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【移民英國】了解生活成本 每月支出應該預幾多? | 免費講座 | HK UK Support
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#英國 #講座 #bnovisa
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【移民英國】過來人分享 移英前必知7件事 | 免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 210Місяць тому
移民英國做足準備!除了搵定各項資料,不如聽聽過來人分享移英貼士。同事Winnie在2021年順利移英,加入HK UK Support後處理港人過百個家庭移民個案,累積豐富經驗及心得。立即重溫之前舉辦的講座,與大家介紹以下移英事項: ​ ☑️落腳地點 ☑️英國教育制度 ☑️登記申請水電煤 ☑️英國銀行戶口 ☑️醫療制度服務(NHS) ☑️英國按揭 ​ 英國財相李韻晴在上年10月公布財政預算案,調整或取消非本地稅務身份(Non-dom tax status),我們講座邀請到英國註冊稅務師William分享預算案對大家有何影響,以及投資得益、定期存款利息等是否需要申報及繳納稅項。 📌如果您需要 何協助,歡迎隨時預約免費20分鐘諮詢 我們每月舉辦不同主題的免費講座 密切留意 HK UK Support 動向: 🔔網站:
【買樓前必知】了解英國業權改革法案 | 免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 92Місяць тому
英國物業與香港最大分別是設有永久業權 (Freehold)和租賃業權(Leasehold),由於永久業權業主不用擔心類似「地契到期」的問題,因此比租賃業權物業受歡迎得多。不過《租賃及永久業權改革法案(Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act)》在2024年5月正式生效,堪稱是近40年來英國物業產權法最大的改革! ​ 新法案允許持有租賃業權的業主,更加容易及以合理價格購回地權,令物業變為永久業權;此外,業主亦可以將房屋及單位的租賃業權年期延至990年。想知更多法案內容,包括立法前後的分別、對租賃業權人士有何好處等,立即重溫免費講座! 📌如果您需要 何協助,歡迎隨時預約免費20分鐘諮詢 我們每月舉辦不同主題的免費講座 密切留意 HK UK Support 動向: 🔔網站: 🔔Faceb...
【移英全面睇】定居、升學全攻略 免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 99Місяць тому
💬想移民英國卻不知從何開始? 💬擔心語言障礙、住屋問題、子女教育? ​ 本次講座將為你一一解答!由資深發展部門經理Anita主講,從如何提升英語能力,到了解租屋買屋貼士,再到為子女規劃入學🎯 一個講座,助你實現英國移民大計! 📌如果您需要 何協助,歡迎隨時預約免費20分鐘諮詢 我們每月舉辦不同主題的免費講座 密切留意 HK UK Support 動向: 🔔網站: 🔔Facebook: HKUKSupport 🔔Instagram: hkuksupport 🔔LinkedIn: #英國 #講座 #bnovisa
【英國買樓】按揭申請懶人包 免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 105Місяць тому
買樓是人生大事,無論你是首置人士或初到英國,清楚了解英國按揭細節都是節省金錢和時間的重要一步。立即重溫之前舉辦的免費講座,由英國按揭專家Rebecca與大家分享按揭基本步驟及知識,為置業作好準備。 ​ 00:51 如何申請按揭?要幾耐先批? 從零開始,了解英國按揭申請流程及批核時間,釐清按揭每一步。 ​ 14:09 大概要預幾多手續費用? 買樓除了首期還有其他開支需要留意,包括律師費、印花稅、按揭費用等,上車前計好各項預算。 ​ 17:50 英國要工作兩年先可以申請? 並非每位本地按揭經紀都熟知如何替外國人申請按揭,曾有客戶反映有按揭經紀表示必須英國工作滿兩年才可申請按揭,其實只要符合特定要求,工作夠6個月亦可以申請! ​ 21:15 抵英前/後可以申請邊種按揭? 有意購買英國物業,但遠在香港,想要為物業做按揭?又或是經已抵達英國,不知道如何物色按揭產品?Rebecca將會為身在香港...
【新手移英攻略】英國租屋免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 170Місяць тому
英國與香港的租屋流程不一,以往的租屋經驗未必可以直接套用在英國。新手初次在英租屋?立即重溫我們在10月舉辦的免費講座,與大家詳細介紹租屋每一個流程,幫助大家迅速找個安樂窩! ​ 是次講座由移民及物業顧問Winnie為大家分享一手租屋資訊,她過去已協助過百個香港家庭移居英國,累積兩年租屋實戰經驗。 📌如果您需要 何協助,歡迎隨時預約免費20分鐘諮詢 我們每月舉辦不同主題的免費講座 密切留意 @hkuksupport 動向: 🔔網站: 🔔Facebook: HKUKSupport 🔔Instagram: hkuksupport 🔔LinkedIn: #英國 #講座 #bnovisa
【劍橋CB5租屋】兩房單位月租£2,200 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 752 місяці тому
#劍橋 除了是歷史悠久、世界數一數二的大學城,近年焦點落在匯聚世界知名高科技企業的劍橋科技園;加上景色怡人配套完善,居住環境甚為一流,成為不少港人的心水定居地之一。 ​ 今次客人一家四口希望在劍橋租屋,並且已揀定Eddington為租屋地點。租屋要求是租盤不要位於地下、屋內採光充足、附近治安良好,最好提供地暖系統。 ​ 團隊在6月中開始搵屋,片段中是其中一間客人感興趣的劍橋租盤,距離火車站約一英里,雖然單位只有兩房,但面積達1,300呎,而且包禮賓服務、健身室及地下停車場,大家認為租盤如何? ​ 💰物業月租:£2,200 pcm 🏠物業類型:兩房單位 📍位置:CB5 ​ 【租屋及安頓服務】 由專業團隊貼心了解您的需要,為您度身訂做最全面的 #租屋 及安頓計劃,全程跟進租屋之餘,廣東話私人助理和 #英國 資深專業團隊會助您打點好一切,包括基本的申請水電媒及登記市政稅等大小事項。 ​ 📲...
