I absolutely LOVE how much customization there is! Sadly, for how MUCH you can change the structure of the face, the women still had VERY very similar, "heightened perfection" looks on every. Single. Female. Face they showed, with only true difference in skin tones and eye color... *sigh* Still probably going to get this game JUST to customize characters haha.
Now THAT'S a character creator! Here's hoping this kind of thing becomes standard in more games. Nothing makes me sadder then firing up a game and when I go to make my guy it's just a handful of fugly presets.
테라야 죽지마
OMG thank you for sharing, that's amazing ad! :D
I absolutely LOVE how much customization there is! Sadly, for how MUCH you can change the structure of the face, the women still had VERY very similar, "heightened perfection" looks on every. Single. Female. Face they showed, with only true difference in skin tones and eye color... *sigh* Still probably going to get this game JUST to customize characters haha.
Apparently funny =)
I love playing character creation games!
Tem que lançar isso no Brasil e no resto do mundo
doidera dms
***** 2 empresas lixos, melhor nem vir pra cá se só essas duas estiverem disponíveis a trazer
It can have amazing graphics, and awesome customization, but its still a generic corean MMO. Not impressed at all...
HYUNA! Eat your kimchi!!! :D
Amazing - good job guys. i'm excited how far games have come
Wow, if you are an artists, this game will be heaven.
Just the posing capability included would be great for drawing reference
God damn. I don't even need the rest of the game, the creator alone would keep me busy for aaaaaaages.
that's fucking amazing, do want o_o
what game is this?
It's in the video title, can't you read? </sarcasm> Apparently it translates as "Black Desert"
Now THAT'S a character creator! Here's hoping this kind of thing becomes standard in more games. Nothing makes me sadder then firing up a game and when I go to make my guy it's just a handful of fugly presets.