This was about the 70 - 100 attempt I think, took a while until I decided what build to go with.. and how aggressive I could be, the tricky thing was reapplying the buffs but the NPC let me do that this fight 😊
I've hundreds of times here. Can barely even make it to the 3rd stage and if I do I just die on the 4th. This boss is too hard. I hate that they made something this impossible!
STR 60 END 30 VIT 50 RAD 60 INF 40 Medium encumbrance 2x Hammer of Holy Agony +10 with 3x radiance scaling runes, 2x posture dmg and 1x mana on hit Good luck!
Eyeballs spoil this boss. Good job though 👍
almost hitless Pog
Nice demonstration, this fight is crazy when trying to solo, especially if you get the version with 5 people. How long did it take?
This was about the 70 - 100 attempt I think, took a while until I decided what build to go with.. and how aggressive I could be, the tricky thing was reapplying the buffs but the NPC let me do that this fight 😊
Bro Fat guy keeps trowing rot pots at me wtf
A bloody good run if I ever saw one...
I've hundreds of times here. Can barely even make it to the 3rd stage and if I do I just die on the 4th. This boss is too hard. I hate that they made something this impossible!
I would really appreciate it if you could post your stats, items & runes if possible. Stuck on this boss forever.
STR 60 END 30 VIT 50 RAD 60 INF 40 Medium encumbrance 2x Hammer of Holy Agony +10 with 3x radiance scaling runes, 2x posture dmg and 1x mana on hit Good luck!
Awesome video keep up the good work! Looking forward for future fights! 💯🔥🔥💯
You got it sarge