【Ealing Broadway租屋】兩房單位月租£2,548 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1542 місяці тому
倫敦西區的 #Ealing 是熱門地區之一,當地有4條地鐵線直達倫敦各地,又有大型商場、優質學校等社區配套。值得留意是區內住了不少日本人及其他亞裔,於購物、餐飲方面容易找到來自亞洲的選擇。 ​ 客人一家三口預計2024年8月底落地英國,首選考慮的租屋地點是Ealing Broadway。租金預算是£2,500至£3,000,希望租盤鄰近商店,最好包車位或附設有收費停車場。 片段中的物業是客人第二間實地睇樓的租盤,正正位於Ealing Broadway站附近,由舊屋翻新為單位,特別之處是樓底高以及採用木地板,大家喜歡這間租盤嗎? 最後客人租到同區的大廈物業,順利在7月24號展開新租約,客人在8月底抵達英國時即可入住新居。 ​ 💰物業月租:£2,548 pcm 🏠物業類型:兩房單位 📍位置:W5 ​ 【租屋及安頓服務】 由專業團隊貼心了解您的需要,為您度身訂做最全面的 #租屋 及安頓計劃...
【英國置業】了解買屋流程 + 常見驗樓問題 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1502 місяці тому
無論在英國買新樓還是二手屋,涉及流程都與香港大為不同。資深發展部門經理Anita之前聯同英國驗樓公司舉辦免費講座,透過分享我們的以往經驗,詳細解釋上車七大流程,助大家輕鬆完成置業大計。 ​ 👇講座內容包括👇 ▪ 確認預算、貸款預批證明書或現金買家 ▪ 搜索理想物業及預約睇樓 ▪ 議價及審核報價 ▪ 聘請律師及資料審核 ▪ 同意完成日期及交換合同 ▪ 取得鎖匙、準備入住 ▪ 兩星期支援 ​ 本地驗樓公司的從業人員亦會與大家解答常見驗樓問題:不同等級的驗樓報告有何分別?驗樓遇到日本虎杖、潮濕問題? 📌如果您需要 何協助,歡迎隨時預約免費20分鐘諮詢 我們每月舉辦不同主題的免費講座 密切留意 @HKUKSupport 動向: 🔔網站: 🔔Facebook: HKUKSupport 🔔In...
【愛丁堡成功租屋】兩房單位月租£1,200 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1882 місяці тому
#愛丁堡 是蘇格蘭首府、英國第七大城,是倫敦以外英國最大的金融中心。除了是經濟重鎮,當地歷史悠久,政治歷史文化尤為豐富,街上建築物充滿濃厚歷史感也非常有辨識度;加上蘇格蘭的優質大學林立,合資格居民可免費入讀大學,成為不少移英家長的考慮定居地之一。 ​ 今次客人一家三口從一開始便打算移居愛丁堡,要求租到兩房物業,最好是包車位、鄰近商店、提供傢俬等。團隊收到客人的租屋個案後,在8月中展開搵屋之旅。 ​ 片段中是其中一間代睇樓物業,大家認為如何?客人收到片段幾日便決定出價,很快地收到物業接受出價的好消息!團隊隨即跟進租屋手續,順利在9月中展開新租約。 💰物業月租:£1,200 pcm 🏠物業類型:兩房單位 📍位置:EH14 ​ 【租屋及安頓服務】 由專業團隊貼心了解您的需要,為您度身訂做最全面的 #租屋 及安頓計劃,全程跟進租屋之餘,廣東話私人助理和 #英國 資深專業團隊會助您打點好一切,...
【劍橋租屋】三房半獨立屋月租£2,000 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1612 місяці тому
#劍橋 除了是歷史悠久、世界數一數二的大學城,近年焦點落在匯聚世界知名高科技企業的劍橋科技園;加上景色怡人配套完善,居住環境甚為一流,成為不少港人的心水定居地之一。 ​ 今次客人一家四口希望在劍橋租屋,並且已揀定Eddington為租屋地點。租屋要求是租盤不要位於地下、屋內採光充足、附近治安良好,最好提供地暖系統。 ​ 團隊在6月中開始搵屋,片段中是其中一間客人感興趣的劍橋租盤,雖然位處CB1,但物業面向寧靜街道,花園設有小屋、車道可停放兩架車,而且可以選擇包部分傢俬,大家喜歡這間租盤嗎? ​ 💰物業月租:£2,000 pcm 🏠物業類型:三房半獨立屋 📍位置:CB1 ​ 【租屋及安頓服務】 由專業團隊貼心了解您的需要,為您度身訂做最全面的 #租屋 及安頓計劃,全程跟進租屋之餘,廣東話私人助理和 #英國 資深專業團隊會助您打點好一切,包括基本的申請水電媒及登記市政稅等大小事項。 ​ ...
【倫敦租屋】一齊視察SW13兩房單位 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 2332 місяці тому
【倫敦租屋】一齊視察SW13兩房單位 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【英國置業】買舊屋定新屋好?分析一手二手物業各種好壞處 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 4752 місяці тому
【英國置業】買舊屋定新屋好?分析一手二手物業各種好壞處 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
【倫敦Ealing租屋】一星期內快速租屋 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 952 місяці тому
【倫敦Ealing租屋】一星期內快速租屋 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【全英最美小鎮Cotswolds租屋】Stroud三房排屋 月租£1,400 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 2702 місяці тому
