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Trying out SEASON 2025 | Kai'sa Gameplay
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Here it goes , the first game of season 2025 on PBE. There a ton of new stuff from a new map , to new tier 3 boots , new TP , news items maybe for Kaisa and a bunch more. We played 2 games one of AP kaisa mid and one game of adc ( bot lane ) kaisa . I also tried the new items. I will ofc make a follow up kaisa guide for 2025 when the patch goes live .
Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) :
Twitter : alexs_kaisatop
You can also support on Patreon :
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - AP Kaisa mid game
9:00 - Adc Kaisa game
Split 3 Kaisa / Master / Kaisa OTP / Kaisa highlights / Kaisa gameplay / Kai'sa / AD Kai'sa / AP Kaisa / AP Kai'sa / collector / Dark star Kai'sa / Dark star / New skin / Split 3 / Season 14 / Stream / Fed / OP / Guide
#leagueoflegends #kaisa #season14 #guide
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Kai'sa OTP reacts to the SEASON 2025 CHANGES
Переглядів 94121 день тому
Follow me on Twitch : My reactions to the SEASON 2025 changes that will drop on PBE pretty soon LINKS : The emotes in the thumbnail : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop You can also support on Patreon : TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - viktor VGU 3:50 - New Season System (...
Is Hail of Blades DEAD on KAI'SA | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.22
Переглядів 1,8 тис.21 день тому
Follow me on Twitch : If you wacthed my recent guides you probably seen that HoB one of Kai'sa most popular rune is not there anymore and thats for 3 simple reason i go over in this video. Plus i have some nice Mid Lane AP Kai'sa gameplay for today that should show the value of precision tree. LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) :
What NEW on KAI'SA in 14.23 | Kai'sa Guide
Переглядів 7 тис.28 днів тому
Follow me on Twitch : This patch was really small so here just a really quick update on how How to builds Kai'sa in 14.23 LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop You can also support on Patreon : TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Yun Tal Changes 0:51 - Hybrid 2:53 - AD On-Hit 3:54 - Crit...
AP KAI'SA IS STILL NOT DEAD | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.22
Переглядів 2,3 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Yep AP kai'sa is still not dead even after all the changes. Its still a super strong pick that can output insane amount of DPS LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop You can also support on Patreon : Split 3 Kaisa / Master / Kaisa OTP / Kaisa highli...
I was WRONG about STATIKK on KAI'SA | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.22
Переглядів 5 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Welp seems like Statikk wasn't a bad item after the changes and its still Kaisa most comfortable first item option. Even tho i do think that both Yun tal and Kraken are still good options , when ur under pressure in lane statikk will always be ur best option. Also i will show 2 games today : One a good example of when to build statikk and one perfec...
Is Yun Tal the new NEW META on Kai'sa | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.22
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Alrigth lets try Yun Tal on kai'sa . Overall i still think that this item when u go BF Pick LS is OP as hell at the moment u can buy BF. If u cant back at 1.3k gold then u shouldn't got for Yun tal and simply build statikk which is better LINKS : The Kai'sa emotes: Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) :
HOW to BUILD KAI'SA in 14.22 | Kai'sa Guide SPLIT 3
Переглядів 15 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Here the full guide for season 14 split 3 pacth 14.22 for Kaisa adc and solo lanes and with that there a nice adc Kai'sa gameplay. LINKS : 14.20 Patch notes : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop TIMESTAMPS : 0...
NEVER GIVE UP WITH AP KAI'SA | Kai'sa gameplay 14.21
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Even when ur behind and everything seems lost. remember your playing AP Kai'sa nothing is lost until the nexus is dead. Build : Manamune Ludens Horizon focus with deathcap and zhonya LINKS : The emotes in the thumbnail : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop Sp...
Did Kai'sa just get BACK to BACK NERFED ???
Переглядів 2,1 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : This my reaction on stream after all the recent changes on PBE that affects Kai'sa build and Statikk. LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop Split 3 Kaisa / Master / Kaisa OTP / Kaisa highlights / Kaisa gameplay / Kai'sa / AD Kai'sa / AP Kaisa / AP Kai'sa / collector / D...
HOW to BUILD KAI'SA in 14.21 | Kai'sa Guide SPLIT 3
