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Приєднався 19 сер 2022
Cutnut|Cut nut fruit Hindi|कटनट फलों के बारे में सब कुछ|Cut nut plants available|कटनट की खेती|Paunut
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Barringtonia edullis plants
Barringtonia edullis plants are available
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All about cut nut fruits
Cutnut ke bare mein sampuran jankari
कटनट फलों के बारे में सब कुछ
Cut nut fruit Hindi
कटनट फलों के बारे में सब कुछ
Cut nut plants available
कटनट की खेती
Benefits of cutnut fruits
Health benefits of cut nut trees
Health benefits of cut nut plants
How to grow cut nut plants
How to eat cutnut fruits
How to cut cutnut fruits
How to cut cut nut seeds
Cut nut fruits harvesting
Cutnut fruit farming in English
Cutnut farming In India
Thanks & Regards
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cutnut fruit price
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cutnut fruit in India
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Barringtonia edullis plants
Barringtonia edullis plants are available
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cutnut fruit in English
cutnut fruit Malayalam
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cut nut fruit price
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cutnut farming,fruits
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fruit cutting design
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All about cut nut fruits
Cutnut ke bare mein sampuran jankari
कटनट फलों के बारे में सब कुछ
Cut nut fruit Hindi
कटनट फलों के बारे में सब कुछ
Cut nut plants available
कटनट की खेती
Benefits of cutnut fruits
Health benefits of cut nut trees
Health benefits of cut nut plants
How to grow cut nut plants
How to eat cutnut fruits
How to cut cutnut fruits
How to cut cut nut seeds
Cut nut fruits harvesting
Cutnut fruit farming in English
Cutnut farming In India
Thanks & Regards
Переглядів: 214
What is Chamba|मोम सेब और पानी सेब के बीच क्या अंतर है|What's difference between Wax /Water apple
Переглядів 12621 годину тому
THE LONG SEEDLESS WATER APPLE WHICH SIMILAR SHAPE OF GREEN CASHEW APPLE Water apple( Syzygium samarangense) is a tropical tree growing to 12 m tall, with evergreen leaves The flowers are white, with four petals and numerous stamens. The fruit is a bell-shaped, edible berry, with colors ranging from white, pale green, or green to red, purple, or crimson, to deep purple or even black, fruit size ...
Dalhari|Dalhari chamba Hindi|जल सेब की सर्वोत्तम किस्म|दलहारी चंबा फल के बारे में सब कुछ|Wax apple
Переглядів 675День тому
dalhari chamba dalhari chamba Malayalam chamba dalhari water apple bali chamba #dalhari chamba dalhaari chamba dalhari chamba taste dalhari chamba plant delhari chamba #delhari chamba dalhari chamba water apple dalhari delhari chamba Malayalam dalhari chamba malayalam review dalhari Malayalam red chamba ummer chamba bali chamba water apple Thailand red chamba #bali chamba dhalhari ummar chamba ...
Savannah|Savannah cherry Hindi|सवाना चेरी के बारे में सब कुछ|सवाना चेरी|Cherry of rio grande Hindi
Переглядів 15214 днів тому
Eugenia calycina, Savannah Cherry, is a delicious tropical cherry that is closely related to E. involucrata and is even disputed to be the same species! The two plants have slightly different characteristics, with E. calycina having larger fruit and a firmer flesh that carries more of the dark purple pigment. Savannah cherry is a reliable producer and would be a great addition to the sub-tropic...
Chamba|Thai bell chamba Hindi|Water apple|थाई बेल चम्बा|All about bell chamba|bell chamba plants
Переглядів 25014 днів тому
“Introducing the Bell Chamba (Syzygium aqueum), commonly known as the Water Apple, an exotic fruit plant celebrated for its juicy, crisp fruit and striking tropical beauty. Native to Southeast Asia, the Bell Chamba is a prized addition to any garden, known for its unique flavor and ornamental appeal. The Bell Chamba tree produces bell-shaped fruits with a smooth, waxy skin that ranges from ligh...
Grumi|Grumichama Hindi|Brazilian cherry|ग्रुमिचामा चेरी के बारे में सब कुछ|All about grumichama
Переглядів 32314 днів тому
Eugenia brasiliensis, with common names Brazil cherry and grumichama, or the Brazilian cherry is medium-sized tree endemic to southern Brazil which bears small fruits that are purple to black in color, and have a sweet cherry to plum-like flavor. Family: Myrtaceae Scientific name: Eugenia brasiliensis Order: Myrtales Common Names: Brazil Cherry, Spanish Cherry Botanical Name: Eugenia Brasiliens...
