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The moral and emotional argument against God's existence. #God #moral #objectives
Does the existence of evil and suffering in the world negate the presence of a benevolent God?
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Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos!
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Were you wonderfully made or a product of nothing? #faith #science #reasoning #God
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Are we merely a product of random chances that pop into existence out of nothing? or evidence is pointing towards a God? #logic #facts creationism Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos!
Natural consequence is more plausible than God?
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Survivorship bias is more plausible than an intelligent, timeless being(God) intentionally fine-tuning the universe for the existence of life? #science #bigbang #cosmos #God #christian #christianity Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos!
Science and Reason
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  • @ValenceFlux
    @ValenceFlux 4 місяці тому

    Some say god created this experience for us to prove ourselves and free will is part of that. I did not grow up with religion in my life but I did learn to pray after I was dying and survived. Why am I still here? I learned to respect prayer in many religious forms and some of said to me that may be why I went through what I did. But we can't hope to know until the end can we? Unless you use free will to believe what speaks to you.

  • @smitisan4984
    @smitisan4984 4 місяці тому

    And in support of your argument you show clips of people setting out to kill or killing others because their own "transcendent" gods tells them to. Well allrighty then.

  • @aremuola9464
    @aremuola9464 4 місяці тому

    The question that we should be asking is "What end result does the having of freewill intends to achieve that could not be achieved abinitio by an All Powerful, All Loving God, that will justify the suffering, chaos and problems the world has been going through from time immemorial?"

  • @UpAndRunning-xz6er
    @UpAndRunning-xz6er 4 місяці тому

    God does not oppose evil. He created it. Isaiah 45:7 King James Version I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

  • @Obukhov_Artem
    @Obukhov_Artem 4 місяці тому

    Objective source of morality is natural selection. Some morality helps society to prosper more, some less. Prospering civilization spreads better and spreads its morality. Modern societies are descendants of societies with objectively better morality. Others didn't make it. The video even shows an example of it. Civilization which was relatively ferocious towards its people (Aztecs) doesn't exist anymore. It has lost to relatively cohesive civilization which is still there basically. Of cource, morality is not the only trait that determines the outcome of natural selection, it is just part of it. Perhaps is was not decisive in the example.

  • @john211murphy
    @john211murphy 4 місяці тому

    Presumsionalist GARBAGE.

  • @HenrikBSWE
    @HenrikBSWE 4 місяці тому

    The critique is not evidence against God. It's a way to show that God, according to how He is described by Christians and defined by our language, is illogical. If I say "I have a basketball in my front pocket", and you say "can you show me? Because I don't think a basketball would fit in your pocket?", I can't say that it's a very, very small basketball. Because basketballs are not very very small. Then we have to agree to change the definition of basketball. Sure, we can say that it's a basketball for ants, a magic basketball that can change size etc, but that is not our common understanding of basketball.

  • @arentol7
    @arentol7 4 місяці тому

    Atheism does not assert that "In the absence of evidence justifying gods permission of such suffering, skepticism is justified." Atheism asserts "I don't believe that any god I have heard described exists". Some atheists, Christians, deists, and other people of all manner of belief systems, point out the inherent problem with claiming your god is "all loving" AND "all knowing" AND "all powerful", while there is suffering in the world, because a being with those attributes should be incapable of allowing any suffering at all. But this is not a claim of ATHEISM, this is just an issue some people have noticed and talk about on occasion. Also, free will does not work as an excuse, because a god with the given attributes could create a world where everyone has free will, yet no suffering is possible. An example of this is most peoples concept of heaven. So since such a being could do this, and would do this if it had the attributes described, the fact it hasn't done this tells us that it doesn't exist, at least not with these attributes.

  • @chad969
    @chad969 4 місяці тому

    If anyone is interested in considering a thoughtful reply to the type of argumentation expressed in this video, I would highly recommend watching Dr. Randel Rouser's recent video, titled _Evangelical apologist attempts to make the problem of evil disappear._ Rouser is a Christian, btw

    • @HenrikBSWE
      @HenrikBSWE 4 місяці тому

      Thank you for being a good example. I get very angry and sad at this kind of video, and I really should stop clicking on them, but reading your helpful comment made me calm down a bit before writing a long and angry reply. Thoughtful is a very good word sometimes. Take care.

