Audrey Wayland
Audrey Wayland
  • 10
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What Does Spirituality Mean To Me?
I hope everyone can take something from this video for themselves. If you guys have any topics you’d like me to discuss, I’m open to suggestions! Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far! Please remember this is not a place to hate on my beliefs or the beliefs of others that choose to share them. Also please remember that I mean no harm in telling everyone my experiences and beliefs now. I’m in no way ever trying to say that since I believe one thing, no one should believe other wise, or if you believe differently than your wrong, so pls try not to take it that way. Thank you guys🫶🏼
Переглядів: 47


Things I Don’t Believe Anymore|| An Ex-Baptist’s Take
Переглядів 3073 місяці тому
I hope you guys enjoyed this video!! Faith isnt faithful if it’s misinformation. They say if you have doubts just talk to your Pastor. He will basically convince you that your feelings are invalid. Go with your heart. You know what’s right for you.
Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore|| Excommunication From The Baptist Denomination
Переглядів 4933 місяці тому
Hi guys!!! In this video I talk about my religious background and why I don’t go to church anymore. It’s kind of a muddy storyline but if you watch more of my videos (tbp later) it may give you a clearer line. Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Remember to check out Alyssa Grenfell:


  • @achillesmichael5705
    @achillesmichael5705 28 днів тому

    Hint: the bible and the miracles of Jesus are also a lie. Good job on doing some reflection tho. I'm also curious, why you expect ppl to tell you "you just found the wrong church" ?... On the internet i would expect to be barraded by atheist (sry english is not my first language)

    • @audreyisawayland
      @audreyisawayland 27 днів тому

      Great question actually ty for this! So I say that bc Ik there would probably be several ppl that would say that I just found the wrong church. I do expect comments from everybody though. From superrr southern baptist that are hell bent on going to church, to atheist, and everyone in between. Ik that on the internet ppl just love to give their opinion, even where it isn’t needed. Ty again for this question!

    • @geoffreypalmer2661
      @geoffreypalmer2661 26 днів тому

      not true

  • @charmpierce2161
    @charmpierce2161 Місяць тому

    Wow, young lady….YOU are amazing!!! You are so intelligent. Im so glad you are realizing and seeing this so early in your life. My belief as a Christian is that we are to have a RELATIONSHIP with our Lord and Savior. And that we do not have to have Religion. Organized religion can get out of control so fast. The power, the money, it’s too much for a small organization to handle. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe there are some good churches out t there. But unfortunately they are dwindling. Always listen to your gut and your heart. That is your inner self and Jesus speaking to you.❤❤❤

  • @curtismartin2866
    @curtismartin2866 Місяць тому

    Oh gosh, there are other expressions of Christianity than Evangelicalism.

    • @audreyisawayland
      @audreyisawayland Місяць тому

      And that is perfectly fine! However, I’m very happy and comfortable with the path I’ve chose to take. Therefore, I won’t be exploring those other options of Christianity. 🫶🏼

    • @curtismartin2866
      @curtismartin2866 Місяць тому

      @@audreyisawayland I just hate it when the Baptists ruin Divinity for so many people. Their incessant "Ours is the only true Christianity", specifically including the doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy, is death to a thinking person's faith. Now to be clear, I'm pretty much a Universalist so I'm not trying to save your soul from (nonexistent) hell. But I would encourage you to leave room for the mystery and wonder of Divinity down the road. Take care.

  • @angelineblue
    @angelineblue Місяць тому

    Thank you for your video! I can totally relate to you, although it took me longer to get out and deconstruct. I grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist church (Baptisten-Brüdergemeinde in Germany) and also wanted to do the no sex before marriage thing initially. So happy to no longer have to force myself to believe things I just don’t believe, such as that me being queer is wrong or women have to be submissive to men. So many things just always felt wrong to me (f.e. child abuse and marital rape being justified by the bible) and I am so happy to see the cult and it’s fucked up theology as what it is. I uploaded a video on my channel in case anyone reading this is interested.