【全英最美小鎮Cotswolds租屋】Stroud三房排屋 月租£1,400 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【愛丁堡租屋】兩房單位月租£1,320 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1992 місяці тому
【愛丁堡租屋】兩房單位月租£1,320 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【2025移民英國】全方位部署移民大計 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 5842 місяці тому
【2025移民英國】全方位部署移民大計 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
【Twickenham租屋】全面翻新三房單位 月租£1,950 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 452 місяці тому
【Twickenham租屋】全面翻新三房單位 月租£1,950 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【港英買樓大不同】多角度比較兩地物業不同之處 + 拆解物業稅項 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 3462 місяці тому
【港英買樓大不同】多角度比較兩地物業不同之處 拆解物業稅項 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
【劍橋租屋】CB2兩房單位 月租£1,975 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1162 місяці тому
【劍橋租屋】CB2兩房單位 月租£1,975 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【移民英國Derby】一家五口帶同狗狗成功租屋 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 8602 місяці тому
【移民英國Derby】一家五口帶同狗狗成功租屋 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【成功在劍橋租屋】兩房單位月租£1,900 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 413 місяці тому
【成功在劍橋租屋】兩房單位月租£1,900 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【寵物移民攻略】與貓狗一同移英 做足準備 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 1213 місяці тому
【寵物移民攻略】與貓狗一同移英 做足準備 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
【Twickenham租屋】三房排屋月租£2,300 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 3133 місяці тому
【Twickenham租屋】三房排屋月租£2,300 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【Teddington兩房單位】月租£1,995 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 383 місяці тому
【Teddington兩房單位】月租£1,995 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【倫敦Barnes兩房單位】少見包花園及花園小屋 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 6413 місяці тому
【倫敦Barnes兩房單位】少見包花園及花園小屋 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【英國新手買樓】買屋流程+按揭分享 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 3183 місяці тому
【英國新手買樓】買屋流程+按揭分享 | 重溫免費講座 | HK UK Support
【北劍橋兩房單位】月租£1,900 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 803 місяці тому
【北劍橋兩房單位】月租£1,900 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【Twickenham租屋】三房排屋尾戶月租£2,200 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 873 місяці тому
【Twickenham租屋】三房排屋尾戶月租£2,200 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
【紐卡素成功租屋】兩房單位月租£1,300 | 英國租屋 + 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support
Переглядів 703 місяці тому
【紐卡素成功租屋】兩房單位月租£1,300 | 英國租屋 實地睇樓 | HK UK Support