Rio|Rio grande cherry Hindi|All about Rio grande cherry|रियो ग्रांडे चेरी के बारे में सब कुछ|Cherry
Переглядів 24921 день тому
The Rio Grande cherry (Eugenia involucrata) is a tropical fruit tree or shrub that produces dark red to purple berries that taste like cherries: • Appearance: The Rio Grande cherry is an evergreen shrub that can grow 6-15 ft tall. It has smooth, dark green leaves and exfoliating bark. • • Fruit: The Rio Grande cherry produces small, 1-2 in diameter fruits that are deep red to dark wine-colored....
Medusa|Medusa pineapple Hindi|एक पौधे से 100 अनानास|100 pineapples from one plant|Medusa plants
Переглядів 23321 день тому
Medusa pineapple is a rare edible pineapple variety from the bromeliad family. It can be can be used as both a delicious pineapple fruit and an ornamental plant. The hundreds of little pineapples that stick to the main fruit makes it more attractive. Common Name: Medusa Pineapple General Information: This rare edible pineapple variety, Belongs to the Bromeliad family, Can be used as both a deli...
Israel Orange|Israel kumquat farming Hindi|6 लाख प्रति एकड़ कमाएं|Salad orange| कुमक्वेट ऑरेंज कृषि
Переглядів 14621 день тому
kumquat kumquat orange सलाद संतरे के पौधे उपलब्ध हैं salad orange farming kumquat tree farming nagami kumquat kumquats cumquat kumquat fruit fukushu kumquat growing kumquat growing kumquat in az kumquat harvest orange kumquat varieties meiwa kumquat kumquat taste sweet kumquat growing kumquats all kumquat varieties eating kumquat centennial variegated kumquat az kumquat,kumquat az how to eat ku...
Sundrop|sundrop fruit farming Hindi|सनड्रॉप फलों की खेती|sundrop plants available|Sundrop fruits
Переглядів 167Місяць тому
Sundrop fruit:- Sundrop/ Eugenia Victoriana is a small, bushy tree from Northern S. America - Colombia. The edible fruit is gathered from the wild and consumed locally. The plant is occasionally cultivated for its fruit . It grows best in a well-drained, rich, moist soil and a position in full sun or part shade. Common Names: Guayabilla, Sundrop Botanical Name: Eugenia Victoriana General Inform...
Ber apple|Jujube fruit farming Hindi|Earn 8lakhs/Acre|Chinese dates farming|बेर सेब के पौधे उपलब्धहै
Переглядів 1362 місяці тому
What is apple ber? Ber is the Urdu name for the fruit of the tree Zizyphus vulgaris, or mauritania or sativa and is called the jujube berry in English. It is also known as the Indian jujube or Chinese date. Apple Ber is a Thailand variety ber. The taste of these ber is very sweet. The weight of each plum is about 100-200gm. Is ber apple good for health? Apple Ber fruit has been demonstrated to ...
r2e2|R2E2 Mango farming in Hindi|Earn 8lakhs/acre|Jumbo red mango farming|R2E2 plants available
Переглядів 2022 місяці тому
What is an R2E2 mango? R2E2 is a early season variety with a large, highly coloured fruit. It was developed by the Department of Agriculture in 1982 and takes its name from the row and position in the field of the original tree at the DEEDI´s Bowen Research Station. R2E2's are the third most popular variety grown in Australia. What is the taste of R2E2 mango? SLH R2E2 Mango has a strange name,...
D24|D24 Sultan durian farming Hindi|कमाई15लाख/एकड़|How to care D24 Durian plants|D24 plant available
Переглядів 2002 місяці тому
Why is it called D24? Here is the actual reason: 'D' stands for Durian ,and the number is a registration number for a cultivar. For example, the popular Mao Shan Wang is D197. Why did the D24 become such a household name instead of D1, D2, D3 etc… ? This little chap used to rule the world before Mao Shan Wang took away his throne. Why is durian so expensive? When the time comes, the labor-inten...
Lilly Pilly|Lilly pilly farming Hindi|Australian lilly pilly|Lilly pilly fruit plants available|लिली
Переглядів 2253 місяці тому
Syzygium smithii is a summer-flowering, winter-fruiting evergreen tree, native to Australia and belonging to the myrtle family Myrtacea. Scientific name: Syzygium smithii Family: Myrtaceae Genus: Syzygium Kingdom: Plantae Order: Myrtales There are around 60 species of Lilly Pilly in Australia, and the fruits from all of them are edible, although not all of them are as palatable as others. The f...