  • @mscatinaclaytor
    @mscatinaclaytor 2 місяці тому

    7:47 congratulations on leaving the Baptist Church im almost 52 years young and I grew up missionary Baptist and then joined the independent Baptist and you are hitting home on what you are talking about and I grew up in a predominantly black Baptist because my father grew up Baptist and my mother grew up Pentecostal they have not been in church in a long time yes Baptist are KJV only im glad my family never wanted a religious Life style my mom love vampire movies so do I. I want to share your video because there no ex baptist community this is my second time leaving the Baptist Church and the pandemic helped my children and grandchildren are not church goers 13:47

  • @Junebugreen
    @Junebugreen 3 місяці тому

    I’m so glad you’re figuring this out early. Congratulations! Many people never do. I was a Christian until I finally figured out the truth when I was about 48. (Born into it) I was so beaten down and depressed from trying to make God work in my life. I spent years reading through the Bible from cover to cover over and over again studying it and praying throughout the day. I was self brainwashing anytime I was awake. I finally removed my religious chains and my deconstructing will be for the rest of my life. Now I experience real emotions both sad, happy and everything in between. I feel genuine feelings and now I actually care about other people. I don’t judge them because I realize I am them. I was stunted as a person when I was a Christian both emotionally and intellectually. If anyone is sitting on the fence, I recommend science based reality. I struggle a lot but now I have eliminated the biggest struggle in my life. I’m much happier overall. I’m not dead inside anymore.

  • @cameronbond7745
    @cameronbond7745 3 місяці тому

    And sex before merriage is demonic being gay is demonic and explicitely abominable it is hatred for Gods design for the human body the male sex organ is not meant to enter a hole that is made for excrement to come out of it there is no escape from this truth i do agree with your statements about the bible Translations I'm very sorry for what you must have experienced in this independent fundamental Baptist background that you come from. But just because they are absolutely insane in their doctrines about so-called blasphemy. Does not mean that they are not correct about some things. Humans are sinners, all humans. That being said, Jesus spoke clearly when he said. Every blast for me and sin will be forgiven. Accept the blast for me against the Holy Spirit. But having different Bible translations is not blast. For me, it is a necessity for all humans on this planet to hear the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So I understand your contention with that but there are certain things that the scriptures are clear on. And I just pray that you hear me when I tell you and remind you that we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world. This world hates God and hates Jesus. And there is no neutrality. People are not in between. I'm just okay with God. No, you are either for God or against him. Jesus says this clearly as well. With regards to the sexual things. You mentioned the word of God is explicit and clear. These things are abominable. All sins can be forgiven, man must repent. And believe the gospel of jesus christ

  • @cameronbond7745
    @cameronbond7745 3 місяці тому

    Please forgive the poor composition of that message. I often use speech to text and for some reason. This new phone I got decides to put question marks in places where it's not a question but a statement LOL.