  • @hwwong3045
    @hwwong3045 14 годин тому


  • @hwwong3045
    @hwwong3045 14 годин тому


  • @maglau4063
    @maglau4063 Місяць тому


  • @cwckwok2633
    @cwckwok2633 2 місяці тому


  • @HKUKSupport
    @HKUKSupport 2 місяці тому

    ✅大家只需要在11月29日前報名租屋及安頓服務,即可享限時8折優惠。 📌了解更多優惠詳情

  • @HKUKSupport
    @HKUKSupport 2 місяці тому


  • @SIMON91521UK
    @SIMON91521UK 3 місяці тому

    資金證明解釋得好清楚 多謝你😊

  • @historyhongkong7521
    @historyhongkong7521 3 місяці тому

    收入証明能否作資金証明? 需多少個月的入息証明?

  • @matthewhongkong7081
    @matthewhongkong7081 3 місяці тому


    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 3 місяці тому


  • @stretchingBF
    @stretchingBF 4 місяці тому

    大家不要买他们家的房子 质量很低 买的时候说很好 售楼书里没有柱子 但出来有一个明显的 楼房价值突然下降了很多 他们请的律师差劲 错漏百出 千万不要买 我的朋友就这样被骗了

  • @LamHO-dq3up
    @LamHO-dq3up 4 місяці тому


    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 3 місяці тому

      多謝查詢,我哋服務範圍不限地區,歡迎隨時WhatsApp我哋,可以解答閣下更多租屋問題:852 59667760

  • @DoDo-lf4ne
    @DoDo-lf4ne 5 місяців тому


    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 5 місяців тому

      you can contact us on WhatsApp here: +852 59667760

  • @DoDo-lf4ne
    @DoDo-lf4ne 5 місяців тому

    請問是zone one嗎?請覆

  • @Propertynows
    @Propertynows 6 місяців тому

    Very informative video! The explanations on market trends and investment strategies were spot-on. I found the advice on identifying promising areas and understanding property values particularly helpful. Looking forward to more such valuable content. Keep up the excellent work!