Top 5 indoor plants Hindi|These top 5 indoor plants transform your home|top 5 इनडोर पौधे हिंदी में
Переглядів 463 місяці тому
Top 5 indoor plants Hindi|These top 5 indoor plants transform your home|top 5 इनडोर पौधे हिंदी में
Diabetes को ख़त्म करे महकोटा देवा के प्राकृतिक drink se|Control Diabetes with Mahkota Natural Drink"
Переглядів 2733 місяці тому
Diabetes को ख़त्म करे महकोटा देवा के प्राकृतिक drink se|Control Diabetes with Mahkota Natural Drink"
Cherry|Barbados cherry Hindi|West indies cherry|बारबाडोस चेरी|बारबाडोस चेरी की खेती|barbados plants
Переглядів 1613 місяці тому
Cherry|Barbados cherry Hindi|West indies cherry|बारबाडोस चेरी|बारबाडोस चेरी की खेती|barbados plants
Cat fruit|Cat eye fruit|Cat eye fruit Hindi|White berry|बिल्ली की आँखों वाला फल|Cat fruit plants
Переглядів 5193 місяці тому
Cat fruit|Cat eye fruit|Cat eye fruit Hindi|White berry|बिल्ली की आँखों वाला फल|Cat fruit plants
Red hybrid|Red hybrid jaboticaba|Red hybrid jaboticaba Hindi|Jaboticaba farming|Black grapes farming
Переглядів 2403 місяці тому
Red hybrid|Red hybrid jaboticaba|Red hybrid jaboticaba Hindi|Jaboticaba farming|Black grapes farming
Kotturkonam|Kotturkonam mango|Kotturkonam mango farming Hindi|कोट्टूरकोणम आम कृषि|kotturkonam plants
Переглядів 6913 місяці тому
Kotturkonam|Kotturkonam mango|Kotturkonam mango farming Hindi|कोट्टूरकोणम आम कृषि|kotturkonam plants
top 40 indoor plants|Best 40indoor plants for clean air|Best 40low light indoor and out door plants
Переглядів 4293 місяці тому
top 40 indoor plants|Best 40indoor plants for clean air|Best 40low light indoor and out door plants
Cupuassu|Cupuassu fruit|Cupuassu fruit farming Hindi|cupuaçu ice cream|कपुआस्सु फलों की खेती|Cupuacu
Переглядів 2504 місяці тому
Cupuassu|Cupuassu fruit|Cupuassu fruit farming Hindi|cupuaçu ice cream|कपुआस्सु फलों की खेती|Cupuacu
Chicken claw|Mulberry chicken claw Hindi|चिकन पंजा शहतूत के पौधे|Chicken claw plants available
Переглядів 2944 місяці тому
Chicken claw|Mulberry chicken claw Hindi|चिकन पंजा शहतूत के पौधे|Chicken claw plants available
Mohitnagar|Mohitnagar seeds|Mohitnagar seeds Hindi|मोहितनगर बीज उपलब्ध है|Mohitnagar seeds available
Переглядів 874 місяці тому
Mohitnagar|Mohitnagar seeds|Mohitnagar seeds Hindi|मोहितनगर बीज उपलब्ध है|Mohitnagar seeds available
Mamey|Mamey sapote|Mamey sapota farming hindi|Mamey sapote fruit|Mamey sapote plants|मैमी सपोटे कृषि
Переглядів 2964 місяці тому
Mamey|Mamey sapote|Mamey sapota farming hindi|Mamey sapote fruit|Mamey sapote plants|मैमी सपोटे कृषि
30 best indoor & low light plants|Top 30 indoor and outdoor plants Hindi|Top house plants|Top30plant
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30 best indoor & low light plants|Top 30 indoor and outdoor plants Hindi|Top house plants|Top30plant
Sansevieria cylindrica|Beautiful spiral ginger|Ficus lyrate|Rubescens homalomena
Переглядів 1964 місяці тому
Sansevieria cylindrica|Beautiful spiral ginger|Ficus lyrate|Rubescens homalomena
Variegated| Mosambi Variegated|Variegated Mosambi farming Hindi|Sweet variegated mosambi|mosambi
Переглядів 1664 місяці тому
Variegated| Mosambi Variegated|Variegated Mosambi farming Hindi|Sweet variegated mosambi|mosambi
Arka|Arka Kiran|Arka kiran Guava Farming Hindi|प्रति एकड़ 6 लाख कमाएंRed Guava|अर्का किरण अमरूद कृषि
Переглядів 1834 місяці тому
Arka|Arka Kiran|Arka kiran Guava Farming Hindi|प्रति एकड़ 6 ला कमाएंRed Guava|अर्का किरण अमरूद कृषि
Makhota|Best medicine for diabetes makhota|मधुमेह से राहत मखोता देवा|mahkota dewa fruit benefits
Переглядів 924 місяці тому
Makhota|Best medicine for diabetes makhota|मधुमेह से राहत मखोता देवा|mahkota dewa fruit benefits
Kya mai aapse kisi tarah se contact kar sakta hnu... Aapka no. Share kijiye please...
