Forest Dhamma Audiobooks
Forest Dhamma Audiobooks
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11. Dusk... Epilogue to 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
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Epilogue: Dusk
Ajaan Jia returned from Chaang Rawng Cave having made a decision about his future role in the forest Sangha, but without a plan for how to realize it. However, his old friend, Ajaan Mahā Boowa, was already one step ahead of him. A longtime lay disciple of his had recently purchased a tract of land in Pathumthani province and offered the property to him in the hope that he would build a forest monastery at the site. By the time the two ajaans met again in 1984, Ajaan Mahā Boowa had already determined that Ajaan Jia was the only monk he trusted to head up the project and make it a success. Not only did he feel it was time for Ajaan Jia to have a monastery of his own, but he also believed that his character had the rigor and resolve needed to transform a piece of land on Thailand’s central lowlands into a forest monastery in the style of Ajaan Mun. To honor their venerated teacher, Ajaan Jia decided to name the new monastery Bhūridatta Paṭipadārāma Forest Monastery, Bhūridatto being Ajaan Mun’s formal monastic ordination name.
Both Ajaan Mahā Boowa and Ajaan Jia had put their lives on the line in the service of Ajaan Mun and his teachings. They shared in that inspiring experience and understood its transformative qualities. Among that generation of Ajaan Mun’s disciples, Ajaan Mahā Boowa had been one of the most successful at replicating the intensity and strictness of wilderness training inside the confines of an established monastic center. Ajaan Jia agreed to put down roots in Pathumthani under the condition that Ajaan Mahā Boowa lend his strength and advice to get the project off the ground.
In 1984, Ajaan Jia moved his old and aching body to Pathumthani, where he planned to drag a new generation of forest monks-kicking and screaming-back to the old ways of dhutaṅga training. But first, he had to build the basic infrastructure for a functioning monastic community. The land that he had been offered measured about fifty acres in total. Much of the property was covered with pine forest that had an abundance of thick foliage and limited undergrowth. A smaller section of the property was open pasture. Another section consisted of fallow rice fields where the mud walls that retained the rainwater needed to grow rice followed the contours of the land in large rectangular patterns. Those low, earthen walls also served as raised walkways between the fields. The open land was bordered on two sides by a shallow canal.
The environment certainly had potential, but much work would be needed to shape many different environments into a viable monastic living space. With the help of local devotees, Ajaan Jia set to work, first building a simple abbot’s residence-a small bamboo hut placed at the edge of the pine forest. He constructed the hut using four wooden posts to support a raised floor and a thatched roof made of woven coconut fronds. The walls consisted of old and frayed monks’ robes hung like curtains to shield the four sides. From this cool, breezy platform Ajaan Jia surveyed the farmland in front of him and contemplated how to incorporate the open spaces into the overall monastic ground plan so that the pine forest behind him would not feel like an island of forest encircled by a sea of tamed fields.
Fortunately, a group of dedicated engineers volunteered to offer their services. Together with Ajaan Jia, they drew up plans to fill the sunken portions of the rice fields between the mud walls with compacted earth, thus leveling the land area so that any water that did not sink into the soil would run off into the canals instead of collecting in the fields. It also opened the possibility of reforesting the undeveloped pasture and field areas. Since tree saplings often take decades to grow to a mature height, the earth-moving work became their first priority.
The rice fields were positioned in a wide area that spread out on both sides of the entrance road. Ajaan Jia’s crew brought in excavating equipment to dig out earth from the adjacent pasture. The fresh soil was used to fill each rectangular section of the rice field to the top of the low wall. When one section had been fully compacted, a dump truck drove over it to begin depositing soil into the next section. By the time the job had been completed, the ground level of the entire area had been raised above the water level in the canals, which helped to prevent future flooding. The large holes left in the ground after the earth was removed became rainwater ponds.
When work on the infrastructure began in earnest, a group of Ajaan Jia’s energetic monastic disciples joined the effort, prompting the team to build more bamboo huts in the shelter of the pine forest. They also erected a small pavilion where the monks would gather in the morning for the meal and in the evening for instruction and meditation.
Переглядів: 30