Переглядів 9 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Here the full guide for season 14 split 3 pacth 14.21 for Kaisa adc and solo lanes and with that there a nice AP kaisa mid gameplay with a potential pentakill at the end :) LINKS : The emotes in the thumbnail : 14.20 Patch notes : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in...
My Problem with DARK STAR KAI'SA | NEW SKIN Gameplay 14.21
Переглядів 4,6 тис.Місяць тому
Follow me on Twitch : Here my review on Kai'sa new skin Dark star Kaisa, Overall i think this skin isnt that bad but is really lazy. The chromas are worse than inkshadow , we went back on better animation on W after evolution with heavenscale and much more. I also think riot missed out on the opportunity to make a fully monster kaisa skin which i think would have been or...
Trying the NEW COLLECTOR KAI'SA BUILD | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.20
Переглядів 2,9 тис.2 місяці тому
Follow me on Twitch : First Gameplay video of 14.20, with the new Kai'sa build for this patch which is Collector on kai'sa. Overall compared to statikk and Kraken it does some good dmg but is really burst oriented. LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop Split 3 Kaisa / Master / Kaisa OTP / Ka...
HOW to build Kai'sa in SPLIT 3 | Kai'sa Guide 14.20
Переглядів 11 тис.2 місяці тому
Follow me on Twitch : Here the full guide for season 14 split 3 pacth 14.20 for Kaisa adc and solo lanes LINKS : 14.20 Patch notes : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop TIMESTAMPS : 0:00 - Intro 0:26 - Review of changes 2:24 - Hybr...
KAI'SA IS SOOO STRONG IN SPLIT 3 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.19
Переглядів 3,3 тис.2 місяці тому
Follow me on Twitch : First gameplay video on Kai'sa , we have some nice AP Kai'sa mid with the NEW essence reaver build. LINKS : Kaisa main discord server (Alexss in the server ) : Twitter : alexs_kaisatop Split 3 Kaisa / Master / Kaisa OTP / Kaisa highlights / Kaisa gameplay / Kai'sa / AD Kai'sa / AP Kaisa / AP Kai'sa / Kai'sa Build gu...
HOW to build Kai'sa in SPLIT 3 | Kai'sa Guide 14.19
Переглядів 17 тис.2 місяці тому
HOW to build Kai'sa in SPLIT 3 | Kai'sa Guide 14.19
Переглядів 2,1 тис.3 місяці тому
The State of ADC is sad in season 14 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.17
Переглядів 2,5 тис.3 місяці тому
The State of ADC is sad in season 14 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.17
Kraken is still OP on Kai'sa when u need to carry your team | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.17
Переглядів 1,8 тис.3 місяці тому
Kraken is still OP on Kai'sa when u need to carry your team | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.17
The Kai'sa W change was CANCELED for 14.17 | Kai'sa Gameplay
Переглядів 3,8 тис.3 місяці тому
The Kai'sa W change was CANCELED for 14.17 | Kai'sa Gameplay
AP Kai'sa OTP TRIES the new W Changes | Kai'sa Gameplay PBE
Переглядів 5 тис.3 місяці тому
AP Kai'sa OTP TRIES the new W Changes | Kai'sa Gameplay PBE
Make sure to ABUSE AP KAI'SA right now | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.15
Переглядів 4,8 тис.4 місяці тому
Make sure to ABUSE AP KAI'SA right now | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.15
Whats NEW on KAI'SA in 14.15| Guide, Build, Tierlist, Tips, Gameplay
Переглядів 6 тис.4 місяці тому
Whats NEW on KAI'SA in 14.15| Guide, Build, Tierlist, Tips, Gameplay
KAI'SA OTP reacts to the 14.15 ADC NERFS | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.14
Переглядів 2,6 тис.4 місяці тому
KAI'SA OTP reacts to the 14.15 ADC NERFS | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.14
When do u build HYBRID or AD on KAI'SA | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.14
Переглядів 7 тис.4 місяці тому
When do u build HYBRID or AD on KAI'SA | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.14
Whats NEW on KAI'SA in 14.14| Guide, Tierlist, Tips, Gameplay
Переглядів 3,1 тис.5 місяців тому
Whats NEW on KAI'SA in 14.14| Guide, Tierlist, Tips, Gameplay
How to win a KAI'SA game in 30 seconds | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
Переглядів 3,1 тис.5 місяців тому
How to win a KAI'SA game in 30 seconds | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
The BIG PROBLEM with AP KAI'SA in Split 2 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
Переглядів 1,6 тис.5 місяців тому
The BIG PROBLEM with AP KAI'SA in Split 2 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
Will KAI'SA get NERFED in 14.14 ?| Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
Переглядів 1,6 тис.5 місяців тому
Will KAI'SA get NERFED in 14.14 ?| Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
How to do 10 time MORE DMG on KAI'SA in Season 14 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13
Переглядів 8 тис.5 місяців тому
How to do 10 time MORE DMG on KAI'SA in Season 14 | Kai'sa Gameplay 14.13


