Iɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴs Gᴀʟʟᴇʀʏ
Iɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴs Gᴀʟʟᴇʀʏ
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12 Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman ✅
12 Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman ✅
Quarries --
how to be a high value woman
high value woman
what is a high value woman
dating advice
signs of a low value woman
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ways you can be a high value woman
signs you're a high value woman
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high value woman traits
what is a low value woman
signs he sees you as a high value woman
12 signs you're a high value woman
signs of a high value woman
signs high value woman
traits of a low value woman
#motivational #quotes #motivationalvideo #enterpreneurship #enterpreneurlife #success #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivationalspeech #mentality #onlinemoney #makemoney #wifimoney #hustlers #onlinebusiness #discipline #billionairemindset
Music Credit - @DavidClavijoOfficial
Переглядів: 241



  • @Banks184
    @Banks184 3 дні тому


  • @Asy__Am24
    @Asy__Am24 3 дні тому


  • @simasaha2099
    @simasaha2099 3 дні тому


  • @DeepeshRajputfacts11
    @DeepeshRajputfacts11 3 дні тому


  • @KalyanSingh-m9w
    @KalyanSingh-m9w 4 дні тому


  • @yathinsr8871
    @yathinsr8871 4 дні тому


  • @cookiekittiesyt8967
    @cookiekittiesyt8967 4 дні тому

    I'm good😊

  • @tashabeaubrun7872
    @tashabeaubrun7872 5 днів тому

    💯 ❤

  • @kalyanichakraborty1798
    @kalyanichakraborty1798 5 днів тому

    Very good suggestions......

  • @jameswall1076
    @jameswall1076 5 днів тому


  • @KavyaPancholi-o9p
    @KavyaPancholi-o9p 5 днів тому


  • @foksiaallafi229
    @foksiaallafi229 7 днів тому


  • @kamebharrat
    @kamebharrat 8 днів тому


  • @rumithegod
    @rumithegod 8 днів тому


  • @Bluekidd266-x6s
    @Bluekidd266-x6s 8 днів тому


  • @khurshidmakani5332
    @khurshidmakani5332 8 днів тому


  • @peterantonio4688
    @peterantonio4688 8 днів тому


  • @filioarmeni3663
    @filioarmeni3663 8 днів тому


  • @infiniteseraph920
    @infiniteseraph920 8 днів тому


  • @hammedajao4554
    @hammedajao4554 8 днів тому


  • @Cookie-m2i
    @Cookie-m2i 8 днів тому


  • @annpinheiro2918
    @annpinheiro2918 8 днів тому

    Another man reflects that the man she was with is an asshole he might have npt treated her right...wrong assumptiom