  • @kevinbarbe799
    @kevinbarbe799 4 місяці тому

    The problem of suffering is there to show that there is a tension between the attribute "benevolent", "all-powerfull" and "all-knowing". The "free-will" response seems insufficient to answer for natural suffering. It's not based on emotion ;)

    • @HenrikBSWE
      @HenrikBSWE 4 місяці тому

      Also, if free will is that important, then the story of Jonah makes no sense. If benevolent, why did Jobs children have to die just to settle a bet between Satan and God? The critique is about internal consistency. Internal consistency is quite important when there is an underlying threat of violence if you don't believe what you can't understand, and when wars are being fought about what everything means. (edit for spelling)

  • @zerodreamidea
    @zerodreamidea 4 місяці тому

    The theist will state: "Everything must come from something!" And then when asked: "Where did your god come from?" The theist will then claim that god is the UNCREATED (thus literally coming from NOTHING) Creator. This is special pleading. This logic is the proof that god does NOT exist. Also, if you think the universe is too complex and must have a creator then why don't you understand that any god would be even more complex then the universe itself? Shouldn't such a complex entity need a creator as well? And then that creator and so on until you have infinite creators with no end in sight!

  • @meemoozee
    @meemoozee 4 місяці тому

    A disagreeable video. If God exist, please prove it. If he cannot be described, cannot be perceived, cannot be explained, he is hypothetical. He may be real, but until proven so, his existence should always remain as a maybe.

    • @swenpark8598
      @swenpark8598 4 місяці тому

      then I will ask you, how do you want someone to prove to you God exists ?

    • @Gronnrag
      @Gronnrag 4 місяці тому

      @@swenpark8598 That's for them to figure out. Christian don't want atheists to become religious, they want atheists to believe in THEIR specific interpretation of the bible and not in any other religion. Faith comes from confidence, if you don't sound more plausible than anyone else trying to explain deeper truths about the universe, then there is no reason to take your word for it. And before trying to convert atheists, Christians should get together and get their stories straight. The fact that none of them can even agree on their own religion, what story is literal or not, which rules were only meant for times long past and which still apply, what lesson is to be taken from a passage, means that even if we found proof that the christian god is real, we would still have very little idea of what that actually implies. Even if we found out that lightning strikes are literally thrown by a man-shaped entity, you'd still have to prove it's not Thor, Zeus, or a being we didn't even write about in any myth. So to your question : short of big G himself coming down and having a very extensive AMA, no proof will suffice. And even then, it could still be a trickster with god-like powers having a laugh.

    • @finzz7330
      @finzz7330 4 місяці тому

      The universe cant be come from nothing. God exists all around us with hes sign made everything contingent and cant be come from nothing. If you were to agree that the universe cant be come from nothing. Then you will ask. Well there must be something that catalyst the creation of universe but what it is? Well i simply answered that it is a God. Then you will wondered again, if god creates this universe then who creates God ? I simply answered God stand on its own. But how did i know this ? Well lets imagine if God was created. If God was created we are not calling him God. Rather we called God to entity that created this God. Then question still remains.. well who created that God who created this God? The question would go on loop to question who creates the creator. But Theres must be something at beginning before it is all of this exist. And from there we can conclude that God is stand on itself without being created by another entity. This was the basis idea of Avicena proof of concept. In the book that he wrote Al isharat wa al-Tanbihat. If you wanna go more details about this go study hes book. Because he also proofing the contingency of universe. He done it without a religios doctrines for the book is not religious books, but its rather a science book. Next time u hear someone says "I rather believe in science than an imaginary friend 🤓" this shows how unacknowledged they are

    • @meemoozee
      @meemoozee 4 місяці тому

      @@swenpark8598irrefutable evidence such as research, pictures, statistics and so on. I mean i couldnt be bothered about existence of God. Im just saying that for sake of argument, you can't say he exist simply because you cant explain certain things