  • @andreasalentino9012
    @andreasalentino9012 3 дні тому

    can i ask why you go legend haste in the adc game? is bloodline not the best in that slot for kaisa?

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 20 годин тому

      i was testing something , yes bloodine was wayy better

  • @havyn88
    @havyn88 13 днів тому

    Hi, new Kai'Sa player here. Just wanted to ask, why don't you go for E evolution when playing AP Kai'Sa?

    • @mrm4460
      @mrm4460 9 днів тому

      W spam makes it so that u dont need e cos e is a ability used more for onhit builds where youll be closer to enemies with w build u dont have to be as close to do dmg and e is less useful

  • @vyper7987
    @vyper7987 14 днів тому

    this champ is just useless why would i pick this when i can 3 shot with 725 attack range jinx or oneshot with caitlyn

  • @FLPRR.
    @FLPRR. 15 днів тому

    What's wrong with you??? You had to type all chat: "Better Kai'sa wins, gg"

  • @KaisaOfficial
    @KaisaOfficial 19 днів тому

    Best thing about kaisa is to ult into 5 man baron pit while no ally is here and then blame it on team after your jungle told you 4 times not to (jk it was her build in season 12 i miss myithc kraken )

  • @TRKPurgatos
    @TRKPurgatos 19 днів тому

    Yo what's this electrocute angle? Is it good on ap kai'sa?

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 17 днів тому

      Probably not , i was trying but it doesnt beat Fleet.

  • @ali.3834
    @ali.3834 19 днів тому

    good video man, how do you have access to this tho?

    • @somebody4478
      @somebody4478 19 днів тому

      Its already on PBE, so you can play the New season as well

    • @KaisaOfficial
      @KaisaOfficial 19 днів тому

      I have tp go on pbe server u have to make a pbe account for this idk the link ut u will find it if you google

  • @alexs872
    @alexs872 20 днів тому

    Kai'sa feels soo good in the new Season since u figth way more in mid game with athakan . And Kai'sa spikes in mid game

  • @simeonlee3207
    @simeonlee3207 20 днів тому

    what is the item in the bottom left of his inventory

  • @Saintz-s4k
    @Saintz-s4k 22 дні тому

    I've been playing lately a full onhit build, kraken, guinsoo, terminus, witt end, zonhya with PTA and is really really good

  • @mateobrunacci9549
    @mateobrunacci9549 22 дні тому

    try crit build with yun tal, navori, infinity edge, dominik, and situational

  • @KaisaOfficial
    @KaisaOfficial 23 дні тому

    12 skins per year AHHAHAHAH normally if u manage to bringe all champ milestone 3 u are able to get 170+- chest per season each with 50% change for skin shard so c.a 25 skins per season if ur lucky total of 75 per year 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

    • @doffy5394
      @doffy5394 23 дні тому

      But the 6 victorious skins aren't free, you need to on average play 30 games per season to get them since you need to win 15 games to acquire one

    • @KaisaOfficial
      @KaisaOfficial 23 дні тому

      @@doffy5394 wait u get the victorious skins in the pass ?

  • @alexs872
    @alexs872 23 дні тому

    Overall im super happy with these changes. For once riot arents breaking the game with too many Items changes and are focusing mainly on the thematic and the game as a whole. SO Build wise we should stay stable for now,.

    • @grunerfaden5223
      @grunerfaden5223 21 день тому

      Jo mate, arent we waiting for Kaisa buffs? I feel like she is so weak atm. I want to get Diamond next season with now being Emerald and Kaisa is the champ i love the most :/ Would you say it should still be possible to climb with her even tho there are so many stronger champs on botlane atm?

