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Jackson Hole Mountain Guides Grand Teton Climb
Jackson Hole Mountain Guides lead a climb of the Grand Teton in July 2009. The 4 day climb starts with a rugged hike to the Guides' Corbet High Camp, continues with rock climbing training at 11,000', and culminates with a climb to the 13,770' summit via the Pownall-Gilkey route.
Переглядів: 41 463



  • @paolomazzotti3679
    @paolomazzotti3679 10 місяців тому

    Nel 1994 feci la solitaria della normale , la cresta Est. 1250 m. il dislivello, diff. Max 4+ Questo sarebbe stato il programma. Ma circa dopo 500 dalla base mi sbagliai e mi aprii una variante sulla parete N , a dx della cresta. Nella relazione la valutai di 500 m. , diff. 6a/b , difficile da valutare da slegati con 700 m. di vuoto sotto. Ripresi poi la cresta e alle 14 circa mi trovai sulla cima. Lo dissi alle guide alpine nella casetta del parco ma ignorarono le mie parole. Senza credermi quindi. In quei giorni ero in forma. Mi spettava ľHalf dome e il Capitan nelle settimane successive.

  • @NaseemRakha
    @NaseemRakha 4 роки тому

    Climbed with JHMG in July of 2016 -- through a difficult icy storm. They were terrific.

  • @coopercable6479
    @coopercable6479 5 років тому

    The guides at Teton Have gotten so annoying.

    • @rudimatt3432
      @rudimatt3432 2 роки тому

      Ya there all a bunch-o-boring eastern transplants with unsupported huge egos.

  • @markdesaint-rat4905
    @markdesaint-rat4905 5 років тому

    Check out those rigid Friends@ 2:15!

  • @Acreyman
    @Acreyman 5 років тому

    I just left the park..... After seeing Teton I got the urge to climb it. I'll be back!

  • @ruski024
    @ruski024 8 років тому

    They would allow the clueless woman in the green to belay me? No thanks.

  • @Uisci81
    @Uisci81 8 років тому

    Would love to do this! JHMG looks like a great place to start my exploration of Wyoming

  • @dkortlandt
    @dkortlandt 11 років тому

    "Crush it Liz" - Jed One of the coolest dudes I've ever met.

  • @skierdude43
    @skierdude43 14 років тому

    I did this trip with 4 friends in early July 2009. JHMG did a fantastic job leading 5 rookies, ages 43 - 54, to the summit in winter conditions. Rob, Nate and Bob were awesome. I would highly recommend them and definitely do the 4 day trip. Be sure you are in great cardio shape and you will have a successful climb!