10. Caves... Chapter 9 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 147 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Caves In early 1964, after two inspiring years serving Ajaan Khao, I resumed my wanderings in the wilds of the Northeast. I had my heart set on paying my respects to other highly acclaimed disciples of Ajaan Mun who resided in the area, ajaans such as Ajaan Tate Desaraṁsī, Ajaan Fan Ācāro, Ajaan Khamde...
9. Gold... Chapter 8 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 277 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Gold By the beginning of 1947, I’d been away from my hometown for over seven years. I reflected often on the role my parents played in my upbringing and the opportunity they’d given me to pursue the path of Buddhist practice. I felt a strong desire to demonstrate my deep gratitude. There is, of course,...
8. Seeds... Chapter 7 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 217 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Seeds Ajaan Mun and I spent two consecutive rains retreats at Non Niwet Monastery in Udon Thani. Following the second retreat, a delegation of lay devotees from neighboring Sakon Nakhon province came to visit Ajaan Mun. After exchanging heartfelt greetings, they expressed a fervent wish that Ajaan Mun ...
7. Roots... Chapter 6 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 227 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Roots I had attended on Ajaan Mun for six months at Pehr Forest when he received a letter from Venerable Chao Khun Dhammachedi, the abbot of Bodhisomphon Monastery and the chief administrative monk of the entire Northeast province of Udon Thani. In his letter, Chao Khun Dhammachedi, who had been a disc...
6. Wilds... Chapter 5 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 277 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Wilds Ajaan Mun established a monastic routine at Daeng Forest Monastery that laid out a monk’s daily duties and responsibilities beginning from the moment he rose in the early morning until he retired late at night, and his disciples conscientiously followed that schedule. Rising in the early hours be...
5. Trails... Chapter 4 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 227 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Trails Because the Dhamma is sandiṭṭhiko-experienced and understood within oneself alone-I did not talk to anyone about this incident in my meditation, not even Ajaan Kongmaa. I simply kept it to myself. I didn’t tell Ajaan Kongmaa about the profound experiences that happened in my meditation because I...
4. Bones... Chapter 3 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 347 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Bones In early July, 1939, Ajaan Kongmaa called a meeting of five local Chanthaburi monasteries. The purpose of the gathering was to cultivate unity and harmony among the monks, novices, and lay people to ensure that Buddhism would continue to prosper in the area. Primarily, he wanted to make the pract...
3. Robes... Chapter 2 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'. By Ajaan Dick...
Переглядів 557 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Robes My ordination ceremony took place on July 11, 1937 at 4:19 p.m. The ceremony was held inside the ordination hall at Chanthanārāma Monastery, which was located on the banks of the Chanthaburi River, not far from Sai Ngaam Forest Monastery where I lived. Chanthanārāma Monastery was the administrati...
2. Rags... Chapter 1 of 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'.
Переглядів 1287 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Rags When my father was in his early twenties, he traveled by ship from China to Thailand seeking a better life. He didn’t bring many possessions with him, only some extra clothes that he stuffed in a Chinese traveling case, a woven bamboo shoulder pack. When he finally made his way to Thailand, he set...
1. Dawn... Introduction to 'Gold Wrapped in Rags: Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo'.
Переглядів 1179 годин тому
Free MP3 Download: Introduction: Dawn Imagine for a moment the desperation felt by ordinary peasant farmers in southeastern China during the first decade of the twentieth century, when living conditions had become untenable for poor farmers throughout the region. During extended periods of drought, the land lay parched; ...
Chapter 18 - More on Behaviour & Dhamma Discussions
Переглядів 5365 років тому
The Dhamma conversations which occur amongst Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus are bound to bring up various problems arising from both samādhi and paññā of a kind that involves both inseparably. This is why I have brought in some of the stories which should be thought about as examples of some of the things which some people have come across and experienced from their practice, such as the things that happ...
Переглядів 6665 років тому
The Five Khandhas These are made up of body, feeling, memory, thought/imagination, and consciousness. It is difficult to appreciate the depth and subtlety of meaning within these five, and in order to give the reader some basis for contemplation, a list of similes is given. These similes were given by the Buddha and may be found in the section on the khandhas in the Saṁyutta Nikāya. The body is...
Chapter 17 - How Questions Differ in Samādhi & Paññā
Переглядів 6635 років тому
The word “question” or “problem” above is a general way of speaking and it does not give any clear indication of what kinds of questions or problems are involved; nor how they arose, or under what circumstances. So I will give some words of explanation which should be enough to show the way to those who do the practice of citta bhāvanā. For this can be something to think about as a way to overc...
Chapter 20 - Venerable Ajaan Mun's Practice & His Methods of Teaching
Переглядів 6 тис.5 років тому
We are getting near the end of this book, so it is appropriate that we should discuss the methods of practising citta bhāvanā that Venerable Ajaan Mun used, as well as the methods which he used in teaching those followers of his who went into training under him. This may act as sort of a guide to the way, in the form of a brief summary. But in particular, the way that he himself practised will ...
Chapter 16 - The Customs of Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus
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Chapter 16 - The Customs of Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus
Chapter 19 - The Story of Venerable Ajaan Brom
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Chapter 19 - The Story of Venerable Ajaan Brom
Chapter 15 - The Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus' Ways of Behaviour
Переглядів 5075 років тому
Chapter 15 - The Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus' Ways of Behaviour
Chapter 7 - The Story of Venerable Ajaan Chob
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Chapter 7 - The Story of Venerable Ajaan Chob
Chapter 14 - The Importance of Mindfulness
Переглядів 6395 років тому
Chapter 14 - The Importance of Mindfulness
Chapter 13 - Methods of Bhāvanā
Переглядів 8305 років тому
Chapter 13 - Methods of Bhāvanā
Chapter 8 - Bhikkhus of the Modern Kind
Переглядів 4305 років тому
Chapter 8 - Bhikkhus of the Modern Kind
Chapter 12 - A Short Biography of Venerable Ajaan Khao
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Chapter 12 - A Short Biography of Venerable Ajaan Khao
Chapter 11 - The Nature of Greed & Fighting Pain and Kilesas
Переглядів 7845 років тому
Chapter 11 - The Nature of Greed & Fighting Pain and Kilesas
Chapter 10 - The Practice of the Dhutangas
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Chapter 10 - The Practice of the Dhutangas
Chapter 9 - About Beings in the Realm of Ghosts
Переглядів 9735 років тому
Chapter 9 - About Beings in the Realm of Ghosts
Chapter 6 - The Ascetic Practices the Dhutangas
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Chapter 6 - The Ascetic Practices the Dhutangas
Chapter 5 - Stories of Bhikkhus Who Practise
Переглядів 7095 років тому
Chapter 5 - Stories of Bhikkhus Who Practise
Chapter 4 - More About Training & Venerable Ajaan Mun's Talk
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Chapter 4 - More About Training & Venerable Ajaan Mun's Talk
Chapter 3 - The Story of the White-robed Upāsaka
Переглядів 7605 років тому
Chapter 3 - The Story of the White-robed Upāsaka