  • @billcheung4439
    @billcheung4439 7 місяців тому

    OMG!曼城Wythenshawe v v 治安欠佳 area have troubled teenagers police donot care about 見到好多街童流連 入屋爆竊 製造噪音 人身遭威脅或攻擊 can not be安居樂業

  • @clean_space
    @clean_space 9 місяців тому

    825英鎊=31866.87台幣 (今日匯率)🤪

  • @silentlyspoken1727
    @silentlyspoken1727 11 місяців тому

    Those carpets are gross and the air quality looks terrible. Yuck

  • @horyara
    @horyara 11 місяців тому


  • @ganbatte1920
    @ganbatte1920 11 місяців тому

    A room with no window is no good

  • @ganbatte1920
    @ganbatte1920 11 місяців тому

    very nice and comfy house. any apartment for rent in S11?

  • @yyhk967
    @yyhk967 Рік тому


  • @JibonCse
    @JibonCse Рік тому

    I have analyzed your channel. Your video content is very nice, I enjoyed it. But one thing I noticed is that I can see some problems in all your UA-cam videos. Can I discuss this with you?

  • @kityeecheung6049
    @kityeecheung6049 Рік тому


    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport Рік тому

      Yes, you can rent with pets, you can WhatsApp us on +85259667760 to find out more

  • @liliamatteo190
    @liliamatteo190 Рік тому

    *promo sm* 🤪

  • @medicom_fans7168
    @medicom_fans7168 Рік тому


  • @chrissiey768
    @chrissiey768 Рік тому

    Birmingham 破咗產應該會少D人去。

  • @adriannairda7922
    @adriannairda7922 Рік тому

    Solihull 學校已爆到飛起

  • @meitiwatch1832
    @meitiwatch1832 2 роки тому

    Hi, my name is Phil. My family and I have already got the approval for BNO visas and have been planning to move over to UK soon, and now we have a few months left to land at UK in order to meet the requirements for staying in UK for at least 180 days per year. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, my son (applied as my dependant) cannot go with us and most probably cannot meet the said requirement. Would you please advise whether it is possible for applying for postponing the date of first landing (ie the start of counting the days being absent from UK)? Your comment will be much appreciated 🙏🏻

    @SAEED2HK 2 роки тому

    Pakistan born hong kong passport holder without Bno passport can apply BNO visa

  • @mstanley1020
    @mstanley1020 2 роки тому

    I want to ask a question as below. My wife and I also a BNO holder, we have 3 child. BTW, I pre plan my wife with kids to apply a BNO visa to relocate to UK first and I will accompanied with them to UK as visitor (is BNO holder no need to apply a visitor visa?) for assistance to settle down first. Two or three years later, I apply another BNO visa personally to meet them after a retirement. Can I do this? Thanks.

  • @leungmeimei6346
    @leungmeimei6346 2 роки тому

    Me and my husband have BNO Passport, we can apply BNO Visa separately but our address proof are different, is there any problems to apply BNO Visa?

  • @houghtonstreet3392
    @houghtonstreet3392 2 роки тому

    I am on a BNO visa in the UK and if I expect to have a new born baby in the UK, can I apply for a BNO passport for him and then a BNO visa?

  • @amyl2859
    @amyl2859 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot for sharing

  • @waiilau5772
    @waiilau5772 2 роки тому

    Do you ever support any applicant who faced big problem about the "application payment confirmation"? Informally, we called it as "BNO Black hole". This is a UK Visa system problem which the applicant paid the IHS and application payment, but the system did not submitted the application data to UK Visa. please give advise if you can provide any supporting, or please informed the UK Visa department if you have connection to them.

  • @bridgetchan8020
    @bridgetchan8020 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the information. May I ask a question about switching to another visa? My son is currently studying in the UK with a student visa. If I apply for a BNO visa for him, can I apply to switch his student visa to BNO visa? And the health surcharge already paid for the student visa is still valid and no need to pay again when applying for the BNO Visa ? Thanks for your reply in advance.

