Soup in the Moon
Soup in the Moon
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Sound of Night on Acrux in Crux [Alpha Crucis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Acrux /ˈeɪkrʌks/, designated α Crucis (Latinised to Alpha Crucis, abbreviated Alpha Cru, α Cru) is a multiple star system 321 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Crux and part of the asterism known as the Southern Cross. With a combined visual magnitude of +0.76, it is the brightest object in Crux and the 13th brightest star in the night sky. It is the southernmost first-magnitude star, 2.3 degrees more southerly than Alpha Centauri.
To the naked eye Acrux appears as a single star, but it is actually a multiple star system containing six components. Through optical telescopes, Acrux appears as a triple star, whose two brightest components are visually separated by about 4 arcseconds and are known as Acrux A and Acrux B, α1 Crucis and α2 Crucis, or α Crucis A and α Crucis B. Both components are B-type stars, and are many times more massive and luminous than the Sun. α1 Crucis is itself a spectroscopic binary with components designated α Crucis Aa (officially named Acrux, historically the name of the entire system) and α Crucis Ab. Its two component stars orbit every 76 days at a separation of about 1 astronomical unit (AU). HR 4729, also known as Acrux C, is a more distant companion, forming a triple star through small telescopes. C is also a spectroscopic binary, which brings the total number of stars in the system to at least five.
아크룩스 또는 남십자자리 알파(α Cru)는 지구로부터 남십자자리 방향으로 321 광년 떨어져 있는 다중성계로 남십자성을 이루는 구성원입니다. 구성원 전체의 겉보기 밝기는 +0.76으로 남십자자리에서 가장 밝은 동시에 밤하늘에서 13번째로 밝은 천체입니다. 아크룩스는 밤하늘의 1등성들 중 가장 천구의 남극 가까이에 있으며 그 다음으로 가까운 센타우루스자리 알파보다 2.3도 남쪽에 자리잡고 있습니다.
아크룩스는 맨눈에는 단독성처럼 보이나, 실제로는 구성원 여섯으로 이루어진 다중성계입니다. 광학 망원경으로 관측시 아크룩스는 삼중성으로 보이는데 밝은 구성원 아크룩스 A와 아크룩스 B는 약 4 초각 떨어져 있습니다. 두 구성원 모두 B형 항성이며 태양보다 훨씬 무겁고 밝습니다. 아크룩스 A 자체는 분광쌍성으로 아크룩스 Aa(역사적으로 항성계 전체를 가리켜 온 '아크룩스'는 Aa의 공식 명칭이 되었습니다.)와 Ab로 이루어져 있습니다. 두 구성원은 서로의 질량 중심을 약 1 천문단위(AU) 떨어져서 76일마다 한 번씩 돌고 있습니다. 아크룩스 C는 보다 멀리 떨어져 있는 동반성입니다.
[AI generated relaxation & meditation music / 인공지능 작곡 힐링 음악]
-Subin Moon 문수빈
© Enterarts 2020 All rights reserved
Переглядів: 1 922


Sound of Day on Acrux in Crux [Alpha Crucis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 6 тис.4 роки тому
Acrux /ˈeɪkrʌks/, designated α Crucis (Latinised to Alpha Crucis, abbreviated Alpha Cru, α Cru) is a multiple star system 321 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Crux and part of the asterism known as the Southern Cross. With a combined visual magnitude of 0.76, it is the brightest object in Crux and the 13th brightest star in the night sky. It is the southernmost first-magnitude s...
Sound of day on Bellatrix in Orion [γ Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 874 роки тому
Bellatrix /bɛˈleɪtrɪks/, designation γ Orionis (Latinized to Gamma Orionis, abbreviated to Gamma Ori, γ Ori), is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, 5° west of the red supergiant Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). With a slightly variable magnitude of around 1.6, it is about the 25th-brightest star in the night sky. Bellatrix was also called the Amazon Star, which Richard Hinckley ...