  • @JemalRejepowa-ku8js
    @JemalRejepowa-ku8js 8 днів тому

    Absolutely 💯

  • @Ianthegreat-r7r
    @Ianthegreat-r7r 8 днів тому


  • @renah7779
    @renah7779 8 днів тому


  • @jamesmaxwell3425
    @jamesmaxwell3425 8 днів тому


  • @wtpence4731
    @wtpence4731 8 днів тому

    Sounds about right to me ! especially 7,9,&10

  • @treasurestudiosinkylinky343
    @treasurestudiosinkylinky343 8 днів тому


  • @ngangbamdevarani4457
    @ngangbamdevarani4457 9 днів тому


  • @PrincessStevens-hs8xp
    @PrincessStevens-hs8xp 9 днів тому


  • @lanellcook9084
    @lanellcook9084 9 днів тому


  • @robertjonsson5389
    @robertjonsson5389 9 днів тому


  • @rudyromerojr5451
    @rudyromerojr5451 9 днів тому


  • @MamaSharon-re1ky
    @MamaSharon-re1ky 9 днів тому

    💯 true facts

  • @Reader_Animator
    @Reader_Animator 9 днів тому


  • @Raeann-jw8vk
    @Raeann-jw8vk 9 днів тому

    💯 Num# 10 is soooo very true 👍

  • @desreejarajneesh2027
    @desreejarajneesh2027 9 днів тому


  • @andreivulpe6148
    @andreivulpe6148 10 днів тому

    I feel very sigma after this

  • @Moseskabia-n2b
    @Moseskabia-n2b 10 днів тому

    Great words❤❤❤

  • @epianopro2509-dt8fx
    @epianopro2509-dt8fx 10 днів тому

    This is fake you silly 9 year olds

    • @knifesama
      @knifesama 10 днів тому

      This isnt fake but most of them are true Respect others and be a better person. Saying what you mean and being honest also earns others respect as honesty is very rare to find in this generation. Seeing the good in others or helping others can help you become respected as the other person will feel recognized or will feel valued. Its all a play of psychology. Or just be a better person.

    • @Demon_3510
      @Demon_3510 9 днів тому

      My father been doing honest job of truck driver for 3 years and his boss stopped his work and didn’t pay almost 6k dollars. Honesty is not an option anymore.

    • @knifesama
      @knifesama 9 днів тому

      @@Demon_3510 If there is a garden of beautiful flowers and one flower is dead or withered will you also assume that all the other flowers are withered? Be loyal and be honest, but dont let your loyalty or honesty be slavery. If they dont appreciate what you bring to the table let them eat alone.

    • @Demon_3510
      @Demon_3510 9 днів тому

      @@knifesama I don’t know which world you live bro. I just hope you stay like that and this world doesn’t get you. Stay safe

    • @knifesama
      @knifesama 9 днів тому

      @@Demon_3510 You too brother take care and have a good day, evening, noon or night.

