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Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Occluded Culling
Hi! thank you for watching this video, a quick explanation as to "What" occluded culling is.
- Occluded culling is essentially the process of "Culling" the "Occluded" Geometry, which both have their respective definition. such as "Culling" meaning to "Cull" or, remove. While "Occluded" means blocked or hidden.
Simply put together you get "Removing, blocked or hidden, geometry"
Simple Right! - So why did this take Roblox so long to add??
this is a feature I've wanted on Roblox for YEARS. my speculation revolves around the fact that Roblox has limited pc platforms because of mobile, and recently mobile Roblox has received the ability to use Future lighting. so it could be "In sync" essentially. allowing Roblox to increase the capabilities of both platforms. or at the very least pc.
If you learnt something, like and comment "BONES!" - thank you!
- Sources
- Robuilder's video (Not inspired, just felt right.)
(For disclosure rights, the thumbnail is not how occluding culling within Roblox works, its the only way i can explain how it works in a single image without it just being an empty image... i seek your understanding!)
- Chapters -
00:00 - What is Occluded Culling?
01:46 - Hallway Preview
02:25 - The difference between Culling, and no culling
03:05 - Exodus Gameplay preview
04:47 - Goodbye!
- Disclosure, the voice overlay in this video is
AI text to speech. I did my best to convey ideals and education through this, and I feel I did a pretty decent job at doing do, let me know if this is a viable option or if you would just prefer text. THIS VIDEO is not ai, and is made with love, and human feelings.
Переглядів: 5 460


Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Advanced Lighting
Переглядів 16 тис.Місяць тому
Hi! thank you for watching this video, I hope you learnt something from it. Please be sure to share this with any friends who may need help with their lighting. I plan on making more episodes increasing in difficulty. - You can contact me on Twitter or Discord for individual support Twt @ Urellity Dc @Boneblox RESOURCES ARE IN THE DISCORD. ^ Check the "Resources" Channel -...
Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Basic Layouts
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Hi! thank you for watching this video, I hope you learnt something from it. Please be sure to share this with any friends who may need help with their layouts I plan on making more episodes increasing in difficulty. - You can contact me on Twitter or Discord for individual support Twt @ Urellity Dc @Jupitahhh - Disclosure, the voice overlay in this video is AI text to speech. I did my best to c...
Important Message | Bones
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Discord | Thank you for 3000 subscribers. Not my usual description, I appreciate your support Bones, will be back
Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Terrain Textures
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Hi! thank you for watching this video, I hope you learnt something from it. Please be sure to share this with any friends who may need help with texturing terrain. I plan on making more episodes increasing in difficulty. - You can contact me on Twitter or Discord for individual support Twt @ Urellity Dc @Jupitahhh - Disclosure, the voice overlay in this video is AI text to speech. I did my best...
Roblox Studio - Building Tutorial | Advanced
Переглядів 13 тис.2 місяці тому
Hi! thank you for watching this video, I hope you learnt something from it. Please be sure to share this with any friends who may need help with learning the advanced tools of building in Roblox studio. I plan on making more episodes increasing in difficulty. - You can contact me on Twitter or Discord for individual support Twt @ Urellity Dc @Jupitahhh Chapters: - WILL BE ADDED - Disclosure, th...
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  • @debby2831
    @debby2831 14 годин тому

    4:09 fav part

  • @FisTrk
    @FisTrk День тому

    This is nice

  • @blouky2115
    @blouky2115 2 дні тому

    how did you make it look like that? 7:19

  • @sricle_builds
    @sricle_builds 3 дні тому

    very cool tips!

  • @cyntheyuh
    @cyntheyuh 3 дні тому


  • @OminusJester
    @OminusJester 4 дні тому

    Delete this video lil bro

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 4 дні тому

      @@OminusJester 3 subscribers

  • @adriancrat
    @adriancrat 4 дні тому


  • @nonexistent2341
    @nonexistent2341 5 днів тому


  • @only_yahya2151
    @only_yahya2151 6 днів тому

    i like your vids is help me alot

  • @The_Tactical_Morons
    @The_Tactical_Morons 7 днів тому

    My studio is.. somewhat different compared to yours for some reason, theres not measurements UI popping up and all, and some alignment and ect

  • @LucieKitsune
    @LucieKitsune 7 днів тому

    aren't union really unoptimized

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 7 днів тому

      Yes, and no. Unions being optimized is based entirely on the factor that CONNECTING parts is unoptimized, cutting them out, isn't! (However Roblox also recently updated unions to be more optimized, which is a beta feature!)