Sound of Night on Bellatrix in Orion [γ Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1624 роки тому
Bellatrix /bɛˈleɪtrɪks/, designation γ Orionis (Latinized to Gamma Orionis, abbreviated to Gamma Ori, γ Ori), is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, 5° west of the red supergiant Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). With a slightly variable magnitude of around 1.6, it is about the 25th-brightest star in the night sky. Bellatrix was also called the Amazon Star, which Richard Hinckley ...
Sound of Day on Adhafera in Leo [Zeta Leonis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 734 роки тому
Zeta Leonis (ζ Leonis, abbreviated Zeta Leo, ζ Leo), also named Adhafera /ædəˈfɪərə/, is a third-magnitude star in the constellation of Leo, the lion. It forms the second star (after Gamma Leonis) in the blade of the sickle, which is an asterism formed from the head of Leo. Adhafera is a giant star with a stellar classification of F0 III. Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one ...
Sound of Night on Adhafera in Leo [Zeta Leonis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1144 роки тому
Zeta Leonis (ζ Leonis, abbreviated Zeta Leo, ζ Leo), also named Adhafera /ædəˈfɪərə/, is a third-magnitude star in the constellation of Leo, the lion. It forms the second star (after Gamma Leonis) in the blade of the sickle, which is an asterism formed from the head of Leo. Adhafera is a giant star with a stellar classification of F0 III. Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one ...
Sound of Day on HD 168746 in Serpens / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 704 роки тому
HD 168746 is an 8th magnitude star in the constellation of Serpens. It is very similar to our Sun, a yellow dwarf star (spectral class G5V). It is not visible to the unaided eye, but is easily visible with binoculars or a small telescope. In 2000 a planet was announced orbiting it. In 2019 the HD 168746 planetary system was chosen as part of the NameExoWorlds campaign organized by the Internati...
Sound of Night on HD 168746 in Serpens / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1164 роки тому
HD 168746 is an 8th magnitude star in the constellation of Serpens. It is very similar to our Sun, a yellow dwarf star (spectral class G5V). It is not visible to the unaided eye, but is easily visible with binoculars or a small telescope. In 2000 a planet was announced orbiting it. In 2019 the HD 168746 planetary system was chosen as part of the NameExoWorlds campaign organized by the Internati...
Sound of Day on Celaeno in Taurus [16 Tauri] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 534 роки тому
Celaeno /sɪˈliːnoʊ/, designated 16 Tauri, is a star in the constellation of Taurus and a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45) of stars. 16 Tauri is a blue-white B-type subgiant with an apparent magnitude of 5.45. It is approximately 430 light years from the Sun; about the same distance as the Pleiades. The interstellar extinction of this star is fairly small at 0.05 magnitudes. The pr...
Sound of Night on Celaeno in Taurus [16 Tauri] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 824 роки тому
Celaeno /sɪˈliːnoʊ/, designated 16 Tauri, is a star in the constellation of Taurus and a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45) of stars. 16 Tauri is a blue-white B-type subgiant with an apparent magnitude of 5.45. It is approximately 430 light years from the Sun; about the same distance as the Pleiades. The interstellar extinction of this star is fairly small at 0.05 magnitudes. The pr...
Sound of Day on Scorpius X-1 in Scorpio / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1214 роки тому
Scorpius X-1 is an X-ray source located roughly 9000 light years away in the constellation Scorpius. Scorpius X-1 was the first extrasolar X-ray source discovered, and, aside from the Sun, it is the strongest apparent source of X-rays in the sky. The X-ray flux varies day-to-day, and is associated with an optically visible star, V818 Scorpii, that has an apparent magnitude which fluctuates betw...
Sound of Night on Scorpius X-1 in Scorpio / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 5054 роки тому
Scorpius X-1 is an X-ray source located roughly 9000 light years away in the constellation Scorpius. Scorpius X-1 was the first extrasolar X-ray source discovered, and, aside from the Sun, it is the strongest apparent source of X-rays in the sky. The X-ray flux varies day-to-day, and is associated with an optically visible star, V818 Scorpii, that has an apparent magnitude which fluctuates betw...