  • @b.maaouiamarwa7798
    @b.maaouiamarwa7798 11 днів тому

    True 💯

  • @aseelsharaireh5328
    @aseelsharaireh5328 11 днів тому

    The 8th hit me hard

  • @whitewings5259
    @whitewings5259 11 днів тому

    *Imagine, if you died right now; where would your soul go for eternity? Was everything you ever did, without purpose, and never really mattered; or will you just stop existing, after you draw your last breath? Think about this carefully, it is the most important question of your life. There is only one chance to get it right, and it is in this lifetime. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Heaven is real; place of eternal bliss, peace, joy, and perfection. Hell is real; place of eternal suffering, torment, despair, and agony. You’re going to spend your eternity, in one of those places. God's will is, that nobody would perish. One day; each and every one of us, must appear before The Judgement Seat of The Holy Righteous God, and to give an account, how we have lived our lives. The only way to get to Heaven is, if you’ve never broken any part of The God’s Law, in other words, if you’re without sin; and every single one of us have sinned, and fall short of The Glory of God. Not one person, who’s not born again from above, of The Holy Spirit of God, and is still in their sins; can not inherit The Kingdom of God; for the wages of sin is death, and eternal damnation: Our sins separates us from God. It is appointed for every single person, to die once: After that; comes The Judgement, of The Holy Almighty God.* *But The Heavenly Father in His love and mercy, sent His only begotten Son; Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins: He left Heaven’s Throne, was God in flesh, conceived by The Holy Spirit, born of a virgin; lived a holy perfect life, while being in same temptations as we are, yet without sin; was condemned unjustly to death, although being innocent; was beaten, mocked, flogged, and crucified on the cross, and gave up His life and Blood willingly on our behalf; for there is no forgiveness of sins, without the shedding of blood: But Christ; The Spotless and Unblemished Lamb of God, The Final Perfect Sacrifice once and for all; took the punishment of our sins on the cross, sacrificed Himself for us, and paid the sin debt in full; past, present, and future; so we can be forgiven of all our sins, and be redeemed back to God; after the fall in Paradise, by satan's tempting; through The Holy Precious Blood, which Jesus shed on the middle cross at Golgotha; in His everlasting love, towards every single one of us.* *If you truly change your mind from your unbelief towards The Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy One of Israel; and believe, have faith, and trust, with all your heart; that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The King Messiah; The only begotten Son, of The one and only True Living God; was crucified on the middle cross at Golgotha, died on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead by God’s power on the third day, according to The Holy Bible, and by faith receive Him as your personal Lord and Savior; through The Holy Royal Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ; you will be saved, and are born again from above, of The Holy Spirit of God. Every sin, that weighs down your inner being; even the ones, you never dare to speak of; will be forgiven. Change your mind from your unbelief towards The Lord Jesus Christ, believe The Gospel, follow The Lord Jesus Christ; and you will spend your eternity in Heaven, with our Holy Almighty God; where is no more death, sorrow, pain nor crying.* *John 3:16 - For God so loved the world; that He gave His only begotten Son, (Jesus Christ); that whoever believes in Him; will not perish (in Hell); but have everlasting life (in Heaven).* *John 14:6 - The Lord Jesus Christ; said to him: ''I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: No one comes to The Father (in Heaven); but by Me.''* *John 6:47 - (The Lord Jesus Christ; said to them:) ''Most assuredly, I say to you: He, that believes in Me; has everlasting life.''* *John 3:3 - The Lord Jesus Christ answered; and said to him: ''Most assuredly, I say to you: Except someone is born again (from above, of The Holy Spirit of God); he cannot see The Kingdom of God.''* *1. John 5:12 - He, who has The (only begotten) Son (of God, Jesus Christ); has (everlasting) life: And he, who does has not have The Son of God; has not (everlasting) life. **_(Religion or churches, is not what saves us: Salvation is a Person; our Lord and our God: Jesus Christ. We have connection to The Father God; through His Son, Jesus Christ; in The Holy Spirit. It is not about being outwardly religious: It is; that everyone of us, would have a personal relationship with God.)_* *The Book of Acts 4:12 - Nor is there salvation in any other: For there is no other name under Heaven given among men, (only The Lord Jesus Christ), which we must be saved.* *Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth, The Lord Jesus; and believe in your heart, that God has raised Him from the dead; you will be saved.* *Romans 10:13 - For whoever calls on the Name of The LORD (Jesus Christ); will be saved.* *Romans 8:1-2 - There is therefore now no condemnation to them, who are in Christ Jesus; (who are born again from above; of The Holy Spirit of God): For the law of The Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus: Has made me free; from the law of sin, and death.* *Romans 5:1 - Therefore, being justified by faith: We have peace with God; through our Lord, Jesus Christ.* *Ephesians 2:8-10 - For it is by grace, you have been saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is The Gift of God: Not of works; so no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus; for good works, which God has prepared beforehand; that we should walk in them. **_(According to The Holy Bible: Salvation is completely, entirely, and 100%; by belief, faith, and trust, in The Lord Jesus Christ, by His mercy, and His finished Work of The Cross; God sees us worthy in Christ. Not one of us have lived, and will not live completely sinless; even after being born again: Only The Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect sinless life, and fullfilled The Law perfectly. We can not earn salvation by our good deeds, and we are not kept saved by our good deeds. God has given us free will, how faithfully we want to follow Him. Forsaking sins is absolutely God’s will, but sometimes it can take a long time, and if we continue to live in sin on purpose, and intentionally: We will reap, what we sow; but God is yet merciful, and longsuffering. Even if we are bound by alcohol, drugs, lust, homosexuality, or any other sin; but we believe, have faith, and trust, with all our heart and soul in Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior; We don’t have even the smallest fear Hell; but access to Heaven, thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ: For Christ’s Holy Divine Blood, has washed all our sins away; and we have been sealed, secured, and sanctified eternally, with The God’s Holy Spirit of promise; which quarantees our inheritance, of The Kingdom of The Merciful, Holy, Almighty God. Belief, faith, and trust, in The Lord Jesus Christ + nothing else = Salvation.)_* *Titus 3:5 - Not by works of righteousness, which we have done; but according to His mercy: The Lord Jesus Christ saved us; by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of The Holy Spirit.* *Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates His great love toward us, in that; while we were still sinners: The Lord Jesus Christ died for us.* *Isaiah 1:18 - ''Come now, and let us reason together. ''Says The LORD (Jesus Christ: The Merciful, Almighty God): ''Though your sins are like scarlet; they will be as white as snow: Though they are red like crimson; they will be as wool.''* *1. Timothy 2:5 - For there is one God, (God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), (Jacob = Israel), and one Mediator, between God and men: The Man Christ Jesus. **_(There is only one God, in three different Persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This is called; The Holy Trinity, or; The Holy Tri Unity. There are not three different Gods: But only one God; in three different Persons.)_* *The Book of Revelation 1:8 - (The Lord Jesus Christ; The Lion of Judah; said:) ''I am The Alpha, and The Omega; The Beginning, and The Ending.'' Says The Lord God: ''Who is, and who was, and who is to come: The Almighty.'' (The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: The Most High God)* *1. Peter 5:8 - Be sober minded, be vigilant: Because your adversary; the devil, (or satan, which means; accuser, or adversary); walks about, like a roaring lion: Seeking; whom he may devour.* *John 10:10 - (The Lord Jesus Christ; The Prince of Peace; said:) ''The thief, (satan), does not come; except to steal, to kill, and to destroy: I have come, that they may have life; and that they may have it more abundantly.''* *Ephesians 6:12 -For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood; but against principalities; against powers; against the rulers, of the darkness of this world; against the spiritual forces of evil, in the heavenly places.* *Isaiah 41:10 - (The Lord Jesus Christ; The God of The Heavenly Armies; said:) ''Do not be afraid; for I am with you: Do not be intimidated; for I am your God: I will strengthen you, yes; I will help you: I will uphold you, with My righteous right hand.''* *Isaiah 54:10 - ''For the mountains may depart, and the hills may be removed: But My unfailing love for you; will never be shaken: And My Covenant of Peace; will never be removed.'' Says the LORD; who has mercy on you.''* *The Book of Revelation 22:12 - (The Lord Jesus Christ: The Maker of all, and everything; that ever exists, that has ever existed, and that will ever exist: The Holy Almighty God; said:) ''And, behold; I come quickly, and My reward is with Me: To give every man; according, as his work shall be.''* *The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace; In Jesus Christ’s Holy, Royal, Merciful, All Powerful, and Mighty Name, Amen.*