  • @Yahooiseeyou
    @Yahooiseeyou 7 днів тому

    Negate and unions should normally be familiarized with builders when they are starting out, but I guess it helps for some people who haven’t figured it out yet, I thought this was about a new update, but still very helpful for a friend of mine who is just starting out!

  • @LucyWoIf
    @LucyWoIf 7 днів тому

    tts voice not listening

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 7 днів тому

      Its not for everyone! - however you're fully free to turn the voice off entirely and just use captions like most other content creators! :D

  • @americanmig160
    @americanmig160 9 днів тому

    you listening to purple cat?

  • @andrededecraf
    @andrededecraf 9 днів тому

    people stopped put likes to leave it in 666 XD

  • @Savage14246
    @Savage14246 12 днів тому

    Pls more of advance lighting

  • @katerinix_arts
    @katerinix_arts 13 днів тому

    you build so.. effortlessly. but it gave me motivation to figure out on how to make enviroments n stuff for my game! thanks for this tutorial :D

  • @lucaslinnarsson3548
    @lucaslinnarsson3548 13 днів тому

    I love you, you beautiful human being

  • @СавелийМорозов-е2г

    Very useful video if we watch and understand it at a slow pace, thank you

  • @RecordingDude
    @RecordingDude 14 днів тому

    thx bro

  • @Gala_RF
    @Gala_RF 16 днів тому

    very good tutorial

  • @thegoldentree6913
    @thegoldentree6913 16 днів тому

    "Hope you caught that" 👁👄👁

  • @la_sassin
    @la_sassin 17 днів тому

    Thanks bro i owe you one.

  • @meteor-vr_XD
    @meteor-vr_XD 18 днів тому

    Great video actually taught me smt

  • @DeveloperPop
    @DeveloperPop 18 днів тому

    only for studio

  • @nide1698
    @nide1698 19 днів тому

    Does anyone know if blender is the better option to create models for roblox than making it in roblox itsself?

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 19 днів тому

      Blender is 100% better and more optimized, however even if you use blender its great to have an understanding on roblox ! :D i recommend investing in learning both

  • @louisgeoffrey2672
    @louisgeoffrey2672 20 днів тому

    Where can i find the assets i could not find them in the discord server

  • @EXscrat
    @EXscrat 20 днів тому

    i've been searching for people that does full build. this one is nice

  • @Griff-isbetter
    @Griff-isbetter 22 дні тому

    Hes such a good biulder, I have learned a lto from him, He deserves better

  • @gamingwithlilabe3711
    @gamingwithlilabe3711 23 дні тому

    4 Weeks, Lol!

  • @ClockWiseIsAGreatDeveloper
    @ClockWiseIsAGreatDeveloper 24 дні тому

    bro get a mic please 🙏

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 24 дні тому

      I have a mic, i just dont want to use it

  • @_lunati
    @_lunati 24 дні тому

    Is there a chance my shit pc will get 60 fps if it previously got 40

  • @AncientARofficial
    @AncientARofficial 25 днів тому

    This is, by far, the best building guide to ever exist

  • @Noobsukii
    @Noobsukii 25 днів тому

    12:10 Oh hell no💀 Great tutorial by the way

  • @FlawyClips
    @FlawyClips 25 днів тому


  • @ImaDareal
    @ImaDareal 25 днів тому

    1:45 broooo 🙏🙏😭😭

  • @pineappleparty1624
    @pineappleparty1624 26 днів тому

    Decent tutorial, the bridge came out neat and detailed. I'm a little confused on the two terminologies used. Modular - means a chunk of something can snap to its self or other chunks and be seamless. Kind of like legos. They link together to form something larger without noticing there are multiple pieces. Baking - You said was basically optimizing to have less parts in a solid version of the bridge. IDK who named it that in Roblox, but it's just simply, optimizing/ lowering polycount.

    • @bone_blox
      @bone_blox 26 днів тому

      @@pineappleparty1624 the baking term is just a personal thing I call it since it’s kinda “setting the bridge” in stone, it’s not easily editable after doing so

    • @pineappleparty1624
      @pineappleparty1624 26 днів тому

      @@bone_blox oh ok , thanks for pointing that out. That makes a lot of sense.

  • @blackspyrise250
    @blackspyrise250 27 днів тому

    Counter strike! global offensive!