  • @fingerprint5511
    @fingerprint5511 3 дні тому


  • @Maurice572
    @Maurice572 3 дні тому

    Anumodana Sadhu 🙏🇹🇭

  • @Maurice572
    @Maurice572 3 дні тому

    Anumodana Sadhu 🙏🇹🇭

  • @Maurice572
    @Maurice572 3 дні тому

    Anumodana Sadhu 🙏🇹🇭

  • @Zen_Techniques
    @Zen_Techniques 7 днів тому

    🙏🙏🙏 Thank you tiger for not harming our Venerable Saint.

  • @Zen_Techniques
    @Zen_Techniques 7 днів тому


  • @Dammika-Uggoda
    @Dammika-Uggoda 15 днів тому

    Does anyone know how I can get hold of a copy of this book? I would be extremely grateful. 🙏

  • @vajraloka1
    @vajraloka1 Місяць тому

    Thank you, such a encouraging support to hear. I have been to chiangmai and (busy city )and lucky to travel out to the national park there ( has relics ) , have a few clips of it somewhere . Hopefully can go back again now knowing Ajahn Mun was there decades ago. Fascinating about the devas . I retired in china and wonder if there are Devas even in this barbaric place.

  • @kelvinscott2000
    @kelvinscott2000 Місяць тому

    Thank you so much for this book I’ve listened to it all for the 3rd time now Could somebody please help me Is Annata different from the Citta?

  • @jesse8025
    @jesse8025 Місяць тому

    The reader sounds really angry a lot of the time.

    • @vajraloka1
      @vajraloka1 Місяць тому

      He dramatic depending what he is reading ,a litte over the top but his reading this ,not an easy task . Very grateful .

  • @billtomson5791
    @billtomson5791 2 місяці тому

    This is an excellent Dharma talk. Many thanks for posting it.

  • @Zen_Techniques
    @Zen_Techniques 2 місяці тому


  • @alanarcher
    @alanarcher 2 місяці тому

    It seems that this one chapter fades away before being finished. I profoundly appreciate the effort and disposition of reading it with such passion. Thank you so very much!