  • @cameronbond7745
    @cameronbond7745 3 місяці тому

    This is in no way meant to be a Harsh rebuke against you. The rather I just hope what I'm saying is helpful. In some way, the Southern Baptist denomination can be rather foolish at times with some of their strange doctrines that go beyond scripture. That being said, there is a truth rooted at the bottom of their beliefs that they may have strayed from. One of these truths is that the problem with sex before marriage is that if the couple is not in a covenant with 1 another, there is no. Accountability to them to stay together and honor God. With his image for what a relationship between a man and a woman should be. It's been scientifically proven bisecular scholars. That when a man and a woman have sex, the man's dna melds with her for the rest of her life. This is because God has designed us to have one partner. With regards to losing your salvation as a consequence of fornication. This is a false doctrine. The Bible explicitly teaches that if someone is in Christ, they can never lose their salvation in the life that has been granted them by the grace of God. However, God will not hesitate to discipline. Those who do belong to him as it is written." If you are without discipline, you are not sons. Or daughters, but you are illegitimate." Now with this in mind, though it's made clear in the epistles. That we should not take advantage of the grace that God gives us. As it is written, "all things are permissible for me. But not all things are beneficial." There's great danger in fornication and sexually morality. As a Christian, the danger is the discipline that might come upon. You for disobeying the father. But ultimately you'll be okay and your face will remain. You will still have fellowship with the lord But ultimately you'll be okay and your face will remain. You will still have fellowship with the Lord. Despite the judgment that may come upon you from fellow believers. As it is written "if anyone comes to me. I will never cast him out." As far as dating, it's true, it's unbiblical. It's not God's design for man and woman. Man and women left to themselves only do evil. We must be careful. We must not only protect ourselves but protect each other from temptation. And gently rebuke one another and guide each other in the right direction But the Bible is the truth. Is the only objective truth and moral standard? We have on this Earth. Everything else is a lie. If it contradicts with the word of God so we cannot be surprised when brothers and sisters of the faith contradict or misunderstand certain doctrines, but rather turned to the scripture. And be patient with brothers and sisters who do not understand things properly. Or push certain doctrines too hard.

  • @Explorshon123
    @Explorshon123 3 місяці тому

    When you say they are all not right for you (the different denominations), in what way? BTW I applaud the fact that you are thinking deeply about these things and working out what you believe. I think truth seeking is such an important thing and a lot of people just try to avoid the truth and self delude themselves so they can "enjoy life".

    • @audreyisawayland
      @audreyisawayland 3 місяці тому

      This is actually a really good question. I’m so bad at explaining things like this but I’m going to try my best! There are certain things that I believe from almost each denomination, but I don’t believe everything that is taught as a whole and I’m just really uncomfortable with organized religion. And there are certain denominations that I don’t believe at all. I think organized religion is great for ppl who find such a joy in it. It’s just not for me at all. Thanks for this question!

  • @Explorshon123
    @Explorshon123 3 місяці тому

    I don't know what kind of Baptist church you were going to but the one I went to in Australia did not consider reading the Message bible to be blasphemy. Nor did any of the other Christian denominations that I have attended over the years. After all the guy who did it was a pastor. "The Message is a reading Bible translated from the original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures by scholar, pastor, author, and poet Eugene Peterson. Thoroughly reviewed and approved by 20 biblical scholars" I personally sometimes read this Bible and sometimes compare it with other versions. It's just the same meaning but in a more modern style as it sounds like you are aware of. I quite like it, other versions use a lot of old fashioned terms that aren't used in our everyday life so sometimes make simple ideas seem complicated. I was first given a copy of the Message Bible by a pastor of a Church who has been a pastor in various denominations, (Anglican, Presbyterian and Charismatic churches). He has studied Greek and Hebrew and has no problem with the Message Bible. Personally I do think that there are certain verses that aren't quite as deep and detailed but the same core meaning is still there.

    • @audreyisawayland
      @audreyisawayland 3 місяці тому

      I went to soooo many Baptist churches when I was into organized religion. As I’ve said before, I’m from North Carolina, which is part of the south and the Bible Belt. People of the south are a different breed fr💀. Most people in the south (not all ofc) are extremely judgmental and they will twist anything to make you believe what they think is right. So unfortunately the Pastors did this often too. Since leaving organized religion behind though, I’ve found so much joy in reading The Message. I’m glad you like it too!

    • @Explorshon123
      @Explorshon123 3 місяці тому

      @@audreyisawayland I like this verse about religion from the Message Bible. James 1: 26-27 "Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world."

