- 131
- 111 037
Zachary De la Garza
Приєднався 11 лип 2017
Just keep telling the story. | Paris, Texas
burnout | moving pictures
More to come.
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Sparks by Coldplay, lickd.lnk.to/2YHUTlID
License ID: Q02EGgrLNl8
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: app.lickd.co/r/7e2708ac9ece4211926c1b391a5dc9fa
This video was color graded using Dehancer:
If you would like to try Dehancer, use code ZDDLG for 10% off of your purchase today: ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3RJcENSTzVIQ0pCWHJPYzlTaXcwQUU3V3AzUXxBQ3Jtc0tscVJIV0NrX2VOSzgzZnlHLW5HcFBRcXp1S3A1cEN1amlSWlVneDFoQXJpWk5ldXFVbTJEb25fZy0tWkNSRnZQZGVjeDljU2xVTVpFVEFFLTN0UUp5bVQxRmxFX2tDcHhvOUktelBDYXJaMlJweGFnTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dehancer.com%2F&v=tAMtzdYovJc
Instagram: [/ zddlg.film](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmRDc0c2R3ZKWllyRFBuV1hWd2VIYTdDV2p3d3xBQ3Jtc0trV1N5TVktc2JjRFJZMkNYVXo0YTgtQzIwMnRIZEFTMHk5d2MzVHVBT1Z3b3ljamVPTDhkTWQzcENuTzlSdlJLeUdKMFp3UzF6cW5IVTVTOWU1VHpDcFNfbGhMMXg1VDFrWTBTb1A2dXV2ZmtwS2c1Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fzddlg.film%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
TikTok: [/ zddlg.film](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1RlUjJjMEZhRTAtUHRRV1VuRjFQLWN1QmhlQXxBQ3Jtc0ttdkUyb2VjcElxeW5lU1pDYjNyMHhLRmZJUS1mTXBEdXBzZGNOLW9fNnBNT3dwenZoRjZubDhhaUZ2dzR0YlF1aGJmRHdHZHZ3N21YZ2pNWG9oNHRtVFA0cDZjZm10UVlaYUtqbDA2NHo0cmpBcjBuWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40zddlg.film&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Website: [www.zachdlg.com](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGtTbUxjOUVCWFJ3VTg2NzF4MC1TNlRScElwd3xBQ3Jtc0tuTzc2Z25UaFc4VUQyaHF0dnlrd1lXaHVWbDR1SWhIMTN1djBWLTUxWTBGU3FBelFUc3A4d1BOQUJpZzBIWTE0X1pSc19QVWpOVlV0by1kSXNpcHpDLWlUNkZib3AxVUJZNzRZSVU0eGpCNHZjaDRvRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zachdlg.com%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Print Store: [zddlg.darkroom.com](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VrYURKVDZLdVR0eHB5cmFWU1huVzhYaFlVd3xBQ3Jtc0tuQXdkM3hFbFd3dnlEdllsX3N3b0xFeDNHRzN3SjEwYmc3dE0zZDVKbDNPTS1xekhFSUhJUUFVajlMYzZYS0tDLS1oVk5adUpZSEo3RFFGYXBYVUIxQ3MxWUEwazVJRlVLdWV4eDhxWUtNbjcta2c3cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fzddlg.darkroom.com%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Design Store: [www.redbubble.com/people/zddl..](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZZZS1HV2JBWnBiNG5ldUhnMjJScE1xejBKZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttM2drYXh6bS1ydC0wemVKT2IzeTRjYUxZY3pQZlhidVZtdGpEdDBHWmRya2tRQnFsVjVaTmViYVBqTUdYZmk5NExPbkNMbmR3STJ4aXQzZWpWT25OdXFMbHlVZDJzYjVxb2ppZTZOZ08wZndBLXVRTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redbubble.com%2Fpeople%2Fzddl..&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Sparks by Coldplay, lickd.lnk.to/2YHUTlID
License ID: Q02EGgrLNl8
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: app.lickd.co/r/7e2708ac9ece4211926c1b391a5dc9fa
