  • 130
  • 16 391
webofdeception - skinned
audio: webofdeception - skinned (unreleased 2001)
video: detroit electronic music festival 2001 underground stage
Переглядів: 8


webofdeception - that's my best friend!
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Video: Dj Bone at a rave in Madison, Wisconsin USA - June 04, 2000 Audio: webofdeception - untitled (unreleased track, 2000)
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Patrik Skoog vs Web Of Deception - Youth Gone Wild Remix (A2) BOSS 001
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Patrik Skoog vs Web Of Deception - Seeker Remix (B2) BOSS 001
Patrik Skoog vs Web Of Deception - Seeker (A1) BOSS 001
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Patrik Skoog vs Web Of Deception - Seeker (A1) BOSS 001
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Truncate & Dustin Zahn @ Observe, Los Angeles 112523
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  • @Megatone230
    @Megatone230 12 днів тому

    Nice one!

  • @Megatone230
    @Megatone230 Місяць тому

    What a Find!! One of the first sightings of the Electro Rockers was at this party! $h!t was Lit

    • @josemejia5901
      @josemejia5901 Місяць тому

      Is this your mix?

    • @Megatone230
      @Megatone230 Місяць тому

      @@josemejia5901 yeah it's a mix they recorded live at First Avenue 7th street entry back in 1999... it's E-Tones they wanted to do an experiment where I started with Tech grooves and then moved to Funky sexy House

  • @kinderhood
    @kinderhood Місяць тому

    💯💯💯⭐⭐⭐⚡❤️ awesome.

    • @Megatone230
      @Megatone230 Місяць тому

      thanks! this was a fun night!

  • @shawnafaith
    @shawnafaith Місяць тому


  • @Megatone230
    @Megatone230 2 місяці тому

    Yo!!!! :) F yeah!!

  • @emiliacanet9960
    @emiliacanet9960 2 місяці тому

    This is san Francisco 1970 - 1980s. Awesome now living in 2024 amazing i survived.

  • @Uni955
    @Uni955 2 місяці тому


  • @ssheldon83
    @ssheldon83 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for sharing

  • @Megatone230
    @Megatone230 2 місяці тому

    thanks 4 Uploading my Mix! I've never heard this before! I remember the night, was an amazing morning groove your A$$ off set!

    • @web.of.deception
      @web.of.deception 2 місяці тому

      i hope that isnt a problem i posted it :-/

    • @Megatone230
      @Megatone230 2 місяці тому

      @@web.of.deception you're more than welcome 2 bud.

  • @Musicninja007
    @Musicninja007 2 місяці тому

    thanks for the upload solid quality there's fewer etones mixes online than youd think

  • @cumblaster420
    @cumblaster420 2 місяці тому

    could use some more reverb...

  • @_elrond_hubbard_
    @_elrond_hubbard_ 3 місяці тому

    How many more of these gems are you sitting on? Good grief, make with the posting.

    • @web.of.deception
      @web.of.deception 3 місяці тому

      a shit ton. so many that its somewhat overwhelming

  • @lisamaat
    @lisamaat 5 місяців тому

    Hey do you have part 1 anywhere? I didn’t see it on your feed. It seems like it may have been the UFO! Set. I’d love to see that. I remember dancing through the insane storm in knee-deep water next to electrical cables as the tent walls blew in and out. Madness.

    • @web.of.deception
      @web.of.deception 3 місяці тому

      i do have part 1 but i dont think i have ufo on it which is a real bummer. that set was nothing short of amazing. the storm. my god it was a night ill never forget. part 1 got copyright notice but ill see what i can cut

  • @lendo3773
    @lendo3773 7 місяців тому

    Truncate loves that Blade Runner Interlinked sample :)

  • @marcinkitowski1109
    @marcinkitowski1109 8 місяців тому

    Dziękuję 😊

  • @miguelprieto5590
    @miguelprieto5590 10 місяців тому


  • @krimskram23
    @krimskram23 Рік тому


  • @web.of.deception
    @web.of.deception Рік тому

    thats wild! he was great that night and couldnt have beeb a more chill dude. love cari 😊

  • @oilcan
    @oilcan Рік тому

    Missed Cari the night before in Boston. Hopped a last minute flight in Hartford CT and made it out just in time to catch CL throw down at this gig! Wish the full set was captured, he ripped it!

  • @WilliamZeitzen
    @WilliamZeitzen Рік тому

    Go to hawaii

  • @SGTstupid
    @SGTstupid Рік тому

    I dought anyone has ever asked you anything bro💀

  • @_elrond_hubbard_
    @_elrond_hubbard_ Рік тому

    Was this show at the skatepark?

  • @_elrond_hubbard_
    @_elrond_hubbard_ Рік тому

    Who made this?

  • @calryan6940
    @calryan6940 Рік тому

    You can buy the whole seat, but you're only gonna need the edge

  • @adamsherman5024
    @adamsherman5024 Рік тому

    this was back when sven vath was still a big name in techno and the undeground scene was 100% rave, not all that EDM bull crap.

    • @Tronzen-t3l
      @Tronzen-t3l Рік тому

      underground is underground, mate.

    • @anatolydetwyler6694
      @anatolydetwyler6694 Рік тому

      yeah, but actually, no. can't really call this "rave" music. this event took place in Minnesota, in the Twin Cities, at the Quest, which was a club. There was a huge and ongoing debate about clubs vs raves at that time. the club scene has a lot to offer and I'm glad that it was (and is) around. the truth is that raves were for at least a decade on the brink of going away altogether. but this particular thing was def. not a rave, or technically underground.

  • @scottkennedy420
    @scottkennedy420 Рік тому

    I've had to pleasure of seeing you live a few times here in NYC, Mass,CT if I remember correctly 😂❤

  • @jordicasanella1960
    @jordicasanella1960 Рік тому

    Really good session

  • @jordicasanella1960
    @jordicasanella1960 Рік тому

    Can not remember the name of the song min 41. This drives me to my young ages :)

  • @aroonmusik
    @aroonmusik Рік тому

    good old times, guessing nobody had a mobile phone and a camera in hand

  • @dzaxys4643
    @dzaxys4643 Рік тому

    Yes boring i love it

  • @paulhunter-v2h
    @paulhunter-v2h Рік тому

    Was the one at a batting cage place?

    • @web.of.deception
      @web.of.deception Рік тому

      yes! in north st paul or maplewood off hwy 36 i believe

  • @cumblaster420
    @cumblaster420 Рік тому


  • @cumblaster420
    @cumblaster420 Рік тому


    • @web.of.deception
      @web.of.deception Рік тому

      story of my life

    • @moleculon1
      @moleculon1 Рік тому

      you must be young if you think this is boring.

    • @aroonmusik
      @aroonmusik Рік тому

      exactly ^^@@moleculon1

    • @adamsherman5024
      @adamsherman5024 Рік тому

      dog your tag name is cumblaster. you got no class to begin with 🤷⚡⚡

  • @cumblaster420
    @cumblaster420 Рік тому

    nobody will ever believe this guy, but the story is true.

  • @cumblaster420
    @cumblaster420 Рік тому

    I came

  • @web.of.deception
    @web.of.deception Рік тому

    bishop - nigel richards - delta 9 - adam x - heather heart - freaky flow & flipside

  • @dustinator4u2000
    @dustinator4u2000 Рік тому

    Was this in Milwaukee?