Sound of Day on Canopus in Carina [α Carinae A] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 704 роки тому
Canopus /kəˈnoʊpəs/, also designated α Carinae, Latinised to Alpha Carinae, is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Carina and the second-brightest star in the night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −0.74, it is outshone only by Sirius. Its proper name is generally considered to originate from the mythological Canopus, who was a navigator for Menelaus, king of Sparta. Loc...
Sound of Night on Canopus in Carina [α Carinae A] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1,1 тис.4 роки тому
Canopus /kəˈnoʊpəs/, also designated α Carinae, Latinised to Alpha Carinae, is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Carina and the second-brightest star in the night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −0.74, it is outshone only by Sirius. Its proper name is generally considered to originate from the mythological Canopus, who was a navigator for Menelaus, king of Sparta. Loc...
Sound of Day on Peacock in Pavo [Alpha Pavonis, α Pavonis Aa] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1884 роки тому
Alpha Pavonis (α Pavonis, abbreviated Alpha Pav, α Pav), formally named Peacock /ˈpiːkɒk/, is a binary star in the southern constellation of Pavo, near the border with the constellation Telescopium. α Pavonis (Latinised to Alpha Pavonis) is the star's Bayer designation. The historical name Peacock was assigned by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office in the late 1930s during the creation of the...
Sound of Night on Peacock in Pavo [Alpha Pavonis, α Pavonis Aa] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
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Sound of Night on Peacock in Pavo [Alpha Pavonis, α Pavonis Aa] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Day on Deneb in Cygus [α Cygni] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1374 роки тому
Sound of Day on Deneb in Cygus [α Cygni] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Night on Deneb in Cygus [α Cygni] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 1,7 тис.4 роки тому
Sound of Night on Deneb in Cygus [α Cygni] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Day on HAT-P-5 in Lyra [Chason, Chasoň] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 2414 роки тому
Sound of Day on HAT-P-5 in Lyra [Chason, Chasoň] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Night on HAT-P-5 in Lyra [Chason, Chasoň] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 7014 роки тому
Sound of Night on HAT-P-5 in Lyra [Chason, Chasoň] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Day on Alnilam in Orion [Epsilon Orionis, 46 Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 4014 роки тому
Sound of Day on Alnilam in Orion [Epsilon Orionis, 46 Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Night on Alnilam in Orion [Epsilon Orionis, 46 Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
Sound of Night on Alnilam in Orion [Epsilon Orionis, 46 Orionis] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Night on Veritate in Andromeda [14 Andromedae] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
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Sound of Night on Veritate in Andromeda [14 Andromedae] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
Sound of Day on Veritate in Andromeda [14 Andromedae] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
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Sound of Day on Veritate in Andromeda [14 Andromedae] / AI generated music 인공지능 작곡 음악
[AI generated relaxing music] The music box that my dad brought when he went on a business trip
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[AI generated relaxing music] The music box that my dad brought when he went on a business trip
[AI generated relaxing music] It's a train track I've always seen, but when I feel unfamiliar
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[AI generated relaxing music] It's a train track I've always seen, but when I feel unfamiliar
[AI generated meditation music] Music from the old bookstore in the corner of the corner
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[AI generated meditation music] Music from the old bookstore in the corner of the corner
[AI generated relaxing music] I really miss you in the summer...
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[AI generated relaxing music] I really miss you in the summer...
[AI generated relaxing music] I hope that your remaining memories can be washed away in the rain
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[AI generated relaxing music] I hope that your remaining memories can be washed away in the rain
[AI generated meditation music]On a Sunday morning, the smell of soup that my mom gave me woke me up
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[AI generated meditation music]On a Sunday morning, the smell of soup that my mom gave me woke me up