This video was color graded using Dehancer:
If you would like to try Dehancer, use code ZDDLG for 10% off of your purchase today: ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3RJcENSTzVIQ0pCWHJPYzlTaXcwQUU3V3AzUXxBQ3Jtc0tscVJIV0NrX2VOSzgzZnlHLW5HcFBRcXp1S3A1cEN1amlSWlVneDFoQXJpWk5ldXFVbTJEb25fZy0tWkNSRnZQZGVjeDljU2xVTVpFVEFFLTN0UUp5bVQxRmxFX2tDcHhvOUktelBDYXJaMlJweGFnTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dehancer.com%2F&v=tAMtzdYovJc
Instagram: [/ zddlg.film](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmRDc0c2R3ZKWllyRFBuV1hWd2VIYTdDV2p3d3xBQ3Jtc0trV1N5TVktc2JjRFJZMkNYVXo0YTgtQzIwMnRIZEFTMHk5d2MzVHVBT1Z3b3ljamVPTDhkTWQzcENuTzlSdlJLeUdKMFp3UzF6cW5IVTVTOWU1VHpDcFNfbGhMMXg1VDFrWTBTb1A2dXV2ZmtwS2c1Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fzddlg.film%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
TikTok: [/ zddlg.film](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1RlUjJjMEZhRTAtUHRRV1VuRjFQLWN1QmhlQXxBQ3Jtc0ttdkUyb2VjcElxeW5lU1pDYjNyMHhLRmZJUS1mTXBEdXBzZGNOLW9fNnBNT3dwenZoRjZubDhhaUZ2dzR0YlF1aGJmRHdHZHZ3N21YZ2pNWG9oNHRtVFA0cDZjZm10UVlaYUtqbDA2NHo0cmpBcjBuWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40zddlg.film&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Website: [www.zachdlg.com](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGtTbUxjOUVCWFJ3VTg2NzF4MC1TNlRScElwd3xBQ3Jtc0tuTzc2Z25UaFc4VUQyaHF0dnlrd1lXaHVWbDR1SWhIMTN1djBWLTUxWTBGU3FBelFUc3A4d1BOQUJpZzBIWTE0X1pSc19QVWpOVlV0by1kSXNpcHpDLWlUNkZib3AxVUJZNzRZSVU0eGpCNHZjaDRvRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zachdlg.com%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Print Store: [zddlg.darkroom.com](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VrYURKVDZLdVR0eHB5cmFWU1huVzhYaFlVd3xBQ3Jtc0tuQXdkM3hFbFd3dnlEdllsX3N3b0xFeDNHRzN3SjEwYmc3dE0zZDVKbDNPTS1xekhFSUhJUUFVajlMYzZYS0tDLS1oVk5adUpZSEo3RFFGYXBYVUIxQ3MxWUEwazVJRlVLdWV4eDhxWUtNbjcta2c3cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fzddlg.darkroom.com%2F&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
Design Store: [www.redbubble.com/people/zddl..](ua-cam.com/users/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZZZS1HV2JBWnBiNG5ldUhnMjJScE1xejBKZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttM2drYXh6bS1ydC0wemVKT2IzeTRjYUxZY3pQZlhidVZtdGpEdDBHWmRya2tRQnFsVjVaTmViYVBqTUdYZmk5NExPbkNMbmR3STJ4aXQzZWpWT25OdXFMbHlVZDJzYjVxb2ppZTZOZ08wZndBLXVRTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redbubble.com%2Fpeople%2Fzddl..&v=eZwt3ku1UT8)
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my first film photography video | Canon A-1, Portra 400
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It's pretty surreal to see this video finally put together. I'm so excited with the way that this channel has been progressing and am mainly glad that I decided to pick up my camera that fateful day in February of 2022 and walk around Paris, shooting whatever caught my eye. Lick'd: Get Discovering by Fruit Bats and over 1M mainstream tracks here go.lickd.co/Music License ID: M1z1RXgmowJ This vi...