    • @swenpark8598
      @swenpark8598 4 місяці тому

      @@meemoozee you want irrefutable evidence I understand, but here is the problem, nothing can be proven with irrefutable evidence. Yes you can prove God with scripture, documents, historical evidence, but you can’t prove anything at 100 %, it’s not reasonably possible. For example, if you based your life on 100 % proof, it would mean that every time you buy something at the supermarket to eat, you would put it in a lab to search for any poisons or any things that could be dangerous, which I assume is not the case. Why ? Because you trust the product. You trust the persons who makes this food, who transported it, who designed it, you don’t know them but still, you trusted them. And it’s the same case with God. Yes there’s proof to show the existence of God, that he is here with us and that he loves us, but you also have to have faith and trust, like you do everyday of your life. I hope you understood the problem of your question, but if you want me to show you proof of the existence of God, I’ll be happy to help you.

  • @PramodKumar-gy8lb
    @PramodKumar-gy8lb 4 місяці тому

    Why is there so much focus on eternal justice - a concept that is a quandary only in the human mind? The universe really doesn't have to make sense to our biases nor care about us. Thinking that it must, is just an egoistical position. In my opinion, ethical realism is an ideal moral philosophy. Would I turn vegan? No. But I am flawed.

  • @OhHamburgers-nd8pg
    @OhHamburgers-nd8pg 4 місяці тому

    What the fuck are you talking about?

  • @glenliesegang233
    @glenliesegang233 4 місяці тому

    Anyone who has played with Legos should not be an atheist.

  • @gknight4719
    @gknight4719 4 місяці тому

    The "burden of proof" is on the one that makes the claim, atheism is like a "none stamp collector" secondly the human body is full of bad design like the laryngeal nerve, the crossing of the wind pipe and the food pipe it can be a killer!

    • @glenliesegang233
      @glenliesegang233 4 місяці тому

      If God lets the universe take care of itself 99.9999% of the time, and let evolution handle most of the adaptation, but guided events like Chixulub, and inserted orphan genes (ones which have no homologies anywhere in previous genomes, ?72 found in drosophila (fruit fly) and without which radical changes in body plan like caterpillar to butterfly, are impossible) then who are we to complain about the lousy design of the human body?

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 4 місяці тому

      @@glenliesegang233 Where do i start, did your god create malaria, that has killed more the wars? tsunamis killed 250,000 20 years ago, earthquake got 46,000 Turks recently. you do not want to be near a supernova exploding star! children are raped to death while your loving god does not help, and you love this monster?

  • @landsgevaer
    @landsgevaer 4 місяці тому

    That is 3 minutes of my life lost.

  • @coolumesque
    @coolumesque 4 місяці тому

    God shows me the future every day & so it's like I am constantly being awoken by buckets of ice water being thrown over me as everything God shows me will happen does happen as I'm going about my normal every day life. God has always visited me & given me thousands of journeys to heavens & hells etc & I could easily pass all that off as some form of creation of the subconscious. But showing me the future constantly & it all coming true is absolute & unshakable proof to me that God is real. God has always taken me to Their realm which is full of people & all forms of life, & shown me an ocean there & all the life forms in it. God demonstrates how They create many universes from Their auric light in that ocean & then God takes me to walk on the new earths that were just created. God then shows me how our own universe is one of those universes in Their ocean & God makes me swim through Their ocean to our earth & walk ashore. And God constantly manifests while I am on earth & pulls me out of the light our world is made from & I instantly find myself under the waters of God's ocean; which is a thick sweet water that tastes like incense. I have read many reports of God taking other people into Their ocean to teach them that our earth is fully beneath the waters of that ocean. Genesis also says God created the universe in Their ocean where it remained when creation was finished. Genesis also says God brought birds & life in all its forms forth from the waters but it gives the impression that God created life in the earth's oceans from nothing when in fact God brought life through from Their own ocean into ours & it came ashore. Far ancient religions from all over the earth show the same thing in their art. So it's clear to me that The Bible & its description of creation is missing vital facts about God & this is the reason there is so much argument about evolution & a magical sky daddy etc. Life on earth came from life in God's realm & ocean & life has always existed just as God has always existed. There's no magic involved it is just that the universe is holographic & made from light in God's ocean, & there are real dimensions around our universe that the people in the holographic universe cannot perceive with their holographic senses & instruments. Life simply came through from dimensions that are outside of mans ability to perceive & there was no magic involved. It's simply God using more dimensions & natural powers than we know about to create universes & worlds naturally. If people meditate & open their minds to the spirit world they will meet God & God will take them to Their dimensions & show them how creation is made. Have a great day

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 4 місяці тому

      Well lucky you, obviously god is spending too much time with you, so it does not have time to HELP the 15,000 children from dying ever day, most of them from malaria it made! but he loves children??

