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Приєднався 3 лют 2007
Death Note ~ Give Mello Chocolate
I just couldn't resist the temptation to make this Death Note AMV of Mello. The song is called Chocolate by the band Buck-tick.
Here is the English translation of the lyrics. Please read them because I did my best to match the lyrics with the parts in the AMV:
Ah give me chocolate
The outside world is dancing wildly, in front of the door of terror
I put out my hand,my hand is trembling; laughing voices are echoing
I held my own body desperately close,so I wouldn't be blown away
A crack is running along the horizon,the sun sinks and rises
Drool for me, I deserve respect
Spill it all out;I know you want to dissolve, too
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
A running gazelle,a fluttering butterfly,the sound of an explosion next to my ears
Everything shows
through-it shows though too much,and now there's nothing
Could you see something?
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
Throwing glances out the window,she's enchanted
Let's disappear in a twinkling,let's dance in ecstasy
Spill the oil for me, I deserve scorn
Spill it all out;
I know you want to dissolve, too
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
Ah I'm in the Rest room
Ah I'm in the Rest room
Translation credits go to notgreatestsite.net
Here is the English translation of the lyrics. Please read them because I did my best to match the lyrics with the parts in the AMV:
Ah give me chocolate
The outside world is dancing wildly, in front of the door of terror
I put out my hand,my hand is trembling; laughing voices are echoing
I held my own body desperately close,so I wouldn't be blown away
A crack is running along the horizon,the sun sinks and rises
Drool for me, I deserve respect
Spill it all out;I know you want to dissolve, too
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
A running gazelle,a fluttering butterfly,the sound of an explosion next to my ears
Everything shows
through-it shows though too much,and now there's nothing
Could you see something?
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
Throwing glances out the window,she's enchanted
Let's disappear in a twinkling,let's dance in ecstasy
Spill the oil for me, I deserve scorn
Spill it all out;
I know you want to dissolve, too
Ah give me chocolate
Ah give me chocolate
Ah I'm in the Rest room
Ah I'm in the Rest room
Translation credits go to notgreatestsite.net
Переглядів: 65 043
D - Barairo no Hibi
Переглядів 94 тис.17 років тому
One of D's new PVs 薔薇色の日々 Copyrighted by GOD CHILD RECORDS
Ghost-body painting
Переглядів 21 тис.17 років тому
The members of Ghost doing a body painting/nail polishing session.
The amounts of times I’ve rewatched this video…
Good song choice
Asagi the middle eastern cross dressing bride. Nothing new for him there.
I can't believe this AMV exists! It's literally my favorite band and anime Also, this song is so underrated !!
Alguém sabe como localizá-los no Spotify?
Why I cant find this song in Spotify? :c
It's been 11 years since I started liking D and this song still feels só peaceful to me...
Beautiful voice
Tomadoinagara mo sugoshita hibi wo omoidasu tabi ni otona ni natte Taisetu na hito ni deawasetekureta ano hi no jibun no risou wa yume wa koko ni aru Itsu ni nareba warainagara hanaseru hi ga kuru darou dareka ni ieba sukuwareru ki ga shita Daremo ga sou kono jidai ni umaretekita yorokobi sore sae motezu kokoro wo nakushite Kotae wa nakutemo tada kizuite hoshii Ima aru genjitsu kara kietakunakatta photo Ruiza Osanai koro afureteita kanjou wa mou nai keredo jiyuu e mukau ishi wo te ni shitanda Ashita ni nareba kitto sekai wa kawaru Shinjite iru kara koso owari ni wa shinai Ushinau koto wo osoreteshimatte kimi wa kimi no koto wo mienakunatte Yume wo miru tabi nando de mo kimi wa mata atarashii jibun ni deaeru itsudatte Akogare wa hateshinaku kumo wo tsukamu you Utagau koto ni tsukarete shimatte shinjitu no yukue wa doko ni aru no? Dare yorimo soba de mimamottekita kimi no kasaneta jikan no kazu dake Tomadoinagara mo sugoshita hibi wo omoidasu tabi ni otona ni natte Taisetu na hito ni deawasetekureta ano hi no jibun no risou wa yume wa koko ni aru Anata wa mou wasureteshimatta kotoba demo Sarigenai sono yasashisa ga Barairo ni kagayaku
So fucking good . Buck-tick 💙
who's still listening in 2017?