@@ddipeshjain Already mentioned in my videos 07034111723
Dear sir,,, jyada plant 20 , 25 feet tak ja rahe.. Kuch kam plant grow bag main lag sakte hai... Aise koin se plant hai.. Jo grow bag main lag sakte hai.. Samaj nahin aita.. Terrace main kaise lagage
@@sumitarora4385 Agar apko terrace mein lagne wale plants chaiye tho plz contact to this no. 07034111723
R u selling this mango plant to all over India? & The price of this plant?
As per the requirement of the customer we fullfil it in all over India deliver it in bulk or single piece.
@@growearthplanatationnursey1333 price of kalapadi mango plant?
Milk fruit plant kise bhe soil main lag jata hai..
@@sumitarora4385 Hmm aaram se laga sakthe hai water logging areas m na lagaye
Where is plantation in maharashtra
Ye hme lagana hai kese prapt karenge main Bihar se hun kuchh bataiyega
Plz contact 07034111723
I need to buy soursop fruit tree can u supply
@@nm66nk Soursop plants r available how much quantity u require plz mention it otherwise contact to me 07034111723
I want to buy this fruit tree how to contact you
@@nm66nk 07034111723
Price plant 2.5 futt
Khup chhan mahiti dili dhanyavad 🙏 Maharashtr
Mujhe chahiye ise red hybrid ka price kitne me mil jayega jo 1 year me falna start hojaye
@@hitkumarsahu4660 Plz contact 07034111723
Price kitna hai red hybrid paudhe ki .
@@hitkumarsahu4660 07034111723
Humko plant chahie kahan se milega Kahan se lekar aana padega aur aap humko pahuncha sakte hain kya
Can I get these plants at kolkata Address? Please reply
@@azizulrahman1681 Yes ,ofcourse get it plz send a hi on 07034111723
Mujhy dalahri champa plant chahiye whatshap number send kar den
@@ZakirHussain-s4i Already mentioned in video dear 07034111723
Peace and love,thx❤❤❤
Up anath bachcho ke liye 2 plants de denge sir ji pls
Anath aashrm ke liye denge sir
I want to have mangosteen fruit plant hybrid
Super fruit ❤
Praej kitna lunge
@@Soni_yadav___9772 Plz contact 07034111723
Think you
Your phone no pls
Please share your contact so that we can ask for seeds
Brother in my all videos always time mentioned my no. on screen 07034111723
Ram ram
शेल्फ लाइफ कितनी है?
@@sushmawagh7565 1 week
Thanks a lot for sharing this valuable information. Can you please share your contact details) email for further contact and collaboration. Thanks
@@anujparihar9850 For more info regarding durian plz contact 07034111723
Rollinia fruit year main kitne baar fruiting karta hai..
Grafted plant
Budding plants available
Price please
Martin Laura Thomas John Anderson Lisa
Bhyia ram ram jo plant dhaka rahe hai... Kha par nursery hai.. Contact number..
Passion fruit kon kon c varity hai aap ke pass or contact no kya hai
@@suryakantarath3341 07034111723 plz contact
You are very good 😊 thanks for gentle information
All time longan price plz
Apke waha siddu jackfruit aur shankara jackfruit plant online me milega kya?
Jackfruit varieties r available plz contact 07034111723
Sweet hota hai?
@@ajayahir3461 Yes ofcourse
Sir call receive nhi Kiya apne
Due to some work not picked it buddy
District:: hanumangarh State::: Rajasthan m lga skte h kya🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙏🙏🙏🙏 please bataye
Hmmm hot plus cool climate chaiye macadamia plants k liye....
Online milega kya sir rambutan
@@sandeshbhere3214 Hmm mil jayegha ...
@@growearthplanatationnursey1333 price sir
Mitha hota hai?
Hmmm Milk fruit is sweet in taste
Sir kindly share ur name
@@mushtaqarts1177 Already mention there 07034111723
Mera Ghor me Ek Per Hai, Fruit De Raha Hai,
Sir ji... 1 acre mein 6×6 feet pe.. 1000 plant aate hai....
Very nice vedio