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 19 днів тому

      @@grunerfaden5223 Ofc u can climb to challenger with her even in her state. Its not like shes super weak, she more or less balanced. Its just that bot lane rigth now is kinda of a mess after worlds. But no at least for the near future there shouldnt be any kaisa buff

    • @grunerfaden5223
      @grunerfaden5223 19 днів тому

      @@alexs872 thank for the answer! It motivates me to play her more and trust in her :)

  • @KaisaOfficial
    @KaisaOfficial 24 дні тому

    Ignore chat i can explain 😖

  • @roddrum237
    @roddrum237 25 днів тому

    2:45 Yep. That would be me. HOB is the only rune that works for my playstyle when going Kai'Sa mid. It allows me to quickly punish my opponent when they use an ability to farm/miss an ability that was aimed at me.

  • @TRKPurgatos
    @TRKPurgatos 25 днів тому

    Whole domination tree needs a rework. Some stuff there is really useless and niche.

  • @Banguila
    @Banguila 25 днів тому

    Why is it so hard to just buff AD kai'Sa? Why does Kaisa need to be AP or Hybrid, she is ADC, ADDDDD CARRY ADDDDDDD

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 24 дні тому

      Because of lethality. Riot has already that they do not want kaisa to be strong in lane . The only way to buff AD without changing her kit is to buff her Q , and that’s the problem since lethality abuses kaisa Q

  • @alexs872
    @alexs872 25 днів тому

    Hail of Blades went from 60 % pick rate on her to 2 % ... Welp i hope if it gets changed it doesnt get totally removed like stormrazor

  • @ssaammii
    @ssaammii 26 днів тому

    ohhh that was u

  • @ssaammii
    @ssaammii 26 днів тому

    who is kisa

  • @jorsmanel8732
    @jorsmanel8732 26 днів тому

    Do you always ban cait when you play kaisa? who do you ban?

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 25 днів тому

      i ban nilah she the hardest Kai'sa counter by far. Cait is not that hard tbf

    • @jorsmanel8732
      @jorsmanel8732 25 днів тому

      @@alexs872 yeah although there's not a lot of Nilah players on my elo (I'm Emerald noobie lol)

  • @LeppiTV
    @LeppiTV 26 днів тому

    What do u think about building shadowflame in the hybrid build?

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 25 днів тому

      U can if u want to poke and ur fed

  • @jorsmanel8732
    @jorsmanel8732 26 днів тому

    Keep up the kaisa updates bro, you're my go to whenever I play bot since I only play kaisa or cait :))

  • @ME_1021
    @ME_1021 26 днів тому

    What boots do you use with each build? Zerkers on AD/Hybrid/Crit and sorcerers on AP?

  • @Saintz-s4k
    @Saintz-s4k 27 днів тому

    Sorry about my ignorance, but wouldn’t be better try the “old kaisa build”? Manamune, guinsoo, nashor, runnan? I just feel that all other builds are weak right now

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 25 днів тому

      Manamune is simply way too weak rigth now. Out of all the 1st item options, its the one that will give u the least amount of DPS and the game got way faster so its simply not viable to rush manamune in a lane that fights way more now

    • @Saintz-s4k
      @Saintz-s4k 25 днів тому

      @@alexs872 Yep thats true, i've been playing that build since i put the comment and realize that isn't what i thought... Man, Kai'sa is really doomed right now, dont feel great or powerfull at anytime of the game (unless you finish lane 10-0)

  • @kcruplik9822
    @kcruplik9822 27 днів тому

    Hey guys Im sorry but this videos is not correct IMO I am D1 Peak 1m3 Kaisa and in my opinion there is no other options than Kraken, I know lvl 10 for Q evolve is Borring but after ALL the nerfs it compensates the lack of dmg Guinsoo, still op on kaisa Terminus, resistances + armor and magic pen is godlike 4th Runaan if AD Zhonya if AP And for the last it depends on what you need GA, Raba, BT, Shadowflame etc… (I personnally suggest AP way for 4th and 5th because you have enough AD, you have magic pen and Zhonya is pretty important imo) With that build I rarely loose But it’s really anoying to wait lvl10 I agree (I wishhh kraken gets +5 AD back😭)

    • @stawinson2761
      @stawinson2761 26 днів тому

      Im using the same build, just buy Cull and u get q evo faster

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 25 днів тому

      Statikk has 1,5 % more WR than Kraken at most lvl of play for the simple fact that Stattik is more comfortable that Kraken, not to mention Kraken is more expensive and more expensive Q evolution. When it come down to Kai'sa the 'Best option" never existed bc ppl play diff things and like diff things. ( some ppl prefer crit or AP over hybird ) second important to understand is that dmg is not everything , Kai'sa is all about comfort . The reason why statikk always has a higher WR than any other option is bc of that comfort it brings to the table. Pro players that play Kai'sa still use statikk all the time bc its simply the more comfortable default Kai'sa buils and ofc for a avreage Kai'sa player in gold its more important to have a chill lane then to risk going kraken for a bit more dmg.