    • @glenliesegang233
      @glenliesegang233 4 місяці тому

      The suffering of children still does not make hardly any of us give up our day jobs and go relieve it, unless that is your day job. I have cared for sick children with cancer, meningitis, sickle cell disease, diabetes. Anger towards God would have made me less able to be fully present with them in their suffering. And, to teach them to be angry at God would have decreased their ability to have joy in their limited time and coping with suffering. So, had I adopted your attitude, the c world would be a darker place. Evolution demands that bad things happen to good creatures. Sorry how God lets his creation run itself with minimal intervention according to natural processes which support life for billions of children without malaria, leads you to focus on the 1 in 1000 with. The systems of Earth are life giving and life-sustaining. 92% good things to 8% bad is quite favorable odds for a "hands-off system," especially if the timeless period after life more than compensates for the suffering here and now, and is actually better than anything here.

  • @MarcLombart
    @MarcLombart 4 місяці тому

    Your anoying and useless music detracts from you points, stop using music.

  • @danchavez8987
    @danchavez8987 4 місяці тому

    This is comical...First "Gravity" was the word created in perspective by Newton, to specifically "DESCRIBE" the action of an apple falling from a tree...NOT the cause of that action...Science has two Absolute flaws: 1.) Science refuses to actually acknowledge the absolute understanding of the word "NOTHING"...There always HAS to be something where there is nothing...Physics is hands on science of pushing and pulling purely based upon tangible materials applicable to weights and measures...The action of physics works exactly through nothing...equally... to that of a claimed force of a gravitational pull by something unknown, unique, and un-provable...The refusal to believe there is nothing, aggravates scientists, to the point of becoming like Trekies to create imaginary quite intricate details...creating fictitious models to cover, or venture over the true nothing that actually is... 2.) Everyone can agree that Science has categorized, defined, labeled, so intricately... in billions of details, called science that absolutely rely upon other terms, materials, combinations, etc...Yet Science refuses to believe that it is all designed??? Science would rather believe and force you to believe in Trillions of intricate details of what exists..."PURLY BY DUMB LUCK"... THIS IS THE "ICHRONIC" WORLD OF SCIENCE...ESPECIALLY BEYOND THE TANGIBLE...

  • @glxytoni
    @glxytoni 4 місяці тому

    what is happening with this shitty AI content flooding youtube, also not watching the Video so idk what this bots point is, but gods done exist and everyone believing in them is a 12th century peasant

  • @FunFindsYT
    @FunFindsYT 4 місяці тому

    Why are there so many AI content bots in science UA-cam?

    • @marcelosinico
      @marcelosinico 4 місяці тому

      Easy to produce content and make money from it.

    • @FunFindsYT
      @FunFindsYT 4 місяці тому

      @@marcelosinico yeah.. it’s a shame because it muddies the search results and makes it even harder for channels who are actually putting in effort as it will look like any of the other AI generated videos

    • @marcelosinico
      @marcelosinico 4 місяці тому

      @@FunFindsYT That's why I use an extension in my browser that gets the down votes back. So, I don't waste my time. But I saw your comment and decided to answer it.

    • @FunFindsYT
      @FunFindsYT 4 місяці тому

      @@marcelosinico Thanks, I think I'll do that

  • @Stubbino
    @Stubbino 4 місяці тому

    Okay. So you're finding it wondrous that a planet that's pretty well calibrated for life has.... life? Go look up survivor bias.

  • @howardtreesong4860
    @howardtreesong4860 4 місяці тому

    Atheists don't claim god exists, that's the theists argument without proof.