BLIND I don't know why, my words don't reach you Your words also fell on my shoulder, as if you deliberately missed me. When I kissed you, for some reason I felt like it wasn't your lips, and I kissed her again and again, but now I think about it, I'm sorry. If it makes you happy, I can easily say the words I least want to hear Listen me carefully Goodbye, Goodbye I'll take off the blindfold that is me Goodbye, Goodbye I'll break the spell so that you can only see him I fell in love with you at first sight I still remember exactly what you were wearing I'm pretending I don't know you, who gave me a kiss when you thought I was sleeping on the morning you and your buddies were tired of playing and were mingling in my room. I was timid and didn't want everyone to hate me, so I kept my feeling secret Many pictures of the two of us side by side Everyone already knew I'm not cool Goodbye, Goodbye I can no longer go back to those days when I was happy just to be by your side. When I held you, I became greedy Goodbye, Goodbye I'll take off the blindfold that is me Goodbye, Goodbye I'll break the spell so that you can only see him
lose no time I rolled up the pages of the wrong notebook and threw them away. If I were God, I wonder if I would crush this planet and us in the palm of my hand and throw us into the trash without hesitation. But the sun rises as usual, and outside my window, the city moves busily, and even I, who am watching it, am alive and well. The 21st century, which we welcomed with champagne and confetti, is not just a dream future as depicted in movies and TV programs, but an important time given to us to build such a future. I see... God has not given up on us. I saw two people born in different countries walking happily through the landscape of this city, holding hands tightly. If two countries suddenly start fighting now, please do not let go of their hands. Hold each other tighter. I hope the time will come when everyone can believe that there is not always someone in their country who can pledge love or be a friend who can truly understand each other. The 21st century, with its champagne and confetti, is not the future of love as depicted in movies and TV shows, but the limited and precious time we have been given to build such a future. Yes, we are still alive. We are expected to do something. It was a piece of paper to write down important things without forgetting them, but I threw it away almost without writing anything down. I picked it up again and carefully straightened out the wrinkles. Let's write down what we think is important. What kind of future do I really want? The 21st century, which we welcomed with champagne and confetti, is not the future of dreams as depicted in movies and TV programs, but a precious, precious time given to us to build such a future. Yes, God has not given up on us. I wrote that on a wrinkled piece of paper and put it in my breast pocket.
This still brings backs the memories of the good old days, I was a super big Guyver fan, sad that it seems they discontinued the anime when I was still young
I'm having fond nostalgia of 2005's Guyver. Most of all, 2005 itself.
懐かしい😊 あったかい気持ちになります❤ ありがとうございます😊
すでに過去の自分がイイね押してた👍️ 2024年も聴くぜ
胸がキュンとする- ̗̀ ♡ ̖́-
The Guyver
BLIND I don't know why, my words don't reach you Your words also fell on my shoulder, as if you deliberately missed me. When I kissed you, for some reason I felt like it wasn't your lips, and I kissed her again and again, but now I think about it, I'm sorry. If it makes you happy, I can easily say the words I least want to hear Listen me carefully Goodbye, Goodbye I'll take off the blindfold that is me Goodbye, Goodbye I'll break the spell so that you can only see him I fell in love with you at first sight I still remember exactly what you were wearing I'm pretending I don't know you, who gave me a kiss when you thought I was sleeping on the morning you and your buddies were tired of playing and were mingling in my room. I was timid and didn't want everyone to hate me, so I kept my feeling secret Many pictures of the two of us side by side Everyone already knew I'm not cool Goodbye, Goodbye I can no longer go back to those days when I was happy just to be by your side. When I held you, I became greedy Goodbye, Goodbye I'll take off the blindfold that is me Goodbye, Goodbye I'll break the spell so that you can only see him
lose no time I rolled up the pages of the wrong notebook and threw them away. If I were God, I wonder if I would crush this planet and us in the palm of my hand and throw us into the trash without hesitation. But the sun rises as usual, and outside my window, the city moves busily, and even I, who am watching it, am alive and well. The 21st century, which we welcomed with champagne and confetti, is not just a dream future as depicted in movies and TV programs, but an important time given to us to build such a future. I see... God has not given up on us. I saw two people born in different countries walking happily through the landscape of this city, holding hands tightly. If two countries suddenly start fighting now, please do not let go of their hands. Hold each other tighter. I hope the time will come when everyone can believe that there is not always someone in their country who can pledge love or be a friend who can truly understand each other. The 21st century, with its champagne and confetti, is not the future of love as depicted in movies and TV shows, but the limited and precious time we have been given to build such a future. Yes, we are still alive. We are expected to do something. It was a piece of paper to write down important things without forgetting them, but I threw it away almost without writing anything down. I picked it up again and carefully straightened out the wrinkles. Let's write down what we think is important. What kind of future do I really want? The 21st century, which we welcomed with champagne and confetti, is not the future of dreams as depicted in movies and TV programs, but a precious, precious time given to us to build such a future. Yes, God has not given up on us. I wrote that on a wrinkled piece of paper and put it in my breast pocket.
画像が合ってないな。 この曲に女性は出てこないんだが。
昔カラオケでうたってた時代にかえりました まさに名曲ですよね
パジャマ姿で送ってくれたサンダルの音と頑張れよの声😢 亡き母を思い出して今でも泣ける49歳シングルマザー。
I ll never go to japan ... 😭
この曲のライブは凄かった TIGERのコーラスもあった
Everyone miss Guyver 😢
そして最後の日に、この歌を自分のために歌えるように。 Happy birthday to me and Happy birthday to you. が一番好き。そんな人生を送りたい。
数年前にうつ病と診断されました。 ずっと暗い日々を送ってたんですが、この曲と出会ってまさに歌詞の通り、凍りついた気持ちが溶けました。
あっ、私も聴いてました👀 癒されますよね😌❤
同じく聞いてました! めちゃくちゃ懐かしい笑
同性愛とか親友とか、聞く方に色々な捉え方を与えるとてもいい曲ですよね。 が、このアルバムが出た当時に、シングライクトーキングの佐藤竹善さんの昼のFM番組(キャッチザポップ?)にて、槇原さん自身が「父」とそう言われてた記憶がありますよ。(どなたか記憶ないですかね-) milk = 乳 = 父 ですねと解説をしながら、笑
Newアルバムがでました。2曲目ハロー!トウキョウ 間奏にMILKが入ってきてます。好きな方はぜひ。きっと、ニヤニヤします。
なんだか不思議な感じ🎶 今までとは違う曲調です が、いいですね👍💕🍀🌈 ありがとー😉👍🎶💕
This still brings backs the memories of the good old days, I was a super big Guyver fan, sad that it seems they discontinued the anime when I was still young
この曲の素晴らしさは4:08からにある。 あと一言言わせてほしい。 ミルク飲むにはコップデカイ。
最近のうたたねからのループです✨ 主人公はそっちでも幸せなんだろうか。 綿帽子に乗っているのだろうか。
I cant find this song on spotify 😭😭😭
4年越しにまた来てしまった 泣きそうです
#Haapy Basurdey Songs #母の日の❤️😘❤️😘❤️💖💖✌️☆⌒(*^∇゜)v #サプライズSongs のようです。😁~✌️ #槇原敬之君もお母さんに。#豪華なお華をプレゼント❤️☆⌒(*^∇゜)vですねぇ。