D is the best j-rock band ever =D
2018, bruh
Dias de Rosas Coloridas (PT-BR) Toda vez que me recordo dos dias que gastei enquanto me sentia perdido Eu sinto que cresço um pouco mais O meu "eu" mais jovem me permitiu encontrar A pessoa que eu mais valorizo Os seus ideais e sonhos permanecem lá Quando chegará o dia em que eu vou ser capaz de rir quando falar sobre isso? Eu me senti como se tivesse dito a alguém, Eu poderia ser salvo Todo mundo tem sido incapaz de sentir a alegria de ter nascido nesta época E todos nós Temos perdido nossos corações Mesmo que não haja nenhuma resposta, só quero que você perceba Eu não queria desaparecer da realidade que temos hoje Eu não tenho mais as emoções transbordando que eu tinha quando eu era jovem Mas eu ganhei a determinação de lutar pela liberdade Com certeza, quando o amanhã chegar, O mundo vai mudar Eu não vou deixar isso acabar, porque eu acredito nele Se você perder de vista quem você é Porque sente medo de perder alguma coisa Toda vez que você sonhar, Poderá encontrar um novo você A qualquer hora Os sonhos são sem fim, Como se agarrar às nuvens Eu não queria desaparecer Da realidade que temos hoje Estou cansado de duvidar Onde posso encontrar a verdade? Fiquei ao seu lado cuidando de você mais do que ninguém, Em todas as vezes que você enfrentou Toda vez que me recordo dos dias que gastei enquanto me sentia perdido Eu sinto que cresço um pouco mais O meu "eu" mais jovem me permitiu encontrar A pessoa que eu mais valorizo Os seus ideais e sonhos permanecem lá Mesmo que você já possa ter esquecido essas palavras Sua doçura inocente brilha em uma cor rosada
You should have never died....
Mello is awesome
Mello is badass!!!! :)
What an ENCHANTING voice !!!!
What does Barairo no Hibi mean in English?
Uhh well bara = rose, iro = colour, no = possesive pronoun hi = day. but idk what bi means. Hope it helped a little.
+EyesThatTellaStorry It means literally "days of rose color" or better "rose colored days"... "hibi"(日々) is plural for day.
Tontos a los 5 qeno les gusto el disco
I feel sad with this song but Iove it ♥
J'suis totally agree T.T
Nice! Sugoi! Unfortunately hard to follow as most of translation (undertitles) disappeared! I enjoy this clip as I am chocolate lover. Though my Japanese is poor I am Nikkei (born in Switzerland). but have Japanese ancestry. So I am 23yo Japanese male. I LOVE chocolate. Little I am fine. But that is not enough. I tend to gorge on it! That sends me to nearest loo! Too much chocolate gives me bad case of diarrhoea (下痢)! I am serious. No joke. It is little known, but there are indeed few of us who have trouble digesting ordinary chocolate. Results generally are weird stuff, from itching to anaphylaxis. Fortunately I don't experience any of those other more serious symptoms, but only that of diarrhoea, the runny shits (下痢) which can be profuse. It is disappointment, but I am willing to put up with diarrhoea issue in order to satisfy my craving for this awesome brown stuff! Bring it on!
I may be too late for this but Mello's birthday is on December 13 (that makes me happy since mines is really close to his ^_^) and L's birthday is on Halloween. :)
This brings me back to the days where I wanted to marry mello
me now
Still love this song after listening it for years!
1:11 I'd take a ride with him ... Seriously, please take me with you, Mello! *o* 3:18 that epic bite <3 ... same for 2:27 :3
Esta super me encanta
True visual kei needs to be more well known ^ ^
hot damn this song is sexy. and so is mello heehee
Yaay! Mello and Matt are awsome! They're my fav characters from death note. After all it was them who got Kira caught. Near steals too much of the honor...
Near woulda died if Mello didn't sacrifice his life to lure Mikami into using the real note, This is why Mello >>>> Near!!
Lol I posted dat comment 2 years ago, so yes, he would be 22 now :)
Mello was finally arrested!
My Soundtrack for the Apocalypse :D
haha mels always needs his choclate XDD
Theres Nothing Better Than Chocolate And Death Note.. So, Mello Is Like.. My Soul Mate xD
This song is so beautifull!!!
OMG gonna see them live T_T!! 2 days from now I will be sending Dying Message(s) after the show >.<^^! I want to hear this one live so bad :<:<:<. This melody, this voice, those riffs and solos, this faith-building bass line, those lively drums: D <3<3<3!!!
Hiroki looks so cool in this video.
why is TEEN pop considered better than visual kei just because visual kei artists are prettier (not gay) than the US people VISUL KEI deserves to be more famous love this band D 4 ever hell yea
I love this song...I can't wait till the next time I get to see them in person...every time I listen to this song I wish they'd played it at the concert I went to...
Damn! Now I want choclate!
Ruizaaa *-*
my favorite song by one of my favorite bands, simply amazzing <3 :D
Chocolate is Mello's drug
RUIZA! hes so cute
@JeezeNoLopi strange cuz when i watched the opening for the 1st time i just thought he as a creepy look guy not a girl yet most think hes a girl
@Ghostoflove93 At first in the manga I thought Mello was a girl XD
wow...this song is worth living for! ♥
i love this man *.*