Рік тому
A First Study of MEV on an Up-and-Coming Blockchain: Algorand, Burak Öz (TUM)
Techniques to Bootstrap a Verifiable Notion of Identity, Jan Lauinger (TUM)
Переглядів 17Рік тому
Techniques to Bootstrap a Verifiable Notion of Identity, Jan Lauinger (TUM)
Blockchain Meets IoT: A Research Perspective, Xinxin Fan (IoTeX)
Переглядів 110Рік тому
Blockchain Meets IoT: A Research Perspective, Xinxin Fan (IoTeX)
Decentralized Inverse Transparency with Blockchain, Valentin Zieglmeier (TUM)
Переглядів 29Рік тому
Decentralized Inverse Transparency with Blockchain, Valentin Zieglmeier (TUM)
Private Compute on Permissionless Blockchains, Hugo Krawczyk (Algorand Foundation)
Переглядів 66Рік тому
Private Compute on Permissionless Blockchains, Hugo Krawczyk (Algorand Foundation)
Modelling Strategic Behaviour on Proof-of-Work Based Blockchains, Claudio Tessone (UZH)
Переглядів 31Рік тому
Modelling Strategic Behaviour on Proof-of-Work Based Blockchains, Claudio Tessone (UZH)
What VCs want to hear: How to raise (or not) in a Bear Market, Jonatan L-B (Inflection XYZ)
Переглядів 16Рік тому
What VCs want to hear: How to raise (or not) in a Bear Market, Jonatan L-B (Inflection XYZ)
DAOs and Organizational Approaches, Christian Ziegler (TUM)
Переглядів 8Рік тому
DAOs and Organizational Approaches, Christian Ziegler (TUM)