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Hi Bridget, you can apply to switch from the student to BN(O) visa provided you meet the eligibility requirements. For advice on your circumstances, please contact us at ''.

    • @bridgetchan8020
      @bridgetchan8020 2 роки тому

      @@HKUKSupport thank you very much for your reply.

  • @bonnieho1984
    @bonnieho1984 2 роки тому

    Hi, I am holding BNO passport with two kids under 18 years old and would like to go UK with my husband who is holding Japanese passport under my BNO visa application. Is he able to get the visa under my BNO visa application as a Japanese citizen? And is he able to arrive UK separately, like few months later? Last question is, after 5years, my kids are over 18 years old, are they able to apply the permanent visa by themselves as well as they fulfill the settlement requirements?

  • @laiedna2392
    @laiedna2392 2 роки тому

    Dear Sir, I applied BNO Visa n approved for my entry into the UK from 2 Mar 2022 to 2 Mar 2027 it says I can enter into the UK any day during this period my question is if I enter into the UK on 14 Feb 2023 then 5 years shall end on 14 Feb 2028 1. do I need to extend the Visa? 2. will I be granted for Visa extension? thanks for your help!

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Thank you for your enquiry. In order to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, you will need to extend the BNO visa to live in the UK for five years. Please note that it depends if there are any changes in immigration policy or Home Office's decision.

    • @laiedna2392
      @laiedna2392 2 роки тому

      @@HKUKSupport Thank you very much! Dear

  • @henrytan1944
    @henrytan1944 2 роки тому

    HK people should be not fall into the UK tax system trap. There is CGT of 49.5% on the gains. HK people should have family left in HK. They should also keep their HK ID card where HK people have Right of Abode forever. If HK people are successful in business keep your savings for 14 years. You have to leave the UK with a UK Passport for another low tax country. The UK treat rich people as tax slaves. It is very difficult to avoid taxes which is different from tax Evasion. The British people are tax slaves in the UK. They have no choice of a second home. They have to remain and pay IHT. Give yourself 10 years. If you have less success then your children will remain. The worst aspect of staying is the cloudy weather. Another aspect is the cost of gas and electricity. Don't trust the UK Govt. You have to struggle for 6 years and pay taxes but not eligible for benefits. You have paid taxes every month for 6 years. Then if you are less success then you can claim benefits. The UK is very boring so all you have is time to do business and make profit. You will never succeed if you have to work for salary. You have to do business.

  • @ericleung6013
    @ericleung6013 2 роки тому

    A reply to Crystal Wong’s question seems to confirm that for application of a family comprising parents and children under 18, they can go to UK separately and be able to extend their visa if not fulfilled being in UK for five years continuously. However, the UK immigration lawyer pointed out in the video that the UK Government doesn’t like family members being split for any reasons. If what he said is true, it is doubtful if a husband who stays in HK and joins his wife and kids in UK three years later will be granted visa extension because his decision to stay in HK has resulted in his family being split for three years for which the UK Government doesn’t like. I believe for that reason, granting of visa extension and also PR at the end will not be straight forward.

  • @christsang8526
    @christsang8526 2 роки тому

    I am a BNO holder. My daughter and I will apply for BNO Visa. My daughter is 19 years old and she doesn't have BNO passport. She will entry to University in Sep 2022, but I need to handle some financial issue in Hong Kong. My daughter and I can't go to UK together. Upon financial issue completed, I will go to UK in Oct 2022. Can my daughter use BNO Visa to entry UK independently? Is it an impact on my daughter to apply for British Citizen after 5 years because of our entry to UK separately?

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      This is a complicated situation. Your daughter can apply for an independent visa (for example a Student Visa) and then enter separately. For any other issues, feel free to contact us:

  • @klleung7574
    @klleung7574 2 роки тому

    I have a follow up question: I can provide 3 different and recent documents as proof of my permanent home in Hong Kong; however since late 2019 till now, I stay in another country (not in Hong Kong and UK) and did not travel back to Hong Kong because of the pandemic issue and highly restricted travelling requirements. And I also possess permanent residence card of this country I am currently staying at, will it impact my BNO visa application? Look forward to receiving your reply

  • @klleung7574
    @klleung7574 2 роки тому

    Thanks for your sharing. As one of the BNO visa application requirement is applicants will need to be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong, so I would like to ask if an applicant stay outside Hong Kong in the past 2-3 years, but still maintain residential ties with Hong Kong such as holding bank accounts and mobile, will it impact his BNO application?