  • @vesuvios9006
    @vesuvios9006 12 днів тому

    I'm convinced a 12 year old made this.

    • @user-yb7jr8wi7r
      @user-yb7jr8wi7r 11 днів тому

      Amen ❤

    • @knifesama
      @knifesama 10 днів тому

      This isnt fake but most of them are true. Respect others and be a better person. Saying what you mean and being honest also earns others respect as honesty is very rare to find in this generation.

    • @vesuvios9006
      @vesuvios9006 10 днів тому

      @@knifesama if you go out into the world seeking respect, you will never find it. Especially if you believe something as simple as being a decent human being is worthy of respect. The saying is "respect is earned" not "respect is free"

    • @knifesama
      @knifesama 10 днів тому

      @@vesuvios9006 I never said just being a decent human being can earn someones respect now did I? I also wasnt trying to explain how respect is earned. I was just pointing out some of the things in this video which are true.

    • @vesuvios9006
      @vesuvios9006 10 днів тому

      @@knifesama then either we did not watch the same video or you blindly commented on mine for clout. So which is it gonna be next? more back peddling or more gaslighting?

  • @sairaj5353
    @sairaj5353 12 днів тому


  • @EliasWooten-n9d
    @EliasWooten-n9d 14 днів тому

    Save your money.

  • @Irishprecision
    @Irishprecision 15 днів тому

    Be kind

  • @blackgoth7545
    @blackgoth7545 16 днів тому

    The lack of your attention triggers her desire for attention from someone else maybe...

  • @sasha20232
    @sasha20232 16 днів тому

    Same road leads to man...Be together or if you are seeking attention stay single.

  • @calebCastro_Rangel
    @calebCastro_Rangel 16 днів тому

    She’s not the problem u are she should be deathly afraid to lose you because you are so amazing