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UT Austin on the Mamiya RB67
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Historic Mansion on Film | Polaroid SX-70, Mamiya RB 67
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Historic Mansion on Film | Polaroid SX-70, Mamiya RB 67
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Shooting Kodak Ektar for the First Time | Canon A-1
My FAVORITE RB 67 Lens | Mamiya K/L F4.5 180mm
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My FAVORITE RB 67 Lens | Mamiya K/L F4.5 180mm
East Texas on Kodak Gold 200 | Mamiya M645
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East Texas on Kodak Gold 200 | Mamiya M645
Portra 400 in Mount Vernon, TX | Mamiya M645
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Portra 400 in Mount Vernon, TX | Mamiya M645
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Capturing a Historic Home on Film l Polaroid SX-70, Mamiya RB 67, Delta 3200
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My First Time Shooting KODAK GOLD 200 l Mamiya M645
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BETTER than PORTRA 400? l Cinestill 400D, Canon A-1
What is with you guys adding unnecessary music to your clips? In this case it practically drowns out what you're saying.
The composition is very nice great photo
Cool video. Thanks for making! <3
is that a one 600? ;o thank you for sharing!
thanks for showing and giving out inspiration on what to do with this film!
Can you post a pic of the film it uses
My dad worked for Polaroid aa a senior scientist in the 1970's.They made 50 cameras as test models,and gave them to the top engineers and scientists involved in the creation of the camera. They were instructed to use it as much as possible (over a year period) before final production was to commence. We had unlimited free film,and used it extensively back in 1973! The original film turned out to have issues(cracking/fading) which was fixed over time. Great seeing with this"vintage"camera!. I was13 when it was available for me to use with FREE FILM!
That’s so cool!! Love the stories behind the rollout for that camera.
Excited to see what the future holds!
Nice man I got my self a SX 70 too it's a model 2
Rural tx is fun for shootin and thrifting!
Do you still use this camera? How has it been? I’m interested in picking one up
I haven't shot it in a while- I ended up with another Olympus that I thrifted that I use more often! It's the Olympus Stylus Epic DLX- it's even more compact, and very sharp! But overall I would say this model is also good, with a good zoom range. It's just a little bit bulkier as a result of the lens.
@@zddlg_film thank you for the info! I’ve asked around and people tell me to either go thrifting for a film camera or just put a filter on my phone - which will never capture the integrity of film. Hopefully there are some steals to find here in Arizona! If not I’ll come back to this, or maybe spend a bit more to get the Canon A-1. Finding a lot of interest in film, developing and such.
Great video and work man! I’m here in Mineola, Tx…if you’re ever out this way lmk and I’ll snap some frames with ya!
That’s a Polaroid one step express… not an sx-70
I want one of these so bad
It's great! I like the way you restoring the polaroid photos. Keeping reality and original is the polaroid spirit.
Great video! I just ran out of fixer and watched the video for more information on Df96. Stayed for the awesome content and production. There is one thing that I would recommend for you: B&W printing. Can’t even put it into words how rewarding it is.
Thanks so much- I’ll get into printing one day, I’m sure!
awesome quality for a small channel, keep it up, i been wanting to start a channel with this vibe!
this is so cool!!!
Jesus love you all he can save us all✝️❤️
Annoying to be told not to photograph the car wash for absolutely no legitimate reason other than "I don't think my boss would like that". I admire you just walking away. Depending on my mood I would have educated her in the legality of photographing in public (as long as you are on public property when taking the photo). But at the same time, I understand sometimes it's just not worth the conflict.
At least I grabbed the video!
Do you ever shoot your M645 hand held
Yeah, but I have a grip for it- you can see me shoot it handheld in some other videos on the channel!
Nice work Zachary.
Thanks so much!!
So lame. As soon as you said mimosa, that was it, I had to check out.
Thank you so much for having me!!! Glad I got to have a conversation with you finally.
It’s been long overdue!
i was just gifted one. do you know how to turn it on? if it DOES turn on in general??
The battery is inside of the film cartridge itself! This model in particular takes SX-70 film.
@@zddlg_filmso cool! thank you soo much!
Bro... what? The crazy thing is I have a brother named Zackory De La Garza.
Haha it’s a great name
@@zddlg_film especially our last name 😏 lol
This gives off a Wes Anderson vibe
16:06 no way I made the vid thanks man
Haha thanks for checking out the video!!
enjoyed the video. that's the mamiya 645. the 645j is another version that lacks the shutter release button on top and lacks the mirror lock-up switch. there's also another version - mamiya 645 1000s. enjoyed, thanks!