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Hi Jenny, you will need to provide three different, recent documents proving you have a permanent home in Hong Kong. If the supporting documents for your visa application are incomplete, you could be losing your visa. Please make sure you go over the list of the documents asked, assemble them and have all the necessary documents to support your application.

    • @klleung7574
      @klleung7574 2 роки тому

      @@HKUKSupport Thanks so much for your prompt response. I have a follow up question: I can provide 3 different and recent documents as proof of my permanent home in Hong Kong; however since late 2019 till now, I stay in another country (not in Hong Kong and UK) and did not travel back to Hong Kong because of the pandemic issue and highly restricted travelling requirements. And I also possess permanent residence card of this country I am currently staying at, will it impact my BNO visa application? Look forward to receiving your reply.

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Ordinary residence is a complicated issue in English law and there have been many court disputes about this. You can find basic information here: For any other issues, feel free to contact us:

  • @wongcrystal5098
    @wongcrystal5098 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the information. I want to apply the five years BNO visa with my husband and my daughter(under 18 years old). Can we go to the UK at different times? If I stay in HK within these five years, I need to extend my BNO visa. Is the need to pay again the healthcare surcharge?

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Hi Crystal, according to the official guidance, you can choose to travel separately from family members to the UK after applying for the visa. If the BN(O) status holder and their dependent travelled to the UK separately, the continuous residence requirement for settlement may mean that these dependants may have to apply for further permission to stay beyond 5 years if the BN(O) status holder has not yet fulfilled the continuous residence requirement. You will be able to extend your visa if you want to stay longer and need to pay 1) the visa application fee, 2) the healthcare surcharge, and 3) prove that you have enough money to support yourself and your family members for at least 6 months while you’re in the UK.

  • @meiwong1960
    @meiwong1960 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the info. Great if you can tone down the background music for easier listening. :)

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Thank you for your comment and suggestion that help us improve the quality of our content😊

  • @PeggypeggyYip
    @PeggypeggyYip 2 роки тому

    First of all, thank you for sharing. The family has a criminal record and was rejected by the British government to apply for BNO, but his wife and stepson have been successfully approved. Because the broken son is under 18 years old, it means that their family cannot go to the UK to enjoy BNO 5+1. Immigrants, may I ask you to describe the matter by e-mail, there are still more than 20 days to appeal, how to deal with it?

    • @HKUKSupport
      @HKUKSupport 2 роки тому

      Hi Peggy, thank you for your inquiry. Could you please send us an email at '' with your background and questions?

    • @PeggypeggyYip
      @PeggypeggyYip 2 роки тому

      @@HKUKSupport ok thank you for your reply

    • @PeggypeggyYip
      @PeggypeggyYip 2 роки тому

      @@HKUKSupport hi my sister Dorothy Yip have already send you the mail please check with thanks a lot

  • @PeggypeggyYip
    @PeggypeggyYip 2 роки тому

    How can contact you

  • @ansarlondonltd9885
    @ansarlondonltd9885 2 роки тому

    Which part of the Government guidance do you mean? Can you send me a link?

  • @dolphin4740
    @dolphin4740 2 роки тому

    According to Home Office, if you first come to UK with a travel visa, you cannot apply for a BNO visa by "applying within UK".

  • @yywan3550
    @yywan3550 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing

  • @reyreside7
    @reyreside7 3 роки тому

    I have been in uk last 2008 to 2013 with a student visa and now im currently living in macao. I was offered a job in uk do i still need to take the ielts exams in applying for my skilled worker visa. By the way, can i used my old ielts result which I used to renew my student visa last 2010.