  • @katie-sb9th
    @katie-sb9th 3 місяці тому

    hey Audrey! im so sorry to hear about how the baptist church hurt you. as I was growing up I also wrestled with similar concerns within the Bible and my church, but ultimately I came to ultimately find peace in the gospel -- not a rigid structure of rules and regulations needed to guarantee my faith. After all, God says we are saved by our faith, not by our works that no one can boast (ephesians 2:8-9). this doesn't make what the Bible says about certain things unimportant, but it should never be what we base our faith on. in a broken and painful world, Jesus endured the most unimaginable suffering all for us. to understand us. to know us. to become like one of us. He is lovely. He is beautiful. He is flawless, sinless, and perfectly righteous. He will never seek to do us harm. in my personal response of gratitude...all I want to do is desperately become more like Him. I heard you say you wanted to try reading other versions of the Bible...I just wanted to recommend an esv or niv Bible (im 18 and find them so much easier to read and understand). If you ever want someone to read it with, someone to tackle tough questions with, or anything else I am here !! I know this is just a comment, but I promise I'm real person behind the screen :). Jesus loves you SO much girl <3

    • @Explorshon123
      @Explorshon123 3 місяці тому

      I like your comment, you make your point in a way that shows empathy and love for Audrey. You are setting a good example, respect to you.

  • @gatorred157
    @gatorred157 3 місяці тому

    Audrey I gonna tell you my story at the end why i still living it had to be God. Jesus & holy spirits Will! ok I a seal adoption 2 people step mom & policeman dad in 1997 a law office handle record added a 3 man most related man to me in said family his job was to see my real father! i sealed records in state I worked for federal goverment in secret job its sealed I was in a judges chambers asking for record released and read he said no! ok remember the 3 man was known to me he gave me a book his name and military number are there I fixed semi trucks here your relation owns old boat with diesel engine from like ww2 time frame oh great a pile of crap! ok I sicker then a dog & getting worse ( i read the book in back was a record it about to flip this mess around ok i in hospital my relation name on wall it decanted to him the 3 man in my adoption the 100% death rate cancer break threw he lived threw it! I told doctor his name is he your mothers uncle well maybe why if so we can stop this illness now!) the med blood thinner from his testing and him living threw the cancer that killed everyone to him! he lived threw it his blood saved dna told all & records open and released & the goverment made a goof! ok! this happen for real!

  • @Cami_mer
    @Cami_mer 3 місяці тому

    This is great! I grew up going to conservative Baptist churchs and I’ve recently started deconstructing what I was taught my whole life. Thank you for sharing!

  • @gregloziak3724
    @gregloziak3724 3 місяці тому

    YES! And faith shouldn't be this nutty and difficult. Listening to you reminds me a bit of where my journey began when I was 30. Coming from someone old enough to be your grandparent now, pleased do a UA-cam search for Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and then just peacefully sit back and listen to her heart. May God bless you with what He know that you need as you go about your day..

  • @RiceKrispieKarter
    @RiceKrispieKarter 3 місяці тому

    Congratulations on leaving the baptist church!

  • @sgboy2930
    @sgboy2930 3 місяці тому

    Your a terrible example as what a Christian women should be.. Your just one who wants to wonder in the world.. but each his own i guess..

    • @audreyisawayland
      @audreyisawayland 3 місяці тому

      I’m so happy to hear that bc I’m not a Christian Woman. Nor am I trying to be an example of any kind. Praise be🫶🏼

    • @6thandHarrison
      @6thandHarrison 3 місяці тому

      She’s a good example of what a human should do. Critically analyze what you’ve been told to believe, forced to believe, indoctrinated since a child to believe and decide if they are actually true according to what you observe in reality. You, on the other hand, might possibly be a terrible example of that and a wonderful example of a person who can just be told what to believe and not to believe.

  • @sophiec8330
    @sophiec8330 3 місяці тому

    Good luck on your journey miss. Just take it slow. You're young and clearly smart. You got this

  • @slickededitor99
    @slickededitor99 Рік тому

    Keep going your gona be famous

  • @alaizah-soleilgerada1378
    @alaizah-soleilgerada1378 2 роки тому

    Hi , 3 hrs is a lot but compared to me it is a little as i couldnt eat for 6 hrs