Thanks so much for checking it out!!! Yeah, I had been calling that camera the J for a long time because the manual that I was given with it was for the J, and so I just went along with it. Definitely want to upgrade to the 1000s at some point down the line, but I overall love this camera.
I love your style of videos! The thing that impresses me the most is your ability to meter so amazingly. I've only been shooting film for a year and watching your videos gives me something tangible to shoot for. Thank you!
Thanks!! I’m really glad to hear that. I really want to make more of this style of video where I walk through my entire process!
That was my main camera body in the early years of my career. It is a beast.
It’s such a reliable camera!!
@@zddlg_film True. Later I used the ProTL bodies, which are amazing, but the shutter on the ProTLs has a tendency to get stuck. TheM645 never did.
I loved your genuineness and great personality. Subbed!! Love the stash btw.
Thanks so much! Glad you like the video!!
This was an amazing video! thank you :)
Thanks for checking it out!!
Great video! Let's go fellow Austinites
Thanks!! Definitely miss living in Austin.
Why did you have to remind me of the four storage boxes filled to the brim with negatives that need to be cataloged. 😫😫 Thankfully I catalog mine per client or per season. So that's the easy part. What I don't look forward to is the cutting and sleeving part.
😂 This is the year I’ll finally get it under control 🤞🏽and yeah I’m always worried I’m going to cut into a frame.
@@zddlg_film same. lol BTW. Keep up the good work buddy. I'm a 35mm film wedding photographer and I only follow a handful of film photographers on this platform, you being one of them.
Can’t wait to see what you do this year! LOVE your work!
Thanks Jessie!!
Getting turned away from that car wash, especially with no customers, was not cool and kind of hilarious.
I 100% agree haha Glad I at least grabbed the video shots beforehand!
I'm loving your channel! Could you maybe give a tutorial some time on your color grading process for your videos? I like the aesthetic.@@zddlg_film
It was me! I pushed Kodak Gold to 6400! lol
Haha that’s awesome! I actually just found your channel recently- love your thumbnails! Excited to check out your videos.
Mine didn’t come with the tag
Great shots man and enjoyable video. Thanks again!!
Thanks!!! Glad you enjoyed this one!!
I just picked up an alpha 1 for 20 dollars today at an estate sale… mint condition😜 been wanting to pull the trigger for a while but seeing this for 20 bucks I never ran faster
That’s awesome! Definitely a great pickup
Great video, creative! Good shots! What lenses you used?
Thanks so much! For this video I used the Sony 24-70 GM II and the Sony 90mm macro lens. I put all of my gear used in the description if you’re curious for other videos!
@@zddlg_film Thx, but I mean on the RB 😉
@@studiojege287 Haha, my bad! I was using the 50mm F/4.5 Mamiya Sekor C lens and the 180mm K/L F/4.5
@@zddlg_film NP :) Looking for a wide lens myself, got the 127 currently. Happy with the 50mm? Was thinking 65 here...
It’s alright! I definitely prefer more like a “35mm equivalent 50mm lens,” or the more telephoto lenses, so the RB’s 50mm was very different for me. It’s the lens that the camera came with for me. I’ve gotten used to the wide field of view and the size of that lens also makes the RB more portable as a result compared to the 180mm. I’d personally probably go 65mm, but it depends on how wide you typically like your lenses!
I also have a 135mm 3.5 for my A-1.
Thank you for taking the time to discuss your exposure decisions and providing the details such as your chosen aperture selection and shutter speeds. It’s very informative and educational and I appreciate it.
Really glad you like it! I hope to make a few more of these kinds of stream-of-consciousness photography videos soon.
amazing video as always! I'm curious, do you use dehancer for your videos?
Thank you! And yes, I’ve been experimenting with Dehancer. I have a video on my channel from when I first got it- hope to make a more in depth video next year!
one of the best videos i've seen on this platform in a long time. the editing, pacing, music, and just the vibe was stunning. i'm sending this to everyone i know, keep up the good work :)
Thank you!! It really means a lot and thank you for promoting my videos!
this is an amazing video. beautifully created and explained so good.
Thank you so much!! Really really glad you liked it!
Its called a hood for the lense
Yeah, I misspoke!
I just got the 28-135mm..lens fd for my csnon t70..these are awesome cameras..and cheap...
Love the FD line of lenses