  • @Nikova14
    @Nikova14 27 днів тому

    Me explicas por aquí de manera más o menos clara que quisiste decir? Porque me da entender que depende si vas bien en early rushear yun thao

    • @nelsonturr8
      @nelsonturr8 27 днів тому

      Claro, lo que quiso decir es que, si en el primer back te va bien y ya puedes comprar la BF sword, entonces podés rushearla, no hay necesidad de forzar el item sí o sí

    • @Nikova14
      @Nikova14 27 днів тому

      @ gracias ☺️

  • @c0nn0rr0che2
    @c0nn0rr0che2 27 днів тому

    idk if its just me but ER with Longsword doesn't get Q evolve ? I might be doing something wrong

    • @joelt6804
      @joelt6804 27 днів тому

      dorans blade needed

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 27 днів тому

      u need doran blade and then u can sell your dblade at lvl 14 and long sword at lvl 17

    • @P.08
      @P.08 27 днів тому

      Depends on your level as well

    • @c0nn0rr0che2
      @c0nn0rr0che2 21 день тому

      ⁠@@alexs872I’m new to league tbh but i have Doran’s blade and er and long sword and no q evolve idk Im definitely doing something wrong lol

    • @juhaojanpaa
      @juhaojanpaa 21 день тому

      ​@@c0nn0rr0che2 Then you might be too low level. You get ad per level

  • @itsnotclorox_5772
    @itsnotclorox_5772 27 днів тому

    Rabadonn's isn't that good because it's flat AP and the percentage of AP Kai'sa hits on her abilities (30% in passive, 45% in W). For these reasons, I think Void Staff is much better, because it gives you magic penetration (which is more damage over time than Rabadonn's), and flat AP.

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 27 днів тому

      its mainly bc of the passive missing HP. Thats where kai'sa W can start doing 2k-2,5k per passive proc. It gives 6 %+ per 100 AP. Since rabadons already gives 130 AP thats alr 6 % and it increase ur overal AP by 30 %. Deathcap is really just there to maximize ur HP passive.

  • @shoxcodes
    @shoxcodes 27 днів тому

    I really appreciate you doing these constant updates for any changes. Really helps a lot :)

  • @alexs872
    @alexs872 28 днів тому

    And ofc u want more details like runes u can check my Split 3 guide or 14.22 guides that go more in detail :

  • @strimps2936
    @strimps2936 28 днів тому

    i participate

  • @sanji6052
    @sanji6052 29 днів тому

    i participate

  • @KaisaOfficial
    @KaisaOfficial Місяць тому

    I participate with a full ap w

  • @benyyobern1867
    @benyyobern1867 Місяць тому

    I participate

  • @heenashaikh5552
    @heenashaikh5552 Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @TetsuShirenai
    @TetsuShirenai Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @TRKPurgatos
    @TRKPurgatos Місяць тому

    I want to know all matchups for AP kaisa mid

  • @Legiloe
    @Legiloe Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @vawkie
    @vawkie Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @shinigami3902
    @shinigami3902 Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @ali.3834
    @ali.3834 Місяць тому

    i participate

  • @01antagonist
    @01antagonist Місяць тому

    Been watching for a while! From 🇫🇷. I asked for advice under your vids a bunch of times and you always come back with such pertinent answers. I always use your builds. Thank you for that content !

  • @thegreatmicky
    @thegreatmicky Місяць тому

    I participate ! I love me some AP Kai'sa ❤

  • @АртемОстапенко-у9я

    I participate

  • @mdm2653
    @mdm2653 Місяць тому

    My eyes got hurt from this silver adc video.Especially at 4:38 when kaisa cant press Q+W to kill karma and just back of with neeko. Too many mistakes uploaded in a video

    • @alexs872
      @alexs872 Місяць тому

      Not really in my head i wanted to kill karma and then jump on jhin. But i only had 120 mana and my ult cost 100 , so if i use any abilities i wont be able to jump on jhin. I didnt expect karma would survive