  • @poetryjones7946
    @poetryjones7946 2 місяці тому

    I love this narrator 🙏🏽 Easy to listen to. Thanks.

  • @nothinghere1996
    @nothinghere1996 2 місяці тому

    I am confused by this monk. He uses an object to focus on. This is samathi or concentration meditation. It is not wipasana which doesn't not use an object. Buddha taught liberation is through Mindfulness. Samathi has many wonderful things to experience, but it's a dead end.

    • @mx.j262
      @mx.j262 2 місяці тому

      @48:00 listed this part he says exactly what you are saying he also says samadhi is not the end

    • @nothinghere1996
      @nothinghere1996 2 місяці тому

      @@mx.j262 i was looking for his wipasana teaching, as that's the important step. @48 is samathi. not want.

    • @yroy4457
      @yroy4457 9 днів тому

      Right Samadhi is part of 8fold path ...without samadhi there is no panna(wisdom)​@@nothinghere1996

  • @jimmusamma1635
    @jimmusamma1635 5 місяців тому

    I honestly don’t know if these guys are telling the truth

  • @tulip5677
    @tulip5677 8 місяців тому

    The speaker has a very distinctive voice; I wonder who it is

  • @giver-of-truth-serum
    @giver-of-truth-serum 11 місяців тому

    One of the very best Dhamma books I've ever read..

    • @Dammika-Uggoda
      @Dammika-Uggoda 10 місяців тому

      Couldn't agree with you more!

    • @chadkline4268
      @chadkline4268 10 місяців тому

      ​@@Dammika-Uggoda Me too!!! Best!! Top!

  • @aparajitaghose
    @aparajitaghose 11 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for reading these precious words of Dhamma and making it available free for listening. Deeply grateful 🙏🙏🙏

  • @vajraloka1
    @vajraloka1 11 місяців тому

    She could have saw ramana Maharishi and see same awareness. 😂😂😂 Just teasing

  • @ajantaforeign
    @ajantaforeign Рік тому

    Bundle of thanks. Love from Punjab INDIA

  • @ajantaforeign
    @ajantaforeign Рік тому

    Bundle of thanks for sharing the true teachings of Buddhism. May our ignorance gets dissolved by listening to your talks. Love from Punjab, INDIA

  • @senseiksan9721
    @senseiksan9721 Рік тому

    🙏 Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏

  • @palvindersingh2000
    @palvindersingh2000 Рік тому

    Amazing just finished listening to the whole book. Would you help me understanding Anatta or Sanskrit Anatam. Why is this completely opposite to all other religions. Also why is there no concept of God in Buddhism since the whole cosmos must have a creator.

  • @vajraloka1
    @vajraloka1 Рік тому

    Why is Damma pronounced like Tamma?

    • @ingwiv.8541
      @ingwiv.8541 9 місяців тому

      Hi, I'm the person who read these audiobooks aloud. It's an aspirated D; the phoneme represented as DH in Pali, like in the related languages Sanskrit and Hindi, is pronounced with a puff of air similar to how T is pronounced in English at the beginning of a word. I strove for maximal phonemic accuracy in my Pali pronunciation in the recordings.

  • @michellehsu
    @michellehsu Рік тому

    Very well read. Beautiful voice. Thank you!

  • @TTranDC
    @TTranDC Рік тому

    🙏🙏🙏 sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @TTranDC
    @TTranDC Рік тому

    🙏🙏🙏 sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @poorvasharma8807
    @poorvasharma8807 Рік тому

    17:00 Pain

  • @maxgalinier1505
    @maxgalinier1505 Рік тому

    Thank you ! Wonderful teaching. So fortunate to hear true Dhamma . Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏

  • @deepikakedare2141
    @deepikakedare2141 Рік тому


  • @nandadalimbe3573
    @nandadalimbe3573 Рік тому

    Wonderful 🌸❤🌼

  • @nandadalimbe3573
    @nandadalimbe3573 Рік тому

    Sadhuuuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu

  • @nandadalimbe3573
    @nandadalimbe3573 Рік тому


  • @nandadalimbe3573
    @nandadalimbe3573 Рік тому

    Sadhuuuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu sadhuuuuu

  • @phobundos5809
    @phobundos5809 Рік тому

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu It's such an inspirational videos, thanks 🙏.

  • @phobundos5809
    @phobundos5809 Рік тому

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @phobundos5809
    @phobundos5809 Рік тому

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому


  • @bds9402
    @bds9402 2 роки тому
